HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-05-04, Page 10residents worked extremely
hard in preparing the sale and
the committee are very
grateful for the help,
Rev. McDonald was dinner
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Elliott, Clinton, on Sunday
evening prior to being an-
niversary speaker at Wesley
Willis United Church, Clinton.
The Sunday School Staff
nwt following Sunday School
off Sunday 'morning to com-
plete their plans.for the Pro-
motional Service on June 5 at
11:00 a.m. The theme chosen
by the staff was "Children
Are Special.
BAKE SALE — Bertha McGregor and Eileen Ronnie
display some of the baking sale items during Saturday's
centennial auction in Hensall. T -A photo.
10 Tlmes•Advocate, May 4, 1983
A SUCCESSFUL AUCTION — Saturday's auction at the Hensall United Church to
raise funds for the village 1984 Centennial celebrations was successful. Auctioneer
Jack Riddell is ready to get bids on an article held up by Cecil Pepper. The others
in the picture are John Kinsman and Ross Sararas. T -A photo.
Oddfellows host ladies;
hear school�
rinci al
himself on the guitar. Miss
Dianne Stebbins entertained
with step -dancing, which was
much enjoyed. Dianne is a
wonderful dancer, with an op-
portune future.
The guest speaker, Joe
Wooden, principal of South
Huron High School, gave an
enlightening address on
education. Charles Hay
thanked the speaker.
A number of Hensall 100F
and Rebekahs attended the
District Church parade at
Brucefield United Church on
A most enjoyable evening
was held in Carmel
Presbyterian Church school-
room on Wednesday, when
the IOOF lodge members
entertained their wives and
Rebekahs to a hot roast beef
dinner. Don Stebbins, Noble
Grand, was master of
ceremonies. Rev. Kenneth -
Knight gave the grace and a
toast to the Queen was follow-
ed by singing "the Queen"
with Mrs. Dorothy Taylor ac-
companying at the piano.
The master of ceremonies
introduced the head table and
the Vice Grand. Gerald Up -
shall thanked the ladies who
A sing -song was led by Rev.
Stan McDonald accompanied
by Pastor Don Moffatt, of
Brueefield at the piano.
Robert Heywood sang several"
numbers accompanying
Presbyterian Church
Rev. Kenneth Knight con-
ducted service in Carmel
Presbyterian Church on Sun-
day at 9 a.m. Mrs. Dorothy
Taylor presided at the organ
for the service of song. On
Sunday May 15 the Oddfellow
and Rebekah members will
attend service at Carmel
Presbyterian Church at 9:00
The Belles of St. Marys will
present an evening of music
on Sunday May 15 at 7:30 p.m.
On Sunday, May 29 at 11 :00
a.m. Rev. Grant McDonald of
Kitchener will be guest
speaker at the anniversary
service. Special music will be
provided for the anniversary.
Please keep these dates in
Jim Dickins placed sixth
over all in a class of 40 in the
80 B race at the seasons open-
ing Motocross at Hully Gully
on May 1.
Captain Ronald A. MacKin-
non of Amherst view spent the
weekend with his mother,
Mrs. Janet MacKinnon.
Have guests at first session
Horticultural group blooming
Mrs. Doug Mann, president
of Hensall area Horticultural
Society, presided for the first
meeting on Monday evening
in the Fellowship Hall at Hen-
sall United Church and open-
ed by singing "0, Canada"
with Mrs. Joyce Pepper at the
The president welcomed
everyone; also members of
Bayfield and the District
'Director Mrs. Maizie Bray of
Lions Head, who was present.
A bus trip is being organiz-
ed to Hamilton to their
famous gardens on May16.
Anyone wishing to go plase
contact the executive by May
7. A tour of Bayfield gardens
is also being arranged for
June 25.
A prize will be given for the
best decorated home for
The president gave a talk
on "What Is A Hor-
ticulturalist?" Mrs. Eileen
Rannie.introduced the guest
speaker, Mrs. Joanne Dinney
of Country Flowers, Exeter,
who gave an informative talk
on plants and flowers and
their special care. She was
thanked by Mrs. Sheila
Raeburn and presented with
a gift.
