HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-04-27, Page 19Seniors thank Lions
for recent outing
President, Ed Dowdall,
welcomed members and
friends to the seniors meeting
Thursday afternoon in. the
club rooms.
During the business
meeting Mr. Lowden voiced
thanks to the Lions Club for
the lovely dinner and even-
ing's entertainment April 18
at the Arena and mentioned
the volunteer's dinner also at
the arena at noon Wednes-
day, which was much
Final plans were made for
the dessert euchre, to which
the public is invited, Thurs-
day May 5 in the Legion Hall
commencing at 1 p.m. Admis-
sion is $1.50.
There will be a Dutch auc-
tion at the close of play and
members are reminded 'to
bring in groceries, etc. tomor-
row, Thursday. Eileen
Hodgins celebrated her birth-
day on the day of the meeting
and Betty Sutherland, during
the week. They were wished
a Happy Day. Elsie Gibson
reminded members of the trip
to Caledonia. etc. on Tuesday.
June 28th,' and there is a
waiting list, so this trip, has
proven to be most popular.
A birthday joke was given
Study on
Lord's Supper
Doris Weir and Iva Hodgins
were on hand to greet friends
arriving for worship at Lucan
United Church Sunday morn-
ing. Dorothy Dedels took the
children out for Junior Con-
gregation following Mr.
Brown's Story.
In his sermon, Mr. Brown
mentioned the current study
on Christian Initiation in the.
United Church. which pro-.
poses that young children be
,permitted to partake of the
Lord's Supper without follow-
ing the present practice of
making a personal profession"
of faith in Christ first
Lucan senior choir meets
Wednesday at 7:30 and junior
choir Thursday at 6:30.
Thursday at 7:00 the Chris-
tian Education Committee
meets in the C.E. Wing.
followed by,the Couple's Club
at 8:15. Friday at 7:00 is the
fourth in the series of Family
Nights Come and bring your.
family. tor an evening of fun
and discussion of Christian
family. values. •
There will be no service at
Lucan next Sunday.. Rather
the congregation is -joining`_
with the Clandeboye
gregation as they celebrate
'their 118th Anniversary at
Clandeboye United Church al
11:00a.m:Rev. Bruce Pierce
of Granton is to be the guest
Transportation will be
' available -from Lucan Church
by Iva Hodgins as well as "A
Prayer" by a Mother
Superior, humorous coin -
mgnts on growing old.
Gladys Atkinson, as card
convener, provided prizes for
euchre and crafts which were
won as follows: man's high,
Harry Noels; lone hands,
Lawrence Hirtzel; low score,
Arnold Damen; women's
high, Jessie Lewis; , lone
hands, Evelyn O'Shea; and
low score, Elsie Gibson.
Craft, Edythe Murdy. '
Lunch was served by Liz
Cpnlin, Gayle Cronyn, Marie
Veel and Gote Wennerstrom.
Tomorrow, Thursday. at 2
p.m., Peter Vickers ofi"The
Framing Place" will give a
demonstratibn on picture
framing at the Craft group
with a view of interested
members and friends f}n tak-
ing the course in September.
Non-members are welcome to
attend this demonstration on
the main floor of the Masonic
Hall, back of the Library.
South Pacific
The South Pacific at-
mosphere was captured
Wednesday night at Lucan
United Church Women's
Friendship Unit meeting by a
backdrop of greenery and .
flowering plants. Theme of
the evening was "An Evening
in Paradise: a Pacific Ex-
perience. Beth Miller opened
with a worship service of
prayers. hymns and medita-
tion of a: sort typical of Chris-
tian worship in the South
Margguerite. McRoberts
showed a filmstrip about the
Church in that area accom-
panied by a taped .commen-
tary by two South Pacific
Church leaders who visited
Canada recently. The presen-
tation" emphasized the wide-
spread influence of the
Church in this part of the
It gave some background
also about the Pacific Council
ofrChurches and its concerns.
The Headquarters of. the
ecumenical Christian council
is' located on the island of Fi-
ji. Leadership in government
in many of the islands is
largely supplied by Christian
Following the study, unit
leader, Donna Vanarenthals
continued the South .Pacific
theme by describing some in-
struments used in the area
and playing some recorded
music in the South Pacific
style: A demonstration of
South Pacific dance, and a
sample of papaya fruit juice
brought the programme to a
close. • .
for. any who desire it. The The Revival Centre's An -
Sacrament of Infant Baptism .nual Blossom Dessert Tea
will becelebrated on Mothers' was announced for Wednes-
day, May 18 at 7:30 p.m.. and
members were reminded of
the Regional U.C.W. Rally at
Ailsa Craig on Tuesday May
3 at 530 p.m. Plans were
made to view the film '.'Ghan-
di" at the annual unit outing
in June.
