HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-04-27, Page 29Readers comitientonbooks, . • , UNICEF, farm credit Dear Bill public to have a full range ot As I have sent you a copy of retail facilities in every the letter which I wrote to the community. Bank of Montreal regarding Yours very ti uly, the intended closures of the - W. E. Bradford Branches in Dashwood and President Crediton, 1 am now enclosing Bank of Montreal for your information a copy of Mr. Bradford's reply and fry further letter to him. Yours truly. Jack Riddell, M.P.P. Huron -Middlesex. Dear Mr. Riddell, We refer to your letter dated March 21st concerning our announcement that we planned to discontinue ser- vice at our part-time offices in Crediton and Dashwood in favour of adding more resources. in terms o[ numbers of personnel and specialised expertise in the area service centre at Exeter. After meeting with members of both com- munities and hearing their representations, we reviewed the feasibility of continuing our presence on some lesser basis and we were pleased to advise all customers that we would continue. In Dashwood we will offer service on Tuesdays and Thursdays and in Crediton on Wednesdays. Thank you for your interest in the very- real problems of finding an acceptable trade- off between the realities of to- day's costs of doing business and the desire of the general * * * Dear Mr. Bradford: Thank you for your letter of April 8th. I am most pleased that you retained the service in both Dashwood and Crediton, even though the banks will be open- ed fewer days of the week. Banks have always been one of the corner posts of every community and when such pillars are knocked down the community even- tually falls and passes into oblivion. We have witnessed enough ghost towns in our generation and are cognizant of towns and villages that once existed prior to our time and I would hate to think that the trend towards large and larger urban centres will con- tinue at the rate that it has in the past. One may • call this progress but I refer to it as a lost heritage and hence lost identities, lost traditions, lost year s. l us not hasten the den , of that which has been goot Yours truly, Jack Riddell, M.P.P. Huron -Middlesex CUSTOM HOME BUILDING AND RENOVATIONS • Aluminum Siding Soffits, fascia Eavestroughs • Made to measure custom thermal • windows • Free estimates GRASDAHL CONST. LTD. Cliff Alam 234-6711 PEkro s' - . 234-6224 hielimmi Dior Ron BENDER'S ABATTOIR and Home Grown Meat Market 'Formerly Scholl', Abattoir) MILL STREET HENSALL Thank you to everyone who supported our Opening Abattoir 262-3130 After Hours: 262-5628 Manager Dale Erb 236-7733 Custom Slaughter, Processing, Curing Every Tuesday. SPECIALIZING IN Counter Cuts and Restaurant Preparations Sides $1.57 Ib. Hinds $1.79 Ib. Fronts a 1.39 lb. Pork Sides 99C Ib. Our Own Old Fashioned PORK SAUSAGE $ 1.39 Ib. Counter Hours Daily 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Friday 9 a.m.-9 p.m. CLOSED Tuesday Saturday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Rummage Auction & Bake Sale' Hensel! United Church April 30, 11 a.m. Auction at 1 p.m. Jack Riddell MPP auctioneer Lunch Available Phone 262-2319, 262-2124 Proceeds Hensall Centennial Fund Listings - single beds, tires, TV tables, books, dishes and many misc. articles. 0Goccon 1W'11 IJ Sia o9e1%C all sootiest goy, o , ees b 0 9,c" he°aeto s expects 00°e Sen‘ 01141' VARNA, ONT. WOW" i00,“0.1.4 WO, XI la III Xi effi 262-3318 or 262-5809 5; Dear Sir: Re: the question of the On- tario Milk Marketing Board Membership in The Ontario Federation of Agriculture. The Ontario Federation of Agriculture is only one of the recognized farm organiza- tions in Ontario. As milk pro- ducers we have the right to join or not to join the Ontario Federation of Agriculture on a direct membership basis. Large numbers of farmers choose not to join the Ontario Federation of Agriculture because they feel that the On- tario Federation of Agriculture's policy of accep- ting money from, 'for exam- ple; the United Co-operatives of Ontario and similar groups leaves them with important unanswered questions. Who forms the Ontario Federation of Agriculture's policy? Does the Ontario Federation of Agriculture represent pro- ducers or processors? The Ontario Federation of Agriculture also accepts money from the Ontario Cat- tlemen's