HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-06-01, Page 10Page 10 Times -Advocate, June 1, 1983 Baptismal service at United Church Sunday morning at Lucan United Church, Mr. Brown baptized Cynthia Leanne, in- fant daughter of Ernest and Pam Strobridge. Guest solist, Ileen Bamford from Siloam United Church in London led the congregation in worship as she sang "How lovely are thy dwellings, 0 Lord our God", and "Something good is going to happen to you". Don and Dorothy Lankin with Caroline and Paul welcomed friends and members to the service. Dorothy Dedels was in charge of the story for the many boys and girls present and later took the children out for Junior Congregation. Her story was about little Joey who tried to go up the down escalator. Only when Mother and Dad took his hands and led him to the up escalator did Recital for piano pupils Piano pupils from the studio of Helen Stanley, B. Mus. A, A.R.C.T. presented a program of piano music at Lucan United Church on Thursday evening. Friends and relatives gathered to en- joy the performance of the young musicians whose ages ranged from 7 to 18. Those participating were: David Pocock, Coby Butler, Shelly Maguire, Melissa Har- dy, Mary Holden, Wendy Butler, Alf Crunican, Stephen MacDonald, Julie Lewis, Kim Blay, Andrea Sire, Carrie Lane, Suzanne Kress, Jennifer MacDonald, Jane Holden, Ruth Hardy, Tabatha Froats, Karen Radcliffe and Loys Melanson. he have success. Said Dorothy, "When you try to be good and fail, stop to take God's hand and let Him show you His easy and right way." Rev. Brown's sermon topic was "Why do we Baptize our Children"? After outlining several objections that are • often raised against baptizing infants, jie gave some good reasong for bringing our children to be baptized. Baptism is first of all a ser- vice of praise and thanksgiv- ing to God for His goodness in entrusting the child to the care of the parents. It is also a means of proclaiming God's salvation. The sprinkling of water is a symbol of Christ's blood shed to wash away sin Flowers in the Church were from the funerals of the late Michael Vanderloo and Elmer Trudgeon. The sym- pathy of the congregation was extended to their families and also to the family of the rate Sheridan Revington• whose funeral was announced for Tuesday at 2 p.m.. in the Church. Mr. Brown emphasized Lucan's 121st anniversary next Sunday when Rev. Doug Warren from Rowntree Memorial United Church in London will be guest minister. Special music is planned and there will be a Fellowship Hour following in the C.E. Wing. Senior choir meets Wednesday for regular prac- tice at 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Share continues t ip studv of I Peter, chapter 3 Thursday morning at 9:45 in the C.E. Wing. All women of the community are welcome to this interdenominational Bible Study discussion group. .t BEARS AT A PICNIC — Members of the Lucan Co -Operative a picnic Friday morning. Shown as bears are Scott Dukeshire, Hietelahti and Erica Wilcox. nursery Sarah school ehjoyed Gore, Chris T -A photo. Seniors play euchre The Lucan senior citizens met in the club rooms at the Masonic hall, Thursday after- noon with a good crowd. The meeting was opened with '0 Canada' with Mary Kooy at. HOSE ROLLERS WIN - The 8 was won by the Hose Rollers. Johnston. Front, Brian was Fred Cowdrey. championship of Back, left, Dave Ankers and the Lucan men's bowling league Smith, Glenn Rollings and Doug Leonard Smith. Missing T -A photo. NOTICE to Property Owners to DESTROY WEEDS Notice is hereby given to all persons in posses- sion of land, in accordance with the Weed Con- trol Act, R.S.O. 1980 Section 4, 14, 21, that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the Municipality of the Township of Bid- dulph are destroyed by date of June 27, 1983 and throughout the season, the Municipality may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs against the land in taxes, as set out in the Act. The Co-operation of all citizens is earnestly solicited. Hugh Baird Weed Inspector Austin Hodgins Clerk gPsilsweelemormeedmisillminirspiarmairsoispoommempow NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS TO DESTROY WEEDS Notice is hereby given to all persons in posses- sion of land; in accordance with the Weed Con- trol Act, R.S.O., 1980, section 4, 14 and 21, that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the Municipality of the Village of Lucan ore destroyed by date of June 27, 1983, and throughout the season, the Municipality may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs against the land in taxes, as set out in the Act. The co-operation of all citizens is earnestly solicited. Wood Inspector Clerk Hugh Baird E.J. Molanson Municipality of Village of Lucan — — ` the piano. Two visitors were welcom- ed, Mrs. Victoria Scott and Mrs. Beatty. Happy birthday was wished to Marian Noels. Readings were given by Laura Williams "Year Around Garden" and by Mildred Hirtzel "A Smile Costs Nothing." At a short business meeting chaired by president Ed Dowdall, Verna Ibittson reported on films to be shown next week. The craft group worked at ceramics while the remaining group of eleven tables played euchre convened by Joe and Margaret Carter with prize winners as follows: ladies high, Verna Dowdall; lone hands, Marjorie Steeper; low, Rose Atkinson; men's high, Joe Carter; Ione hands, Tom Kooy; low, John Loyens with special prizes going to Angeline Scott and Greta Gibson. Lunch'was served by John and Jackie Loyens, Mabel Needham and Eleanor Reycraft. A card was signed by all present for secretary Iva llodgins who is a patient in hospital. Need helpers for Vacation Bible School Sunday morning Rick Thornton lett the song ser rice. Mrs. Judi Ross