HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-06-08, Page 19Garage Sale 9-- 4 p.m. Sat., June 11 307 Huron St. E., Exeter CAR RENTALS. $2195 daPeyr Two 1983 Cavalier four doors Call Jerry Smith atow dew exNsr 235-0660 16 Fot Sale RAILROAD TIES! Flag Poles; large swing set; large go-cart, garden tractor trailer; pig troughs; bicycle rack; Yamaha 100; wood splitter; engine hoist, phase con- verter; 10 -speed bicycle. Hamilton's Machine Shop 235-1655, after hours 235-2598. 20tfnc ALL • STEEL PERMADOME utility buildings 19'x24' do-it- yourself kit complete with 8'%10' sliding doors, instructions and guarantee. F.O.B. Mississauga Ontario. Retail $3,475, while they last S2,395. Call collect anytime 705-474-1180. 22x LAWNMOWER - MTD Lawnflite 834, electric start. Phone 262-5103. 23:24c BARN PAINT, PRIMERS, in- dustrial overruns of a top manufacturer. From S2.00 to 510.00 per gallon. Expert paint ad-' vice free. 235-2430. 20tfnc 16 For Sole ARTIST SUPPLIES Artboards, Brushes, Acrylic Paints, Charcoal Pencils; Art Nibs Sketch Pads, Calligraphy. EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE 30(fn3 POOL SALE, Manufacturer's clearance on above and inground pools, many models at fantastic savings, SHOP DIRECT. 416-522-1414. 23% CANADA'S LOWEST PRICE SATELLITE T.V. Systems. Com- plete package. Western Satellite Supply. Saskatoon. Phone 306-934-1701. Dealer inquiries in- vited. 23' Scott's Leather & Tack Shop 120 Sanders St. W., Exeter 235-0694 Western Boots, Belts, Buckles, and Hats Riding Equipment Horse Health Centre 50% Off all clothes remaining in stock 16 For Sole COMPONENT STgREO with matching speakers by Sharp and Gerrard turntable. All for one price 5175.00. Canbe seen 'aperatingln my home. 2135.2884. - 22:23c MULTI -FAMILY Yard Sale. Sat. June I I, rain date Sun. June 12 in Lucan. Nicoline and Kleinfeldt Aves. Follow signs. Furniture, tools, toys. clothing, woodstove. lawn ornaments, hand made . crafts, hot dogs and drinks. 23c HOG. FEEDERS si rx ound, good as new. Phone 237-3484. 23:24c Spring is on its Way Place your order for Goslings, Ducklings • Pheasants and five breeds of chickens for egg and meat production Started and ready to lay Pullets All government blood tested. - Book your favourite date from Edelweiss Acre Farms Erich Freiter and Family RR 1 Dashwood . Phone 237-3382 Ask for Price List 8tfn • Lumber • Plywood. • Carpet • Roofing • Paint • Carpet • Floor Covering and • Decorpting Supplies Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8:00 - 5:30 Hwy. li21 and Inter. #83 Grand Bend, Ontario Bus. (519)258-2374 APARTMENTS FOR' RENT Extra Large Luxury Apartments Carling Street - Exeter Within Walking Distance of Shopping Area 2 bedroom apartments Immediate Occupancy Laragh Corporation Ltd. PHONE .2.35-0141 Opening Soon pou9a11's Berry Farm 2 miles North of Exeter on No. 4 Highway Pick your own strawberries or let us pick them for you. For your custom picked berries Call: 235-1281 USED 10:00-20 TIRES. Can be seen at N.C. Jones and son Ltd. - 235-2489 or 235-2815. - 22ifnx BICYCI_ES ready to ride. 20" to 27", men, ladies and children. One 5 speed. one 10 speed: 235-0206. 22:23' DINING ROOM_ SET, nine piece inc. a double buffet and hutch, , also an antique side 4. 22:23* board. Phone 228-6954 after DRY CATTLE \IANURE miles well into soil. 52.00 fertilizer hag. Free delivery. 5 bags or more'or 520.0( for '': ton pickup load. Don Glavin. Phone 234-6249. 22:23' PISTON PUMP, Beatty shallow well, complete ssith tank, Duro deep well jet pump; girl's 24" bicycle; girl's 20" bicycle com- pletely rebuilt. 