HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-06-22, Page 23Pnge 22 Times -Advocate, June 22, 1983 Life memberships for Kippen East WI - By MRS. IENA CALDWELL Mrs. Wm. McDowell, Seaforth entertained Kippen East W.J. on June 15. After the opetting exercises con- ducted by president Mrs. Grace Drummond, two life memberships were presented. Corsages were presented to the recipients by Margaret Hoggarth. Marlene Bell was given the pin by Grace Drummond while Helen MacLean presented the certificate. Hilda Payne was pinned by Mona Alderdice and given her certificate by the P.R.O. Both life members responded and expressed their thanks. Roll call was, "A grocery you bought that you didn't need." Mattie McGregor in- troduced the Dairy Princess Marion Taylor who gave the farm a delightful boost as an unrecognized beauty parlour. She completed her talk or, dairy products with an ex- cellent demonstration of a cheese tray. She was thanked by Mrs. Alex McGregor. Grace Eyre contributed a poem "Summer Caine Soft- ly". President Grace always has interesting and humorous poems and readings. Report of the district an- nual was given by Mrs. Carl Payne. Treasurers report was given by Mrs. Vern Alderdice. Thank you notes were read from Ruth Gordon, Joyce Wilson and Frances Kinsman. It was decided to cater to a wedding reception November 19 and to help out the tire vic- tims in our area. Courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. Robert Bell. Lunch was served by Mildred Chalmers and Evelyn Workman and the hostesses Mrs. McDowell and Mrs. Stewart Pepper. In honour of Sue Anne Finlayson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Laird Finlayson who is to be married on June .25 to Ed Van Miltenberg, a' miscellaneous shower was ar- ranged in Kippen United Church June 16 by June Cooper and Marg Consitt. The address was read by Beth Conisitt, contests were enjoyed and Christine and Tricia Cooper entertained with piano selections. Showers were also held by Nancy Beavers and Helen Parsons at Mrs. Beaver's home. Other showers were held by Mrs. Lloyd Cooper, Dorothy Voltam!, staff at McLeans where Sue Anne works, Teresa Ferris and by Ina Finlayson of Staffa. Mrs. Laird Finlayson held an open house June 18 honour- ing her daughter. Sue Anne who will be married June 2E Mrs. Harry Caldwell at- tended the '66 South Pacific Tour reunion June 12 which was held at Mrs. Stirling Graham's cottage on the banks of Lake Huron. Dinner was served by Mrs. Howard Finkbeiner of Zurich, assisted by Sharon Thiel. Pictures were shown by Gordon Wright, Seaforth. AT BANQUET - Several Brownies from the Shipka area were among those attending the annual mother and daughter banquet for the Bluewater District in Forest, recently. Among tkose were Dody Sweitzer, Susan Ratz and Dodi Finkbeiner, pictured above. RERI•MIX CONCRETE �I PRECAST PRODUCTS MTC Approved ALL TYPES OF CONCRETE WORK. REDI-MIX CONCRETE 8 FORMWORK MANGERS SLATS STEPS CURBS McCann Redi-Mix inc. Dashwood, 237-3647 Exeter 235-033$ NO SALES TAX Place your order now $78.95 unfinished And have we got lawn furniture (Order early and don't be disappointed) • Choirs • End Tables • love Seats • Picnic Tables • Combination Bench/Table Quality Made Cedar Furniture ARC Industries Woodworking Program. Dashwood Mon.. Thurs., 9:00 to 4:30 Fri., 9:00 to 4:00 237-3667 t WIN DASHWOOD POSTER CONTEST — Students at Our lady of Mount Carmel Separate School who won prizes in the recent Dashwood fire department poster contest received their awards Thursday. Above, firechief.Harold Stire and fireman Jim Hoffman present the prizes to Bruce Andrews, Darlene O'Rourke and Kathryn Cullierier. Dashwood Zion ladies entertain for residents at Bluewater Home fy MRS. IRVIN RADER Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid met at the church Monday evening and 17 members and guests went to the Blue Water Rest Home for the June birth- day party. Mrs. Chas. Martene presid- ed for a program of accordion selections, vocal duets, violin Name officers. and piano selections, and piano solos. It closed with sacred numbers by voice, violin and piano. Mrs. Martene had closing devotions. Lunch was served by the Ladies Aid and ten birthdays were celebrated. They receiv- ed gifts provided by the Aux- iliary of the home. A business meeting was conducted by Mrs. Martene.