Association. This association has and is by every possible means , resisting any form of orderly marketing and supply management. If the Ontario Milk Marketing Board was to become a member of the On- tario Federation of Agriculture, itn't it logical to assume there will be, among the directors a basic conflict: supply management verses the so called "free market system"? We as milk producers want our licence fees to be used for the • arketing of our product within the system we have had and continue to support. Would the interests of On- tario milk producers not be better served if our elected members on the Ontario Milk Marketing Board continued to give their full attention to the marketing of milk? We sub- mit that any direct involve- ment by elected directors of the Ontario Milk Marketing Board in the Ontario Federa- tion of Agriculture or any general farm organization will reduce the competency of the board. As members of the National TAKE NOTICE THAT a Public Meeting of The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario wilrbe held at the MARSLAND CENTRE, COMMITTEE ROOM ii2, THIRD FLOOR, 20 ERB STREET WEST. WATERLOO, ONTARIO, on TUESDAY, MAY 17th, 1983 at the hour of 10.00 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the Board will hear applications. in accordance with the Regula- tions Sub -section 23(1) under The Liquor L cence Act, to in- crease he capacity of licensed premises in respect ot the fol- lowing licenced establishment: Good Times Eating Emporium Restaurant 414 Main Street South Exeter, Ontario Additional Dining Lounge Facilities Licencee: Michael Veri, Leonard Veri AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person who is resi- dent in the municipality and who wishes to make represen- tation relative to the applica- tion, shall make their submis- sion to the Board in writing prior to the date of the hear- ing, or in person at the time and place of the hearing. (Cop- ies of written sut missions will be forwalJed to the applicant). Liquor Licence Board of Ontario 55 Lakeshore Boulevard East TORONTO. Ontario. M5E 1A4 MINISTRY OF CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT {441833R1 Ministry of At\ Municipal Affairs and Housing Ontario Housing Corporation Tender Reference Number B05 P.T. 83.16 Janitorial, Site & land. scape Maintenance at Senior Citizen Building, Ex. eter OH -1 (134 Sanders Street) Tenders will be receiv- ed for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, Friday, May 6, 1983, by the Ontario Housing Corporation, c/o Court House and Registry Office, 80 Dun - dos Street, P.O. Box 5600, Terminal "A", London, Ontario. N6A 2P3 (519/679-7110) from whom details and specifications may be oLtained. Details and specifications may also be obtained from the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, On- tario N7A 1 MS (519/S24.2637) quoting reference number os above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED Farrners Union, we strongly support the policy of orderly marketing and supply management for all agriculture commodities. A decision by the Ontario Milk Marketing Board to become a member of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture does nothing to. support our policy or the policy of the On- tario Milk Marketing Board. In fact it probably would have the affect of weakening the -grass roots voice of all general faun organizations, and this would include the voice of the Ontario Federa- tion of Agriculture. As concerned milk pro- ducers and members of the National Farmers Union, we believe that it our right to join or refuse to join any organiza- tion. We ask that the Ontario Milk Marketing Board pro- tect this right. We trust that all Ontario milk producers will inform themselves rogardinr: this proposal. You must decide how you want your money to be spent. 