HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-06-08, Page 8Pop 8 June 8, 1983
see puppets
Ailsa Craig ."
Thursday the Ailsa Craig
Library Book club met for the
last meeting of the season. At
this meeting held in Joan
McDonald's home a color
analyst from Stretch and Sew
Fabrics was present. The
meetings of the Book club will
resume in the fall.
Many little children are
continuing to enjoy the Friday
afternoon storytime at the
library with Kathy Kilby and
her puppets.
Wedneday the librarians
went to the Middlesex Coun-
ty Library at Arva to choose
new books. Soon an exchange
of books will be completed
and there will be some new
books on the shelves for the
library patrons.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Colvin.
Galt Cambridge visited
recently with Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Kennedy.
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Neil
visited with Mr. and Mrs.
James Prance. Grand Bend.
Mrs. Marjorie t George)
Goldie of Barrie visited brief-
ly with Mrs. Janet Rose and
Mr. and Mrs. John Rose.
Instead of going to the sale
of the late Gordon Kennedy
estate Wednesday, 24 people
played euchre at the Happy
Gang Seniors. Janet Rose,
Laura Chapman. Lorraine
Neil, Jean Chapman. Bill
Dotes, and Martha Rees (who
had seven lone hands) won
Many cubs, scouts and
leaders including Ailsa Craig
first group attended Camp at
Benmiller from Friday even-
ing to Sunday afternoon.
Despite the wet- "weather,
crafts. soccer, and games
were enjoyed. Sunday
weather provided outdoor ac-
tivity till closing exercises
were given and all left tired
but happy having had an en-
joyable time together.
Kippen East W.I. wilt hold
the June meeting at Mrs.
William McDoweii's home in
Seaforth. The Dairy Princess
will speak and the ladies will
bring a helpful hint.
Kippen area was saddened
by the accidental death of
Bill Kinsman son of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Kinsman early
.Sunday morning. Sympathy
is expressed to the Kinsman
PIANO ON SALE — Dorothy Brophey and Debra and Nathan Hern rest at an
antique piano during Wednesday's auction sale for the estate of the late Gordon
Kennedy in Ailsa Craig. T A photo.
Final season euchre
held at Centralia hall
The final euchre party of
the season was held in the
community centre Monday
evening convened by Frank
and Janet Hicks and Joe and
Margaret Carter with a good
Prize winners were ladies
high, Catherine Elston; lone
hands, Helen MacDonald;
low, Charlotte Barker. Men's
high, Maurice MacDoanld;
lone hands, Nelson Squires;
low Ed Armstrong:
The senior citizens met in
the afternoon for• a time of
euchre and lost heir. The
seniors will meet again on
June 13 at 2 p.m. and have •
dinner at Heywoods-
Restaurant at 5 p.m.
.Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Powe
and Alan attended 'convoca-
tion at the University of
Guelph when Alan received
his Bachelor of Science
Degree in Agriculture.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Riley
antifamily attended the Cook
picnic at Hensall, Sunday.
Mr. and -Mrs. Fred Bowden
attended the service at
Richards Memorial United
Church London, Sunday and
.the social hour in the Church
hall in celebration of Rev.
• Alan Johnston's 25th year of
Ordination to the Christian
Ministry. They were visitors
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Fabric Selection
For c' nsultation and free estimates
Call 262-5214 evenings
Microwave Cooking School
Friday, June 10, 7 - 9 p.m. sharp
For those who DO NOT OWN a Microwave Oven but .
are interested in (earning about Microwave Cooking
at the home of their daughter
Mrs. Margaret Ried.
Clyde Kooy, Huron Park
spent the weekend in town
with his- grandparents.
Miss Linda Bedour, Dallas,
Texas spent a few days last
week with her aunt, Mrs. Von
Overholt and Pauline.
Mr.. and Mrs. Reg Aubin,
Seaforth spent Sunday with
Mrs. Von Overholt. -
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eagleson.
