HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-06-01, Page 16Page 16 Times -Advocate, June 1, 1983
CathoIIe; ladies •Ioct officers,
guests of 11111, Lienees event
The Catholic Womens
League met Monday evening
at the Alhambra hall with 32
in attendance. President, An-
toinette Pachlarz opened with
the League prayer.
She also thanked Emma
Couckuyt for preparing the
program that the ladies
presented recently for
Bluewater Rest home
An invitation was received
by the group to attend a din-
ner party with the Lioness
club of Grand Bend.
Rose Van Bruaene explain
ed the amendments to the
C.W.L. Constitution.
Raffle tickets were handed
out for a hand made quilt to
be raffled later this year.
The dates of August 6-7 and
27-28 were set for the annual
bake and produce sales to be
Guest speaker was Andy
Vrolyk speaking on gardening
tips and care of trees and
A lovely display of knitted
articles and other items came
in at this meeting for their
"Christmas in July" project
to be sent to Northern
May is Family Unity month
and June is Senior Citizen
The next meeting of the
Catholic Womens League will
be held June 14 for a pot luck
supper, with their husbands
and Senior Citizens as guests.
The recently elected ex-
ecutive of the Catholic
Women's League is as
Director, Father Mor-
rissey; president, Mrs. An-
toinette Pachlarz; 1st vice
pres., Mrs. Thea Stokker-
mans; 2nd vice pres., Mrs.
Annie Baltessen; 3rd vice
pres., Mrs. Rose Van-
Bruaene; recording secretary
Mrs. Annie Grootjien; cor-
responding secretary, Mrs.
Madeleine Dalton; treasurer
Mrs. Grada Vlemmix; past
president, Mrs. Lia
Conveners and committee
responsibilities: Spiritual
development, Rose Van-
Bruaene; Christian family
life, Rita Smits and Annie
Vandenbygaart; Community
life Roberta Walker; Resolu-
tions and legislations Marie
Srokosz; Organization Annie
Baltessen; Education Cathy
Vrolyk. Mary Mommersteeg
and Frances Relouw; Com-
munications and public rela-
tions Nancy Stokkermans and
Carole Luther.
Lioness club meeting
Grand Bend Lioness Club
members met last Thursday
evening for a dinner meeting
at Oakwood, with guests from
the Catholic Womens League
and the Order of Alhambra
Sultana ladies.
• Guest speaker was Rev.
Jim Sutton, Anglican Rector,
speaking about Senior Citizen
housing of Grand Bend. He
said a publicmeeting will be
held at St. John's on June 23,
to discuss Senior Citizen hous-
ing with anyone welcome to
President, Sandra Norris
chaired the business. About
400 children attended the bike
rodeo held at Grand Bend
Public school. The Lioness
congratulate the winners, and
thank all who helped.
A money donation was
made to Girl Guides and
Upcoming events will be
the beef draw to be held
August 21 on Sandcastle day.
A Fest dance will be held at
Thedford arena on September
The Lioness club welcomed
new member Anita Gruyaert
from Stratfordville.
Anyone wishing to join the
Lioness club the meetings are
usually held the fourth Thurs-
day of each month.
The next meeting will be
held on June 16 at Sanders
restaurant where the installs=
tion of the 1983-84 officers will
take place:
The raffle draw was won by
Karen Finch.
Bible coffee hour
Nine ladies attended the Bi-
ble coffee hour held at Nancy
Turnbull's home Tuesday
Opening prayer was given
by Nita Sinclair and followed
by a hymn sing led by Millie
The lesson was led by Bet-
ty Campbell from 1
Peter3: 13-22, continuing our
thoughts on how to get along
with one another. As Christ
suffered for doing good, so
may Christians today be
criticized for standing up for
their faith. But with a clear
conscience and love for Christ
we can always give an answer
to anyone about the way we
live, and why we desire to do
Mrs. A. Brown closed with
Bridge club news
Five tables of duplicate
bridge were in play Wednes-
day evening at St. Johns
Parish hall.
