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Times-Advocate, 1983-06-22, Page 19
Pogo 18 Times -Advocate, June 22, 1983 20 Property For Rent UNFURNISHED 2 BEUROO\i apartment. heated. Available August 1st. Apply Ara Gaiser, 236-7753. 25tfnc ONE BEDROOM furnished or unfurnished, carpet, laundry and parking. Phone 235-1497. 221fn GRAND BEND. Adult con- dominium apartments. own your own apartment, land. club house, patio, swimming pool, take ad- vantage of pre -construction prises. 238-2031. 23tfn 20 Property For Rent TWO BEDROOM APART- MENT unfurnished. Contact Clinton Community Credit Union Ltd. 235-0640. 25,26c SELF CONTAINED BACHELOR apartment, private drive and garden, fridge and stove. 5150.00 monthly plus utilities. 262-2939, Hensall, Ont. _ --- -- _—, 25i Inc HOUSE, 4 bedrooms, 4 utiles south of Grand Bend, available July 1st. Phone 238-2758,25.26c Bowling Fixtures For Sale Exeter Bowling lanes Six automatic pin setters, six lanes Bowling shoes, balls, score tables, etc. Existing building to be demolished. Contact Joe Darling 235-2208 - Building To Be Removed Estimates Required Contact J. Darling 235-2208 for information APARTMENTS FOR RENT Extra Large luxury Apartments Carling Street - Exeter Within Walking Distance of Shopping Area 2 bedroom apartments Immediate Occupancy Laragh Corporation Ltd. PHONE 235-0141. Dougall's Berry Farm 2 miles North of Exeter on No. 4 Highway Pick your own strawberries 8 a.m. to 8 p.m 7 Days a Week OPENING THIS WEEK Quart Containers Only No children under 12 For your pre -picked berries call 235-1281 anytime • GK 0 0 (7 (5 G Y (5 G (0 0 0 (5 C5 GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK Exeter Grand Bend Clinton Goderich 235-2420 238-8484 482-9747 524-2118 GI( Realty A Insurance inc Si Simmeni Dwayne Tinnily Bruce Fisher Griffin Thomas 235-0526 235-1408 238-8735 238-2035 ©©© er,,.,. \-,,. % 211..13 RIALTO* NEW LISTING ZURICH 2 storey, four bedroom, brink home on Roselie St., 2 pc. and 4 pc. bath. large rec room, single car garage. This is one of Zurich's fine old residences. Coll today for appointments. EXETER 2 BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW -- .on scenic .6 acre lot. New gas furnace. Property includes extra serviced lot. EXECUTIVE — 3 bedroom ranch, immaculate condition, beautifully landscaped, gas -hot water heating, fireplace in family room. Ex- cellent location. AREA PROPERTIES NORWOOD VILLAGE 70' x 12' mobile home with 10' x 24' addition, 10' x 20' sundeck, 18' x 30' pool. Unit includes stove, fridge, dishwasher, and freezer. Priced for quick sale. 16' CAMPER TRAILER.-- with addition, located at the falls on the Maitland River near Goderich. HENSALL •- 2 storey brick. 3 bedrooms, den, new gas furnace. A good clean home. CREDITON 2 storey frame home, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, Jorge lot, priced right. BAYFIELO AREA - Large wooded lots close to golf course. Terms. REDUCED TO SELL - - 1976 Northlan(fer mobile home, 70' x 12' air conditioned. Have o took at this one. For further information call 235-2420 or one of our representatives. GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK 0 x G x Gl 0 0 0 0 0 0 GK 20 P. opt:, ty Rest IN HENSALL, 2 ground floor apartments. Enjoy sitting in front or backyard. No stairs. laundry facilities available, garbage pickup. Zone controlled heater. One bedroom 5212.00; two bedroom 5238.50. Call 262-2014 or 262-3416. 25tfnc MAPLE ARMS APARTMENT, luxury, adult, mu bedroom apart- ment available September 1. Phone 235-2420, es ening% 235-1715. _ 18tfnc I UCAN AREA. under new. management, 2 bedroom apart- ments, one week tut rent with every one-year lease. New Is decorated. Phone 227-4668.24-27, 21 For Rent Pl. YW(X)1) 1 OR NIS, wedges, portable cement miser, Power Trossels, wheelbarrow's. etc. form tics ,arcked. Call N.J. Corriseau, Zurich. Telephone 236.4954. 151 CAMP -OUT TRAILERS, Huy. 8 west Stratford. 393-5938. Your headquarters for hardtop tem trailers, !rase! trailers from lightweights right up to park models, truck campers and caps. Dealer for Prowler. Golden Falcon, Corsair, 1.ionel, Sales. rentals, -parts, secs ice. _I S -26c CE\IIiNT FORMS, cement saws, plate tamper, darbie, poser trowel, hammer drifts, water pumps. generators, construcrion beater, etc. (..\l. Rentals, RR 2 Hensall, Ontario. 