HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-04-27, Page 22Page 10A Times -Advocate, April 27, 1983 i f0 I UI FREEZER, 7 cu. it. apartment size. 6 months old, still under war- ranty. Asking 5200.00 firm. 235-0153 after 5 p.m. 17e 18" BMX BIKE, converted with kit 1!25.00. 16" Unisex bike S10.00. Both fair condition. 235-0836. .17* TWO SINGLE BEDS $20.00 each; arborize table with four chairs S15.00; good electric dryer S70.00; 1976 Vega Hatcht)ack, SI000.00 as is, good running44'on- dition S1250. certified; ping gong table SI0.00, 228-6255. 17• DRY CATTLE MANURE mixes well koro soil S2.00 fertilizer bag. Free delivery 5 bags or more or S20.00 for % ton pickup load.. Phone 234-6249. 17418c .WANTED TO BUY Antique cupboards, lamps, dishes, jewellery, toys, clocks, dolls or what have you. Buying complete households or will sell for you. Ontario Auction Services RR 2 Lucan Ph. Bud McIver 227-4111 Antique Auction Masonic Hall, Ilderton, Ont. Sat. May 7, 1983 11 a.m. A" good offering of an- tiques. Fancy glass and china. Edison Phonograph. Watches, old clocks including a Pequegnat King Ed- ward. A Spinning Wheel, Yarn Winder etc. A Targe collection of primitive tools and hundreds of items found at an antique auction. Please Note: This is not a Consignment Sale. Viewing from 10 a.m. Hugh Filson, Bill Elliot Auctioneers Fred Burkhart, Sales Manager H. McDonald, Prop., Parkhill (519) 232-4376 16 101 ,tile GARAGE SALE. Dishes, electric heaters, chairs, tables, cupboards. toys, picnic tables, red type power mower, lawn swing, awning and screen tent for trailer. Set farm scales, 32 0. wood extension lad- der and many other articles. 159 Anne St. Exeter Apr. 30th and May Ise. 9 a.m. to 6 p.rn. 17• ORGAN - R.C.A. floor model chord, 12 bass buttons, double box springs, mattress and head board, pair of table lamps. 235_2376 _ 17101 CEDARS for hedges as low as S2.90 each. 1.arge selection of top quality maples. junipers, spruce, pine, flowering bushes and fruit trees. All low priees..Why not give us a call. Ebert's Tree Farms. 8 miles south of St. Marys on Hwy. 19. It's worth sour trip out. Clos- ed Sundays. Kintore 461-0042. 17-19c RIDING HORSES, work horses. saddles, harness and buggies. 235-0855. 17-19c RIDING LAWN TRACTOR. Moto -Mower, 8 h.p. with 36" mower and 36" snowthrower. All in excellent condition. Phone 229-6289after 6p.m. __17' DESIGN YOUR OWN clock, Quartz battery. movements available at the Country Spire. 229-6341. 17ifn ELECTRIC AMACO KILN. Female goais with or without kids. Phone 235-2876 after 5 Cm.I5tfn ARTIST SUPPLIES Arthoards, Brushes, Acrylic Paints. Charcoal Pencils, Art Nibs Skcteh Pads, Calligraphy. EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE 30tfnx \V )O([) well ell seasoned, delivered by cord or larger truck loads. 236-4457 or 238-8454.37tfn TV TOWER, 40', separate VH1=/UHF antenna, booster, rotor and control. Call 238-8946. 16,17c META!. SWING, two seater, adult. Reasonable price: Phone 234-6436.\ • 16,17' NORTHLANDER MOBILE HOME, 12'x70' includes lamps, carpets, drapes, skirting,.sundeck, enclosed back porch, central air. axles, excellent condition, CSA approved. Phone 235-1491 or 235-2747. 16,17c CULTIVATOR POINTS AND SWEEPS, S tines, disk lathes, plow parts, tractor scats and muf- flers. Save money, buy from the O.F.