• The Altar .Guild reported 18 visits, two telephone calls -and two flowers sent. The new Guild is Mrs. Oscar Miller and Mrs. Lorne Becker. The flower and treat fund sent three birthday cards, three Ratz family reunion , By MRS. HUGH MORENZ Shipko The 22nd annual Ratz reu- nion was held June 12 at Shipka Community Centre with 40 in attendance. A live- ly sports program was en- joyed by everyone conducted by Mrs. Barbara Ratz, Mary Margaret Thompson and Bar- bara Ratz, of Rodney. A delicious smorgasbord supper was enjoyed by all. Election of officers followed for 1984: president, Helen Ratz; secretary treasurer, Olive Ratz; sports commit- tee, Julie and Brian Smith, Bruce Smith and friend, Carol Smith and friend. Relatives were present • from Toronto, Windsor, Lon- don, Exeter, Parkhill and Thedford. The reunion will be held next year at the summer home of Margaret and Earl Smith, near Bayfield. Ken and Ortha Baker, Don, Sharon and Jamie Baker, and Anthony Regier Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Dave Durand and fami- ly of St. Joseph area, were Sunday guests with the Sr. Baker's daughter Sandra, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Regier, Chris, Heather and Jillian, at their summer cottage near St. Joseph. As well as celebrating Father's Day, they celebrated Clandeboye lady visits in west Velma Hardy returned from Calgary Tuesday where she had spent a week visiting with her daughter. Linda Barnes and grandson, David. While there she attended Lin- da's graduation in the Registered Nursing Assistant course. David returned with his grandmother for a few holidays. Dorothy Joyce, Windsor. spent the weekend with her sister, Hazel Williams. Elsie Lewis, Helen and Danny Rogers, Joan Leger and Bob Finkbeiner, spent the weekend in Belleville and were guests Saturday at the Graham -Taylor wedding at All Saints Anglican Church in King City. Mr. A. Verbakel of Holland spent a week with Aggie and Pete Groenewegen and fami- ly. returning to his son's home in New York on Wednesday, enroute home to holland. Clandeboye U.C.W. catered for the lleaman•Vanos wed- ding reception. at the Lucan Comihunity Centre, Saturday evening. Chris Regier's eighth birthday. At reunion Attending a school girl reu- nion last Saturday afternoon, at the. United Church in Hen- sall, from this area were Nellie Weigand and Annie Morenz. Twenty-three former pupils of Miss Irene Douglas attended, they were taught by Miss Douglas in grade school, high school or Sunday school. Miss Douglas now resides at Chateau Gardens and will be 90 years old in September. Joining the school girls of 50 years ago for a smorgasbord supper was Rev. Stan McDonald. A most lovely decorated cake for the occasion was made by Mrs. Minnie Noakes, of Hensall. The girls attended from Toronto, Goderich, Hensall, London, Grand Bend, Scar- borough, Exeter, Clintnn, Waterloo, new Jersey U.S., and Dashwood. Plans were made to hold the reunion the third Saturday in June next year. • Mrs. Gordon Ratz attended the graduation of her daughter Barbara, at Fan- shawe College. London, on Thursday June 16. Barbara received her diploma from the ambulance and emergen- cy care program and is work- ing with the Rodney am- bulance service. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hern, Robbie and ` Fred, of Woodham, were Sunday din- ner guests with John and Lin- da Weurth, Rebecca and Sarah. Hugh and Annie Morenz at- tended the wedding reception dance, Saturday of their great nephew Joey Chaffe and his bride, Donna Bickel!, at Kirkton hall. The Morenz's spent Father's Day Sunday afternoon and supper at their son Bill's home in London. SPorts The chitdrerta first T -ball game of the season was held June 13 at Shipka. Score Parkhill Coop 29, Shipka 23. Pee wee baseball - June 13 at Shipka.'Medford 9 - Shipka 6. Flies caught, one each for Terry Mellin and Jana Turn- bull; two each by Christine Chalmers and Rodney Woods and three by James Desjardine. June 15 - at Parkhill. Shipka 6 - Parkhill 1ti. Flies were caught by Bruce Dietrich and Terry Melin. Squirts baseball -June 15 at Lieury. Score Shipka 4 - Lieury 34. Jason Finkbeiner scored a home run and Susan Ratz played a good game. Personals The 10th annual Bluewater District Mother and Daughter Bi ownie, Guide and Pathfinders banquet was held at Forest Arena. Those attending .from Shipka area were Brownies - Dody Sweitzer, Lori Fink- beiner, Jennifer Pickering, Susan Ratz, Elizabeth ' Russell and their mothers, Joan Sweitzer, Nancy Fink- beiner, Glenda Pickering, Dorothy Ratz, Ann Russell. Susan Ratz, proposed the toast to the mothers at the banquet. In her address Susan thanked the Brownie and Guide mothers for their support throughout the past year, their patience and understanding, driving them back and forth to meetings and assisting in fund raising events, after which she asked all to stand and join her in a toast to the mothers. Congratulations to Willis Desjardine winning first prize . at the Hensall Fiddlers con- test last weekend for his age 'group of 35-55. sympathy cards and two get well. Two cards of thanks and donations were received. The Aid will sponsor a stu- dent at St. Catherines seminary. There will be no meetings during July and August but the Aid will be busy with the pot luck anniversary dinner, picnic and vacation Bible school in August. They are also having a bakeless bake sale. Personals Anyone interested in a col- or tour to Gatineau Hills for three days in early October please call Pearl Miller at 237-3554. