HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-04-27, Page 20Page 8A Times -Advocate, April 27, 1983 CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Chorges ore based on the number of words.Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone number or price count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separote words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words 52.90. 104 per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes. 94 per wood minimum 51.80. SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - 53.00 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - 52.50 per column inch.. (Minimum size in this category' 11/2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office - 51 00 per insertion. BIRTHS - . 20 words 53,00 104 per word thereafter. DEATHS - 40 words 53.00 104 per word ther?after. ANNOUNCEMENTS -- marriages, engagements, an- niversaries. etc. notices -.20 words 53.00. . each ad- ditional word 10c IN MEMORIAMS --- 53.00 plus 134 per line of verse. COMING EVENTS -- 20 words 53 00 Each additional word 104 Three insertions for • the price of 2. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 words 53.00. Additional words 5c each. 50c DISCOUNT PAYMENT IN ADVANCE (Medlin, for classified ads is 4:00 p.m., Mondays classifications 1 u,t, 1ivayetl . 21vund 3 Silualion, Wanted 4 Help \\ anted 5 Business Oppotuutitics (1 Set s Ire i%e.loek S till Machinery 9 Sports Equipment. Vets. 11 Car,. Truck, 12 Pet,- . 13 'tu,ical Tn,u'unicnrs 14 :\'pplianecs. Teles ision 15 Pe1,orial 16 I pp Sale 1- \\ anted rs, Bay \\ anted 1') Properly I (n Sale 20 Properly I of Rent 21 For -tent {_' 1 i'r ~ale w Rent '3 \\ ;hied Io Rent 24 I'nopetls \\.iniad \06,c, 26 I coal \purr. 2- lenders \\.,Hied 28 xikiimi Sade. 1 Lost, Strayed GOLD PENDANT \VATCH and chain•missing in Starch. Renard' offered. Reply Box 36P,. Lxeter Tunes Advocate, Exeter. I7:18c \VOULI) THE PARTY who took the man's all tseether.coat (Lon- don Fog site 40 small check) by mistake • from Exeter United Church on Sled. April 20, afro Ruth King's funeral. please return. same to church in exchange fru yours or phone 235-1927. 17 WOULD THE PERSON who mistakenly took a lady's cream all. weaiher coat front Hensall Com- munity Centre on Saturday. Apt . 23 get in touch with Rollie at the Community ('entre. 1'. 3 Situations Wanted LICENCED ELECTRICIAN would like part time work. E.\- perienced in residential, commer- cial, rural and farm %wiring. Loss rates; free estimates. Call after -4 p.m. 237-3201. 9t In 4 Help Wanted NEWS CORRESPONDENTS re- quired fur Urinslcy arca'. Conlaetr Bill Balton 23571331. • 13nc PROFESSIONAL, LIBRARIAN required Io ssork 20 hours pe•• .seek beginning. May 2. 1983. Apply in sritine.to \lr. William Partridge, Chief Librarian. Huron County Public Library, 66 Waterloo Street, South. Goderich. Ontario N7A 4A4. • 16,17c CAREER IN TRUCKING. Tran,porl drivers needed. 'frail noss foi tour Class A liccnet. Write \len OLr.4ranspori.Driset TFainine School. P.O. Box 3136 Cambridge. Ontario NMI 4S6.17s WANTED IND.IVIDIJAI - swish two or three years experience on . web press, to work on Nesis King.• Cortpetilise mages and usual . hcitefits. Contact Leader Publica- tions Limited, Dresden, Ontario. Phone 519-683-4485 for more in-. formation. • • 175 TO HARVEST ASPARAGUS: Call 229-6795 between 8:(10 p.m. and 10 p.rn. . . 17' F L11.1. 