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Times -Advocate, May 4, 1983
Two Zurich schools enjoy variety of activities
Mark education week with randpar.nts, wet trip to Hay Swamp
Both St. Boniface and
Zurich Public schools
organized special events to
mark education week from
April 25 to 29.
On Wednesday at St.
Boniface, grandparents were
vi to come to the school
gym for an afternoon of card -
playing. The atmosphere was
happy and relaxed. After all,
what child would publicly
trump his gramnother's ace,
or euchre his grandfather.
who was playing a lone hand''
The visitors were treated to
a variety of cupcakes baked
and iced by the students.
On Friday morning parents
were invited to come to the
school and observe regular
classes in progress. More
than 30 parents accepted the
A FRIENDLY GAME -- Grace Masse (left), Patty Hartman, Patricia Masse and her
father Elzer Masse play euchre during education week at St. Boniface School, Zurich. •
bowling league. Back
Pat Schroeder. Front,
sent was Donna Hoff
The Starlites won the "B' championship of -the Zurich ladies
, left, Sharon Brokenshire, Elaine Datars, Pauline Miller and
Diane Becker, Captain Shirley Kipfer and Sheila Miller. Ab-
mon. LA photo.
DASHWOOD HOTEL WINS - - The 'A' championship of the Zurich men's 'bowling
league was won by the Dashwood Hotel. Back, left, Ken Rader, Doug Johnson,
Eugene Guenther and Richard Roder. Front, Hubert Miller, Captain Bob Boogemons
and leo Hoffman. Absent were Lorne Miller, Bill Vandeworp and Terry Sweiger.
Friday afternoon the
teachers exchanged classes.
with the grade eight teacher
teaching the grade ones. the
grade seven in charge of the
grade twos, and so on. In this
way, teachers and pupils
have a chance to get to know
each other even better within
the.family-like environrnent
at the school.
Education week at St.
Boniface ended with an ex-
uberant game of floor hockey
that pitted grades three and
four students against
everything the staff could
throw at them - principal.
priest, custodian, secretary.
teachers and parents
At Zurich • Public School
ecology week and education
week were combined.
Ausable Bayfield Conserva-
tion Authorrity employee Dan
Kennaly visited the school in
the morning to give the
students a slide presentation
and talk on wetlands in
St. Boniface ladies
parade in London
The April meeting of St.
Boniface C.W.L. was held on
Tuesday with 63 ladies atten-
ding and two guests.
• A nice letter was received
from Bro. Bob Mittleholtz in
India thanking all for the re-
cent donation of $816.55. Also
acknowledgement of receiv-
ing $200.00 from P.T.A.
towards playground equip-
ment and Interchurch council
for $76.72.
A financial report was
given by Cecilia Farwell and
a total of;506.14 was made at
the Parish dance last month;
The annual dues will soon
be collected at $4.00 this year.
On Sunday, May 1, several
members took part in the
Giant Pro -Life walk in Lon-
don, protesting against
' A motion was made lei send
$100.00 to lawyer Joe
Borowski to help fight court
. case for Pro -Life. $51.10 was
collected for birth right plus
the door -prize money of $19.00
was also added to it.
Arrangements are being
made to have -a chicken
barbeque on July 3: Members
turned down the idea to have
a table at the flea market in
Zurich this summer. A one
day bus trip to Midla td (Mar-
tyr's Shrines is being planned
on.June 28.
Joan Smith reported that as
of, the end of February, each
Church in town made a total
of $630.00 from helping out. at
the New -To -You -Store.
The evening ended with a
humorous skit, with actors
being: Cecilia Smith, Martha
:Overholt, Carmel Sweeney.
Cecilia Farwell, • Bridget
Groot and Fr. Mooney.
Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Cor-
riveau of the Spruce Villa
Apartments recently attend-
ed the wedding of their gran -
daughter; Carol Jeromette in
St. Clair Shores, Michigan (to
'Mark Rayner) where they'
also spent a few days. '
Best wishes for a speedy
recovery -are extended to
Anne Flaxbdrd who is a pa-
tient in South Huron Iiospital:
Art Woodcock, RR 2 Hensall,
who is a patient in Universi-
ty Hospital, also to Gerald
Gingerich who is a patient in.
Victoria . Hospital. Also to
Mrs: Cindy Denomme who
has returned home from the
hospital in London last Friday
due to an operation.
Last week 14 senior citizens
from Zurich, 18 from Clinton
and nine from Blyth all en-
joyed a one day bus trip to
Toronto where they toured
through the Royal Thomson
hall and the Parliament
Building where they were
able to sit in on a session and
even get their picture taken
with MI'l' Jack Riddell. They
also did a bit of shopping at
the big Eaton's Centre. had
lunch and supper out and ar-
rived back home at 10:00 p.in.
after a very nice day. • •
The Pro -Life Walk against
abortion in London on Sunday
. afternoon 'was •a big success
despite the • wet. rainy
weather. A bus lull from the
Blue Water Parish. St.
Peter's attended.