\1.A. depot. Alvin Becker, RR 1 Dashwood, 237-3239.16,17c PARD SALE Saturday, May 7 10-4. Clothing, stereo, antique bed, piano, etc.. 30 King St. Crediton, 17:18c Estate Property Auction, Village of Blake Saturday, April 30-2:00 p.m. As instructed by the Executors for the Estate of the late Mary Jane Hey, we are pleased to offer by public auction with a reasonable reserve bid the family home known as Conces- sion North Boundary, North Part of Lot 23, Hay Twp., Blake, consisting of single storey house on one acre lot, combined livingroom and kit- chen, two bedrooms, closed -in porch, laundry room, basement, oil heat, recently decorated, large garden, an excellent starter home or summer retreat, 10 percent down, balance in 30 days. For inspection of property, contact ex- ecutors on sight April 28 and 29. Inclusive, ex- cellent investment potential for future. Don Von Patter Auction Services Zurich (519) 236-4547 Large Auction Sale Wood lathe, drill press, horse cut- ter, antique furniture, appliances etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Barn, Clinton Ontario for local and area. consignors. Sat. April 30 at 10 a.m. Rockwell Beaver drill press with 1 hp electric motor mounted on floor stand (like new). Rockwell Beaver 36" wood lathe with line cen- tre and out baord face plate mounted on floor stand, 1 hp electric motor and shut off switch (like new), set of chisels. Universal deep well pressure system with 1 hp motor and small pressure tank used six months, horse drawn cutter, Hitachi colour TV on stand, small black and white TV, both good ones. Kenmore 15 cubic ft. chest freezer, Birkley 20 cu. ft. chest freezer, French Provincial floor model hi fi (fan- cy). Clairtone floor model hi fi, hall stand with mirror, Danish nine piece dining suite with round table (like new), pressback nursing rocker, childs press back rocking chair, Vic- torian style side chair and arm chair, three upholstered chairs, three chesterfields and chairs, vanity dresser, chrome table and four chairs, artificial fireplace, several dressers with mirrors, several beds, Old Philco floor model radio, two ladder back style chair§, exercise bicycle, organ stool, matching French Provin- cial coffee and end tables, two good modern end tables, small fancy tables, single door washstand, telephone table, two new vanity cabinets, 2 folding chairs, two old oak store counters, cookstove, lady manequin, umbrella. table, carpets, pole lamp, table lamps, fly bug- ger, laundry tubs, step stool, freight cart, oil heater and 100 gal. tank, bicycle, skis, four treated posts, flat wooden boat, pony saddle, lead ropes, plastic pails for feeding horses, electric chain saw, fire brick, small wood stove, fluorescent lights, hand winch, aluminum doors, Industrial floor polisher, vacuum cleaner, bath tub and sink, lamps, humidifier, pickle cruet, several oil lamps, Royal Albert cups and saucers, plus our usual large offer- ing of misc. items. Terms Cash RICHARD LOBB AUCTIONEER Clinton, Ontario 482-7898 • 1 (t RIDING MOWER, Bolen: 8 h.p., still under guarantee. 51265.00. Phone 236-4663 at 12 noon and 6 p m. I7c KITCHEN -GOURMET GADGETS for that kitchen shower or a sur prise for Mom. Sec our newly extended line. Country. Spire 229-6341. 17i fn RABBIT CAGES, various sires. Phone 234-6458. 