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Times -Advocate, June 8, 1983.
Clandeboye Institute
buses to Hamilton
The Clandeboye Women's
Institute sponsored a bus trip
to the Hamilton area Wednes-
day stopping first at Stoney
Creek to visit the Erland Lee
(Museum) Home of the co-
founder of the first Women's
Institute in the world. It is
owned and maintained by the
Federated Women's In-
stitutes of Ontario.
It was the W.I. week at the
Lee Museum and various
demonstrations of crafts and
hobbies were of much in-
terest. Women's Institute
members from the Algoma
area of Ontario were on hand
to serve astourguides
through the various rooms in
the house, which were filled
Lynn Gingerich graduated
in the May 29 Spring Con-
vocation from Wilfrid
Laurier University with her
Bachelor of Arts degree in
Honours English. She is
the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Stephen Gingerich,
Zurich, and o graduate of
Eden Christian College,
Niagara -on -the -Lake.
Miss Gingerich has ac -
with beautiful antiques, rnany
of them being the original Lee
family keepsakes.
After lunch at a shopping
mall, an hour was spent tour-
ing the famous Dundurn Cas-
tle. This 19th century, 36 room
mansion is restored. to its
former splendor as the home
of Sir Allan Napier McNab,
Prime Minister of the United
Provinces of Canada, 1954-56.
And last but not least we
visited the Ben Veldhuis
Greenhouses in Dundas, con-
sidered the Cacti Capital of
Canada, where we saw
thousands of various kinds of
Cacti, large and small, in 20
greenhouses. A few tropical
foliage plants, African violets
and other plants were also
After supper in Kitchener
we were back in Clandeboye
soon after 8 p.m. and though
tired. everyone seemed to
have enjoyed their day out.
Jean Hodgins convened the
trip, and Peter McNaughton
of Ilderton Tours was the bus
Florence and Gerald
Millson were hosts Sunday for
a Jack and Jill shower to
honour Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Millson of• London who were
recently married.
After opening their many
beautiful gifts, everyone en-
joyed a buffet supper. Guests
attended from London,
Strathroy, Aylmer. Crediton,
Centralia and Clandeboye.
Velma and Carolyn Hardy
enjoyed the Anne Murray
Show at the new Kingwood
Music Theatre in Canada's
Wonderland, Sunday evening.
They travelled with a group
from Ellison Travel in Exeter
and when they arrived in ear-
ly afternoon, found the park-
ing lot full and were not allow-
ing anymore in.
While waiting, they had
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CGIT HOST MOTHERS -- At Tuesday's annual mother and daughter banquet of -
the Exeter CGIT, leader Joyce Morgan chats with Karen Hoffman and her mother
Winona and Holly Beuerman and mother Dee. T -A photo.
Surprise movie
On Monday evening the Ex-
plorers met at the United
Church. They had the
Beavers and C.G.LT.'s as
guests. This was the surprise
movie night and the movie
was "For The Love of Benji."
The Explorers brought pop-'
corn and squares for the par-
ty after the movie.
The Granton Explorers met
at the United Church on May
30. The roll call was "Tell
where you plan to go on your
summer vacation." We
finished up the Mail Box Bible
Club, then played games, and
ended the meeting with
- Pamela Waters, Sec.
U.C.W. Units meet
Unit I 1 I met at the home of
Mrs. Cliff McRobert on
-Thursday. Mrs. Gordon
McRobert presided and open-
ed the meeting with a reading
lunch in the area, then toured
the Mcjtlichael Canadian Col-
lection at Kleinburg, finally
getting entrance to the park
at 5 p.m.
• Weeping Beds • Footings
• Basements 8 General
Owned and operated by Jim Snow
Phone 233.0642 after 6 p.m.
at Explorer .meet
"No Amateurs Admitted"
followed by•lesson thoughts.
• ' A number of business items
were discussed and taken
care of. Tickets for the pork
and strawberry garden party
were distributed to members
to sell. This event will be held
in the Granton Community
Park on June 22.
Mrs. Glen . Jameson
presented the program on the
study of "The Pacific Way"
describing the natives and
their customs who inhabit
these islands circling the
Pacific Ocean.
Mrs. Gordon McRobert and
Mrs. Robert Harloff assisted
• the hostess to serve lunch. .
Mrs. April 'Bryan was the
hostess for Unit 3. Mrs. Joan
Hayden presided and opened
'the meeting with a reading
"Opposites Attract." Granton
Fun Day July 23 was an-
nounced, a Summer Theatre
Trip to the Huron Country
Playhouse was planned for
August 10. Tickets for the up-
coming Pork Barbecue which
ifi June 22 in the Community
Park were distributed ay well
as final plans•made for this
event. One day sessions entitl-
ed "0 Lord Teach Me To
Pray" which is being held at
camp Kee Mo Kee, was
Mrs. Janey Nixon and Mrs.
Ann Bryan presented a pro-
gram entitled "Dealing with
Mrs. Lillus Riddel, Marion
Thomson and April Bryan
served a salad plate lunch.
Unit 5 met at the home of
Mrs. Garnet Baker. Mrs.
Chas. McRobert presided.
The theme of the devotional
was "Song". Eight members
answered the roll call and two
visitors. who were former
it says,
Alb•rt Woof, Clinton
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A perfect gift for Fother'; Day, or for the graduate on your list.