234-6318 after 5 p.m. 22:23c ATARA UNIT and 8 games in- cluding Defenders, Space in- vaders. Call 227-1217 after 5 p.m. 221ln_ WINDOWS by Mason, Feldmann and Pella, also replacement ssin- dotes, Aluminum awnings, storm doors ' and windows. Free estimates. Phone Don Manley • 235-2848.. 22-25c ENGLISII SADDLE 18" Argen- tine, good condition. 5150.00. 227-4915 after 4 Em.. 22:23c CB -BASE STATION ANTENNA - 5/8 wave, omnidirectional 4d13 gain - plus 35 foot mast and tower. S35.00. 2.29-6761 22-24c AS A RESULT 01- -2111 SAI 1 OF our business out Phillips 322(1 .Electronic accounting machine is surplus and priced for quick sale., Handles payroll, receiv ables, payables, trial balance etc. Will save many hours and many dollars for any small or medium .size business. \Icl can Bios. Publishers 1.id. Seaforth, 527-0240. '-','3c TELEVISION: Pay T.V. decoders. Build' your own. In- structions, diagrams and parts list. Write for information, J..1 .S. Electronic, 305 Dovercourt Road, . Suite 2. Toronto \16J 31-2. 23s FOR SALE OR RENT Choose from a variety of sizes up to 5 ton flat decks Call Brian at kr)gipiKiaieni \Jo. Leasing 228-6770 Bring in this Ad & Save S5 Offer expires June 30, 1983 WANTED TO BUY Antique cupboards, lamps, dishes, jewellery, toys, clocks, dolls or what have you. Buying complete households or will sell for you. Ontario Auction Services RR 2 Lucan Ph. Bud McIver 227-4111 16 For Sole SURPRISE FATHER on June 19 with a new aluminum boat and trailer for Father's Day. Buy direct from the factory and save. 12' aluminum boats from as low as S675. Trailers from 5001b. to 3200 Ib. at 25 percent discounts. B&L Metal Products (Elmira) Ltd., 7-11 Industrial Drive, Elmira. (519) 669-1551. 23s WHITE SEED BEANS, Founda- tion or Certified. Phone 236-4749. , / 22-24c BOOK & TAPE. "As a Man Thinks", modern English version of early 1900's classic. Recom- mended and used by.lifestyle and. behavioural science leaders, psychologists, management and sales trainers, clergy, etc. The hand that picks this book up will not he the same one that puts it down. Must reading for the whole family. Only 53 easily understood pages. Says more than 530 pages of today's books. 60 minute tape cassette allows you to listen at tunes you can't read. Write "Book & Tape", Star Publishing Ltd. Box 220, Goderieh, Ontario N7A 466. 23x GREENHOUSE/COLD FRAME 44'x44'x49" high, heavy duty galvanized steel frame c/w bolts and nuts only. Ready to assemble . only 521.95 plus postage. Unit as above inclining all plastic and fasteners 529.95 plus postage. We will mail C.O.D. Call collect to order Haliburton Machine (705) 457-2662. 23'. ANTIQUE sideboard 5100.00; enormous maple table, four leaves, pedestal Icgs 5400.00; old cabinet style hi-fi. antique dresser with mirror 5180.00; old Singer 510.0(1. 228-6202. 23c n chair, IED and ( , beige background, rust and green lural design. Good (onition. S145.00. 227-4947. 23x_ GARAGE SALE Rain or shine. Sat. June 11.''80 King St. South. Crediton. 10 a.m.-? Something for' all ages. 1'honc 234-6318. 23c HOUSEHOLD ITEMS. Fridges, beds, dressers. dryer, deep freeze, coffee tables and many. many more. Phone 235-1461. 23c BIKE., man's I0:speed 20x26, very good condition. Phone 262-5848. 23• KITCHEN CABINE rs solid birch. approx. 14' L-shaped. Top. bottom with sink and taps. To he dismantled. Phone 235-0129.23` MAIN ST. Crediton, Sat. June 11, 9-5. Clothes, toys, bikes. and many miscellaneous items. 