HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-06-08, Page 15Local ladies off to impressive start The Southwestern Fastball Again, it was the sixth inn Ladies League is well under ing for Lucan as they scored way and the ladies team of seven runs en route to their Lucan is off to an impressive third consecutive victory. start. The Lucan squad. is • Holly Elson pitched the entire undefeated with a perfect 4-0 game in picking' up the vic- record. tory allowing nine scattered Wednesday, the Lucan hits and walking, nobody. team travelled to Parkhill Cathy Hudson and Linda resulting in the Lucan squad defeating their opponents by a score of 10-4. With a score of 3-1 going in- to the sixth inning the ladies exploded for six runs en route to their victory. Strong defence plus the excellent pit- ching of Karen Leitch who 'struck out eight Parkhill bat- ters and allowing just four hits enabled the Lucan team to clinch the victory, Thursday the Lucan team locked 'up with the Denfield ladies and were able to win by a score of 11-4. Revival centre news Smith each had three hits apiece. Sunday night, the Denfield ladies met Lucan at home but Tell short of the Lucan-squad .losing a tight .9-8 score to Lucan. A seven run second inning helped the Lucan team secure the win'. Cathy Hudson was the winning pitcher going the distance in recording her se- cond win of the season. Next action for the Lucan ladies will be on Thursday night at home against Ailsa Craig. Game time is 8:30 p.m. Nick Murray led the song service Sunday morning. Bruce Henry talked to the Children's Church about their Bible being their passports to Heaven. He told them the Israelites were God's chosen people. We now as Christians are included in God's chosen people. Mr. Henry read a let- ter -that told the parents what the children are going to study the next few weeks. He then gave each child a letter for their parents and -a ticket . for the August campout. Rev. C. J. Williams gave an outline of his life's story. con- , sisting. of one main theme. that all through his life God worked him over. Prom Acts 3:18-22 he stressed God is talking to his people today for the restitution of all things. The times of refreshing shall ' come. and are the result of our turning to' God. - While the communion was being served. Mrs. Lorraine Armitage sang, "He was -nail- ed to the Cross for me." Sunday &ening Rev. C. J. Williams said when God fulfilled the prophecy of sahation as in Acts 3:18. then the prophecy of Acts 3:25 will also be fulfilled. We Chris- tians are also the seed of Abraham. and .shall be blessed. Upcoming events .- June r24-26 will be Jesus '83, held at Bingetnan Park in Kitchener. Any young people wishing to go contact Rim or Gwen Bed- ford at 227-4666. Vacation Bible School - Ju- ly 11-22. the community Vaca- tion Bible School. Anyone who could help in a teaching capacity or as teacher's helpers, or in games; or crafts. refreshments. please contact Mrs. Barbara Sloet jes 2227-4037. LADIES AUXILIARY OFFICERS -- The new office(s of the Lucan legion Branch 540 were installed recently. Back, left, Mae Murphy, Andrea Vahey, Sondra Disher,Lor- raine Smith and Isabella Anderson. Front, Zone A-5 Commander Scotty Campbell, vice-president Kay Carter, president Anne Craig, second vice-president Edie Burt and treasurer Elizabeth Goddard. Missing was secretory Jean Skolly.Photo by Daley ucafl and district news Susan Cook 223-2750 Edgewood junior farmers plan many upcoming events At the' Bryanston Youth Centre Thursday, the Edgewood Junior Farmers held their monthly meeting. AH members sang the J.F. Song with great enthusiasm, followed by roll call in which t MIXED LEAGUE CHAMPS -- The Firecrackers won a championship trophy at the recent banquet of the Lucan mixed bowling league. Back, left, Doreen Smith, Ruth Butler and Audrey Watt. Front, Stan Roth, Don Wallis and Howard Ferguson. LING K WA K WA WIN The ling Kwokwa team received a championship trophy at the recent Lucan mixed bowling league banquet. Back, left, Janet Ankers, Ron