17c BOLENS 12 h.p. RIDING MOWER. This machine is only two seasons old and in perfect shape. Completely serviced and ready to go for this season, 51500. Call 284-2763 after 6 p.m.14tfn5 HAY AND STRAW, Grand Bend .area. 238-2655. 15-17c USED STORE FIXTURES. counters, showcases, stock room shelving, pallet racking, also of- fice equipment, filing cabinets, desks, chairs, etc. Free store plan- ning services. Jack Venton Retail Systems. Phone (519) 238-8149 Grand Bend. 15-17c Spring is on its Way Place your order for Goslings, Ducklings Pheasants and five breeds of chickens for egg and meat production Started and ready to lay Pullets All government blood tested. Book your favourite date front Edelweiss Acre Farms Erich Freiter and Family RR 1 Dashwood Phone 237-3382 Ask for Price List Hein FRESH EGGS from hen to you. '4 mile north of Hensall on No. 4 Hwy. Marcel Verlinde. Phone 262-5608. 13-18c THRESHING MACHINE. Moody, hand teed on skids. Phone 229-8965 afternoon and evenings. . l3tfn TRUCK TIRES AND TUBES. good used 10:00-20. N.C. Jones & Sons Ltd. 235-2815 or 235-2489. 130 WOOD LATHES, splitters and band saws, hand tools, new and used steel. Hamilton's Nlachinc Shop. 235-1655. 13-17c POOL SALE, Manufacturer's clearance on above and inground pools, many models at fantastic savings, ' SHOP DFREC'i. 416-522-1414. 17s CANADA'S LOWEST PRICE SATELLITE T.V. Systems. Com- plete package. Western Satellite Supply, Saskatoon. Phone 306-934-1701. Dealer inquiries in- vited. 175 USED DESKS, • FILE CABINETS, bookcases, tables, room dividers, stacking chairs, of- fice chairs; storage cabinets, steel .adjustable shelving. Lovers New & Used, 254 Adelaide St. S., Lon- don 681-2254 Mon. -Fri.. 9-5, Sat. 9-12. 17s AMS/Oil-Quality . of Life For. business and Personal use, the very best Synthetic lubrication; ex- ternal car care; personal and health products. No minimum orders required. Contact: George & Verna Burgin Kirkton, 229-8965 Afternoons & Evenings 8:10:12tfn 17 Wanted To Buy SCRAP CARS & TRUCKS. Top l cash price. McStephen Auto Wreckers. 228-6214. 12-21• MENS GOLF CLUBS, Icft hand. Phone 235-2033. _ 17:18• BRASS & ('AST IRON BEDS, mint. be complete, no mattress needed. .5x10 pool table, oak with slate bottom, reasonable. 453 7139 Inoinil'gs. ----------------17• ' STEEI. DR(J\1 ROLLERS. ('hone 237-3227. 17:I8c AC'('ORI)IOfsl with 120 bass. 2 bass switches and 3 or more tre- ble. Phone 262-5212. I7c1 HORSE DRAWN \1A('HINtRY, threshers, harness, buggies; cutters, sleighs and all kinds of horses. Race horses for buggy horses. 235-0855. 17-19c 18 Wanted - PERSON lO SHARE rent in Es- eter. Phone 235-1568 after 6 p.m. 17• BOARDING HOME for one female. I'I,tonc 235-017.7. 17c YOUNG MAN wants room and board in Exeter arca. Call collect 528.21.70 after 6 p.nt. 17411 ROOM ANI) BOARD, young man requires room and hoard in Reece. Phone 235-2815 after 6 p.rt. • 1711n 19 Property For Sale AT 1 EN MON I.icenced Mechanics, fine 6 yr. old 40's40' repair garage and three lots. ucan arca. Owner deceased. Possible 10 percent mortgage, try 530,000.00. Dow. Murray 227-4339 Sharen Realty Ltd. 17:I8c W1: SF.I.1. I AR\1S in \lanitoba. Wide selection. Infotrntation v.ithoot obligation. Phone 204-756-2464 after 6 or write Big Valley. Realty, Box 75, Kelwood, Manitoba. R0.1 I t10. 17s Price Reduced To Sell Zurich. 