23c YARD SALE Saturday, June I lth, 23 Alexander St. W. 10a.m. 3* Elizabeth 'Court Apartments One Bedroom Available Now June and July Features Jppliances, carpet throughout, laun- drey facilities, all utilities included. Located �t 176 Oxford St. Hensoll, Ontario PH: 262-3448 or 262-2615 HAY - 45 acres. hay lage mixture, 8(1 percent alfalfa. 20 percent timothy 237-3469. 23c MOVING - sleeper lounge. smok- ed glass end table, colonial coffee and end tables. ssvod, storm. also sliding windows. dishes. toast el. Pine keds, one double, one single, etc. Phone 237-3565. 23:24c \1111.11 FAMILY garage sale. Sat ..lune I I. 1(1 Kingscourt Cres. IO a.m.-3 p.m. Good used baby furniture and - clothing, walnut dining room table and chairs. lots of other •items too numerous to mention. Rain or shine. 23c C'HESTERI'IELD SUrFt . 2 pc: red in colour, in good condition. Phone 234-6785 anytime. 23c CALL 228-6823 after 5:00. Ladies dress coat medium 540; winter coat medium 55.(0; sk i-doo suit medium 52(1: leather coat size 14 S50; swivel chair 52(1; single loll away bed 52(1; rocking chair 520; kitchen table 525; huge suitcase 55.01; coffee table 540. 23' 13:1131' Bl)(i(iY and basCincttc, • like news. Phone 238.2783. 23' GOING C'111A1'. matching couch and chair. 30" stole. Phone anytime. 228-6456. 23:24c \1AKINON N2 consertcr, Canon speed light 188A.- Canon case, never used 5120.(0 or offers. •I-243-2(155. ;1•24c LAWN AND Patio furniture. tables rockers and low chairs. Phone 228-63(19. ' 3 24, -ill► 17 Wonted To Buy TWIN BEDS, dark wood with three drawers underneath. Call 234-6281. 22:23c DRAFTING TABLE. Phone 236-4777. 22:23c 000D MIXED HAY on stem in 10-12 miles radius of Lucan. Phone 227-4305. 22-25' SCRAP CARS & TRUCKS. Top cash price. McStephen Auto Wreckers. 228-6214. 23-32' SCRAP CARS & TRUCKS. Top cash price. Stephen Auto Wreckers. Phone 235-2815 after 6 p.m. 23tfn WANTED IN EXETER. 3-4 bedroom house with at least 11/2 baths, ret room and clean finish- ed basement. Reply in writing to Box 44P, Exeter Times Advocate. ' -23-25c 18 Wanted ROOM AND BOARD, . young man requires room and board in Exeter. Phone 235-2815 ,after 6 p.m. 17tfn PENS AND PENCILS engraved with names. Not necessarily in working condition. Contact Harvey Hillman, 235-1167, Ex- eter. 19-21,23c BRAND'S NEARLY NEW SHOP. 399 Main Si. Exeter. We are in need of larger• sized women's clothing to sell for you on consignment. Also baby strollers and car seats, etc. We have a good selection of young boys and mens suits for gradua- tion at reasonable prices. Starting June 6 sate will be open Wednesdays. Mon. through Fri- day 9:30-5:30, Saturday 9:30-4:30. Phone 235-1901. 22-24c wants to share FEMALE wants bedroom duplex. Phone before 3, 235-1979. 23c WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Room and board in Exeter for young %women. Phone 228-6385. 23c 19 Property For Sale BUILDING LOT FOR SALE in Exeter. 52.80 feet wide x 191.4(1 feet deep. 'Thomas Street. Full ser- vice. Interested parties reply to Ex- eter Times Advocate, Box 43P, Exeter, Ontario. • - 21-23' LIVE FOR 1.ESS - Fried St. Dashwood in this 2 storey 5 bedroom home an Dashwood. This home features a large living room, 15'x 16', dining room, main floor laundry. second floor balcony and single car garage on 65'x 196' lot. Check the price - on- ly 539,500.00. Call Marg Thomp- son today 438-4121 and 685-2881. LOCATE NEAR LUCAN - This 3 bedroom Mine is situated on 1.6 acres and has a spacious living _room, eat -in kitchen, 2 piece en - suite off master bedroom and main floor family room with stove. i -he price includes 16 0. x 36 0. metal clad shed and a 2 car garage. A super place for tradesman or from which to operate your ossn business. A great highway /location for 556,9(0.00. Call Mare Thompson 438-4121, 685-2881. Century 21 Laukner Realty. 