London treated Joannes
grandmother Mrs. Elsie.
Smyth, who was celebrating
a birthday to dinner at a
Grand Bend restaurant on the
U('W meets
The Centralia U.C.W. were
guests of Mrs: Marion Pen -
warden at her summer cot-
tage at Grand' Bend Thursday
evening. Everyone enjoyed a
lo0ely pot luck supper and
social time. Iva Blair
presented Marion with a
Co -president Iva Blair and
Mildred Greb conducted the
business. Everyone was ask-
ed to hand in their IGA and
Zehrs tapes. Plans were
made to have a garage and
bake sale at the church on
Saturday July 9.
Verda Lightfoot was
chairlady for the program.
Verda opened with a poem
"One and only you" Glena
Tripp followed with -prayer.
Verda conducted a number of
contests. The program closed
with a lovely poem read by
Verda. "The gift of Friend-
ship bringing to a close a
wonderful evening of
Fellowship and Friendship.
The Sunday School anniver-
sary at the United Church
Sunday morning was in
charge of Norman Wilson and
Alan Powe.
See the microwave
specialist cook a
complete meal on
the new
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HENSAtt )n' rJn
(upon A 6 r,rdny vtgI' ,,II o I, n,
Mrs. Margaret Robinson of
Clinton was guest speaker
and showed slides on In-
donesia. Presentation of
awards and diplomas 'were
given to pupils. The Sunday
School pupils -sang a couple of
numbers with Mr. Gill at the
organ and Ruth Ann Essery
at the piano.
There will be no Sunday
School or church next Sunday
owing to Zion anniversary.
Hibbert cancer.
group organized
Rev. Kenneth Knight was
chairman for a reorganiza-
tion meeting of the Hibbert
township branch of the Cana-
dian Bible Society at Cromar-.
ty Presbyterian Church, May
For the past few years the
Hibbert Branch has been in-
active and the canvassing
work has been carried on in
the southern half of, the
township through the efforts
of two volunteers Muriel Scott
and Agnes Lamond.
The meeting opened with
the hymn, followed by scrip-
ture and prayer. A history of
the Hibbert Bible Society
written by Thos. L. Scott, was
read by Mrs. Scott. It was
prepared mainly from infor-
mation contained in an old
treasurer's book found when
a building in Dublin was being
demolished. -
A shdrt business meeting
was held and it was decided
that the Hibbert Branch of the
Canadian Bible Society would
be continued. Mrs. Clifton
Miller was elected president
with Mrs. T.L. Scott as
secretary -treasurer, and Al
Fuller and Gordon Laing as
The film Springs of Living.
Water, was shown by W.L.
Ilowlett who also spoke on the
work of the Bible Society in
the different parts of the
world. Cromarty choir sang
Carry Your Bible accom-
panied by Mary F. Dow.
The church service was
cancelled Sunday morning
and many of the congregation
attended the anniversary ser;
vice in Carmel Church, Hen-
sall, where Rev. Grant
McDonald of Kitchener was
the speaker. Next Sunday's
service will be withdrawn so
members will be able to at-
tend the anniversary service
at Hibbert United Church.
There was a large turn -out
of Cromarty people at Craig
:)d Peggy Kerslake's. wed-
ding reception in Blyth, Satur-
day evening.
Iuslness association formed for Dasliwod area
A Business 'Persons
Association has been formed
in Dashwood with chairman,
Ron Merner; secretary,
Marion Johnson; and
treasurer, Julie Webb. There
were 14 present.
The hanging baskets for the
town was passed. These are
sponsored by the Association
with ARC Industries donating
the baskets. Guest speaker,
Bill Fuss, Hensall spoke on
"Geared to Incoltte Housing."
' This involved _Senior
The next meeting will be.
Monday, June 13 at 8 p.m. at
ARC Ihdustries for all in-
terested business person's in
the area.