Other gift ideas • quality Shaeffer or Cross pens and pen sets.
members of Unit 5. They were
Mrs. Lesta Kew of St. Marys
and Mrs. Alice Bryan of
An upcoming visit to a
Jewish Synagogue has been
planned for June 28.
Mrs. Ina Harlton convened
the program which was a
study on the churches in the
South Pacific. Mrs. McRobert
closed with a reading "Our
Dollars have Shrunk." Mrs.
Emerson Wallis served lunch
assisted by the hostess.
Medway Euchre Club
The Medway Euchre Club
met at the home of Mrs. Jean
Donley on Monday afternoon.
Prize winners for the euchre
were the following members:
for the ladies high score,
Mary Rhame; lone hands,
Eileen Summers; low score,
Wreaths Burnett; for the
men, high score, Percy
Rhame; lone hands, Austin
Robbs; low score, Carmen
I lodgins: The hostess served •
her home made Maple Syrup
and hot biscuits following
Church news
At the United Church the
Rev. Bruce Pierce conducted
the worship on Sunday entitl-
ing his message "How much
do you love God'?" using as an
example, the love of
Abraham tor God, when he
asked him to sacrifice his on-
ly son, the minister said
"Abraham understood God's
will and was willing to act on
During the service a tribute
was paid to C.G.I.T. leader
Mrs. Robert Harloff for her
inspiration in ,setting up the.
program for the C.G.I.T.
mother and daughter banquet
held in the United Church
basement on May 31. The
citation was read by Mrs.
Paul Wallis t first part and
Mrs. Bruce Pierce (second
part ).
There was no service at Sl.
Thomas Anglican Church on
Sunday. Service was
withdrawn so that the con-
gregation could join with
Kirkton Anglican Church who
were celebrating their
Mrs. Lois Herbert and
Helen attended the 53rd
weekend of the Diocese of
Huron, which is a Christian
Resource workshop held at
Huron College London from
May 27-29.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Hodgins and Miss Rona
Hickey of Toronto attended
the 75th anniversary of
Grceriway Anglican Church
00 May 29.
Bradley James Taylor
graduated June 6 from the
School of Business Ad-
ministration at the Univer-
sity of Western Ontario
with an Honours Bachelor
of Arts degree in Business
Administration. A former
student of South Huron
District High School, Brad
is the son of John and
Dorothy Taylor, Exeter. He
has accepted a position
with Price, Waterhouse,
Chartered Accountants in
SS anniversary' June 12
Confirmation at Thamu Road YC
Thames Rood
Rev. Robert Matheson was
in charge of the regular
church service Sunday morn-
ing. The children's story was
entitled, "All Are Children."
The choir rendered an an-
them accompanied by the
organist Miss Agnes Bray..
Rev. Matheson read the
In baptism we celebrate the
action of the Holy Spirit in our
lives. When we are baptized
into most denominations our
baptism is recognized as be-
ing into the Church Universal.
When we are confirmed we
become a full member of a
particular denomination.
Many denominations, the
United Church of Canada
among them, are presently
studying the future of Chris-
tian Initiation and
Murray Dawson, Clerk of
Session called Dennis Pym to
the'front of the church where
Dennis was confirmed and
given a pin. Communion was
then served by members of
the session.
Sunday School pupils are
busy practicing for Anniver-
sary Sunday on June 12. They
The readers write
Dear Editor;
I would like to express some
thoughts that have come to
me lately. We have known
how tragic events 'and
disastershaveoccurred indif-'
ferent places, but we had
always been spared.
Now that our rainy spells
arc seriously hindering plan-.
ting of crops in our region, it"
could be a real disaster and I
am made to wonder if God is
not trying to show people
everywhere that He does con-
trol this universe. Also that
He wants people to turn from
their wickedways of
disregarding His
To the Israelites, who did
not have salvation as we can.
have it, God said, "If my peo-
ple which are called by name
shall humble themselves and
pray, and seek my face, and
turn from'their wicked ways,
then, will I hear from heaven,
and will forgive their sin and
will heal their land." (2
Chron. 7:14 )
This could be the solution
for our dilemma.
Lily Greb
are asked to bring a lunch to
Sunday School, so they can
practice. The teachers will
take children home.
Sunday June 12 the Sdcra-
ment of Baptism will be
observed. In the evening the
graduation meeting and
mother and daughter banquet
of the C.G.I.T. will be held.
A Christian Education
meeting will be held Thurs-
day June 9 at 7:00 p.m.
Mrs. Jim Benton returned
home from the hospital Mon-
day after having undergone
surgery. Get well wishes are
The Spring Concert by the
pupils of Miss Agnes Bray
A.R.C.T., It.M.T. was held in
Thames Road Church
Wednesday evening. The
church was almost full of peo-
ple. It was a very enjoyable
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Passmore spent a few days
last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Annett, London.
Mr. arid Mrs. Roy Pepper,
Exeter spent Saturday even-
ing with Mr. and Mrs.
William Rohde.
Mr. and Mrs. George Tur-
ford, Sara and Joey of Strat-
ford were guests Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kernitk
and girls.
Quite a number of people
from this community attend-
ed the chicken barbecue at
Woodham, • Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. Frayne Par-
sons visited Sunday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
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