Mrs. Julia Knip sang two
solos, "I Love You, Canada"
and "The Valley, Quiet,
Green and Fair" accom-
panied by Mrs. Belva Fuss.
Mrs. Maizie Bray, director of
Zone 8, spoke congratulating
the organization and wishing
them every success in the
Several draw prizes were
made under the direction of
Bill Gibson with the following
prize winners: first Joyce
Pepper; second Elaine
Kinsman; third Brenda
Russell; fourth Hazel
McEwen; fifth Helen
McLean; sixth Dorothy
Miekle; Harry Klungell;
seventh Mrs. Sophia Stasik,
The meeting closed with a
reading by the president and
"the Queen" with Joyce Pep-
per at the piano.
Refreshments were served.
Centennial plans
Tuesday night's centennial
committee meeting centred
around plans for the rum-
mage sale and auction held on
April 30. •
Reports were heard from
the various committees pre-
sent. Centennial pins,_tickets
on the gold draw and the new
years Dance are available
from any of the committee
There is a great deal of
work to be done in the next
few months and the support of
the entire community is
The next meeting will be
held May 24 at 7:30 p.m. in the
Hensall United church.
United Church
Hensall United Church was
filled on Sunday morning
when the Sacrament of Bap-
tism was held. Those
presented for baptism were
Duston William Jonathon
Elder, son of Fred and Susan
Elder, and Julie Christine Up -
shall, daughter of Floyd and
Rosemary Upshall.
Irene Davis greeted the
congregation and Alf Ross,
Lloyd Ferguson, Harold Par-
sons and Ross Sararas were
Rev. McDonald spoke on
how our faith must not be just
following a set of rules and
regulations but must .be
shown in our life in everything
we do. We cannot separate
IT COULD FIT — Volunteer workers Betty Simmons and
Eudora Caldwell check over some of the cjpthing ar-
ticles available at Saturday's centennial rummage sale
in Hensall. T -A photo.
religion and life, he said. Our
church, our Christian faith
and our God must be part of
our whole life; we cannot
leave our faith on the hook at
the church door until we come
back next Sunday.
The choir under the direc-
tion of Marlin Nagtegaal,
organist and choir director;
sang Come Ye Sinners, Poor
and Needy by Gordon Young,
based on Beach Spring.
The flowers at the front of
the church were placed to the
glory of God and in loving
memory of Cecil Maxwell a
neighbour of the church.
Everyone was reminded of
the Christian Family Sunday
service next Sunday.
The sympathy of the com-,
munity is extended to Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Payne, with the
death of the former's brother
Floyd B. Payne who died in
Woodingford Lodge,
Woodstock on Thursday April
28. The late Mr. Payne was
formerly of Tillsonburg,
where the funeral service was
held on Saturday with Rev.
Merrill James, of St. Paul'E
United Church officiating.
In spite of the rain on Satur-
day the Centennial Commit-
tee of Hensall area held a suc-
cessful rummage and auction
sale in the school room of the
Hensall United Church. Many
Hensall Community Park
"Family Fitnic Picnic"
. Hensall Community Park Sunday May 15 (weather
permitting). Activities from 1 until 4 p.m. Lawn darts,
baseball, races, games etc. Bring your own picnic
mmmumni tinimi nnnnm oum tmtu Liman m onmennmtinimmo
The Amazing Lyi "DUAL WAVE" Microwave Oven
A new standard of excellence- in Microwave_ cooking
Enter the new Duel Wave Microwave system — a breakthrough in micro-
icro wave cooking that brings waves into the oven from the top, like most
microwave ovens, redirects them with a rotating antenna. and then brings
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like a small change, but it achieves an evenness of cooking we've never
had before. And it gives you a full 1.4 cubic feet of cooking space that will
take virtually any size, any shape baking dish you have.
Cleaning the Dual Wave is as simple as cleaning the table, because the
bottpm is totally sealed. And there's no glass tray or turntable to worry
abou`f breaking. See this amazing "World Class" microwave today.
4 other models to choose from
Thursda AIa 5 - i -11 1).111.
Wc‘ maintain our own
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HENSALL 262-2728
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Closed Monday
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