'Phis proposal is on the agenda for all the Regional Milk Committee Meetings taking place this month and in early April. If you do not make your elected 'directors aware that you are not in agreement with the pro- posal do not be surprised where your money will be spent. Yours sincerely, Raye-Anne Briscoe RR 2 Renfrew, Ontario K7V :325 Region 3 (Ontario) National Farmers Union Dairy Committee * * * Dear Sir: Over the past year the On- tario UNICEF Committee has received excellent support from the news media of our province. I would like to thank not only you and the members HIGH FIVES — Leo Hoffman (left) and Poul Bedard, both from Zurich, carried off the high fives awards at the Zurich and area businessmen's handicap bowling tournament. Camagnola praises new Liberal budget In Perth County to promote ping the media together and the Liberal party, former MP blaming them all for the ac - and cabinet minister Iona tions taken, but also question- Campagnola did just that by ed the ethics of the particular emphasizing the past photographer in question. achievements of the federal Ms. Campagnola suggested Liberal government and the Liberal party has to utilize praising its recently introduc- the media, because if it ed budget. doesn't, the opposition will. As one of the guest speakers The party president said she at a .$25 -a -plate fund raising raised the issue to point out dinner in Mitchell on April 21, that the party has to reflecta along with agriculture changing society. She refer- red to media guru Marshall minister Eugene Whelan, Ms. McLuhan's comments that Campagnola wound up her tociety today is like the day -long visit to the Perth Elizabethan era because it is riding. living with two cultures at one She referred to her .visit as time. The Elizabethans were a "lovely day", during which moving from visual to linear time Ms. Campagnola spoke and movement today is from on women's issues at a lun- linear to audio-visual. She encourages ridings to use this technology, par- ticularly computers in the campaign process. Speaking Secondary School in about campaigns, Ms. Cam - Stratford. pagnola hinted at a possible cheon at the Stratford Coun- try Club and talked with Perth County high school students at Northwestern At the dinner, the president election in 1984. While not of the Liberal Party of definitely spelling out Prime Canada, Ms. Campagnola Minister Pierre Trudeau's said Canadians like "our retirement, she said there will budget." "It's quiet out there because they like it," she said. The former cabinet minister didn't point to any budget specifics, but noted finance minister Marc Lalonde had consulted the party about the budget. "I can't remember any minister of finance doing that before," commented the par- ty president. The former MP from Prince Rupert, B.C., said it was too bad about the photo, referring to the picture of the budget document taken by a Hamilton television station. "That's what happens when we have 19th century laws and 21st century technology," said Ms. Campagnola. She cautioned against him - be a "great vacuum" left when he retires. "He'll be recognized as the greatest Prime Minister Canada ever had," said Ms. Carnpagnola. With comments such as "A Liberal is a Liberal is a Liberal" and "we cannot af- ford the luxury of not working together" Ms. Campagnola said the party is in the process of building towards speaking in one voice across the country. She noted the best gift the Liberal party has received is the "factionalized opposition" which is currently undergoing a leadership election. The Liberal -Party presi- dent took the opportunity before and after the dinner to speak to many of those in attendance. JUST DESSERTS Marilyn Thompson Parkhill, finally chooses a slice of.applepie from Alma Westtake's tray at the Zurich Chamber of Commerce's annual sauerkraut supper. of your staff, but all those con- cerned citizens who so generously supported the work of UNICEF during the last twelve months. At a time when the plight of millions of children is so great, and when the lives of so many hang in the balance not just from day to day but the minute to minute, it is heart- warming to realize that UNICEF has the interest of so many fellow Canadians. The monies that UNICEF' in On- tario has received will go a long way in alleviating the suffering of thousands of children around the world. Approximately $500,000 was raised through the Hallowe'en campaign and the same amount was realized from the sale of Greeting Cards. These amounts are matched by CIDA (Canadian Interna- tional Development Agency). This means that such pro- grammes as oral rehydration therapy, the first breakthrough in stopping dehydration in young children suffering from gastric infec- tions; child immunization against measles. diptheria, tetanus, whooping cough, poliomyelitis and tuber- culosis; promoting breast feeding and finally training mothers