HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-05-04, Page 7Babysitters learn
of responsibilities
A number of young people
who will be 13 years of age
this year have successfully
completed a babysitters
course. This course was spon-
ponsored free by Alpha Pi Sorori-
ty in conjunction with the On-
tario Safety League.
The course. consists of a
series of six lectures and one
test. The potential sitters
learn of their responsibilities
and those of the parents. A
trip to the firehall was
scheduled to see Mr. Tait. Do
you know how to put out a
grease fire?
Jim Hoffman, of Hoffman
. Ambulance, came and talked
about child safety and what to
do if an accident happens. Do
you know where to call if your
charge swallows pills? That's
right Poision Control Centre,
Victoria Hospital, London,
Care of the child was handl-
ed by Mrs. Jean O'Rourke,
Health Nurse. Mrs. Linda
Farquhar who has her degree
in Early Childhood Education
handled child behaviour. How
would you handle a temper
Alpha Pi would like to thank
all who gave of their time to .
help make our children's
world safer. To the successful
babysitters. we say "Happy
and Safe Sitting."
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BABY SITTERS GRADUATE -- Graduation, exercises were held Monday night for a baby sitting course spon-
sored by the Alpha Pi Sorority. Back, left, instructors Sharon Davis, Nancy Chambers and Ann Lorento. Third
row, Patty Smith,.David Ferguson, Joy Parent, Lynette Gryseets, Kim Crawford, Shelly Black, Shelley Skinner,
Shari Block, Patti Bierling and Dimitra Lerikos. Second row, Brenda Bolsdon, Karen Hoffman, Lori Lynn Wagner,
Tessica DeHaan, Liz Hogan, Ron Walker, Kathy McDonald and Dianne Hamilton. Front, Kim Paquette, Patty
O'Toole, Wendy Weido, Vicki Scott, Angie Cottrell, Christine Parsons, Lisa Ellerington, Denise Denomme and
Debby Prouse. T -A photo.
ores continues pkin withto
elose Goderieli feiiility
The closure of the
Bluewater Centre for the
developmentally handicap-
ped in Goderich will begin -in
the very near future", Com-
munity and Social Services
Minister Frank Drea said
There will be no
moratorium on plans to close
six centres over the next five
years. Drea told the
legislature. The ministry's
Learn of
The Exeter Evening UCW
meeting was held April 18 in
the Primary Sunday School
room with 48 ladies present.
Unit leader Betty Watson
welcomed all members and
guests also guest speaker
Mrs. Margaret Robinson.
.The Stratford Boy's Choir
will be at the Anglican Church
May 29 at 7:00 p.m.
The annual smorgasbord
dinner is Thursday, May 5.
Tickets are now available
from the UCW member and
,,S1iei'S Hardware.
UCW anniversary Sunday
is May 15 with Helen Porter a
professional story teller from
Toronto as guest speaker.
Maxine Sereda's group
-presided for the program and
worship. Everyone got involv-
ed in a get acquainted period
followed by ,a reading by
Mavis Atthill.
Maxine Sereda introduced
the guest speaker Mrs.
Margaret Robinson from
Clinton. Mrs. Robinson had
spent from May to September
1982 in a remote hill village in
Java, Indonesia teaching
English as a second language
to hundreds of.people.
She had attended meetings
for one year prior to her go-
ing through the Canadian
Crossroads International. She
stayed with a doctor and his
wife while in Java and was
loaned out going to meetings
and lectures besides teaching.
She showed slides taken of
the people, surrounding coun-
tryside and village itself, also
of the schools and children
she taught. Her slides and in-
formative commentary was
enjoyed by all.
Everyone joined in singing
He's got the whole World in
His Hands. Mrs. Irene Dunn
thanked Margaret Robinson
for her lovely slides end
A delicious lunch was serv-
ed by Jessie Ross's group.
plans • are proceeding well,
and communities such as
Goderich and St. Thomas are
accepting the closures, the
minister said.
The minister is delighted
with progress in closing the
S1. Lawrence regional centre:
in Brockville as the first
phase in its plan, and is now
almost ready to turn to
Goderich, Drea advised the
When Brockville is com-
pletely closed, 74 of the 100
residents will be in group or
family homes in the com-
munity, and six of the remain-
ing 26 who are going to other
institutions will be ready to
live in the community within
three years, he said.
