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Page 14 Times -Advocate, June 22, 1983
Burgerf st packs 'em ini
Grand Bend became a city
of about 20.000 Sunday as the
third day of the ninth annual
Burgerfest began to wind
down. Local Chamber of
Commerce members were
pleased with the event and
merchants reported record
sales over the three days.
Organizers Eugene Grenier
and Nick Carter, felt that
there were no major pro-
blems connected with the
event. , Considering the
numoers in the village, O
felt that the number 1
charges Laid' (77) w
Food chairlady. Joyc
Morden, and her 2
volunteers served about 4,
buns with sausage and ham-
burg to the crowd. During the
beauty show on the beach
there was standing room on-
ly as a barefoot crowd of all
ages enjoyed sun, sand and a
gentle breeze from Lake
The Great Grand Bend Bed
race drew a street -full of con-
testants and there were two
teams in the waiters' race.
The Optimists' superstar
competition challenged about
55 area youngsters and the
, waterbed contest saw bodies
flying in all directions for a
few minutes.
Again, the • Ausable-
Bayfield Authority annual
canoe race from the tri -
County Midge at Greenway to
the Grand Bend pier was well
attended. Contestants had
been practising on the river
for The past month.
Treasurer Susan Novak
estimated (before final
figures were compiled) that
the gross take was probably
in the neighbourhood of four
to five thousand dollars above
Beauties vie for Burgerfest crown
that of 1982. however, Carter
said that expenses were well
up over last year's total:One
of the few mishaps came
when secretary -treasurer.
Elwood Lemon slipped from
a ladder, while stringing
lights in the food tent. He end-
ed up with lots of bruises and
a broken rib.
Mt. Carmel •
I 1
LTUTS.-Wb.-PRl. 9-A ThURS. tib! SAT. till2374-773us up am as no us as se
Grand Bend Seniors Housing
General Meeting
to answer questions an J discuss
Thursday, June 23
2 p.m.
St. John's By -The -Lake
Pairish Hall
Survey forms now available at the meeting;
Sandpiper, (Doreen's) Variety, Committee
members, Grand Bend Clergy.
THROUGH THE TIRE — Jesse Morrice, one of the par-
, ticiponts in the Grand Bend Optimists super star con-
test held Saturday is seen emerging from a tire, one
of the obstacles in the course. About 55 area children
partici. oted.
COLONIALS WIN - The grand championship of Saturday's Grand Bend Burgerfest
Days bed race was won by the Colonials. Back, left, Jeff Musser, Tom Coates, Brod
Coates, Doug Willard, Steve Wells and Terry Baker. Front, Larry Mason, John Musser
and Kevin Oke. T -A photo.
Men's and Ladies - all sizes
(Sweaters not exactly as Illustrated)
PEEKING THROUGH —Jeremy Anderson, a partici-
pant in the Optimists super star competition for children
Saturday at Grand Bend decided to poke his head
through the canvass on his way through one of the
obstacles in the super star course. Optimists ran the
competition ;n the soccer field for area children aged
four to 13.
RUNG TO RUNG -- Mindy Griffiths displays her skill
nn o suspended ladder during the super star competi-
�•a,i run by Grand Bend Optimists Saturday in conjunc-
tion with the Burgerfest celebrations at Grand Bend.
1983 BEAUTY = Eighteen -year-old Kathy Holmai of
London was chosen as Miss Grand Bend Burgerfest
Queen at the annual bothing beauty contest on the
beach at Grand Bend, Sunday. She is seen being con-
gratulated by International Model Agency president,
Jo Penny. who has a home in Grand Bend. A record
crowd of about 8,000 persons enjoyed sun and surf over
the weekend.
Competition keen
in canoe contest
The, ninth annual Grand
Bend canoe race held Sunday
in conjunction with
Burgerfest Days drew a large
number of entries and keen
The various events were
sponsored jointly by the
Ausable- -Bayfield Conserva-
tion Authority and the Grand
Bend Chamber of Commerce.
The expert class was won
by Rene Boogemans of Hen-
sall and Ted Cowen Jr. of
Brussels. Next came Steve
Lutsch and Bert Mayerhofer:
Steve Green and Sid Strange;
Mirk McCarthy and Mike.
