HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-06-01, Page 11Wayne Scotchmer wins Centennial Logo contest Carmel Presbyterian Church marks 135th anniversar Rev. Grant McDonald B.U. of St. Andrew's Church, Kit- chener, was guest minister at the 135th Anniversary of Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday at 11:00 a.m. He was welcomed and assisted by Rev. Kenneth Knight. A large number of members and visitors attended the ser- vice. Mrs. Dorothy Taylor presided at the organ and the Centralia Quartet of Douglas Gill, Sam Skinner, Bob Heywood and Bob Blair ac- companied by Mrs. Gill at the piano, sang My Anchor Holds; Ashamed of Jesus, Thine Alone, and We'll Understand it By and By. Rev. McDonald gave an in- spiring message entitled Three Little Whacks and Coma r.iehtnino A lunehann and social hour served by the choir members was enjoyed afterward. A W.M.S. and Ladies Aid meeting will be held Monday June 6 at 8:00 p.m. in the Church. The W.M.S. Birthday meeting will be held in the Church on Monday June 13 at 8:00 p.m. Miss Carol Erb of the Chrict'nn CARMEL ANNIVERSARY — Rev. Grant McDonald, Kitchener, was guest minister when Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, celebrated its 135 anniversary.After the combined service attended by members of Exeter, Cromarty and Hensall chur- ches, Harold and Win Gunn talked to Rev. McDonald while regular minister Ken Knight looked on. Bertha McGregor is in the background. NEW LEGION AUXILIARY EXECUTIVE The new executive of the Ladies Aux- iliary, Branch 468, Royal Canadian Legion, Hensall, were installed for the coming term. They are (back left) Bea Uyl, executive; Marg Vanstone, sgt.-at-arms; Vera Smale, executive; Mona Campbell, executive and (front) Donna Allan, secretary; Colleen Ferris, president and Joan Beierling, 1st v/p. Missing; Jessie Ca meron, treasurer; Marg McDonald, executive and Mildred Chalmers, second v/p. 4 will speak and show the new film No Longer A Beggar por- traying the work of the mis- sion in China. On Sunday June 12 Rev. C. D. Henderson of Exeter will be the minister, and the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be celebrated on Sunday June 19th.• United Church news Hensall United Church was filled on Sunday morning for the celebration of Holy Com- munion. Mr. McDonald spoke on the subject of Recognizing Christ, and referred to the story of the Emmanus Road and the breaking of bread when the strangers recogniz- ed Christ. He said Jesus' uniqueness as a person was in His at- titude toward everything. He took nothing for granted. Every person, every event, every object was handled with a noticeable sense of awe and wonder. He saw everything as hallowed. It was in the breaking of bread that the strangers recognized Him; communion can also be a moment of recognition for all of us. The choir under the direc- tion of Marlin Nagtegaal sang a beautiful communion 'an- them entitled Bread of the World by Hugh Garland. The ushers were Janine Corbett, Marilyn Pepper and Steve Corbett. Kay Mock greeted the congregation. Assisting with the commu- nion service were Shelly Par- sons, Irene Davis, Ted Roberts, David Brock, Ross Riley, Bill Bailey, Joyce Pep- per and Mary O'Brien. Assisting the minister were Gary Kyle and Steven Corbett. The congregation was reminded of the Promotional Service for the Sunday Church School next Sunday with the theme Children Are Special, Senior Citizens Sun- day on June 12, June 19 the church will take their service to the park with the Fiddlers Weekend, and on June 26 a special Organ Recital will be given by organist Marlin Nagtegaal following the mor- ning worship. The Centennial committee 'rapt at the Hensall United Church on May 24 at 7:30 p.m. Cecil Pepper has been ap- pointed to represent council on the Centennial Committee. It has council's financial backing if needed. The chairman announced that Mrs. Betty Simmons will be in charge of the Crafts Booth and Bob Cameron will arrange an antique flea market and other displays on Main Street, Wayne Scotchmer was named the winner of the Logo Contest held at the Public School. You will be seeing this Logo displayed in many dif- ferent ways in the coming