Mcleod and Bob Smith. Front, Vicki Horbanuik, Patt Carter and Moril n Smith. BOWLING WINNERS Bob Smith, Don Wallis and Wayne Smith won trop les as the top male bowlers in the Lucan mixed bowling league. T -A photo. each person answered the question, "What plans do you have for this summer?" • The club received a beautiful !hank you card from Craigholme for the visit on Mothers Day. Rudy Heeman presented the rosebowl to Dorothy Vandendries on her recent crowning of Miss Mid- dlesex. Congratulations Dorothy!. Don Moir then reported on the county news saying that there are still lots of J.F. history books to be sold so let's get busy! Ile also an- nounced that a manager is still required for the food booth at the Western Fair. Strathroy'!'urkey Fest will be held this year on July 2 and our club will be entering two teams in the bed race competition. Jerry MacDonald was pre- sent to thank the club on behalf of the group committee for our time and effort spent in selling _ tickets for the Polka -Dot Door show which was in London recently. He was pleased to announce that both shows were complete sell-outs and profits made will pay for the upkeep and utilities of the Youth Centre 'Four accidents in OPP area Four accidents were in- vestigated this week by of- ficers of the Lucan detach- ment of the Ontario Provin- cial Police with damages totalling $6,400: Saturday at 9p.m. a vehicle driven by Joseph Marrinan, Lucan left Middlesex road 22 in Clandeboye and struck a tree. Constable W. R. Disher set damages at $1,500. The same day at 11:45 p.m.. a vehicle driven b ' Michael Errey, Parkhill overshot the dead end of a roadway on 29-36 sideroad in McGillivray. township and rolled over. Constable F'. L. Goldschmidt listed damages of $1.000 and minor injuries to the driver. Thursday at 4:15 p.m.. vehicles operated by Robert Hodge. Lucan and Charles Boone, London collided at the intersection of Highways .7 and 23. Damages were estimated at $1.900 by Con- stable Goldschmidt. A vehicle driven by Peter, Pisarski, London went ' Through a dead end on Con- cession 2 of West Nissouri township at 6:30 a.m. when the accelerator stuck. Con- stable D. B. Stables listed . damages at $2,000. ST. PAT'S YOUTH St. Pat's Young People met Sunday for an outdoor barbecue. ft was their last of- ficial get together' before summer. . . l June 7 the CWL held a pot luck supper at 7:00 p.m. in the school gym. Guest speaker was Ross Daily who hosts the TV program "This Business of Farming." Lady, member 'delegates from neighbouring churches were also invited. This Sunday, June 12 our parish will hold the outdoor Mass and picnic.. The 11:00 a.m. Mass to be celebrated in the open air, as long as weather permits, will be followed with barbecued hamburgs, hot dogs and refreshments. Parishioners are asked to bring salads and desserts. All parishioners welcome! for 'at least the next three years. Nancy Harris reported on the variety show which has been rescheduled for Tuesday June 21 at Centennial Public School. Plans for _a very entertaining evening have been finalized. The club has decided on a "Family Fun Fair Day" as this.year's Community" Bet- terment Project. It Will be held on Sunday, July 10 begin- ning at 1:00 p.m. and con- cluding around 6:00 p.m. Prince Andrew Public School. Bryanston, is the loca- tion for a day to be filled with lots of games, fun and prizes. There will also be a barbecue later on in the afternoon. Everyone welcome! Our annual barn dance will be held once again at Rudy Heeman's August 19. Plans have been in the making for our club's annual "Sand-. blast" at the Pinery. This year the theme is Hawaiian. There will be a pig roast and .lots of fun to he held July 24 and raindate of August 7. June 26 is the date which has been set aside for our club to paint the surrounding fence at the Youth Centre as well as painting bleachers which we have made for Prince An, drew's baseball diamond, Everyone will meet at noon for an afternoon of hard work. President Jerry Martens announced that he will host the clubs barbecue.