23c 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW. fireplace, largc.jltchen, sten with bay window, gas heated. Call 235-2(170 185 Carling St. 23-26c 20 Property For Rent 111NSA1 1 - one bedroom apart- ment, newly renusatell. broadloom, new stove and fridge. 262-3146 after 5 p.ni. 4611n IN HENSAI 1 - two bedroom townhouse, ground floor with barbecue area. 5238.5( per month. includes heal, parking, garbage pickup. Phone 262-21)14 or 262-3446. _ 12tfo \MAPI F ARMS AI'ARTM1:N 1 . _Iustiry. adult, two bedroom ap,lrt- mcnt itsarlabte .lune 1. Phone 235-2420, evenings 235.17;5. l8tfiic f URNISHED ONE BLDROO\1, laundry and parking. Phone 235-1497. 19i inc. Lobb Brother's Auctions • SECOND / FARM EQUIPMENT CONSIGNMENT AUCTION FRIDAY, JUNE 10 at 10:30 a.m. Being held at the Lobb Machinery Yard on the Bayfield Road in Clin- ton Ontario. MACHINERY Several balers including New Holland 269, New Holland 273, Harvestei- in- clude two New Holland 717 with heads, hay conditioners, forage boxes, New Holland 451 three point hitch mower, New Holland 495 haybine, Vicon four wheel three point hitch side rake, Heston PT10 hay bine three years, old, New Holland'479 haybine, AC six foot flail type forage harvester, large round bale feeder, 10 ft. steel sections for yard, NH 273 baler with. thrower, John Deere self unloading wagon, Continental sprayer, several forage blowers, Geo. White 300 gal. trail sprayer with boom, Calsa 100 gal. 3 pt. hitch sprayer, Continental 200 gal. saddle tank, Agri Tec automatic bale stooker, Helm 81/2 ft. double auger snowblower, Gleaner C2 self porpelled com- bine with pick up grain head and four row nar- row corn head. TRACTORS, TRUCKS, TRAILERS, ETC. MM 2 tractor reconditioned, Farmall A tractor, JD 50' tractor , J.D. 60 tractor, heavy duty John Deere blade w/hyd. turn, milk weed sprayer, 16 ft. tandem tag along trailer, single axle tag along troiler, 20 ft. fifth wheel trailer, 1971 IH cab and chassis, 1962 Ford w/dump box and racks, 1974 IHC 1600 truck w/flat bed and racks, tandem axle trailer w/6 x 10 platform and livestock racks, Ford 8N tractor, Dodge 700 single axle truck w,1200 gal. water tank. 1969 GM diesel truck with trailer axle aluminum grain body tarp and 20 ton hoist. Plus many etcs. not listed. To consign phone Fred or Joe Lobb at 482-3409 Terms Catch RICHARD LOBB AUCTIONEER Clinton, Ontario 482-7898 20 Property For Rent RELATIVELY new building 40x20 feet, suitable for retail or wholesale business, also includes walk in cooler, ample parking, situated south of Kippen intersec- tion on No. 4 highway. 262-6418 evenings, 22:23c UNFURNISHED one bedroom apartment in Grand Bend. Call Colonial Hotel 238-2371. 22:23c FOUR BEDROOM brick house in rural area. Close to Huron Coun- try Playhouse, new floors and carpet. 5250.00 month. First and last months rent required. Available immediately. Phone 294-6576. 22:23c ONE BEDROOM furnished or unfurnished, carpet, laundry and parking.' Phone 235-1497. 22tfn GRAND BEND. Adult con- dominium apartments, own your own apartment, land, club house, patio, swimming pool, take ad- vantage of pre -construction prices. 238-2031. - 231 In 21 For Rent PLYWOOD IORMS, sledges, portable cement mixer, Power Trowels, wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stocked. Call N.J. Corris eau. 7.uristt. Telephone 236-4954. 