236-4819,161 l nc 17 F(X)T CAMPER TRAILER for rent. Slops 6, ,lose, fridge, toilet and ass ning. Phone 228-635' 25-28c 23 Wanted To Rent THREE- BEDROOM FARM HOUSE, barn and fisc to 10 kne- ed acres in Eseter area, Must have ample water for small lisestock operation. Tao -year lease or longer preferred. Apply stating location. rental and length of term available to Btss BAN; The Eseter Times -Advocate. 451 1s CHRISTIAN I A\IILI', non- smoker ,,ants to rent eountn home..8 mile radius of Exeter. 4 bedrooms, separate dining room. family room, 2 hathrtoms, large kitchen. garage or outbuildings. fireplace or ssood'.iose. 1.2 year lease, references on rc'UUest, hs August I, 1983. Phone 235-1611 or _22 -I `I.11 lesiblr) 24,25c 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the 1 st,u of HELENA-.SCHULTZ 1 ,are of the Tow a of el, in the C owns of Huron. silo silo d on or about the 1001 Jai at \ped. 1983. ('rcditors and others has ire claims against the ahosu estate ane re- quired to file Full parriculaus of :arch claim. lith the undersigned on or het..re July 8th. 1983. Act ss hich date the assets oldie estate will he distributed teasing regard onl> to the :lams then tiled. . LiTTLE 8 EVANS Exeter Ontario • Solicitors for the Executors Count on the Classifieds to Do the Job Call 235-1331 Bluewater TV & Aerial Service Delhi & Channel Master Antennas - Towers • Boosters Repairs to all makes of TV's Zurich 236-4224 Elizabeth Court Apartments One Bedroom Available Now July or August 2 bedrooms available August 1 Features appliances, cornet throughout, loun- drey facilities, all utilities included. Located at 176 Oxford St. Hensoli, Ontario PH: 262-3448 or 262-2615 Yard Sale Sponsored by Exeter Area Junior Hawks Fri., June 24 6 - 9 p.m. Sat., June 25 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 18 Wellington St. Exeter (Indoors in case of rain). Donations ac- cepted for pickup call 235.0320 A 235-0715 27 Tenders Wonted FARM FOR SALE The Form Credit Corpora- tion offers for sale: • By public tender 4 miles north- west of Ailsa Craig on gravel rood. Lot 16. Concession 6. ECR. in the Township of McGillivray. Coun- ty of Middlesex, containing 100 ocres with 85 acres workable. Buildings consist of a brick four- bedroom dwelling. modern im- plement shed, frame born. silo and grain den. - • The purchaser of this property trust rely on his own inspection and knowledge of the farm and not on the above or any other par- ticulars or representations made serballY or in writing by or on behalf of the Fann Credit Corporation. An offer to purchase must be made on a form obtainable from the Farm Credit Corporation on request to the address below or from any office of the Corporation. An offer to purchase must he as-- • panied by a certified chequ;, hank. draft or money order payable to I -arm Credit Corpora- tion for a ntinimutit amount of 55.000.00. If an offer is not ac- cepted the deposit w ill be returned. Offers to purchase must be received at the Regional Office listed below prior to June 30. 1983. Before making an offer, those in- terested should ascertain that the proper!} can he used and occupied . tor the purposes intended in accor- dance with Provincial Legislation and Municipal Regulations. Cash offers are preferred but consideration will be given to 017 Ier to purchase on terns. The highest of an offer to pur- chase will not necessarily be ac- cepted, and the Corporation could request new offer to purchase • alter Ute abose mentioned date, if deemed netiussars. All offer to purchase and in- quiries.should he addressed to: Regional Office FARM CREDIT CORPORATION CANADA c o L. A. McGee. 105 Silvercreek Pkwy. N.. Guelph. Ontorio N1H 7G7 Field Office FARM CREDIT CORPORATION CANADA c o D. Matson, P.O. Box 668. Lambeth. Ontario, NOL 150 Refer to file number 39533.53.i st ,� 28 Auction Soles POLICE AUCTION SALE Wednesday, June 29th 7:00 p.m. Rear of Exeter Police Station 10 beadles and palls. C.B. radios, Iapes, tape decks and miscellaneous items. Norm Whiting, Auctioneer 24,25c WANTED TO BUY Antique cupboards, Iomps, dishes, jewellery, toys. clocks, dolls or what have you. Buy:ng complete households or will sell for you. Ontario Auction Services RR 2 Luton Ph. Bud McIver 227-4111 SUB—TRADE TENDER PRICES req'Jired for 1) Brick Replacement 2) Roofing 3) Painting at St. Mary's Separate School Goderich, Ont. Sealed tenders for Sub- Trode Contracts as listed above, address- ed to Huron -Perth Roman Catholic Separate School Board will