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Sorensen are Vagn and Rita Sorensen and Ejner Sorensen, Denmark. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hindley, London, were Sunday visitors with Mrs: Amelia Miller. Calvary United Church Women held a very successful strawberry supper Wednes- day, June 15. ' Mrs. Edda Koehler has returned home after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nagel, Susan and Chris Baynham, Oshawa. Mrs. Eleanor Webb. Bramalea, spent the weekend with the Howard Datars family. Mr. and Mrs: Bob Cor- nelious, Mark and Stacey, Sarnia, spent Sunday with '" Mr. and h. trs. Mervyn Tieman where •they celebrated Stacey's 10th birthday. June 17. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rader, Lisa and Andrea at- tended Patricia Rader's graduation from Fanshawe College with a Law & Securi- ty diploma. Also graduating from the same class was David Kirk Jr. Patricia's family was entertained at a dinner in honor of Patricia and David at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Kirk Sr. London. Kol Timbrel, a group of young people from Concordia College, Ann Arbor, Michigan were guests of Zion Lutheran church Saturday ;evening. They presented a most en- joyable program of songs, skits, puppets and singatongs. Refreshments and fellowship followed. Kol Timbrel is a Hebrew word meaning the sound of the tambourine. Flowers in Calvary United Church Sunday were placed by Gary and Susanne Smith in loving memory of their father, Jim Smith. Staffa bridal shower Sr MRS. J. TEMPLEMAN Captain and Mrs. Murray Haines and family, Dart• mouth, Novia Scotia, visited for two weeks with Mr. and Urs. Philip James. Friday evening friends, neighbours and, relatives gathered at the Family Life Centre in Staffa to honour Miss Lee Miller. bride -elect. Mrs. Robert Norris chaired the evening. uelcorning everyone. Mrs. Bert Daynard gave a hutnorous reading, Mrs. Gordon Cdquhoun con- ducted a contest on the con- tents of Lee's overnight case. A skit, presented by Jill Norris, Jenny Fuller and Donya Daynard was enjoyed by Lee, her sister Teresa and cousin Rae were called to the front and seated in decorated chairs. An address of good By MRS. PETER MARTIN Members of the United Church Women enjoyed a retreat at Camp Menesetung 'on June 16. After asingsongand morn- ing worship Rev. Wilena Brown introduced the new study book. "Jesus Means Life". Rev. Brown then spoke on one of the chapters froth the study book called On Life for Women. She talked on the status of Women in Biblical society and challenged those present with "What does the life and death of Jesus mean to you?'• They were asked to remember Jesus as he really was and is today. They were reminded that Jesus had to be constantly recharged by prayer in order to do all that he did. Following group discus- sions a pot luck lunch was served. After a sing song and a fun time with some new games Rev. Brown concluded her part by again giving the women a challenge to think about their actions. A brief worship service closed the Jays activities. Those attending from ('rediton were Mary Elder. Marie E'ydenchuk, Mary Draise}'. Mary Kenney, Jeanette Lamport. Leila Finkbeiner, Ruth Miller and Marg Mason. Vacation Bible School will be held the week of July 25. Sunday was Childrens Day. Peter, Snell was the guest speaker. GRADUATES — Mark Douglas Thomson of RR 5 Parkhill graduated on May 13, 1983 from Centralia College of Agricultural Technology with a diploma in Agricultural Business Management. Mork is the son of Duncan and Betty Anne Thomson. CHECKING OUT FIRE TRUCK — Our Lady of Mount Carmel Separate School student' hod an opportunity Thurs- day morning to get ci close took at the Dashwood fire truck. Above, fire chief Harold Stire and fireman Jim Hoffman tell David Jorno, Angela Melvin, Paddy Morrissey, Jodi Glavin and Tom Roane about the vehicle. Th istoissonilmas AUUAI91;.11'? rozazawa YOU BE THE JL,IDGE FREE 30 DAY TRIAL 1 . �: �. ti ry •wr+rt r pr TER MU U UNT(NC(O TO • LOVELIER COM►ltRION THE VERDICT WILL BE ... • •R'OHT FIKTUntS WATER THE WAY IT SHOULD • s'' ' °' ' BE -- CLEAN, CLEAR A • SAVE LA SOHO • (ASV uuNotnrNo BEAUTIFULLY SOFT • tNtRor SAVINOS CALL TODAY FOR A FRF' IN -NOME DEMONSTRATION Cell toll 1r.