151 CAMP -OUT TRAILERS, Hss). 8 west Stratford. 393-5938. our 'headquarters for hardtop tent trailers, teasel trailers from lightweights right up to park models, truck campers and caps, Dealer for. Prowler, Golden Falcon. Corsair. Lionel, 'Sales, rentals, parts, service. 15-26c CEMENT FORMS, cement saws, plate tamper, darbie. power trowel, hamster drills. water pumps; .generat (S constructionll oi heaters, etc. G.51. Rentals. RR 2 Hensall, Ontario 236-4819,161 fnc IT FOOT CAMPER TRAILER for rent. Sleeps 6. Stove, fridge. toilet and as% nine. Phone 228-6352._ _ 20-23c AUTHORS rent a word processor for only S25.00 a week. Loss cost instruction. Contact The Publisher, Hornings Mills, On- tario LON- IJO or call (519) 925-5376 or (416) 247-9635. 23s NIB IN1111 SEM 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AUCTIONEER: Pat Lyon 1 Phone 243-2713 -setsreaasamelsseMINIrst•INIINIIIININI 23 Wanted To Rent COUPLE MOVING to Exeter area require house or large apt. by August. Phone 433.1581 anytime or 527-0794 after six p.m.22-24c 25 Notices STEPHEN NEIGHBOURHOOD NURSERY SCHOOL is now ac- cepting registration for Sept/83. Please call for further information 228-6373. 9 a.m.-12 noon.22:23c 26 Lego! Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Mary Jane Hey Late of the Township of Hay in the County of Huron, Housewife, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of flit. above-named who died on the 26th day of February, 1983 are re- quired to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or ▪ before the 22nd day of June, 1983, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersign- ed shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 5th day of April, 1983. E.B. Menzies, Q.C. Box 68, Clinton, Ontario NOM 11.0 Solicitor for the Executors 23:24c 27 Tenders Wanted ONTARIO'S largest. Farnr Machinery consignment sale, Nor- wich, Ontario Friday. lune 10. 1983, 10 a.m. (Sales conducted se could Friday each month). Ap- proximately 150-175 tractors plus all types of farm equipment. Con- signments welcome. For more in- formation call (519) 424-9998 or (519)424-9093. Proprietor K.S. Hamulecki & Sons. 23% More Auction Sale notices Page 25. AUCi10\ At Pinery Auction Barn on Hwy. 21, 1 mile N. of Pinery Prov. Park, 4 miles S. Grand Bend. Sunday, June 12, 1983 at 1 p.m. Selling contents of an Exeter home plus addi- tions - chesterfield, occasional chairs . and rockers, occasional tables, coffee and end . 1 tables, wood kitchen set with china buffet, commode chair, old gramophone, 3 beds, dressers, stereo and stand, spin washers, built- in dish washer, new occasional tables, telephone bench, lamps, old wood tables, elec- tric typewriter and stand, vacuums, pots and pans, dishes, glassware,. lawn, garden and hand tools, bikes, C.B. radio, golf bag and cart, electric heater, stove, fireplace ' new vanity plus many more items. VIEWING: 12 -noon day of sale. TERMS: Cash, Viso and M.C. • Times -Advocate, June 8, 1983 Page 19 ******************** 41( 41( Auctioneers Hugh Filson Tom Robson -0t 666-0833 666-1967 -O[ NOUSE SOLD Auction sale of antiques and household, for Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Oke, 17 Wellington St., Exeter, next to the Liquor Store. Friday eve. June 17 - 6:00 p.m. Captains chair, crocks, chest of drawers, holl tree,' antique dishes and glassware, granite wore (pots and kettles, etc,); pictures, square tables, coal oil lamp, blanket box, old radio, lamps, chesterfield, occasional