HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-06-22, Page 9Addition to HensallHome: means 26 new temporary j o bs The Queensway Nursing present rectangular shape in- governments each will pro- expanded. Home in Hensall is receiving to an L-shaped building. The vide 883,800 of the total Ozimek wants to encourage funds under the Canada/On- residents' living and bedroom $395,649 budget, and the other seniors in Hensall, ex- tario Employment Develop- areas will also be renovated home's owner will contribute pecially those who will be liv- ment (COED) program to and upgraded. the remaining 8228,649. ing in the new apartment go - renovate and expand its The announcement was The COED program's main ing up a block away, to make facilities, which means 26 new made by Eugene Whelan on objective is to provide work the residence a community temporary jobs. behalf of Lloyd Axworthy, fora minimum of 12 weeks for home. He envisions sing Owner Edward Ozimek minister of employment and people whose unemployment alongs, dances and other ac - said an addition will be built immigration. The 26 new jobs benefits have run out. Hiring tivities in which both groups on the Nelson Street side to will be provided over a period will be done through focal can participate. add approximately 50 rest of 419 work weeks. The Canada employment and im- Looking ahead, Ozimek home beds, transforming the federal and provincial tnigration offices. Ozimek suggested the Queensway hopes hiring will begin during could be the base for a Meals July so work can start the on Wheels program in Hen- beginning.of August. call, a day care centre, and a Ozimek said he plans to re- bridge to span the two- tain the "stately home" generation gap between character of the nursing school children and the home, and is not just going to residents. throw up a box -like addition "Our goal is to make the with four sides and a roof. The Queensway a people place", architect has given as much Ozimek said. consideration to the exterior Ozimek paid tribute to appearance as to the interior MPP Jack Riddell for his sup - facilities. port and help. He also gave "I am very proud of the credit for the successful out - ca re provided at the come of the grant applicat, 3n Queensway, and want to be to the Queensway staff head - just as proud of the surroun- ed by administrator Doris dings," Ozimek said. Jantzi. An elevator will be install- "If we weren't doing a good ed to allow easier access toob at present, we wouldn't the lower level recreation have been given a grant to ex - area, which will also be pand," he concluded. WHAT'S COOKING? -- Hensall volunteer fireman Peter Bedard (left) and Jim Regier cook bacon and eggs for hungry participants in the fiddlers contest which was held in the village on the weekend. DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIXES ASSTD VARIETIES 520 g 99 0 LAURA SECORD ASSORTFD FLAVOURS PUDDINGS OR YOGURT 20 oz. 500 g • s 9 48 oz. TIN MARTINS RECONSTITUTED APPLE JUICE 89 GRANNY BUTTER TARTS 7.99` PHOTOFINISHING SPECIAL SECOND SET OF PRINTS FREE Leave your colour film (all C-41 rolls & disc) with us and get a 2nd 'vr1. set of prints free .�. Limited time offer expires at closing Tuesday, July 5/83 ALL DISHWASHER DETERGENT 1.8 kg 4.79 GLAD KITCHEN CATCH ERS 24 s 159 MEOW MIX CAT FOOD 1 kg CONDENSED-ASSTD VAR. AYLMER SOUPS 2/890 tO oz TINS WESTONS FRESH SUNNY SHELLS PKG. 59r. OF 4 McCAIN REGULAR OR CRINKLE 1.5 kg E.D. SMITH GARDEN COCKTAIL 28 oz. 89 KRAFT CIIEEZ WHIZ 2�9 Country OvenTh Snow Sugar or Old Fashioned DONUTS Not available in all stores 16800, Fresh Crusty ROLLS Doz, 79, RYE BREAD SUPERFRIES 1.99 `Orr Ction srawsy ,s a:. 