First place winners were
Dorothy Childs and Hazel
Second place winners were
Elsie and John Inglis.
Anyone interested in friend-
ly social games of bridge,
during the summer, are
welcome to attend.
For further information
phone either, Irene Ward at
238-8345 or Jean Gibson at
Catholic church news
Pentecost was celebrate at
the Immaculate Heart of
Mary Catholic Church last
Sunday. Father R. Morrissey
said Pentecost is considered
as the birth of the Catholic
church. Pentecost completes
the Easter mystery. The risen
Christ gives his followers the
Holy Spirit.
God's Spirit comforts the
disturbed and disturbs the
comfortable. He is Christ's
gift, powerful enough to
forgive sin, unpredictable
enough to appear where he
will. He brings us unity,
despite our differences. He
sends us forth dispite our
,The real miracle of
Pentecost is the togetherness,
the unity of the people,
through the Holy Spirit.
This past Sunday is known
as Trinity Sunday which is the
close of the Easter season.
Parish activities of Im-
maculate Heart of Mary
May 19 a Parish council
meeting was held. Main topic
under discussion was plann-
ing projects for church
Since last July, there have
been 22 new families join the
Parish, and there has been 32
baptisms, plus a good number
of church family
Spring cleaning day at the
church was held last Tues-
day, May 24. Volunteer
parishioners who helped were
Emma Couckuyt, Fran
Bishop, Alidia Duchou, Mr.
and Mrs. Case Vanden-
bygaart, Mr. and Mrs. Willie
Wiendels, Cera Peters and
Rose Van Bruaene.
The Catholic church seats
650 people and is usually fill-
ed to capacity for every mass
during the summer.
Several families from the
Grand Bend Catholic Parish,
attended the P.T.A. meeting
held Friday night May 27 at
Mount Carmel. This was a fun
and games night and includ-
ed a fish pond, penny sale,
white elephant table among
other things. Contests and
prizes added to the
Rachel Smith and Fiona
Walker celebrated their first
Notice to property owners
Notice is hereby given to all persons in posses-
sion of land, in accordance with the Weed Con-
trol Act R.$.O. 1980, section 4, 14 and 21, that
unless noxious weeds growing on their lands
within the Municipality of the Village of Grand
Bend are destroyed by June 30, 1983 and
throughout the season, the Municipality may
enter upon the said lands and have the weeds
destroyed. Charging the costs against the land
in taxes as set out in the act.
The co-operation of all citizens is earnestly
solicited .
By order of council
Municipality of Grand Bend
Dianne Mollard, AMCT(A)
Clerk Treasurer
communion with their second
grade class at Mount Carmel
church on Sunday, May 29.
Fiona wore her mother's first
communion dress.
. United Church news
The choir loft at the United
Church was filled Sunday
morning with the Sunday
school pupils and their
teachers. They brought
special music, in song, with
Irene Kennedy accompany-
ing at piano and singing led
by Millie Desjardine.
Sunday School superinten-
dent, Marlene Desjardine
presented S.S. Mission money
to Clerk of the Session Mrs.
Don Adams. Marlene con-
ducted the presentation of
awards, seals and diplomas to
the S.S. children.
Guest minister was Rev.
Grant Mills, of Exeter. The
scripture was taken from the
59th chapter of Isaiah. Rev.
Mills directed his thoughts to
the children about school days
and Sunday School days, also
about springtime when the
flowers and trees have been
asleep all winter, and come
back to life.
Flowers placed in church
were in loving memory of
Thomas Taylor, of Grand
Cove and Telford Mon-
tgomery of RR 2 Grand Bend,
by their families.
.Mrs. Sharon Soldan has
presided at the organ this past
two Sundays, filling for
organist Idella Gabel.