2 storey frame home 54 Goshen St., North. Excellent condi- tion. Features include central air, separate 2 car garage. Paved driveway, mature land- scaping, large lot, etc. For further information please contact Robert Westlake 236-4391 19 H r,lwt ty 1 (Mk; TWO PARCELS of land. 6 acres and 4 acres. Hwy. 84, St. Joseph. Phone 236-4740. IS -18c TWO BEDROOM HOUSE (ideal starter hornet in Exeter. Reasonably priced. Telephone 235-0685 after 7 p.m. I5tfn MT. CARMEL - 3 bedroom bungalow. finished basement, lot 1005(150', - Lake Huron water, Phone 237-3732 after 6. 16-21e 20 Property For Rent HENSALL - one bedroom apart- rnent, newly renovated. broadloom, new stove and fridge. 262-3146 after S_p,m. _ 46tfn MAPLE ARMS APARTMENT. Luxury, adult. One bedroom apartment available now. Phone 235-2420 and evenings 235-1715. Itfn MAPLE ARMS APARTMENT. Luxury adult. Two -bedroom aparunent available .lune 1. Phone 235-2420 or 235-1715 evenings. Min IN HENSALL - two bedroom townhouse, ground floor with barbecue area. 3238.50 per month. includes heat, parking, garbage pickup. Phone 262-2014 or 262-3446. _ _ Iztfn IN HENSALL - one bedroom townhouse, ground floor with barbecue arca. 5212.00 per month includes heat, parking, garbage pickup. Phone 262-2014 or 262-3446. 12tin APARTMENT - heated one bedroom freshly painted ground level, laundry facilities, suitable for single adult. Whitton Apts. 235-1497. • 12ifn RETAII. STORE office space for rent. Main Si. Exeter. Phone 235-2087 after 6:30. 13101 TWO BEDROOM apartment. Electric heat. Immediately. Con- tact 236-4356. 15-20c PARTIALLY FURNISHED bachelor apartment, parking, laundly facilities. 235-1497.15tfn TWO BEDROO\1 apartment, centrally located. All utilities paid. Available May I. Phone 235-2087 after 6:30 p.ni. 15tfn TWO BEDROOM house, 370 Carling Street, 5280:00 monthly, available May 1. 235-2183.16tfnc FARM HOUSE for rent, available May 1st. Pfione 237-3363.16,17e LARGE THREE BEDROOM house on edge of town. Country setting. References required. 5400.00 monthly. 235-2183.16tfnc 50 ACRES TREFOIL GRASS, well fenced, lots 01 water and shade. Phone 237-3227. 16,17c FARM HOUSE, 5 bedroom, Zurich arca. Phone 236-4137. 16tfnc '21) I'r,IJ I ty I (it R'n1 ONE BEDROOM APART- MENT in new building available June 1. Call Jack Taylor 235.1252. After 6 p.m. 12Q-6472. 17tfn AVAILABLE MAY I, new one bedroom apartments, unfurnish- ed, parking, central location. No, pets no children. Apply Colonial Hotel 238-2371.17:18c FEEDER HOG BARN._ 400 head capacity, liquid manure handling, feed tanks, modern ventilation, 3 yr. lease option. Phone 237-3227. _ 17:1&• 3 BEDROOM FARM HOME in Hensall-Kippen area. Phone 262-5988. I7c 21 For Rent PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, portable cement mixer, Power Trowels, wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stocked. Call N.J.'Corriveau, Zurich. Telephone 236-4954„__15t THE "OLD TOWN HALL" auditorium for rentals including weddings, meetings, banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, films, etc. Kitchen facilities available. Contact property manager Bill Disney 235-0231. 23t CAMP -OUT TRAILERS, Hwy. 8 west Stratford. 393-5938. Your headquarters for hardtop tent trailers, travel trailers from lightweights right up to park models, truck campers and caps. Dealer for Prowler, Golden Falcon, Corsair, Lionel, Sales, rentals, parts, service. 