ministered singing tie Was There All the Time. Rev. C.J. Williams Sunday evening, from Mark 6: 1-5 spoke about Jesus returning to His home town to be re- jected because of unbelief. Jesus never worked miracle) to create belief. in .John 16: 12-15 Jesus said Ile had many things to show Itis disciples, but they could not unders- tand, because they saw everything in the natural perpective. As we as Chris- tians move into the realm of spiritual perfection and awareness the spirit of truth will work in our lives. Unbelief and unwillingness delay and hinder God's work- ing. John 20: 11-29 tells of unbelief changing to belief and joy when Jesus appeared to His disciples after His resurrection. in times of discouragement it is good to know the God we serve is able to keep the pro- mises in His word. When we have an appetite to read God's word we will overcome doubt an learn to trust God. July 11 to 22 is Vacation Bi- ble School. This is a com- munity Vacation Bible School • Anyone who could help in a teaching capacity or as teacher's helpers, or organize, crafts, refreshments, please contact Mrs. Barbara Sfoetjes 227-4037 WIN "A" CHAMPIONSHIP • The Bar Six won the A championship of the Lucan men's bowling league. Back, left, Emerson Degraw, Lyle Beetson and Carl Dunlop. Front, Harold Mayo, Bill Neil and Keith Dickson. T -A photo. • TOP MALE BOWLERS Receiving awars as the top bowlers in the Lucan men's league were Bill Neil, Don Watt and Jim Smith. T -A photo. Six area accidents • Vehicle damaged by flames a.m. Sunday and struck a tree. The same day at 8:25 a.m. vehicles driven by Jacqueline Boynton, RR 4 Denfield and Lane Austin, London collided on Highway 4, north of Con- cession 14-15 in London township. Constable D.N. Marshall listed damages at $2,200. Constable D.R. Vance listed damages at $1,000 when a vehicle driven by David J. Officers of the Lucan detachment of the Onsario Provincial Police in- vestigated six area accidents this week with damages totalling $9,750. A vehicle driven by Mike Vanderloo, RR 4, Denfield was damaged to the extent of $4,000 when it left Concession 12-13 in London township at 3 Couples club goes bowling Lucan United Church Couples' Club met at Lucan Boding Lanes Thursday for ah evening of recreation and good exercise. Following the bowling, members returned to the Church for refreshments and fellowship. It was agreed to donate $300 from the proceeds of the re- cent garage and bake sale towards the Church repair project. It was decided to postpone the Talent Night originally set for June 17 un- til October, and plans were made for the June barbecue to be held June 23 at the home of Dennis and Mary Maguire. Plan retreat for women A Retreat for ladies, with Father Arthur Meloche, will be held at Holy Family Retreat House on Lake Erie near Windsor. This is to take place Friday, June 3 and con- tinue through until 'Sunday, June 5. Anyone interested in attending can call Harrow 726-6545 for details. The fourth annual Ontario Conference for separated and divorced Catholics will be held at Trent University, Peterborough, June 3-5. For more information contact Patrick James 705-743-3569 for details. From May 31 to June 2, the London and Middlesex R.C.S.S.. Board will sponsor the 26th annual track and field meet for our school children. J.W. Little Memorial Stadium is the location and the meet will begin at 9:00 a.m. and end at 4:45 p.m. each day. Parents and others are most welcome. Smith, Lucan burst into (lames when travelling on Highway 4, north of the village of Lucan limits. The mishap occurred at 4:25 p.m., Tuesday. A vehicle driven by Brian Blight, RR 1, Thorndale was damaged to the extent of $550 in a single vehicle mishap at 9:10 p.m. Wednesday on Con- cession 7, north of Middlesex road 28. Constable T.R. Chap- man investigated. Vehicles driven by Barbara Gibbens, Port Franks and Henry Squire, RR 1 Granton collided Friday at 3:50 p on Middlesex road 23 at Mid- dlesex road 16. Constable J.A. Wilson estimated damages at $1,000. A vehicle driven by Thomas Davidson, RR 3 Lucan left Middlesex road 20 and rolled over at 8:25 p.m. Friday. Con- stable F. L. Goldsehmidt listed damages at $1,000. GRAND CHAMPS — The Hustlers won the league and grand championship Lucan men's bowling league. Back, left, Bob Smith, Jim Burt and Russ Smith. Wayne Smith, Jim Smith and Harold Smith. , T -A South Pacific atmosphere Flowering plants and special music provided the at- mosphere of the South Pacific for Dorcas C.W. members as they met for their regular meeting on May 24 at the Church. Mabel Froats welcomed those present and chaired thebusiness meeting. The June outing of the unit was planned for June 20 - lunch'out followed by tour of the Museum of Indian Ar- cheology in London. A sale of sewn, grown or baked goods was held during the meeting, and it was agreed that the proceeds should be sent to Women's Community House, along with the items which have been collected . Verna Ibbitson led in a love- ly worship service, South Pacific style. She then con- tinued the South Pacific Mis- sion study, pointing out some features of the history, geography, peoples and customs of this area. A number of the island groups have recently attained in- dependence, and most have strong Christian congrega- tions and leadership. The Pacific Conference of Churches helps to unify large numbers of local congrega- tions scattered over many thousands of miles fo the Pacific Ocean. Verna then showed a film strip accom- panied by a tape giving an excellent survey of the work of the Church in the area, as well as some idea of life there. Taped singing by a visiting pastor from Samoa gave add- ed interest. ONtSEAU-7, 20 kg. 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