2/1.39, 567 g PKG. SARA LEE • 2 VARIETIES WESTONS RASPBERRY OR LEMON OF 6 CHEESE CAKE 2.99 BUTTERHORNS 1.25 NEILSON PREMIUM • 6 VARIETIES ZEHRS PLAIN OR SALTED 1.99 NOVELTIES a oR ?;2,29 ,29 CRACKERS 450 g 119 6 FLAVOURS NEILSON DRINK MIXES 6c" 2.29 REGULAR, FILTER, • OR AUTO DRIP MAXWELL HOUSE 369 g COFFEE 2.69 GETTING A NEW SLANT -- T e steep drop on two adjoining properties of St. Joseph's Shores is being levelled out to a gentle slope from the houses to the water's edge. TAKING A BREAK -- Ken McCann, St. Joseph's Shores property owner, stands beside the dragline bucket that is removing thousands of yards of soil to transform a steep incline into a gradually sloping lawn MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE 10 oz. JAR 499 ZEHRS GARBAGE BAGS PKG. 99 OF 10 SUM ENRICHED WHITE. CRACKED WHEAT OR i0•-. WHOLE WNEAT ZEHRS BREAD 675 g LOAVES /97° FOR ZEHRS PRIVATE LABEL BUTTER FINE QUALITY AND SAVINGS 198. SUPER SPECIAL SWISS STYLE FINE QUALITY ASSORTED FLAVOURS 175 g YOGURTco FORps NORDICA 2% COTTAGE a '°°' CHEESE 1.39 GAY LEA FRENCH 2509 ONION CHIP DIP GAY LEA SOUR 500 mL CREAM 1,29 e BEEF, TURKEY OR CHICKEN SAVARIN POT PIES FROZEN 69 0 8 oz. CREAM AEROSOL REDDI WIP 225g TOPPING 11119, FROZEN TOPPING BIRDSEYE COOL WHIP 1149 ONE LITRE PEPSI COLA Regular or Diet Pepsi Mountain Dew Reg. or Sugar Free Pepsi Free 750 ml PtuS BOTTLE 3 lot DFPOSIT FOR SALAD OR SANDWICH PURITAN FLAKED HAM 1.29 , 184 g COLBY, BRICK, MARBLE ZEHRS CHEESE 6.69,9 POST FRUITY OR COCOA PEBBLES CEREAL 3°"1.39 HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP 575 mL 159 HAVARTI OR MOZZARELLA ZEHRS CHEESE 6.69,e HEAVY DUTY AA,C,D OR 9 VOLT EVEREADY BATTERIES `ARD 1144 SOLID LIGHT BYE THE SEA TUNA IN WATER 11 f9 7 oz. TIN U.M.F. SNOW CRAB MEAT 142 9 159 9 VARIETIES COLONIAL COOKIES 4001/59 PREGO PLAIN SPAGHETTI SAUCE 796 mL f 79 I MRS. SMITHS FROZEN RHUBARB PIES 700 g 1189 PREGO MUSHROOM SPAGHETTI SAUCE 796 mL 1.89 FOR YOUR LAUNDRY A.B.C. DETERGENT 4 kg 5.99 LAYS OR RUFFLES POTATO CHIPS ASSTD VAR. i TRY OUR OWN BRAND ZEHRS PEANUTS 5°°g ►129 i LIQUID FOR DISHES PALMOLIVE DETERGENT f.39 500 ml REG. SIZE - 4 COLOURS DIAL BAR SOAP 360 g PKG 1 99 OF 4 THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY IN: GAY LEA INSTANT POWDERED MILK t kg SIZE 4039 ORANGE PEKOE TETLEY TEA BAGS 139 PKG. �9 OF 3fi HIGHWAYS #4 & 83 EXETER TAMPAX REGULAR MAXITHINS 12's 1.59 TAMPAX SUPER MAXITHINS 1.89 12's Calk ST BATH SOAP 4209 � 19 PKG. OF 3 1 NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM 180 mL 2.69 , MONDAY, TYIWDAY i WIDNI$DAY 94 P.M. THURSDAY t FRIDAY 9.9:00 P.M., SATURDAY $:30.6 P.M., Times -Advocate, June 22, 1983 Page 9 A new slant saves steps ' p Ken McCann hates steps, concrete three rows deep, and of levelling the slope. Thirty and that bias has created a five feet high, with another five thousand yards of earth problem. It he didn't want to bottom foot solidly embedded are being moved to create a install over 100 of the blinking in clay. waters of Lake Huron 50 feet one -foot drop for every three things, how else could he Each block has two metal feet from a stake marking the traverse the drop from the hooks on top, to which reinfor site of the house 180 feet west horizontal plane of his lot at mg bars are attached to weld to the wall. St. Joseph's Shores to the the blocks together. Before he began the pro McCann is complying with ject, McCann received official below? a ministry of the environment permission from his Another nuisance was the suggestion to bring the blocks neighbours, Hay township, numerous springs along the around each corner, and add and the ministries of natural embankment steadily riore prap k the top of the wall washing more and more of his and along the Lakeshto meet. Government officials 1 property into the lake. f McCann, who:now lives in Stratford but will begin con- struction of a retirement home on his lot later this sum- mer, has embarked on an un- tried, unorthodox, solution to his difficulties. He is building a five foot high sea wall of concrete blocks at the water's edge, and levelling the precipitous slope from almost vertical to a gentle diagonal. As next-door neighbour Bill McMichael shares the pro- blem, he is also sharing the cost, and the entire 280 -foot frontage is being treated as one. The wall at the shoreline of the properties is being built from 2,500 pound blocks of resources and the environ- urther protect the future are quite interested in the lawn from water damage. experiment. ( Riprap is an embankment "No one has done it like this or sustaining wall of stones before, and if it holds for a thrown together year, it will hold for good," haphazardly.) McCann said as he watched The concrete blocks, made • another concrete block being at