15-26c CEMENT FORMS, cement saws, plate tamper, darbie, power trowel, hammer drills, water pumps, generators, construction heaters. etc. G.M. Rentals, RR 2 Hensall, Ontario. 236-4819,16t Inc ROOMS OR ROOM & BOARD available in Centralia. Phone 228-6867. 17• 23 Wanted To Rent l00-150 ACRES gond cash crop land. Advance payment. Phone 228-6288 early morning or late evening. 8tfn 100 ACRES or more of good cash crop land. Crediton area. 234-6281. Iltfn GOOD CASH CROP LAND. 100-500 acres. Phone 262-2821. 16-18• IN EXETER AND LUCAN AREA land for cash crop, part payment in spring. Phone 229-8841. 17:18c APARTMENT, one bedroom furnished. Phone 235-0177. 17c TWO .BEDROOM apartrnent in Exeter for June or July. Good references if required. Phone 235-1804 after 5 P.M. Weekends anytime. 17:18c Pinery Flea Market Open every Sunday May 1 to Sept. 25 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. 3 miles south of Grand Bend Hwy. 21 Always looking for new dealers .'Phone Bob Sandercp..tt - 238-8382 �a/fr- hrell9 jorialef SALE BY TENDER - Under instructions from the secured parties we will offer for sale by public tender, a garwood buckeye model D ditching machine, Serial #1222. May be seen upon request, tender forms may be obtained from the Undersigned. RATHWELL & ASSOCIATES INC. Dick Robinson, Sales Manager Phone 527-1336 or 527-1458 elalhaei es AUCTIONEERS. LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK 1 (519) 527-1458 WO i ******************** i Flinn Sold 4( * * * Clearing Auction Sale of farm ♦c * machinery, etc., for Mr. Dave ' * McLeod, Lots 2 and 3, concession 7 ' * ECR, McGillivray Township, 3 miles 4c * N.E. of Parkhill. Take 81 Hwy. north 4( * from Parkhill to second road and * * turn right. (Watch for signs.) * * Saturday, Apr. 30 - 12:30 p.m. fit; .* TRACTORS: Int. 1066 diesel with cab; Formal! A( * H; Int. 606 diesel; Case 430 and industrial * * loader; 2 sets of duals 184 x 38, 184'x 30. MACHINERY:Ford 5 fur. 16" automatic reset * plow; McKee 7' cult; with hydraulic wings; har- * rows; and levelling bar; Int., 8 row corn planter * with cross auger and insecticides; Int. 4 row * * No. 56 planter; M.F. No. 33 drill; Noble 22' S * * • tyne cult; 22' & 18' harrogators; Model 1100 * vacuum Better Built liquid manure tank; Ford * 231/4' wheel disc with hydraulic wings, Int. 420 * baler; 24' elevator; Ford No. 18 blower; N.H. * 327 spreader; Westfield 42' auger on wheels; ' * 2 4" augers; 2 J.M. gravity bins and 10 ton * wagons; Konsgkilde 16' cult. with wings. * MISC:Patz stable cleaner, 250' of chain com- * plete; work bench; heat lamps; drill press; .' wood splitter; hydraulic cylinder; wheel bar- 4( * row; tractor weights; dump wagon and hoist; * * new head gate; topper for 1'2 ton; silo power * distributor with electric motor; etc. etc. * CAR:1969 Plymouth in running condition; sell- * .0( ing as is. * GRANARY: 5000 bu. West Steel Rosco with 4( * cross aerator. * Further information call 294.6735 * TERMS: Cash Sole Day ' Booth * Auctioneers * Hugh Filson Tom Robson * * 666.0833 6446-1967 * ***************ilk**** I 1,, i'r nl THREE BEDROOM FARM HOUSE. barn and five to 10 fenc- ed acres in Exeter area. Must have ample water for small livestock operation. Two-year lease or longer preferred. Apply stating location, rental and length of term available to Box BAX, The Exeter Times -Advocate. 