Next Sunday June 5 will be
the U.C.W. Thank -offering
service at 11:15 a.m. with
guest minister Rev. Paul
Webb, of Toronto. The
Couples Club, Grand Bend
will hold their annual lawn
and bake sale on Saturday,
July 2 at the church. The
Stewards are asked to meet
Thursday June 2 at 8:00 p.m.
at Grand Bend U.C.
Awards (books) donated by
the Couples Club and given
out were "Puzzles of Good
Samaritan" to Judd Desjar-
dine, Brian Lovie, Jill
Russell, Tina Venning and
Simon Desjardine. "Record
and Biblical Story" to Ken-
neth Desjardine. "Child's Bi-
ble" to Matthew Venning and
Richard Desjardine. "Tic
Tacks" with United Church
Crest on to Steve and Jeff
Diplomas were given to
Murray McKay, Karen
McKay and Patti Desjardine;
2nd year seals to Brian Lovie,
Judd Desjardine, Jill Russell,
Alisha Jennison, Amanda
Jennison; 3rd year seals to
Simon Desjardine and Tim
Venning; 4th year seals to
Karen Lovie, Ryan Taylor,
Jeff Patterson, Matthew Yen-
ning; 5th year seal to Carla
Sixth year seals to Clark
Adams, Michelle Lovie, Jodi
Desjardine, Susan Keyes,
Elizabeth Russell, Lorna
Miller, Kenneth Desjardine,
Jason Desjardine and Sarah
Patterson. 7th year seals to
Matthew Miller, Richard Des-
jardine, Cullen Kobe, Billy
Jennison and Jarett Kobe; 8th
year seals to Scott Keyes,
Connie Russell, Alex Russell;
lith year seal to Leanne
Anglican Church news
A report of the Anglican
Synod held in London, May 15,
16 and 17 was given prior to
the 9:30 a.m. service at St.
John's church, by Blanche
Morrice, lay delegate and
John Brock, alternate lay
Sunday, May 29 Was Trini-
ty Sunday the first Sunday
after Pentecost. Rev. Jim
Sutton spoke about Proverbs
8:22-31. Th;-; is the passage
talking .,ut "w'sdom".
Trinit nor Centuries has
been difficult to explain, but
Rev. Sutton spoke about it as
the Father, the Creator, being
a loving God to whom we
pray. Then Jesus as the
Saviour, He lived and died for
us and the Holy Spirit is liv-
ing in the midst of all people.
Unity can he all people - a
wholeness and oneness. God
is in us in everything we do.
Look at who you are and
how your life is coming
together. Trinity is wisdom,
love and might.
Mrs. Joan Cole served cof-
fee refreshments after the
morning service.
The ladies group of St.
John's will meet Thursday
June 2 at 2:00 p.m. at the
Parish hall.
Church of God
At the Sunday morning ser-
vice at Church of God Rev.
,John Campbell spoke on
Jacob, father of Joseph with
scripture from Genesis 46.
Jacob said fewandevil have
been the days of the years of
my life. Rev. Campbell spoke
about the things that happen-
ed in Jacob's life, and how
easy it is for us to blame the
whole world for our problems.
God can be counted on to
come through.
The music special was a
duet by Marian Steckle and
Lucille Vincent, singing "Fill
my cup Lord."
A special service of worship
was held Sunday at Church of
God evening to honor Alex
Desjardine for his long years
of Christian service. Rev. E.
Wattam, of London, spoke
and they had poetry readings,
music and singing. Many of
Alex's relatives and friends in
the community attended. He
was presented with a cer-
tificate and a gift of Bible
Fellowship and lunch
refreshments followed the
service in the S.S. rooms.
A musical evening was held
Friday at Church of God, with
the "Joy and Inspiration"
quartet from Fairview
Church of God in Toronto. The
quartet comprises three
students from York Universi-
ty, a young lady native of
Trinidad, and they were ac-
companied by their pastor
Rev. Roger Bitner.
Sunday afternoon, a
carload from Church of God
attended ordination service
for Rev. Ken DeMaere, at 5th
Avenue Church of God in Kit-
chener. Rev. John Campbell
participated in the ordination.