chairs, old books and newspapers, kitchen chairs, elec- trolux vacuum, electric broom, utility cup- boards, Easy automatic washer, Viscount elec- tric dryer (like new), everyday dishes, knick- knacks, pots and pans, small appliances, twin beds, treadle sewing machine, 1/4 bed, dresser, desk, antique chairs, linen and bedding, IL w TV, coffee table, fan, sealers, Sunglow kerosene heater (brand new), lawn and garden tools etc. TERMS: Cash'sale night - Booth * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Evening Estate Auction Sale Modern appliances, furniture, lawn furniture, "lawn mower, • etc., to be held at Richard Lobb's Burn Clinton Ont. for the estate of Joseph Barry of Godrile h Ontario. Wednesday, June 15 at 6 p.m. Harvest gold square modal fridge, old fridge, Maytag clothes washer, Frigidaire clothes dryer, modern dining suite with six chairs, china cabinet, buffet and drop leaf table with three leaves, fan- • cy curved front mahogany bedroom suite with two single beds with mattresses, dresser with mirror, high boy chest of drawers, and night table, modern bedroom suite with two single beds with mattresses, dresser with chest of drawers, curv- ed front mahogany desk with drawers, two three piece bedroom suites, upholstered chairs, lug- gage, round parlour table on pedestal small chest of drawers, two small tables, two modern end tables, chesterfield, -78 records, chestabed couch with matching chair, four upholstered chairs, fireplace tools, wood basket, wooden rocking chair, night table, bedroom lamps, bedroom chair, sewing basket, recliner chair, patio glider lounge with matching chair and padded covers, lawn chairs, two lawn lounges, portable record - player, 78 records, fishing poles, round patio table, two rollaway beds, table lamps, Hoover carpet vacuum,umbrellas,electric heater, bedding and linens, lady's bicycle, gas lawn mower, dishes, glassware, small appliances, books, garden tools, Christmas decorations, garden hoses, garbage cans, etc. plus many misc. items. Plan to attend, this is a good offering. Terms Cash 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 Me MI Auction Sale Of rear estate, household furniture, antiques, and misc. items, on Sat., . June 18, 1983, 12:00 noon. At 429 William St. south, Exeter Ont. For Mrs. Irene Hoist REAL ESTATE Brick veneer duplex, each has Iivingroom, dining.room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, full basement with 7' ceilings. Heated electrica- ly, economic t� heat. Lar9e 2 car garage, buildings are situated on a lot 72.5' x134' part lot No. 440, plan No. 376 of the town of Exeter, county of Huron. Located only one block from down town. Real estate sold 2 p.m. subject to a reasonable reserve bid if not previously sold. Terms of real estate 10% day of sale, balance in 30 days. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE French Provincial chesterfield and choir, arm chair, recliner chair, 2 platform rockers, 2 arm chairs, foot stool, day bed, coffee and end table, corner table, floor and table lamps, pole lamp with matching room divider, swag lamp, 8 pc. din- ing room suite, 3 pc. bedroom suite, 4 pc. bedroom suite, roll -a -way bed, 5 pc. kitchen suite, small drop lent table, utility table, other tables, 2 door frost free frig, 30" electric range, 24" Moffat range, aprox. 