UCW meet
The Christian Development
committee of Calvary United
Church was in charge of the
June UCW meeting held May
31. Mrs. Jack Gaiser,
chairlady; opened the
meeting with a reading
"What does Mission mean?"
The devotional part of the
program was conducted by
Mrs. Gaiser and Mrs. Ken
McCrae. Mrs, Bob Hoffman
favoured with two selections,
"Let There Be Peace on
Earth" and "My Task."
Mrs, Don Gaiser introduc-
ed the guest speaker, Miss
Loretta Seigner, Exeter. Her
topic was missions and mis-
sionaries in the South Pacific.
The early missionaries were
faced with many hardships.
Diseases such as malaria,
diphtheria and tuberculosis
were very prevalent. John
Geddie was the first Canadian
missionary arriving in the
Samoa Islands in 1848. Since
then numerous Canadians
have dedicated their lives to
various missions.
At the present time a local
ELECTED -- Mrs. Bernice
E. Boyle, Dashwood, Past
Matron of Exeter Chapter,
Order of the Eastern Star
was elected District Depu-
ty Grand Matron of
District 5 for 1983-84. Her
duties commence in
September after Grand
Chapter Installation.
Best Interest
'subject to change
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MIM, /lot
well el /with
9/uz�n cl'ic�ye e�czea
Moods to rrMMr.1-7 kondar.1.S
girl, the former Elyse Lam-
port and her husband are in
the Fiji Islands working for
• U.S.C.O. They plan to return
to Canada this fall. She was
thanked by Mrs. Don Geiser
and presented with a gift on -
behalf of the UCW.
President, Mrs. Syd Baker
welcomed 21 members and
two visitors. Several visits
were made to shut-ins by Mrs.
Earl Guenther and Mrs. Bill
Chandler. The Sunshine Com-
mittee for June will be Mrs.
Letta Taylor and Mrs. Jack
Gaiser. Preparations are
underway for the strawberry
supper to be held June 15 and
the pie booth for Friedsburg
Days July 29 and 30.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rader,
Ben and Robin, London, spent
Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs.
Irvin Rader. •
The funeral of the late Mrs.
Arnold Keller was held Thurs-
day, June 2 at Zion Lutheran
Church with Rev. M.
Mellecke officiating. Pall-
bearers were Bev, Earl and
Wayne Keller, Willis Desjar-
dine, Russell Fischer and
Allan Schatz. Flowers in Zion
Lutheran Church Sunday
were from the family of Mrs.
Keller in loving memory.
Recent visitors with Mrs.
Alma Genttner were Mr. and
Mrs. David Fulcher, Toronto;
Mrs. George Fulcher, St.
Catharines; Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Carpenter, Pontiac,
Mich.; and Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Banard, Ortenville, Mich.
Hugh Boyle has returned
home from Victoria Hospital.
Miss Laurie Becker and her
room -mates, Misses
Marianne Brunsveld and
Helen Brethower, Trenton,
spent the weekend with
Laurie's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Becker and Joe.
Miss Erma Wein is a pa-
tient in St. Joseph's Hospital.
Bowler's party
The Happy Gang bowling
team and their husbands en-
joyed their annual get
together at the home of Mr.
and , Mrs. Melvin Stade,
Euchre -was played with
winners: ladies high, Mrs.
Lorne Becker; men's high, Sue Zimmerman; men's low,
Jim Weitxand.
Ron Desjardine; ladies low,
Everyone enjoyed
luck supper.
CJnce upon a - lim//e...//
/here was a b,Tcte who was
/aires/ o/ ll e fair...
__�l/�l1�ere were also Prell y '7/aiclt...
_ n enchanted selling
And a neemorab[e
—anti Il e y all live" I appiCtd ewer aaler.
;.TEOU/erJ for a"lairs of tl e 'wart
CountFy F./lowers
395 Main St.. Exeter
Stedman's End of Season