1.1 N1l: baby sitter, Monday 7o Friday for Issoand four yr. old. PreIerahlw in my hone. Zurich. Dashwood or Grand (tend area. Please call 23f(-2707. • 17c EXPI RII'NCI=D CAKPLN1I.R send resutnc:Iu Exeter Tines Ad - %male, Itos 35P,s Exeter. Ontario. NON) 150. ItARYS1 TIER in my Runic tot 8 tnotl. baby. 2 days per seek. light housekeeping tluUcs. Phone at 5 p.m. 236.4905. I7r 5 Business Opportunities ('atilt ('R01'. Become part of .a 111td1i-ttii11ion•dptlal industry. I arit '21./.000.011 peu year. cowered h\ ,u buyhackcompact. for peal onlc souk ItlLJII\ ,oiled luropct,IIIpn in sour home un hacks ard. ‘‘'cot lel: equipment package, fortilal brining, on-going a'. 1Siancc. ah soh11:21 1111 selling'or puhhc con - 1;:.1 ‘or h. histstincnl of S6550 re (pined. for further inlolntauon call 1 )chic I l.0 ncnitural System Ins 65311) Mississauga Road, NI,.•ts•.npu,p. 1)ntario I5N IA6. s2 _'l5_'. 17s THE BEST HE CAN BE REGINA MUNDI COLLEGE: his once-in-a-lifetime opportunity AT 14 YEARS OF AGE, he stands at the very threshold of manhood. Help him take those next, critical steps into successful, responsible adult- hood at REGINA MUNDI, the residential high school for boys from Grades 9 to 13. REGINA MUNDI IS STAFFED BY A HAND- PICKED TEAM of professionals dedicated to the spiritual, academic and physical development of the boys they teach. The 130 -acre campus in- cludes modern facilities, a golf course, tennis courts and extensive woodland just minutes south of London. APPLICATIONS FOR THE 1983/84 ACADEMIC YEAR ARE NOW BEING RECEIVED. Write for full information: Director of Admissions REGINA MUNDI COLLEGE Wellington Road South London, Ontario N8A 488 (519) 885-2133 THE FOUNDATION FOR HIS FUTURE 5 Business Opportunities RAISE CHINCHILLAS in your basement, shed. Good profit proemial. Los invcstntcnt, finan- cing a%ailahIe Guaranteed market. Canadian Chinchilla, P.O. Bos 1684. St. Marys. On- . tarn? NOM 2V0.•519 -229-6117.17s THE :11ULTI-LEVEL. RUSH is on. Where will ;•o,t• be? In the rush? Or left in the due'.' Let 'Eldorado' help you get in on.a ground flour opportunity who's time.has come. For details. send S2.00 to.: Eldorado Diversified Iitc.. 964 Albion Ritad, Suite 104, Resdale. Ontario -\19\' IA7.•17s 6 Services INCO\IL FAX RETURNS. any size. Bookkeeping. ('all Art. Read, Grand Itcnd. Days 238-2388, esenin;s 238-8075. 6tfit FARMERS PIT SHOP Harold Triebner RR 1 Exeter Phone 237:3724 For All Your Steel Needs - Welding Lathe and Milling Portable Welding, Welding Supplies Etc. 1'/4 miles North of Exeter Cemetery. Watch for Big Yellow Building. 14t in PAT'S PAPERING., Custom Wallpapering Prompt Professional Service You Can Trust . Reasonable Rates Ph: 235-0270 or 2.35-2473 alter 6 p.1n. Ask for Pat - 15 -18" l9tfrl Custom Cultivating and Corn Planting 30" rows Also combining wheat, grain and corn Call 228-6213. 13-1S BACKHOE WORK Excas at ing and trenching Septic tanks installed Fence' lines cleared Stumps removed Farrn drainage repairs Kramer Construction Crediton 234-6778 24 hour service MIKE'S MUSIC DISC JOCKEY SERVICE Music. for You, Whatever Your Taste \\ edding Rec. Annis'crsar'. Rr, Banquet s---Dances--I'ar tics Call Evenings Mon.-Thurs. 262-¢039 • (•a11 well in ad%anrc 10 i11501e an opening. 16-23e I 1 1 ( 1801 BN Por all sales and client sectile call Rene of Monique Vatiimtssaenc 228-6531. (I o,al tistdrni I(4( 19 sears). \\'e h;nc losct puceil '52 mode[, 11150 used 'tritium's 17:18 6 Services Genes slGns Gene Creces - SIGNS OF ALL TYPES - RR 1 Doshwood, Ont. NOM 1NO PHONE 238-8242 • - -- 41 'TO BUY OK Slat. amiques and used furniture contact Noma Whiting 23S-1964. 