The evening closed with a
lime of fellowship: along with
refreshments served by
Marguerite McRoberts and
Shirley Ryan.
.Day, May 8. Parents wishing
to have their children baptiz-
ed that day are asked Lacon •
tact Mr. 13rown right away.
The Couples' Club will he
grateful for donations of good •
used items for their annual .
Garage and Bake sale at 13ob
and Ilelen Palterson's on
• Saturday, May 7 at 9 a.m. ('all
Bill Froats at 227-4879 for •
pickup of large items,
Tickets are available from
nlenibe. for. the hot
beef dinner at the arena.
Thursday. May 12. 5-7 p.m.
Advance tickets sell at $5.00
for adults, $2.50 for children,
pre-schoolers free.
Food for
all seasons'
April 20 al the home of
Heather Gillen a "Food for all
Seasons" course was held -
Leader Debbie Smith.
assisted by (leather Gillen
conducted a busy evening of
baking along "with I'It}Itis
O'Neil. Sheila Butcher!. San-
dra Jemec and Joyce .Van
Previous lo the meeting.
rubarh muffins. . pumpkin
cake and-coffee'were' m:, -1c'
and (heft all ladies par-
ticipated in making various
dishes - chicken dinner
crepes, hot Mexican suimner ,
salad, breaded chicken wings,
salad with French dressing
and dessert crepes were all •
achieved at the meeting, •
Everyone found the
meeting a big success as well
as very interesting.
LIONS ENTERTAIN SENIORS — More than 100 Lucan and area senior citizens were
treated to dinner Monday night by the Lucan Lions Club. Above, Lions president
George Gibbs and charter member Alex Young welcomes Gote Wenhbrstrom and
Clarence G. Lewis. _ T -A photo
Deer hit in one
even area accidents
Seven accidents were in-
vestigated this week by ot•-
• ficers of the Lucan detach-
ment of
etach=ment.of the Ontario Provin-
cial Police with damages
totalling $7,700.
At 8:20 a.m. Sunday, a vehi-
cle driven by Mary Lou
Malone, RR 1 Granton left the
roadway of Highway 23, near
Middlesex road 47 and struck
the- ditch. Constable. D. N.
• Marshall estimated damages
al $1,000. -
The same day a parked and
unattended vehicle owned by
Charles Snelgrove, Lucan
was damaged to the extent of
$500 when it was struck by an
unknown vehicle on the
Shillelagh Hotel parking lot.
, Vehicles driven by Brenda
Dean and Laura May Hudson,
botbiof RR 1 Thorndale collid-
ed a( 5 p.m. Tuesday on Con-
cession 14-15 of London
township. Constable D. B.
Stables set damages at $2,700.
Constable D. R. Vance
listed damages at $1,500 when
vehicles driven by Terry
Noyes. RR 2 Lucan and Lorne
Bender, Ailsa Craig were in
collision on Ailsa Craig's
main" street at 4:1)5 p.m.
The same day at 2:30 a.m.
a vehicle driven by John
Schram, St. -Thomas left Mid -
Thursday. at approximate-
ly 3:00 p.m. the Lucan
volunteer fire department
answered a call to a chimney
fire at the home of Zapata tors
located on highway 4 just
north of Elginfield.
dlesex road 28 near Middlesex main street owned by Brian
road 23 and struck a mail box Ankers.
and fence. Constable .1. A. A vehicle driven by Hubert .
Wilson set damages at $1,000. Earl Schmidt, Thorndale
At 1:30 a.m. a vehicle struck a deer trying to cross
driven by Philip Thomas Har Middlesex road 27 at 8:45
rigan, RR 3 Lucan struck a 'P.m. Sunday. Constable
parked vehicle on Lucan's Stables set damages at $1,000.
Blood clinic a success
' The annual Red Cross preciate the patience of the
Blood Donor Clinic. sponsored donors and thank one and all
by the Lucan Clandeboye who contributed in many
Women's Institutes in the ways to the success of this
main hall .at the arena; on clinic.
Thursday evening was a
tremendous success. There Revival Centre
• were 196 donors, with 19 " Sunday morning Bruce and
deferrals, making 177 units of Carmine Thomson led in
blood received. The Red teaching a a' rship chorus
Cross staff was extremely After the children went down
happy with the result of this for. their Children's Church,
Clinic. Bruce and Carmine Thomson
Unfortunately the same played their guitars as they
cannot he said for the span- sang Don't You Want to Love
soring groups. Owing to cit- the Lord? After they sang He
cumstan.:es quite beyond our is God.
control, after about the first Mr. Wm. Davies spoke on
half hour there was a waiting what the. Spirit has to say to
period of approximately one the individual. The Holy Spirit
hour for the many donors. We is catling on us to use our
understand from the Field divine ability to make deci-
Secretary that one of the Bions. Based on our decisions,
technicians called in sick just " we can make our life a heaven
before the van. left London or a hell. An inflated ego can
and while there were three
more beds in the van there
was not the_ fourth person
available to do the necessary.
work of.laking the blood.