year. Centennial signs have been placed on the old fire truck which will appear in many area parades. • Donations to the Centennial Fund Raising Account, in the form of cash donations, goods and advertising are as follows and total $1,000 to date. Knight Electric $30. in adver- It's business as usual despite Despite the dust, dirt and disruptions that are side ef- fects of street improvement, it's business almost as usual for Hensall merchants while Lavis Construction puts in new Storm sewers and prepares to repave the village's main street. Don Beauchamp of Don's Food Market went through a similar experience when Zurich repaved its business section and put in new sidewalks a few years ago. He remembers the construction crew's cooperation, recalls that sales were not affected, and expects the same in Hensall. One of the cashiers joked that on rainy days when shop- pers are tracking in sandy soil "it's just like being on the beach." Customers are using the back door to enter Drysdales Major Appliance Centre to take advantage of the tem- porary elimination of the pro- vincial sales tax on many appliances. The attitude seems to be "well, that's progress", ac- cording to Bob Drysdale. The only fly in the ointment is the extra dirt. Even that doesn't concern Bill Sm'th at Hensall Pro Hardware. "Mud doesn't t f ,ri 4' NEW LEGION EXECUTIVE -- Branch 468, Hensall Royal Canadian Legion, installed the new executive for the 1983-84 term. From back left: Charles Cooper, executive; Dove Smale, sgt.-at-arms; Ted Roberts, ex- ecutive; Bea Uyl, PRO and (front) Rev. Stan McDonald, chaplain; Irvin Ferris, secretary; Garnet Allan, presi- dent; Larry Uyl, vice president and Murray Traquair, treasurer. Hensall Legion installs new officers In April. several comrades wentio the District Conven- tion that was held in Guelph. At this convention the Presi- dent, Comrade Irvin Ferris was presented with the Ear- ly Bird Plaque which is now hanging in the Legion Hall. Many thanks to membership chairman Lloyd Allan for making this possible. At the general meeting held in May, the members donated $100 to Flowers of Hope and $100 to the Ilensall Legionnaire Baseball team. On Saturday evening Com- rades from the Blyth Bralch of the Royal Canadian Legion, along with the Ladies Auxiliary were in Hensall to install the new officers of the Hensall Branch and Ladies' Auxiliary. A social was held Notice Of Public Meeting CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF HENSALL to discuss the proposed redesignation'on Part of Lot 22, Concession 1 formerly in the Township of Hay, now in the Village of Hensall, FROM "Restricted Agriculture" TO "industrial" & "Highway Commercial" Monday, June 6, 1983 at 7:30 p.m. Hensall Public School following the installation ceremonies. 'Thanks to Terry Sweiger and his partner for providing the music. Conrlolances are extended to Jessie and Doc Cameron in the recent loss of Jessie's father. At dawn..1unc 6, 1944 the great invasion began. Allies landed in Normandy to open the campaign in Western Europe. 11 -Day attackers in- cluded 30,000 Canadian soldiers, sailors and airmen. At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we ?� the co operatoi INSURANCE SERVICES * LIFE * HOME * AUTO * FARM * COMMERCIAL Call Verna Gingerich 374 Main St, Exeter Clinton Community Credit Union Office Qlesldence 235.1109 Business will remember them. - P.R.O. Bea Uyl (Public Relation Officer) torn -up street bother these old hardwood floors," he said, "customers can track in as much as they want, as long as they come in.'• He believes he has lost some out -If -town business when outsiders drove on through if unable to find a parking spot on main street. Most Hensall customers enter the premises from the back door. The construction has had little effect so far on Ron's Health Store at the corner. Although he admits to some inconvenience, he had to cut short his conversation with the T -A reporter to wait on three customers lined up at the cash register. Ulrich Duttmann at the bake shop next door had no complaints either. He said one lane had always been kept open, and felt the work was going much better than he had expected for such a major job. ' Duttman's