• t•1100-21103.1040 AQUAQIIf Ask for Doug Cooper A Dlvlson of 2080 HURON ST. Sterling Petals 1SAsr . A M no l • Saintsbury ACW meets Rev. Peter Derrick was in charge of morning service at St. Patricks. Sunday. Ile spoke to the children on Father's Day. Sheryl ('arroll and Marguerite Greenlee were the readers. The June A.C.W. meeting was held Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Mary .Jefferies. President Marg Greenlee opened the meeting with the members prayer. Joan Greenlee read the Scripture lesson. Prayers for the Sun- day School, missions, and the sick followed. Plans were made for several late summer projects. Secretary Mary Jefferies read the minutes of the May meeting and Mary Davis gave an account of the recent yard and bake sale. At the close of the meeting the hostess assisted by her children served refreshments. Mrs. Harry Carroll return- ed home from University Hospital, Friday. Kim and Pamela Greenlee spent the weekend with their cousin Marylou Tindall. Pamela was celebrating her birt.rlay. Their parents Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Greenlee and Mr. and Mrs. Kett Eaton at- tended a family gathering near Barrie. Stephen Greenlee visited His grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee. Mrs. Joan Greenlee held a birthday party Tuesday even- ing for Mrs. Mary Davis and Joan's youngest son Chad at dinner time, at noon. She had several friends (Or lunch and Saturday she entertained several of Derrick's friends as he was observing his birth- day also. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Carroll and children. Sunday. wishes was read by Mrs. Jim Docking. Lee was the recipient of many lovely and useful for which she her thanks and Inv* all to open house it her parents on Wednesday June 21. UCW meet Hibbert United Church Women, held their Jane *flee- ing in the Family Life Centre on the evening of , Jqne 6th with Mrs. Calvin Qui 'e and Mrs. Don Johns in charge of the program and worship service. the program centered around the amounts of men- tal trash and garbage which each one may be hoarding. Musical numbers by Mrs. Mary Van Roessel were en- joyed by all. Mrs. Bill Mahon and Mrs. Elmer Daw dealt 'with the business portion. Donations were made to Alcohol and Drug Concerns, the church stewards and Camp Bimini. • Thanks was extended to Mrs. Filmer Chappel and Mrs. Calvin Christie for their contributions of cloth posters for the world council of chur- ches meeting. Requirements for the strawberry and ham supper - Visitors at Centralia By MRS. TOM KOOY Visitors during the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowden were Mr. Morris Murdy of London. Thursday, and Mrs. Chas Spendiff of Stratford, Friday. Saturday the Bowdens at- tended the Romphf-Allison wedding in the Parkhill United Church. The bride is a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bowden. The Riley family. the Bierl- ing family and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kooy attended the Army Cadet Corps annual inspec- tion Sunday at Huron Park. A smorgasbord lunch was sere-' ed following the drills and award presentations. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins attended Decoration Day service at Grand Bend Cemetery Sunday and were guests after with Mr. and Mrs. Don Pickering at Birch Park. Best Interest 113/4% Guaranteed Investment Certificates *subject to change GaIserel(aeale Insurance Brokers Inc. EXETER 235-2420 GRAND BEND 238-8484 CLINTON GODERICH 482-9747 524-2118 on H'ednesda y June 15, were finalized. A large crowd of friends, neighbours and relatives, at- tended the Soth anniversary party for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harburn. Saturday evening. On location or Stuf io Bart DeVries PHOTOGRAPHY - coAM ENCIAr -16110011412$ . cans Mototioi ..r - MUM iollig 137 �� haler, Oat. �tN'll"'U'H'lllnllrflllNllr'rrr lll'r'r,l ADAMS Meeting t Cooling • Heating Systems of All. Types ▪ INSTALLED, MODERNIZED§ and MAINTAINED • • General Sheet • Metal Work • Air Conditioning =• Humidifiers E• Ventilation 1 • 235-2187 E 1133 Huron St. East. E Exeter E E :'nnnnunmmimimic ununuur r REPLACEMENT WINDOWS. All Major Brands Ito 1 cel C. M. R. f'. 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