13i PASSMORE Plumbing and Heating Ltd. New Installations and General Repair~ RURAL -RESIDENTIAL. COMMERCIAL. DENNIS PASSMORE Phone 235-1751 ELECTRIC MOTORS 6 Services JACK'S PLUMBING & HEATING For all your • plumbing and beatilig repairs and installations Rural - Residential • Commercial JACK MAVER PH: 235-0581 14111 Don's Electric For all your electrical repairs & installations Industrial, Commercial, Residential & Farm Winco Standby Generators Soles & Instollations !�! PH: DON BENDER Da,hsood 23--3575 " Rewinding * Repairs " Sales & Scrs;ce F:u•nt Ventilation NESBIT ELECTRIC EI.I c l RICA\ CONTRACTOR 229-8222 K1RKTON . Ili WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. Hopper & Sons Ltd. 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Phone Seaforth Neil 527-1737 Dual 527-0828 . .lith 527-0775 MOBILE FEED " SERVICE "WE BRING THE MILL TO THE FARMER" • Complete line of Provimi and Shur Gain Feeds and Animal Health Products. Competitive. Prices. HARDEMAN BROS: Kirkton 229-6525 1tlu r---"MOVER-N Fred Sole Houses, Buildings Garages, etc. Route 2, Oil Springs, Ont. Free Estimates Tel. 834.2189 Insured i Advertising Representative Required by the St. Marys Journal - Argus, Perth County's largest circula- tion weekly newspaper. - Previous sales experience will be an asset, although considerable on-the-job training will be available to help develop your skills as an advertising professional. This is an opportunity to join a suc- cessful company with excellent benefits and working conditions. Duties to begin July 4, 1983. Please forward your resume in con- fidence to: Jim Beckett, c/o St. Marys Journal -Argus P.O. Box 1030, St. Marys, Ont. NOM 2V0 1221 HENSALL SIDING Fascia - SoCfi1 - \Windows.' . Easesiroughs --Is REL ESTIMATES-- \\'inter kenos ;incurs EUGENE WEBBER RR 1 Hay Phone 237-3260 3911:1 SEPTIC TANKS WEEPING BEDS Installed, Repaired, Pumped Butler Bros. Lucan 227-4312 or 227-4254 30 Year, Experience Backhoe service, Scrap purchased 16ttn CUSTOM KILLING and SLAUGHTERING Kill Day - Tuesday Specializingin home cured and smoked meat Veals ABATTOIR and MEAT MARKET 235-1123 NEW HOMES ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS If you're planning any type of renovating... WE CAN DO IT r ii'tC4:"7:114Vn' '411,1/1( • Specializing in Replacement Windows CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Van Haarlem Construction 235.2210 Our Reputation is your guarantee of quality workmanship 6 Services JIM'S MACHINE SHOP Hensall Steel; Aluminum, Stainless Brass, Cast, Welding Lathe, Milling, Grinding Shafts & farts straightened huiili-up or new ones made Drive Shafts lcngllt•tned . or shortened Produce -Equipment • manufactured '' ('onyeyors & Belting All N'nrk.(ivarantecd PHONE 262-2711 4')1111 STEVE•SCHROEDER DESIGN BUILD General Carpentry Architectural Drafting RR 2 Dashwood PH: 237-3789 after 6 p.m. 2-1011 Johnson SANITATION SERVICE PORTABLE TOILET RENTALS Sepik tanks aril holding tanks pumped and installed. PH: 294-6954 Parkhill Zenith No. 89220 T')II11 6 Services ()RNA\ILN1Al. IRON, porch railings, columns, posts. imide tiny! cowered stair rails, room dividers. etc. Kon Desjardine. 'Phone 236-4622 or 236-4509: 51 SIGN WRITING By Mel Centralia, Ont. PHONE 228-6946 John Hayter PAINTING Interior, Exterior Free Estimates Call 237-3298 361 381 fn Custom Slaughtering and Processing Kill I)as \Vedncsdas v v mmicr.s DASHWOOD 237-3677 * FI.ATROOFING * SHINGLES * MAINTENANCE * FREE ESTIMATES HENSALL ROOFING COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL RICHARD REGIER I•:XETER -235-0911 BOX 1852 EXETER, ONTARIO NOM ISO 489 Main Street, Exeter Office 235-2533 CARL WALKER Bayfield 565-5393 EXETER 4 BEDROOMS -- double lot, baths up and 'down, paved drive. EDGE OF TOWN -- 4 bdrm. split with new ad- dition. Large steel shed, choice location. 