23 cu. ft. freezer, 7 cu. ft. freezer, Viscount clothes dryer, 2 wringer washers, 12" B & W TV, elec. tea ket- tle, 2 toasters, 2 irons, roaster oven, can opener, mix master, fan, dehumidifier, 220 heater, 110 heater, carpet sweeper, elec. broom, clocks, radio, hair dryer, 30 cup coffee perc, 51 , of Royal Albert (old country Rose ) 12 place settings of Grindley England china, 8 place setting of Bali Hai Japan china, 8 place setting of Athenia.Johnson Bros. ironstone, 32 pc. of Grindley, 16 cornflower sherberts, 16 water glasses, 13 juice glasses, 28 cups and saucers, 11 pc. of corning ware, large soup tureen, Germany tea pot, sugar and creamer, miniature cup and saucer, several other dishes, set of stainless steel pots and pans, kit- chen ware, card table and 4 chairs, step lad- der, 8 h.p. M.T.D. riding lawn mower, elec. start, lawn chairs, many other items. ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES set of 6 press back chairs, 2 wooden rockers, (one press back), wash stand, 1/4 bed complete, drop leaf table, 2 parlor tables, small round parlor table , smoker stand, hall tree, 5 pc. toilet set, shaving mug, several pieces of china, such as Germany Noritake, Nippon, Bavaria, Depres- sion glass, several other items. Terms Cash. Norm Whiting Auctioneer - Phone 235-1964 p RICHARD LOBB - AUCTIONEER 482-7898 f GRAND BEND \ FARM & EQUIPMENT AUCTION WE HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED BY THE OWNERS OF MOSSELMAN ONION LTD. TO OFFER BY PUBLIC AUCTION, 128 ACRES VEGETABLE FARM AND EQUIPMENT ON - Tuesday, June 14, AT I:i5 P.M. 6 MILES NORTH OF GRAND BEND ON HWY. 21 FEATURING 128 acre vegetable anri cash crop. class No. 1 and 2 soil upon which stands a 4 bedroom house with all modern convenience's and attached office 10.000 sq. ft. of climate controlled warehousing completely insulated. 600 amp hyd. service, paved entrance. excellent location. PROPERTY to be offered at 1:15 p.m. Selling subject to below avg. reserve - 5.000 dollar deposit on day of sale. balance in 30 days (unless previously arranged agreement) TRACTORS AND SKID STEER: Case 1190 1•year old fully cqu,p with hyd. loader; Case 1830 skid loader with roll cage; gas Case fork rotator; David Brown 1210 tractor 2200 hours (loaded; 18-4-34 dualk; Farmall A tractor, Allis Chalmers 2500 Ib. propane fork lift. 1979 4240 John Deere 16.9 x 38 tires and duals, 466 engine. quad range 840hrs. 108 h.p. 1979 2745 Massey, 20.8 x 38 tires, 1085 hrs.. 145 h.p. 3 speed power shift. EQUIPMENT: ME 3 furrow 16 in roll over plow; 3 pth furrow 16 in vase plow; 14 ft. Kongskildc cultivator; levelling bar roto harrows: J.D. 4 row corn and bean planter; land roller; 5 ton wagon and flat rack; 2 ton fertilizer spreader: 3 pth 300 K ielo fertilizer spreader: 2 row New Holland cabbage planter; 4 row onion set planter; 9 ft. onion set field 'shaker; Chandcy grandulator applicator; Ucknow 7 ft. snow blower; Ford and lilt. nickel mowers. MISCELLANEOUS: 160 - 4x4x4 veg boxes; 1250 - %%axed 25 Ib. Kean boxes: Toledo 1,000 metric and standard scales; one hp air•compressor Crown hand pallet truck! 6-12 hp high pressure forcing fans single and 3 phase from 1/8 - 7 hp; 2 ton feed hopper: 12 ft. auger and motor; onions and potato bags; pallets: quantity of steel tools,; misc. equipment. TERMS: ('ash on equipment. highest bidder will be purchaser PROPRIETOR - ANTHONIE GOUD Phone 519-238-8626 Proprietor has purchased other farming interest For further Information contact RATHWELL AND ASSOCIATES INC. DICK ROBINSON - SALES MANAGER Phone 519.527.1458 or 527.1336, Telex 069 55223 /iii/'f7/c SgY.�.�c��•r�f,s AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 MAIN 5T. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK 1WO (510) 527-1458 l/