be received by Kyles, Kyles & Garratt, Architects, 165 Huron Street, Stratford, until 3:00 p.m.. Thursday, June 30, 1983. Bid Bond or Certified Cheque in bmount of 5% of contract price is required. A 50% Per- formance Bond will be required by successful bidder. Tender documents are available at Architect's office upon deposit of certified cheque in amount of 550.00 per set. lowest of any tender not necessarily accepted. Huron -Perth Roman Catholic Separate School Board Suppers at Greenway Sy ANNE WADER Successful strawberry and ham suppers were held in both churches at Greenway this week. Recent visitors with Evelyn and Manuel Cures and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Smithers were Mrs. Ina Sc fe, Calgary, and her son Ted Scafe, London. Dorothy Battram, Parkhill spent a few days recently with Cecil and Ellen Smithers. Mrs. Ken Smithers is a pa- tient in University Hospital, London, and Mrs. Bruce McLinchey is a patient in Strathroy Hospital. We hope they will soon be able to return to their home. Brian and, Margaret Bullock, London spent the weekend with Stuart and Ruth Bullock and family. Fred and Isabel Bullock at- tended the 25th wedding an- niversary of Mr. • and Mrs. Ray Romph in London Friday evening. Saturday they were guests at the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Romph, Parkhill. The First Annual Ecumenical Church service was held at the public school auditorium at Grand Bend on Sunday.' Also the Grand Bend Cemetery Decoration service was held Sunday at the cemetery. On Father's Day. some of the ladies and git Is of Greenway United Church formed a choir and sang two anthems, "in the Garden" and "He Touched Me" with FANSHAWE GRAD — Terrance Joseph Spruytte, son of Jerry and Frieda Spruytte, RR 2 Lucon, graduated from Fanshawe College June 16, 1983, with a diploma in the Automotive Technician Program. Terry is present- ly employed at Lambton Ford Motors, Sarnia, Ontario. All OTI 0 N Pinery Auction 1 1 1 At Pinery Auction barn on hwy. 1 21. 4 miles south of Grand Bend, 1 Ontario. 1 Sunday, June 26th at 1 p.m. 1 Selling the complete contents of a Grand Bend 1 area home. Plus a horse drawn cutter and 8 I foot hydro -plane. Viewing from 12 noon day of sale. i Terms: cash, Visa, Master Charge Good clean consignments accepted. AUCTIONEER: Pat Lyon Phone 243-2713 1 ----t IMIEll itER- --.,tE-all --tiIII Evening Auction Sale Garage equipment tools, parts etc. to be held for Ted Thuss, 110 King Street Hensall Ontario at the garage. Wed. Evening June 29th at 6 p.m. Walker two ton floor -jack, Vulcan two tone air bumper jock. Acyteline torches and cart, Hall valve seat grinder, Snap alignment equipment, bench grinder mandrel, brakebleederhead light aimers. two '.i" air impact wrenches, Black Hawk wheel balance, five inch vise extension cords, table saw with ''s hp motor, speed air compressor. Honda motor cycle tool kit, head light aimers, hoywagon, forty ft. TV antenna, C.P. oir head -broker. 24" buzzsaw -blade and mandrel, some antique tools. Approx. 50 new tires for car and light trucks from 12" to 15" plus quantity of used tires. engine oil, starting fluid, fuel conditioner, radiator teatment, water pump lube. Some old car parts to fit 1930's and newer, generators, water pumps. fuel pumps, valves. gaskets. spark plugs. 6 volt bulbs, leaf springs, a few tail pipes, quantity of old hand tools, repair manuals, plus many items too numerous to mention. For information phone Ted Thuss at 262-2810 or 262-2535. Terms Cash RICHARD LOBE AUCTIONEER Clinton, Ontario 482-7898 NORM'. WnmNG aactJoaoi' Auction Sale Of household furniture, antiques, boats, motor and misc. items on Sat., June 25, 1983; 12:30 p.m. at South Huron Rec Centre Exeter Ontario, for Mr. and Mrs. Grey Exeter. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. ANTIQUES & COL- LECTABLES Chesterfield and chair, love seat. 2 leather choirs and foot stools, rocker chair, recliner chair, childs rocker, pedestal coffee table, gloss top coffee table, lamps. pictures and mirrors, kitchen table and 6 chairs, buffet and hutch, buffet, cedar chest, cord table and choirs, desk with drawer, 2 desk chairs, fern stand, small round table, typewriter table, book shelf, Spanish stool, roll -away bed, crib. '1/4.cet of bunk beds, area rug, 20" colour TV (good condition), Coronado 18 cu. ft. freezer, dehumidifier, 'electric heater, juicer, meat grinder, clock, radio. T.V. tables, wicker baskets, wicker bird cage, 2 trunks. copper boiler, lawn choirs, picnic table, 2 propane tanks, childs bike (like new), exercise bike, childs sleigh, snow shoes, 2 tires, several dishes, pots and pans, several other items. BOATS AND MOTOR 14 ft. aluminum boat, 9.6 h.p. Viking motor, 16 ft. canoe. 