The children were able to
go see a Walt . Disney film
-"Ilerbie Rides Again" al the
arena Thursday for only $2.00
BIG BROTHER AWARDS Don and Lois McCallum df the South Huron Big Brothers
sent a plaque to the Zurich bowling league presidents Gerard Ducharme and Cohy
excellent contributions to the Big Brothers bowlathon. In the background are Towne
Marlene and Tony Bedard.
Association at the left pre -
Van Den Boomen for their
and Country Lanes owners
T -A photo.
each which was sponsored by /
the skating club. For those
who were not able to attend
you might catch, the next
movie night that will be an-
nounced later.
For .those who like to go •
roller skating the rink will be
ready at the arena on Friday
the 13th. (If you're not
superstitious that is of break-
ing a leg or something on that
day!) Anyway skating will be
every Friday and Saturday
night from 7-10 p.m. •
Just •a ' reminder, not to
forget about the bake sale.
plants, and tea. this Saturday.
May 7 at the rest home from
2-4, sponsored by the ladies
Gary and Betty .F laxbard
and family,.Kitchener spent
Saturday and Sunday with his
father. Earl and visited with
his mother, Anne in South
Huron Hospital.
general and Hay swamp in
. particular. Emphasizing his
theme that "wet lands are not
wastelands", Kennaly
pointed out the many benefits
provided by an area such as
the swamp. Besides the
recreational opportunities for
hiking, fishing, snowmobiling
and birdwatching, wetlands
vegetation filters impurities
out of the water that eventual-
ly flows through local taps.
Agricultural and conserva-
tion goals sometimes conflict;
drained swampland, rich in
nutrients, makes excellent
land for market gradening in
the short term, but the
nutrients are soon depleted.
When farming operations
are conducted too close to a
waterway like Black Creek.
there is danger of chemcial
pollution of the water.
Kennaly told the students
the provincial government is
now working on a new policy
paper concerning wetlands
At noon a busload of
students accompanied by
principal Don O'Brien, other
staff and Kennaly, went to the
Black Creek area. They pick-
ed out different kinds of
plants and vegetation and
even spied a big pike in the
creek! an excellent indicator
of the good quality of the
By the time the senior
grades were ready for their
trip. the skies had opened and
the rain was pouring down.
Undaunted, everyone piled
onto the bus for a mobile
classroom tour - of the
swamp. Kennaly pointed out
some areas reforested by the
conservation authority and
other places where the land
had been cleared for farming.
The students saw drainage
outlets. a variety of trees. and
the entrance to the Exeter
waste disposal site.
The tour was conducteMike
an informal class. with Ken-
naly explaining the
significance of what the
students were seeing,. and
asking them questions. The
students -in turn were free to
ask their own questions. and
make comments:
All returned to the school
wetter but wiser.
COOKING CUPCAKES — St. Boniface Students cooked chocolate, lemon, cherry chip and butter pecan cup
cakes as treats fJr visiting grandparents during education week. Chefs were (back left) Gail Boocemans, Mike
Hoffman, Charlie Ducharme, Scott Merner, Dwayne Overholt, resource teacher Gladys Talbot and (front) Denise
Davies, Jamie Regier, Joshua Masse, Simon Hall, Brian Regier, Shawn LaPorte, Dana Regier, Matt Hall and Jen-
nifer Groot.
PARTNERS1r Grandparents were invited to St. Boniface School, Zurich, for a game
of cards during education week. Shown from left are Colleen Miller, Gertrude
Durand, Colleen's grandmother Blanche Bechard and Mrs. Durand's grandson Mike
United Church
B.A. 8. Div.
Mrs. E. Grace Martin
Thurs. May 5 • 8:00 p.m.
U.C.W. entertain guests
Sat. May 7 . 8:00 o.m.
All day Retreat of Whilsmith's
RR 2. Zurich
Sunday, May 8
.11:15 o.m. Family Sunday
(The Sunday School will
take part in Service)
Tues. May 10 - 3:45 p.m.
Junior Choir Practice
Wed. May 11 - 9:30 a.m.
Continuing Workbook on
Living Prayer
at Norma Siebert's
Wad. May 11 • 8:00 p.m.
The Schneider Male Chorus
Jj in Concert • Tickets available
• from choir members
Everyone welcome
Zurich Mennonite
Sunday, May 8
8:45 o.m. Worship Service •
9:45 a.m. • Sunday Church
11:00 o.m. • Worship Service
Wed. 8:00 p.m.
Bible Study and Prayer Service
Sot. 8:00 p.m. • M.Y.F.
God's word will calm the stormy
His love will bring you through
Hovetlaith in the Master Pilot,
For He surely cores for you!
Jon Gilbert
St. Peter's
Lutheran Church
Vice Pastor
Mrs. Christtn0 Eagleson B.M.A.
Sunday, Moy 8
10:00 o.m. • Worship Service
1045 o.m . Sunday khool
There is o nursery for smolt
children which is suparvlseddur-
Ing the worship service.,
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