Rev. and Mrs. Campbell
knew Ken when they lived in
Those from this area on the
one day bus trip to Cullen
Gardens at Whitby last
Wednesday were rill Love,
Fern Love, Hilda Ewener,
Marjorie Mason, Dorothy
Cutting, Katie Vincent and
Edna Woodburn. This trip
was sponsored by Dashwood
Seniors. Our first stop was at
Edwards Gardens Civic
garden centre in Toronto
where Mr. Cullen first began
his gardening venture.
All enjoyed the tour to see
the lovely flowers with added
attractions of miniature
village, covered bridge,
peacock den, miniature
amusement park and many
others. They enjoyed lunch
snacks in the glass roofed
restaurant and browsing in
the gift shop.
Leaving Cullen gardens at
3 p.m. the next stop was at
Scarborough town centre for
shopping and supper.
On the way home they en-
joyed a singalong of favourite
old timers led by Nola Love.
The group left Dashwood at
8:30 a.m. and home again by
8:30 p.m. All enjoyed the
day's outing.
Twelve members of Grand
Bend Women's Institute at-
tended the District Annual
held last Thursday at
Crediton. Voting delegates
were Brenda Love, Sharon
Miller and Cathy Junker.
Grand Bend branch con-
ducted the "In Memoriam".
Brenda Love gave the
reading part and Millie Des-
jardine sang, "The Lord's
Dr. and Mrs. A. Brown, of
Southcott Pines are home
after a six-week holiday in
Scotland and England.
Mrs. Andrey Tetreau, of
Lambeth visited an evening
last week with Loreen and
Lorne Devine. Sunday
visitors with Devine's were
Earl and Kay Weiberg of
Audrey's mother, Mrs.
Elsie Bestard, accompanied
her, and visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Desjardine.
Mr. Susie Devine attended
the Confirmation Sunday of
her great grandson, Bill
Vandeworp Jr. at Dashwood
Lutheran Church, and was a
dinner guest at a family din-
ner at her granddaughter
Elaine and Bill Vandeworp's
home in Dashwood.
Mens and Ladles - all sixes
Sweaters not exactly as Illustrated)
GETS EXEMPLAR DEGREE — Barb Ballantyne of the Xi Gamma Nu Sorority chapter
receives her Exemplar Degree from president Mary Jane MacDougall and vice-
president Linda Johns. T -A photo.
Riverview Institute hosts
4-H clubs and: mothers
Aliso Craig
Thursday evening, May 19,
president Mrs. Chas. Harmer
of l;iverview Women's In-
situte, welcomed two local
4-H clubs, mothers, leaders
and Institute members.
This was a real experience
for both groups. To begin with
the Crewel Embroidery class
(made up of Insitute
members) showed the runn-
ing stitch and french knots
which was !earned during last
winter's sewing class.
The town group led by Mrs.
Dawson (Beth) Macgregor
and Mrs. John (Catherine)
Cornett demonstrated "Bread
dough" made in various con-
tainers. How practical to find
reuseable containers, such as
jello moulds, egg cups, cookie
cutters and candy dishes etc.
in your kitchen to use. The
finished product proved very
Cutting the toe • nails
straight and wearing correct
size shoes are important hints
we learned from the skit
"Ouch" My Aching feet" skit
presented by the club girls led
by Mrs. Geo. (Bea) Lee, and
Mrs. Jim (Thelma) Marshall.
The president presented the
four leaders with`a corsage
and praised them for their ex-
cellent leadership.
Each club girl introduced
her mother, herself and told
the number of clubs she had
attended. Mrs. Cindy Van-
burgt, having attended 26
clubs, was given a gift as well
as Kim Paff, being the
youngest club member.
Mrs. Wm. Sutherland
knows her vegtables as she
won the most names of "the
vegetable contest".