- A ten- tative date has been set for August 13. The meeting was thenadjourned followed by a 'collection for the Cancer Society. Times -Advocate, June 8, 1983 Page 15 Vilia o to open Jul. 2 Saturday. July 2 between 1 "Why are people looking for and 4 p.m., the Villa of Lucan, The Villa's type of 'retire - a retirement home; will of- ment?" Perhaps because ficially open its doors to the they have for too long, had to general public for a grand cope with the chores of main - opening and viewing. taining homes which have The Villa, located at 139 become too big and too Main Street. Lucan offers a empty. - concept in retirement living Some people would prefer • • • that is unique to Lucan. It is not to be burdened by the Sen ior e• t z e n s a large and spacious home responsibility of hQusekeep with a variety of accommoda- ing, laundry and meal tions, convenienceservices, preparation and some are not view Canada film s indoor and outdoor activities able anymore. and downtown services at your doorstep. The Villa recognized this You may ask yourself, need and has therefore meeting with a good .atten- created this home, remaining dance. After welcoming all in one's own environment, present especially a visitor providing three meals a day, Marjorie Park and a return to various • snack times. the . meetings of Herb and housekeeping, laundry and Ellen Broom who have spent supervision service. The Villa the past month with relatives ' encourages residents to make •in Western Canada. Eleanore ,our home their home by Reyeraft who has spent the bringing their own precious winter in California and - furnishings. • . • Agnes Holson from her trip. Twenty-four hour supervi- president Ed Do*dall opened sion care is provided with a Hie meeting with the singing registered nurse on twenty- four hour call. Those residents who enjoy physical activities, par- ticipate in bazaars, bingos, day, July between 2:30 and bowling, or group meeting, 3:00 p.m. may he as active as they The Villa will be located in desire as Lucan's community the spacious house at 139 is at their doorstep. Main Street in Lucan. former -- Ribbon cutting ceremonies ly owned by Colonel Duncan will be performed on opening Graham Ross. The seniqrs met in the. Sympathy was extended to Masonic hall for their regular Iva Hodgins in the death of her brgther and a card was sent to Margaret Carter. sign- ed by all present who is a pa- tient in South Iluron Hospital. Exeter. • Films on Canada wgre shown by Verna Ibittson •in place of (he usual card games. - Lunch was served by Per- cy- and Laura Williams. Bel- ly Sutherland and Ilene Hodgins. of "O Canada'`.- Small bingo prizes for our An invitation was extended -visit to Craigholme on June 16 from Lucan Biddulph school are to' be brought • to the to visit with them on June 23. - meeting. Thursday. GIRLS SOCCER In girls soccer, mosquito division, the Lucan Shamrockettes played the Carling Falcons of London at the Lucan arena.Thursday. At half-time the score was 6-0 for the Shamrockettes. The game ended with a final score of 12 to 1 for Lucan. Goals werescored for the Lucan team by Terry Traher, Shelly Johnson, ,Noelle DeGraw, Tabatha Froats and Lisa deBoer. Congratulations to the entire team for a super job! United Church Lucan United Church celebrated its 121st anniver- sary Sunday morning with Rev. Doug Warren of London as guest minister. Special music was a highlight of the service. Flora _ Robertson sang two lovely solos, "Rest in the Lord" and "He Touched Me". The choir's anthem, "0 Breath of Life".echoes the teaching and challenge of Mr. Warren's message. In his talk to the boys and girls, Mr. Warren emphasiz- ed the fact that God has pro- mised us the gift of His on. and he will give us the gift if we will just receive Him. Following this children's time, Barb Gibson took the children out for their Junior Congregation craft. • A "Glorious Church" was Mr. Warren's sermon theme. The Church is not merely a building, or a group of people. he said, but the Body of Christ in the