Wansbrotlgh, all of Windsor
and Rick Kloss. Brucefield
and Danny Horton. Clinton.
The class for handicapped
persons with at least one in
each canoe was won by Tam-
my Damen and Rick Dana •
Kloss of Brucefield. Coming
in second were Eloise
Klungel, Ilensall and Gary
Hawkins, Chatham.
Nextwere Shari MacDonald
and Calvin Salter, Brucefield:
Shawn Thomson, Goderich
and Dick Klass and Chris
MacDonald, Brucefield:
Heather and Wendy Mitton
and Rene Boogemans and
David and Karen along with
Pat Meloche.
Xavier Boogemans and Gar
Mitchell were winners in the
service club event and Brent
Reeves of Windsor was the
junior kayak class.
The senior kayak winners
were Stephen Higgins, Wind-
sor; Guther Kippert, Sarnia:
Ken Moore, Windsor; Don
Stoneman, Toronto; Corwin
Polielt, London and Bill
Reeves and Rick Treleaven,
both of Windsor.
Under 14 winners were
Brad Gard and Michael Bud-
den. Glanworth; Kent
Rathwell and Chris Mac-
Donald, Brucefield and Bar-
bara Ann Hawkins, Chathatti
and Raquel Bunn, Brucefield.
Best in the junior under 1P
were Calvin Salter and Greg
Scroggs, Brucefield; Charlie
Johnston, Bothwell and Ron
Goodhand, Alvinston; Dana
Kloss and Kim Rathwell,
Brucefield and Darryl
Please turn to page 15
GABLES WIN — The Red Gables team won the
Saturday in conjunction with Burgerfest Days.
Lisa Bond. and Joanne Bragg. The driver .was
and Scot Musser and Connie Horner.
ladies bed race championship held
At the.back are Karen Anderson,
Sally Ford. At the front are Jane
T -A photo.
SOME POTATOES — A sock race ended the Grand Bend Optimists super star con-
test Saturday in Grand Bend. Kids, parents and sponsors jumped in potato sacks
across the soccer field.
Optimists of m icspopulary p
• A popular event for Grand
Bend and area children was
organized by the Grand Bend
Optimists Club Saturday in
conjunction with the
Chamber of Commerce
Burgerfest weekend.
There were 55 children in
Part of the crowd jamming Sunday'seurgorfesf program
three age groups who par-
ticipated in the junior olym-
pies competition. They dived
through tires, climbed fences,
swung on ladder rungs and
jumped hurdles to deternine
best time.
In the four to six age group
Todd Martendale finished
best. Shane Green was f ;test
in the seven to nine age roup
and Steve Mathers was
record breaker in the Eoup
aged from 10 to 13.
A cool drink was waititig for
each participant at the cad of
the r. ce.
Chrysler Products
Order yours now
Including the all new
The all new
Come in for detai !
Weare n
yei l a Dodge a
Plymouth Deo r
K-wA R N E )
9 .t Sa o'
Oran' Opcning
of Stephen, Bosanquet
and Grand Bend
to be held on
June 24, 1983
FIRE HALL OPENING will be at 2 p.m.
Honourable Lorne Henderson and
Solicitor General George Taylor will be
assisting in the Official Openings.
General Public are invited to attend the
Dianne Mollard
Clerk Treasurer
Village of Grand Bend
Grand Bend Gospel Hall
Tent Meetings
Located corner Hwy No. 4 and
Huron Rd. No. 21
8 km. S. of Exeterl 2 km. N. of Lucan
BEGINNING: June 26, 1983 and conti-
nuing weekly Mon. thru Fri. 8;00 p.m.
Sun. 7:30 p.m.
SPEAKERS: Norman Crawford,
Jackson, Mich., Paul Kember, West
Lorne, Ont.
Will be illustrated using a large chart
• The Rapture • Armogeddoi
• The Rise of Antichrist* 1,000 years of peace
• Worsening Inflation
• The Greot Judgement Day
All Welcome
No Collection
Grand Bend
Floor and Wall
Hwy. 21 Grand Bend