A reading by Mrs. Harmer
was enjoyed.
at Woodham
The annual Sunday School
anniversary wa., held on Sun-
day with Rev. J. W. Siebert of
Stratford as the guest
speaker. Three anthems were
sung by the choir.
Miss Margaret Parkinson,
RN. has accepted a position
at University liospital London
and commenced working last
Mrs. Ellis Strahan and Miss
Jean Copeland were guests at
the Woodstock Horticultural
Society Centennial banquet
and meeting held in the Fair-
view Centre, Saturday
Miss Jean Copeland was a
guest Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Davis and Jason,
School District Study Committee for
North, East and Central Lambton
The School District Study Committee will hold
open, public meetings on the following dates:
Wednesday, June 1, 1983
Meeting agenda information will be available in
the Main Office of the study schools and at the
Receptionist's Desk at the Education Centre, 200
Wellington Street, Sarnia, the day before the
meeting is held.
Questions and comments from the public either
oral or written will be received by the Study Com-
mittee 'at 8:45 p.m. at each meeting.
Information about the Committee and its delibera-
tlons will be given out at each meeting.
N.G. Cole
A.R. Wells
Director of Education
A great deal of interest was
shown by the adults as we ex-
amined the club books,
crewel and Japanese em-
broidery, and other hand
made items, as well as "Food
for all seasons" items.
Beth showed us how she
compiled the clubbookof her
daughter, Wendy, with the list
of two club meetings followed
with the certificate. (You can
see that Beth was a relative of
the late Ruth Garrod who
would have done likewise.)
To complete an enjoyable
evening, tasty desserts were
We, the Institute again
thank the 4-11 club leaders for
the time and talents given in
leading the clubs.
Remember the dessert
Tuesday, June 7 at 1 p.m.,
followed by euchre in the
Masonic hall sponsored by the
Institute. '
To celebrate the 119th an-
niversary of the Ailsa Craig
United Church Sunday, Jack
Burghardt, M.P. delivered a
timely, thought-provoking
message entitled "An Oppor-
tune Time".
He reminded us the past is
gone, the future lies ahead,
therefore now is the time.
A "full -house" made up of
forme!, members, visitors,
neighbouring churches com-
prised the audience.
The choir rendered several
anthems adding to the ser-
vice. Springtime flowers
graced the front of the
church. Taking up the offer-
ing were Heather Karr,
Heather Maguire, Christine
Sutherland and Mary Ann
Following the service, a
tasty smorgasbord meal was
We werehappy tohave Mrs.
(Fred) Ida Bice, .93, from
Craigholme Nursing Horne,
at the service and luncheon.
June 12 is Carlisle Anniver-
sary at 11 a.m. with guest
speaker Canon Chas. Brown
taking the service.
June 19 - Communion and
Baptism with Rev. Mather at
the three points.
More euchre at the Masonic
hall on Wednesday eve June
8 at 8 p.m. There were 12
tables in play last week spon-
sored by Craig Lodge.
Jack Whitmore and son,
Rob, spent a few days in
England recently.
Several seniors went by van
to the N.M.D.H.S. to see the
Musical which was quite
Visiting recently with Miss
Belle Stevenson was Mrs.
Frank Benner, Tillsonburg.
Saturday morning, bright
and early, several seniors at-
tended the quilt sale at New
Visiting with Mrs. Alice
Hodgson were Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Woodward of London.
Fourteen ladies from
Riverview Women's Institute
attended the District Annual
meeting hosted by Col-
dstream and Keyser bran-
ches at Poplar Hill Baptist
Church, May 19.
Ms. Adrian Glasier,
Gadsby, Albertp, Mrs;
Eleanor., Jensen, Stettler,
Alberta and Mrs. Patrick
Chapman of Red Deer, Alta.,
(daughters of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Egerton Rea, R. 6 St.
Marys), visited recently with
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Watson
(Lillian Kennedy) of London,
as well as with Mrs. Alice
Dickens, and Mr. and Mrs.
Lyle Harrison, Ilderton.
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