3 BEDROOM BRICK priced fbr immediate sale. A MUST TO SEEI -- 12 yr. old split entry. LARGE FAMILY ROOM, fenced patio. B RICK BI -LEVEL - Good quality carpeting, all draperies and dishwasher included. 9 YR. OLD -- raised ranch. Rec room with fireplace, separate dining room, paved drive. COMMERCIAL ZONING 3 bdrms. full base- ment, carport. • B RICK BUNGALOW with all new interior. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. , 2 BEDROOM BRICK bungalow, full base- ment, quiet street. EARLY OCCUPANCY. EXCEPTIONAL LOT & LOCATION -- Im- maculate ranch home in desireable area. LOT 80'x130', MI ZONING - on main highway. VENDOR WANTS OFFERS ,- 1.44 acres in town, vacant, level land, good building site. AREA PROPERTIES CREDITON -- 1', storey, 5 bdrms., new bathroom. $29, 500. CREDITON -- 3 hdrm. brick, treed lot, small barn. 529,500. CREDITON 1 ' : storey frame. HEATED IN- SULATEI3 GARAGE. $29,500. FARMS EXETER 150 acres, 2 miles from town. Beautiful home. B AYFIELD -- 50 acres, 22 acres workable. Loaded with hardwood trees. ELGIN COUNTY -- - 190 acres, 2 miles off 401. 3,000 heat units, all buildings Al. - 6 Services I'f.RSONAI INCOME TAX prepared. Phone Susan Brintnell 235-0431 afier 6 p.nt. 9111 .IA('K'S DECORATING.. Pain- ting and papering, %idyl siding, Kaiser aluminum siding. soffit and fascia, aluminum prefinishcd eavcstroughing, sales installation. -Phone Jack Clease 235-2031,23tfn 6 Services ELLC'TROLUX 17 year C%- • perience). For vales and ser'. ice call Sharon Lee• Billings. Phone 227-1271. I6:17'18e -FARMERS - For, a good farm building at a - eOmpelitiwe price* phone: Ray 1 ainliers Construc- tion: RR2 Clinton, 482-3305. Free Estimates. 431 CARPENTRY - DRYWALL ID CONTRACTING HAROLD DEVRIES P.O. Box 268, Exeter, NOM 1S0 Phone 519-235-0941 Specializing i0 finishing carpentry ' "Qrabr/ Wart F� art lIri/r a/ rr /S,•n.lr,nalil(' /rid r. Triebner Electric Centralia & Crediton Trenching for: * Water lines * Drain tile * Underground wiring Call 235-1756 anytime 592 London Rd EXETER. OFFICE 235-1232 Fred Eyre Eves. 471-1158 Barbara Bell 235-1082 EXETER REDUCED TO $48,500. 3 bedroom solid brick house moderozed, new wiring, new furnace, new garage, up-. dated kitchen, fenced yard, all this and more. Coll Fred Eyre. 531,900 - 3 bedroom frame bungalow, oversized lot, nicely kept home. 535,000 • The reducti"- O%bedroom brick bungotow is outstanding. See 11 ,. . Hire Is a home thot should sell quickly. It is a 3 bedroom bungalow brick and ongelstone faced. Attached goroge, 85' frontage lot with fruit trees. Eat in kitchen, separate dining and vendors wonting to sell. Priced at only $54,900. DA$HW000 Just over 1 acre parcel with small frame bungalow garage for tractor trailer. Being sold under Power of Sale. Asking 524.900. HENSALL 1 VENDORS LOOKING FOR BUYERS ON THIS UNUSUAL,. LY LARGE STORE PROPERTY CENTRAL TO VILLAGE MAIN AREA. THE ASKING PRICE IS 549,000 BUT WE NEED OF. FERS. TRY YOURS NOW. CALL FRED EYRE. 1i/3 STOREY 3 bedroom frame home. new carpets and renovations, garage and large workshop shed. Coll Fred Eyre. ' Well appointed two storey home on Main Street. Muster bedroom is 30'x12. Form style kitchen and separate din- ing'room. Priced of $52,500. 2 storey brick house • needs some renovation but is well constructed and sits on a large corner lot central to shop. ping. Only 532,000.00 LISTINGS URGENTLY NEEDED 6 Member of the Huron • Real Estate Board