in the use of a growth chart to arrest and prevent child malnutrition and ill - health may be implemented. As well, clean water will be provided to communities where even a puddle of dirty water can be precious. In these times of economic uncertainty, we, the volunteers of UNICEF in On- tario are most gratified by the continuing Sympathy shown for those small beings of the world, who are all too often forgotten. With kind regards, Elizabeth Gordon Edwards Provincial Chairman Ontario Unicef Committee Boost YOUR HOME TOWN JIItili111f I1i111111111111i11111I11111111Ifl111111llttil1tll11t1I111Urilltltlllllltittllttiltltliittiffifil lliMit 4anhJ ff F. 544 Main St., S. 235-2244 Watch for more specials coming soon. 111111111111111111111111111111UII11111U1111t111111111U1NIII1111BIIItINllllll)tit for making our tire sale such a great success. Graham Sid - Jeff - Ned - Andy Exeter Sun Service 1 INDUSTRIAL AMERICAN FUND The Big Apple In your portfolio. It's time. Growth record to March 31, 1983: One year: more than 51% Five years: averaging more than 25% Since inception: totalling more than 350% it's an ideal way to participate in the immense growth potential of the U.S. stock market. Find out more. Contact: • Gary Bean Pitfield Mackay Ross Limited Limitee 344 Andrew St., S., Exeter, Ontario 235-2231 Any offer is made by the prospectus. Figures reflect growth in net asset value with all dividends reinvested. IIIIMOINIM MEM '1 J v , GI DEMONSTRATIONS, WORKSHOPS, EXHIBITS SCIENTIFIC FILMS, AND MUCH, MUCH MORE. The Science Circus wee conceived In 1973 es an extension of the Ontario selene Centre In Toronto. About thirty exhibits have been transported to Ti,. Livery In Goderich to act as bath a super classroom for students and a unique look at science for adults. Have fun while you rediscover silence. r FRIDAY, jiPRIL 29 SUNDAY, MAY 15 Ilret�Irt,-13111-� = ' Sat.. sun. -11.1 OCATION - Tha LT tra SOWN SUM (IMslde The Redford Metal) oODERICII y.w...ed rr tM eeeeelwe, ellehi.r exit tsyre..w.•� M.ee.N.w Times -Advocate, April 27, 1983 Page 17A ATTENTION FARMERS! FOR PROMPT DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL SERVICE 24 HOURS A DAY CALL TOLL FREE 1.800.165•436f If line Is busy call 1-887-9334 Brussels BRUSSELS NT FOOD SUPPLIES Licensed by Department of Agriculture & Food TENDER for Township of Hay For the supply, hauling, loading, and spreading 5,000 cubic yards of sand on Township roads. Tenders to be in the hands of the clerk by 12:00 noon, May 16, 1983. Lowest Tender not necessarily accepted. J.M. Ducharme, Clerk -Treasurer P.O. box 250, Zurich, Ontario NOM 2T0 )BEEIBOrlsOlITOO ,�Fl�s'C°s'C5�0207, CHIROPRACTORS Gerald A. Webb D.C. Doctor Of Chiropractic 438 MAIN ST. EXETER By Appointment Phone 235-1680 REPAIRS riiewleip Meagher Repairs to all makes Free Estimates 90 Day Warranty Experienced since 1952 Sow and save Castro Ltd. 149 Downi•$t..Stratford Closed Monday Phone -271-9660 SURVEYORS ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS ARCHIBALD, GRAY & McKAY LTD. 592A Main St. S. Exeter, 235-0995 or call London toll free 1-800-265-7988 INSURANCE SC Realty Insurance Inc. EXETER 235.2420 GRAND BEND 238-8484 CLINTON 482-9747 GODERICH 524:2118 Appraisals Mortgages life Insurance Trust Certificates AUCTIONEERS ugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' of experience of complete sale servile. Provincially licensed Conduct sales of any kind any place We guarantee you more To insure success of your sole or appraisal Phone Collect •i8 0833 866--1987 AUCTIONEERS Ontario Auction Service Get Action -Sell By Auction Complete Sales Service Auctioneers and Appraisers R.A."Sue" Edginton RR 2, Lucan, Ontario (5 19)227.4029 J.O. "Bud" McIver RR 2, Lucan, Ontario (519)227-4111 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER 8 APPRAISER Prompt Courteous EfRdent ANY TYPE ANY SIZE ANYWHERE We give amplete sale service PROFIT RT EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235.114 EXETER People do read small ads. You are. This space could be yours Call 235-1331 ACCOUNTANT•PUBLIC WARD MALLETTE Chartered Accountants 476 Main Street, S., Exeter, Ontario 235-0120 Resident Partner: John S. McNeilly, C.A. J CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT JOSEPH F. DARLIJVC: e ERT/Ilm CIENERAL ACCOUNTANT Txt., nt•-ann-*sow TAI'S 01-1) TOWN HAL1. Rea MAiN cTREET EAETRR, ONTARIO NOM 1e0