instincts were correct. According to PUC commissioner Charlie Hay, who is acting as liaison bet- ween the Hensall BIA and the construction company, the project is ahead of schedule. New gas and telephone ser- vice is being installed west of the tracks with a minimum of inconvenience. Only half the sidewalk on each side of the street has been torn up. The other half will remain for F'_destrians until the work is almost finish- ed; the other half will then be torn up and new sidewalks put in immediately. Lavis has until July to in- stall the storm sewers, ex- cavate, build up and repave the main thoroughfare. If pre- sent progress continues, Hen- sall will have a renovated main street ahead of time. MATHERS MOTORS Chrysler - Plymouth - Dodge - Dodge Trucks Bob Lammie Bus: (519) 235-1525 Res: (519) 229-6678 136 Main St. N., Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0 M Hensall Freeze King . Now Open Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 11 a.m. - 11 porn. Fri. and Sat. 11 a.m. - 12 midnight Sunday 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. Phone 262-2838 TRUST COMPANY GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Representing many trust com- panies, highest rates usually available. For more information contact John R. Consiff at 236-4381 or 236-4560 HENSALL Civic Corner STUDENT SUMMER EMPLOYMENT for 3 RECREATIONAL LEADERS Summer Of '83 In Hensall A Recreational Program Co -Sponsored By The Ministry Of Culture And Recreation, As Part Of The Province Of Ontario Special Youth Summer Employment Program "Ontario Experience '83". Positions Available Supervisor 18 Years Or Over $931.00 7 Wk Period Assistant 18 Years Or Over $735.00 6 Wk Period Assistant Under 18 Years $556.50 6 Wk Period Applications In Writing, Complete With Resume, Will Be Received By The Undersigned Until 5:00 p.rn. June 1, 1983. Mrs. E. A. Oke, Secretary Hensall Parks Board P.O. Box 279 ilensall, Ontario NOM 1X0 tieing, Bank of Montreal 1500 pins; Bank of Commerce 1500 pins; Ron's Health Centre $25.; N. Martin O.D. $10.; Ex- eter Pharmacy 120.; Jerry McLean & Son 1100.; Mr, and Mrs. Sim Roobol 125. ; Greta Lammie $5.; Knight Electric 150.; Tuckey Beverages 1200.; Anonymous $25.; Anonymous $10. Committee members, please note that the next meeting will be held a week early, June 21st at 7:30 p.m. at the United church. Anyone interested in attending this meeting is most welcome. Personals Mr. Lester Fisher of Blenheim visited his sister Mrs. Helen Thompson and Mrs. Mary Parlmer and at- tended the Anniversary ser- vice at Carmel Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Sam Oesch who has been a patient in South Huron Hospital for several weeks returned to her home last week. Times -Advocate, June 1, 1983 Pogo 11 Filter Queen IN THE HEART 01 DOWNTOWN VARNA 482-7103 PECK APPLIANCES "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" *FILTER QUEEN SALES & SERVICE • VACUUM CLEANERS • Gales & Service to Most Makes) • FM COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (For Farm & Business) *WHIRLPOOL APPLIANCES •WOODS FREEZERS *CENTRAL VACUUM SYSTEMS *INSECT & FLY KILLING UNITS (For Indoor & Outdoor Use) *GIFTS & MANY MORE ITEMS VARNA. ONT. 482-7103 paegea" 4 to a Microwave Cooking • School Friday, June 10, 7 - 9 p.m:'sharp For those who DO NOT OWN a Microwave Oven but are interested in learningabout Microwave Cooking See the microwave specialist cook a complete meal on the new DUAL WAVE Gini fra(D@9f D OWIM t D By No obligation to buy Limited to the FIRST 30 PEOPLE Call 262-2728 for your reservation Total cost $5.00 per person Refundable on any purchase Your Hotpoint Dealer DRYSDALE MACEN JOR TRE LTD. Caper, 8-6 Fr/day n.ght tell 9 p Pa zehrs INTRODUCING THE THRIFTY'S . TIP TOP BIG STEEL . FAIRWEATHER . RUBY SHOES SUZY SHIER . BRAEMAR AND B H EMPORIUM summer INTF BIG SI it_ .�vvtLnes. . tivu1 v....LJ SUZY SHIER . BRAEMAR AND B H EMPORIUM redeemable at 100's of fashion stores with every$20 purchase at Zehrs full details at the store worth $1 with eve $10 purchase valid on sale and regular priced merchandise fashion dollars li►lnirvulhe, TIF TOP ( suzv stall valid at these stores TJII11E'TT'S \ Blaemar to INIWWII jI,