451 f x STUDENT requires room in Grand Bend. Willing to do housework. Working at Oakwood Inn from May to Sept. 666-1307: Sic 25 Notices YES!! McStephen Auto Wreckers is still in business. Selling quality used parts at a premium price. Located on the Mount'Carmel Road. Phone 228-6214. 12-21• 27 Tender s Wonted TENDERS Tenders will be received by the undersigned until April 29, 1983 for the tuck shop located in the Zurich Arena. Tenders will he for the period May I, 1983 until April 30, 1984. Highest tender not necessarily accepted. For more information call 236-4969 Sharon A. Baker, Clerk -Treasurer •15-17e COMING UP... AUCTION - Saturday, April ' 10th. 10 a,m. Gigant sale, funiture appliances, antique furniture, tyvo crystal chandeliers, property of Mr. and Mrs. Patty Harrison, Pon Perry, selling at Orval McLean Auction Centre. RR 2 I.indsay. Mr. Harrison, Canada's well-known mining magnate has retired from and sold his 26 acre Seven Mile Island on Lake Scugog :ontaining his 26 room home and five other houses. The contents I and two John Deere lawn tractors with mowers, sweeper, cultivator, trailer, foggcr on trailer, are mov- ed to our barn for sale. Two crystal -chandeliers, 12x20 Indian wool rug circa 1850, library drop front desk with full mirror, anti- que chairs, modern oak dining room suite, clocks, Mozart and Arra bust, oak boardroom table, very large selection unique antique items and regular household fur- niture, beds, chests, dressers, chairs, sofa bed, maple furniture, appliances (over 50 rooms of quality contents). Note time: 10 a.rn. - Tractors II a.m. Terms cash or approved cheque. Orval McLean Auctions 705-324-2783. t7x CLASSIFIED ADS Call 235-1331 r -Stocker Sale 1300 Head at Mensal! Livestock Sales Ltd. on Saturday, May 7, 1983 at 1:00 p.m. Consisting of: Steers, Heifers and Calves FOR INFORMATION CALL: Victor Hargreaves - 519-482-7511 (Clinton) Barry Miller - 519-235-2717 (Exeter) 519-229-6205 (Kirkton) Greg Hargreaves. -' 519-262-2619 (Hensall) 519-262-2831 (Hensall) Auctioneer: Larry Gardiner j Auction Calender Sat., April 30th at 10:00 a.m. Furniture, appliances, etc. at Richard Lobb's Barn Sat., May 7th at 10:00 a.m. Woodware cast iron, collection, crocks, jugs, amber Beaver jar, highly collectable fruit jars, old bottles, guns, tins, bells, etc. to be held for the estate of Percy and Roberta Woolacott at the Mitchell Arena, Mitchell, Ontario. Sat., May 14th at 10:00 a.m. Furnitut e, antiques, and appliances, etc. at Richard Lobb Barn. Sat., May 23rd at 10:00 a.m. Furniture, antiques and appliances, etc. for Esther Jamieson at Richard Lobb Born. Sat. May 28th at 10:00 a.m. Suri., May 29th at 11:00 a.m. Top quality and rare antique glassware and fur- niture to be held for the Estate of Percy and Roberta Woolacott at the Mitchell Aren6, Mit- chell Ontario. Catalogues will be available at May 7th sole for May 28th and May 29th $ales. * '*• ***** ** ****** • Estate Clearing Auction * Of farm machinery, standardbred * * horses and cattle for the Estate of * * the late Jim McComb. Lot 16, Con- * * cession 15, London Twp. Situated on * * no. 4 Hwy, 1 mi. south of Elginfield, * * 12 mi. north of London. * * Friday, May 