"Our earlier prediction
regarding the number of
residents who would be.
capable of community living
was overcautious," Drea
said. "This shows what can be
achieved when carefully
planned community alter-
natives.are provided."•
As for the Brockville staff,
the minister said, 50 have new
positions with the ministry,
seven are being interviewed
for ministry of health jobs,
and 20 are awaiting jobs being
developed in the Brockville
area. ,
"In light of our success
there, we will, in the very
near future. be developing
closure plans for Bluewater."
Also on the list of closings is
the St. Thomas Adult
Rehabilitation and Training
Centre (START).
. "The parents of every resi-
dent will be individually con•
stilted before any decision
regarding relocation or com-
munity placement is Made,''
Drea promised.
During the past six months,
the ministry has written to the
parents or guardians of all the
residents as well as to every
employee of the six facilities,
'outlining the ministry's plans,
and has visited the centres,
Drea said.
"As a result of these
OFFICIAL STICKER — Exeter Lioness chairman for Sun-
doy's Greot Ladies Ride for Cancer Fran Shaw puts an
official participation sticker on the back of Shari Bur-
ton. T -A photo.
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meetings and individual con-
sultations, which will continue
as specific plans for each in-
stitution and each resident
are made, many parents who
initially expressed concern
about the five-year plan now
actively support it."
Thanked for
quilt donation
The April meeting of the
Women's Ministries of the
Penecostal Tabernacle was
held at the home of Mrs. Ada
Triebner with 15 members
present. The meeting was
opened by singing two hymns.
Prayer was offered by Mrs.
Estrella Finkbeiner.
The minutes of the last
meeting were read by Mrs.
Shirley Prouty and the
treasurer's report was given
by Mrs. Mary Blanchard.
A letter was read from the
recipient of the quilt which
was sent to the Bible School.
Letters were also read from
the Missionaries in Quebec
?.raltd'also"fr nfi7 holtie Mis--
sionaries in Mississauga,
The Missionary reading of
the afternoon was read by
Mrs. Dorothy Hookey. Mrs.
idena Desjardine led in the
singing of several choruses.
The message of the after-
noon was given by Mrs. Jean
Jolly on the power and bless-
ing of prayer.
Prayer time followed, after
which a delicious lunch was
served by Mrs. Shirley Prou-
ty and Mrs. Doreen Erb,
assisted by the hostess.
Presbyterian ladies meet
Mayes, 1983 Page 7
Hear from missionary
Missionary to Guyana. The
1984 annual meeting of the
Society will be held in
Lady Finelle
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At the recent 36th Annual
Meeting of the Synodical
Society of Hamilton and Lon
don of the %%'pmen's Mis-
sionary Society (Western
Division) of the Presbyterian
Church in Canada, held in St.
Andrew's Presbyterian
Church, Owen Sound, Mrs.
A.G. Neal of Sarnia was in-
stalled as president, Mrs. K.
Rayner of Paris as first vice-
president, Mrs. J.D. Weldon
of Lambeth as recording
secretary, Mrs. R. Gillatly of
Wyoming as corresponding
secretary and Mrs. H. Alles of
Durham as treasurer.
Greetings were brought to
the meeting from the Mayor
of Owen Sound, Mr. Ovid
Jackson, the Moderator of the
Synod of Hamilton and Lon-
don, Rev. Douglas Black, the
Moderator of the Presbytery
of Bruce -Grey, Rev. Hugh
Nugent and the minister of St.
Andrew's Church, Rev. Fred
Tuesday evening was
devoted to "Heritage Celebra-
tion" in which the history of
the Women's Missionary
Society from 1864 to 1983 was
presented by the
Presbyterials of London,
Huron, Stratford, Maitland
and Hamilton. A special
presentation with readings
and music was made by the
Canadian Girls in Training of
Owen Sound.
The guest speaker on
Wednesday was Dr. Margaret
Kennedy, former missionary
of the Presbyterian Church in
Canada to India. She dealt
with the hope and promise of
the Christian message, 'il-
lustrating it with exan►ples of
the witness of specific Chris-
tians in various areas of the
world. She provided an over-
view of the missionary work
of the Church at the present
time and the task of helping
growing churches.
The New Executive for 1983
was installed in office by Miss
Margaret Ramsay, former
If only we'd stop trying to
be happy, ue could have a
pretty good time.
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