world of which Chris( is the Head. Each individual member has tremendous significance for the - Body is incomplete MERIT AWARD George Mawdsley recently receiv- ed a certificate of merit from the Lucan Legion. Branch 540.Photo by Daley LEGION EXECUTIVE INSTALLED — The 1983 executive of the Lucan Branch 540 of the Royal Canadian Legion was installed. Bock, left, Jim Simpson, Isobel Shipway. Andrea Vahey, Don Clubb, Gayle Riley, Harold Dukeshire, third vice-president Carl Rummell and secretory Sid Daley. Front, Zone A-5 Commander Scotty Campbell, treasurer Anne Craig, second vice-president Gard Whitehead, president Don Clubb and first vice-president George Mawdsley. Photo by Daley. without Him. Flowers in the sanctuary were from the funeral of the late Sheridan Revington. The thoughts and prayers of the congregation are with the family. Sandy Munro with Michael, and Linda Froats- were in their places to greet the congregation - Lucan General U.C.W. meets Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the C.E. wing. Dr. John McKim will speak on the. Medical Electives Presbyterial missions project to third world countries. All women are cordially invited to attend. The Friendship Unit's year- end outing destination is changed to the Country Spire, on Wednesday, June 15. Members are asked to con- tact Donna Vanarenthals by June 12 if they plan to go. U,C.W. members are reminded of U.C.W. day at Camp Kee -Mo -Kee on Mon- day June 13 beginning at 9:30 a.m. The theme is "Teach us to Pray." Bring a bag lunch. Also on June 13 al 8 p.m. is an official board meeting in the C.E. wing. 1 1 TOP FEMALE BOWLERS Winning trophies for individual efforts in the Lucan mixed bowling league were Heather Smith, Ruth Butler and Vicki Horbanuik. • v Middlesex teachers hold annual banquef last year. Janice Davies, a graduate of Althouse College, was awarded with a $60 cheque for winning the Diamond Jubilee Award. During the business part of the meeting the reports and the new budget were approv- ed from the floor. Judy White then inducted the new officers. Guest speaker for the even- ing was Dr. Jean Hewitt. She. spoke on the challenges of the. 130's as they affect both the students and the teachers. Her timely, insightful and wit- ty presentation provided a perfect ending to a very suc- cessful evening. The Middlesex Women Teachers Association held their annual spring banquet May 26 at the Strathroy Golf Club. The reception began at 5:30 and an excellent dinner of. turkey, salad and dessert was served at 6x15. Shirley MacMillan, presi- dent of MWTA was presented with a lovely bouquet of red roses and a gift as a momen- to of her year of service by Ms. Donna Walker, the in- coming president. Shirley MacMillan also presented a souvenir to East Unit president Sharron Barnes and West Unit resi- dent Jane Gillespie in recognition of their services .l WINS SPECIAL TROPHY — Dennis Little was the win- ner of the Roy Hodgins Memorial trophy as the most improved bowler in the Lucan men's league. Making the presentation at the left is Jeff Park. T -A photo: wereeriesigaieweemeareemMerseemesermeaderememerealigellemsfiesimMiereManitibleme NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS TO DESTROY WEEDS Notice is hereby given to all persons in posses- sion of land, in accordance wit{t the Weed Con- trol Act, R.S.O., 1980, 'section 4. 14 and 21: that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the Municipality of the Village of Lucan are destroyed by date of June 27, 1983, and throughout the season, the Municipality moy enter upon the said lands and hove the weeds destroyed, charging thecosts against the land in taxes, as set out in the Act. The co-operotion of all citizens is earnestly solicited. Weed Inspector Clerk Hugh Baird E.J. Melonson Municipality of Village of Lucan - sr16. It'S a hoot! 133 picture perfect playgrounds for you to .discover. Ontario Provincial Perks Ministry of Natural Witham Oavis. Resources Prnmmsr Alan Pope, Minister , Ontario For information, call toll free: 1-800-268.3735 • 1