6 - 1:00 p.m. * * MACHINERY: White Field Boss 2.105 tractor * * fully equipped, over and under transmission, * cab, air, etc., deep lug rear tires, 525 hours * (like new); Ford 5000 tractor with selectamatic * * transmission, low hours, (good); A.C. W.D. 45 * * tractor with good tires; 82 Massey self- * * propelled 10' combine, direct cut and pick up * heads; Kvernelond 4 fur. 16" automatic reset * mould -board semi -mount plow; 18' Kongskilde * cult. with rolling harrows and leveller. Int. 56 * * 4 row corn planter (like new); Lucknow 81/2' * * double auger snow blower; Heston 9' haybine; * * 2 gravity boxes and wagons; Dion forage * blower; 14' 48 plate Pittsburgh double disc;lot. * 570 tandem axle 275 bu. manure spreader; * N.H. side rake; Massey 3 pt. 2 furrow plow; * * hydraulic fertilizer auger; Martin 6 ton 16' * * wagon; Michigan Maurer 2 row bean puller; * * Horst 8 ton wagon with 16' hay rack (new); N.I. 2 row corn picker with husking bed; M.H. * model 26A 15 run grain drill; Int. 430 baler. * * HORSES: 1 Hy ScothBret brood mare 7 yr. old; * * 1 Alert Bret 5 yr. old filly; 1 Keystone Smartie * * 3 yr. old filly; 2 Maestro Chip 2 yr. old geldings; 1 Maestro Chip yearling colt; 1 River Captain * yearling colt; 1 Tarport Arnie brood more 11 * * yr. old with Springfield foal; 7' extra wide * * tandem axle horse trailer. * * CATTLE: 10 big young Hereford and Chorolais * * cows springing, (to be blood and pregnancy tested); registered 88 percent Limousin 2 yr. old * bull; 11 yearling steers and heifers including * * two sets of twin heifers; 75 percent Limousin * * yearling bull./ * * MISC: Milk cons; two iron kettles, pump jock; * 3 water tanks; cedar posts; steel posts; lumber; * Fence tile; heavy troller axle; woven wire * fence stretchers; et£. >,� * TERMS: Cash Sale Day Booth * * AUCTIONEERS * Hugh Filson Tom Robson * * 666.0833 666-1967 * MISR Oa 11E811 1 1 1 At Pinery .Auction Barn on Hwy. 21, 4 miles S., Grand Bend NIOTION 1 1 11 11 11 1 11 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 On `Sunday, May 1st 1 p.m. sharp Selling for the trustees, the estate of R.E. Johnson, Sarnia an outstan- ding selection of antique and household furniture. ANTIQUES 8 COLLECTIBLES: Westminister 1 1 11 11 11 grandf'bther clock; carriage and mantle clocks: 1 genuine old brass ship clock; pocket watches; 1 curio cabinet; oak buffet; two wardrobes; washstands; beds; oak and mirrored dressers; slipper chair; oak trestle; ext. table; walnut gate 1 leg table; gramophone; Victorian and parlour tables; writing desks; oak chairs; plus a Targe selection of fine china and glass including Nip- pon, Noritake, Depression, Amethyst, Occ. Japan; Royal commemorative Tamp and mugs: cranbetrry, dishes, railroad and oil lamps; crocks. FURNISHINGS: 7 pc. cherry dining room set, new cond. chesterfield and chair; occ. chairs and tables; colour T.V. like new; lamps and fern stands; sewing machine; kitchen set; kit- chen ware and linens; kitchen server; humidifier; coffee and end tables; rugs; two fridges,excellent cond., electric stove; washer and dryer; lawn mower, garden and hand tools, etc. AUCTIONEER: Pat Lyon Phone 243-2713 1 1 11 1 1 • 1 11 1 1 11 1 •t.INt•111111.f.tl011111 .f.111111.1lf1111It■1111fi1111 FnflCenthry Farms Sold 1` CLEARING FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION We are pleased to offer for sale by public auction an excellent line of farm equipment for Bell Huron Farms. 