2 gas tanks, small steel 2 wheel trailer. For further information call Norm Whiting Auctioneer Phone Exeter 235-1964 or 235-1931 Ruby Isaac leading them. Evelyn Curts' played the organ. Rev. Harley Moore's ser- mon was entitled "Show Me the Father." Beginning next Sunday, June 26, Greenway will begin ' the summer schedule with worship at 9:45 a.m. Wednesday evening the Willing Workers held f! special evening for Rev. and Mrs. Harley Moore prior to their leaving Grand Bend. A lovely decorated cake and tasty lunch were served. A presentation of a beautiful Anniversary clock to Rev. and Mrs. Moore was made during the evening. A family gathering was held at the home of Earl and Marion Steeper, Sunday. Our sympathy goes to Lawrence and Jane Brown because of the death of Jane's father. . Several ladies from here at- tended the meeting of the Grand Bend Women's In- stitute which was held at Oakwood Thursday. Richard Lobb Auction Calendar Clinton 482-7898 Wed.. June 29, 6 p.m. Goroge, equipment, parts, tires etc. for Ted Thuss Main St., Hensoli Ontario. Fri., July 1, 10 a.m. Furniture, antiques, ap- pliances, etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Barn Clinton. Sat., July 2, 10 a.m. Travel trailer, trucks, car, furniture, etc. for Alex Gulutzen, 7V miles north and 2'/: miles west of Seaforth Sat., July 9, 10 a.m. Furniture, antiques, ap- pliances, at Richard Lobb's Barn Clinton. NOTICE To all Ex-Cen Cablevision Ltd. subscribers. Effective July 1st, 1983, there will be a 6% Federal excixe tax on all cable T.V. rental. This was an- nounced on the April Federal Budget. Regular monthly payments will now be $9.07 for one outlet. • ✓'ad,sell lf�'. rLorr a,'si t UNRESERVED FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION We have received instructions to sell by public auction without reserve a complete line of farm equipment and vehicles to be held at Rathwell Auction Complex. 2 miles south of Clinton on JUNE 29TH AT 10:30 A.M. FEATURING: Combine. Gleaner C2 bean special gas combine c' w straw chopper. S spike cylinder and pick up VEHICLES AND TRUCKS: 1968 Dodge 7 yd. London mixer c' w diesel engine and 10 speed transmission: 1969 int. R2010 8 yd. Jaggar mixer with gas engine: hough model HM 1 '/: yd. pay loader: 197 4 wit Jimmy ciw front mount plow: 1976 Honda Civic. 1978 4 door Chev. FARM EQUIPMENT: Int. 474 tractor and loader: Int. '20 5 furrow plow: Int. 18 ft. vibro shank cultivator: int. 4 row corn and bean planter: John Deere 18 run seed drill. like new: Int. ' ft. double auger snow blower: Turnco gravity box on truck. running gear: 47 ft. auger on running gear: complete stable cleaner: manure spreader: liquid manure agitator: SO - Beatty cattle stantions: 20 - drinkers: 2 in gas. powered water pump RECREATION VEHICLES: 12 ft. Elgin Wood boat and traitor; Evenrude and Johnston 30 ho motors: J.D. Spit Fire snowmobile. 400 Yamaha motorcycle. Additional consignments are welcome Rathwell and Associates would like to help) or fight inflation by selling your equipment for 3 per cent For furher information contact: DICK ROBINSON, SALES MANAGER Phone 527-1458 or 527-1336 Telex 069 55223 ' t %.jfcf('/eJ AUCTIONEERS. LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. SE:AFORTH. ONTARIO NOK 1W0 (5191 527-1450 "OPEN SOON" "Strawberries' Jack and Tove Bell would like to take this opportunity to thank all our customers for their past business and wish you to continue to patronize the new proprietors. MARTIN and ELIZABETH ATTENBERGER For furthur information, phone: 262-5878 Businessunen/Farm Groups/hodustry in short, anyone in Huron County with 2 labour requirements are cordially invited to attend the monthly Luncheon Meeting of the Huron Community Industrial Training Committee to be held of PEPOS FAMILY RESTAURANT 63 Albert street Cli.tos ee Thursday, June 23 Luncheon at 1:00 p.m.,' followed by business meeting, including election of officers, and a survey by colleges and universities of Ontario for training requirements and labour requirements in Huron County, in conjunction with the Huron Community I.T.C.