a reddi-mix plant by thrif- set in place below while the tily pouring the cement 1nft drag line scooped more soil over from jobs into moulds, from the bank. sell for from 820 to $25 each, When the slope is at a and McCann figures the total satisfactory angle. McCi.nn outlay for the blocks will be plans to tap into and drain the 83,000. He discarded the idea springs every 20 feet. The of gabion cages when he whole area will then be discovered their cost would be sodded. approximately $20,000. That's McCann is confident his in - what he expects to spend for novative technique will be a the complete job. success. He is equally sure no The majority of expense is further steps will have to be bei incurred in the r rocess taken. I T. BONIFACE FIELD DAY WINNER — Cathy Cade (left) from the Royal Bank in Exeter pins a ribbon on Charlene Regier while Janet Thuss and Margo Ducharme await their turn. For the post four years, St. Boniface has participated in the bank's Junior Olympics •ro•ram. • STAKING THEIR CLAIM -- Marg Knight and Marlene Zwaan wait for 11 o'clock and the official opening of the Hensall UCW bake sale at the fiddlers' contest to buy some pies. Hensall to organistgiveg recitol Marlin Nagtegaal. who has graduate in December 1983. won his way into the hearts of Mr. Nagtegaal has given the people of llensall United many recitals in Canada as Church not only as their well as the Netherlands, and organist and choir director we are very fortunate to have but as a beloved person as a man of his calibre serving well, will present an organ locally and willing to present recital following the church this recital. service on Sunday morning. There will be no charge for Mr. Nagtegaal Was born in this recital but an offering will Brandon, Manitoba in 1957 be received to give to Mr. and received his Bachelor of Nagtegaal. Music Degree from the Mrs. Nagtegaal (Susan) is University of Manitoba. an equally qualified organist Following his graduation and sometimes accompanies from university he spent the choir while Marlin does three years in the the directing. Netherlands studying with In the fall of 1983 Mr. the noted A.J. Keijzer, and . Nagtegaal will begin his while there obtained duties as organist and choir- tlolland's highest perfor- . master of Chalmers United mance diploma in 1982. Ile - Church in Kingston and also returned to Canada and • as organ instrucbor,1t Queen's enrolled at t'n;versity of University. Both Marlin and Western Ontario Music Susan have been loved and Department to work on his appreciated by the congrega- Master's - De_ree. He will tion at Hen - d lair .% 1 i INGING IN THE GOODIES Hazel Corbettleft ( ) and Evelyn Flynn bring in their contributions to the Hen- sall UCW bake sole held during the fiddlers contest. s -t eaY11i%rl CHAIRMAN AT WORK — Hensall fiddlers contest chairman Wayne Reid and his wife Linda were busy recording Saturday night's activities. T -A photo. Their warmth of personali- ty and humility of spirit has endeared them to the con- gregation. Following the noon -hour recital a reception will be held in the Fellowship Hall. Emmanuel United Church REV B. LAING B.A. B. Div. Organist Mrs. E. Grace Martin Sunday, June 26 11.15 a.m. Church Service The service will be conducted by the Gideons. Peit Rensmo and Donald Jolly will be in charge. July 3 10. 17 24. 31 10.30 a.m. Church Service Services will be held on the church lawn. Members are ask• ed to please bring their lawn choirs. -Everyone welcome Zurich Mennonite Chh Paurcstor CLAYTON KUEPFER Sunday, June 26 8 45 a.m. Worship Service 9:45 a.m. Sunday Church School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service Sun. evening - House Fellowship Wed. 8:00 p.m. Adult and Youth Bible Study and Prayer Service Meditation 'Yesterday is olreody'o dream. Tomorrow is only o vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of hop• piness and every tomorrow a vi- sion of hope." (Quote) St. Peter's Lutheran Church REV. CARL ONOFRIO Vice Postor Organist Mrs. Christine Eagleson B.M.A. Sunday, June 26 10:00 a.m. • Worship Service 10:45 a.m.-Sunday School There is n nursery for small children which is supervised dur- ing the worship service. • Everyone N,/ekome