11/2 miles north of Hensall. on No. 4 highway on Saturday, May 7 at 10:30 a.m. 6 TRACTORS: J.D. 4640 Turbo c/w cab, air, • PTO. quick -hitch. front fuel tank, low hours; J.D. 4030 c/w cab. air. 3 pth. pto; J.D. 3020 power shift c/w no. 58 loader with 6 ft. ind. bucket; Cockshut 1850 under -over hydraul. shift c/w cab. 3 pth. pto; Cockshutt 1650 hydra power" drive c/w pto, 3 pth; 1953 Ford 50 Jubilee. TILLAGE: John Deere 1000 241/2 ft. cultivator c/w spring tooth harrows; J.D. 2500 6 furrow 18 in. bottom hyd. reset plow; Glenco 11 shank soil saver; 9 ft. anhydrous shank applicator c/w hitchiker harrows; Kongskilde 8 row scuffler c/w rolling planter shields; 20 ft. ,stone .windrower; Anderson stone picker; 24 ft. tandem land rollers; - farmhand 32 ft. harrow weeder with road transport. BEAN EQUIPMENT: Lilliston 6200 Hi -Cap beaner combine; Lilliston 8 row and 6 row bean windrower; Innes S00 and 520 bean windrower; 4 row Mauer bean puller STRAWBERRY EQUIPMENT: Friday self-pro- pelled power hoe; Finch electronic bird alarm; Reist PTO model straw chopper; 3 pth riding strawberry hoe; Holland 1 row 3 pth transplanter; Gorman Rupp 6 inch•in 6 inch out pto irrigation pump; approx. 1.000 ft. of 6 in. irrigation pipe; approx. 2.000 ft. or 4 in. pipe; approx. 7,700 ft. of 2 in. pipe; quantity of Sprinklers. risers. tips. 45 degree and 90 degree elbows. t's, end plugs, gate values in ail sizes; 2 irrigation wagons planting equipment; International 8 row air planter monitored c/w road transport. drow nozzles. insecticide boxes and 2 drums; 1.H. 510 18 run seed drill; .2 sets of J.D. model 220 fibreglass saddle tanks c/w hyd. driven pumps and 24 ft. 3 pth and belly booms; 20.8-38, 18.4-38 and 15.5-38 duals; 3 J & M 275 bu. hopper boxes c/w Elmira 8 ton running gear; 12 ft. hyd. fert. auger; 2.16 ft. steel deck flat wagon c/w 7 ton Elmira running gear with hyd. hoist; 2-1.H, model 175 manure spreaders with slurri gates; 1.000 gallon water wagon on wheels c/w pro water pump; N.H. model 68 baler: Massey 5 bare hay rake; 2-20 ft by - 4 in portable augers; 10 ft. 3 in. portable auger; 26 ft. skeleton bale elevator on wheels; bale stoker; 90 gallon J. & DB. 3 pth field sprayer; Viscon 3 pth fert. spreader; J & D No. 09 3 pth 7 ft. mower: Woods 5 ft. 3 pth rotary cutter: 3 pth 6 ft. disc; 3 pth 2 furrow 10 in. bottom plow; 6 ft. one way disc; 7 ft. 3 pth scraper blade; 10 ft. McDeering ND packer; 10 ft. 3 pth cultivator; Durst 8 ft. snow bio rer; 2-Baurman 50 gal. cattle oilers: cattle head gate. Approx, 800 bales.Treefoil hay; mise. poultry equipment; plus many more small items too numerous to list. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: This is an outstanding line of well maintained cash crop and strawberry equipment, all in excellent condition ready to work for you. PROPRIETORS: B111 and Dorothy Bell and Jack and Tose Bell • For further information contact RATHWELL & ASSOCIATES INC. Dick Robinson, Sales Manager PHONE 527-1336 or 527-1458, Telex 069.55223 550 acre Bell Huron Farms sold bAgri-National Realty Inc. Phone 52.1200 e.,ta// Gee k/ - AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK IWO (5191 527-1458