Ile has assured us that this
will not occur another year.
The other factor was that
here -to -for our number of
donors has been from '115 to
125, so this too contributed to
the long wail. We do ap-
HELPING HANDS HELP The Helping Hands group of Lucan and area recogniz-
ed Volunteer Week Wednesday by sponsoring a pot luck dinner at the Lucan arena
for the volunteers and a number of seniors. From the left are Anita Giesen and
Nancy Van Geel �f Helping Hands and seniors Gladys Atkinson and Florence
Hodgins. T -A photo.
Tune Into the General
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Satellite TV
108 channels now ;//-
--more coming k
Ultra -Vision
Satellite Systems Ltd.
134 Alice Street
Lucan, Ontario
Towers, Boosters and Rotors
Speakers do well.
in the Royal Canadian,
LegionCompetition held in
Education fair
at Biddulph
Education Week will be
held at both Biddulph and
Lucan Schools during this
week. An Open (louse was
held Tuesday, April 26.
At Biddulph School Thurs-
day, April 28 an Education
Fair will take place from 7:00
.p.m. to8:30p.m. All parents
and friends are welcome to
Ridgetown 4pril. Is for
District "A' covering the
area from Windsor to London,
Brian O'Neill placed first in
the grade 7-8 class..Diane
Giesen placed second com-
peting in the Grade 11. 12 and
13 category.
Brian then advanced to the
District A and 13 competition,
covering Windsor • .to
Ilamilton, April 23 in Embro
where he placed second by
one mark only. •
Congratulations to both
Brian and Diane for their suc-
cess in public speaking!
cause us to make the wrong
Wm. Davies opened the
evening service reading
Hebrews 13:5-6, stressing not
to covet, but to •be content
with what we have. Mr.
Davies introduced Mr. Larry
Cruttenden as the guest
speaker. From John 13:31;34;
15:13-17; and 14:21-23,
Upcoming Events --• Fri-
day. April 29, at 8:00 p.m,; the
Christianview Bible College
Graduation services will be
held at Lucan Revival Centre.
• Sunday, May 81h, Mother's
Day, Lucan Revival Centre
will hold their Anniversary
Services,. Sunday morning the
guest speaker will be Rev.
Evert Gagnon. from Athens.
Ont. Mr. Gagnon is a former
pastor of Lucan Revival Cen-
tre. Sunday evening will
feature Canada's top Gospel
singing group, the Nations.
St. Patrick's
A quilt draw and bake sale,
sponsored by the C:W.L. was
held after the 11:00 Mass Sun-
day at St. Patrick's. The draw
centered on an attractive
quilt bearing the Plowboy
Pete iPM logo in a checkered
Proceeds from the 'draw
will be {ionated to the good
works sponsored by Father
Rudolph Hogervorst of
Sacred Heart Missionary,
Chile, South America who will
be visiting our parish in the
near future.
Si. Pat's Young People met
Sunday evening and discuss-
ed "Sexuality in the Bible."
The meeting was conducted
by Bishop Marcel Gervais
along with a video tape to aid
in the discussion.
Everyone travelled over to
the Mini -11411 for a euchre
party sponsored by the
Knights of Columbus.
A sincere thank you was ex-
tended to Father McCarthy
for leading the parish in the
Forty Hours of Devotion held
from April 16 to April 19.
Catholic Education Week
began Sunday, April 24 and
will continue through until
Friday, April 29. A special
Open House was held Sunday
in the school.
Achievement Day May 7
WI to buy flags for arena
The president of the Lucan
Women's Institute chaired the
annual meeting April 20.
opening with words of
welcome to Honey Davidson
and Agnes Hotson,'followed
by the Institute Ode and the
Mary Stewart Collect.
During the business
meeting it was decided to buy
two Canadian flags for the
arena, one for the large hall
and the other for the arena ice
The 4-H Achievement Day
will be Saturday, May 7, at
9:15 at Prince Andrew school.
All members and friends are
invited to attend.
The Clandeboye bus trip
was announced to the Erland
Lee Homestead; Veldhuis
Greenhouses and Dundurn
Castle and those interested
are asked to call Jean
Hodgins, 227-4370, at once, to
book a seat.
It was suggested that the
May meeting be changed
from Wednesday to Tuesday
May 17, to permit members to
The Contemporary
Eucharist was the order of
service at Holy Trinity
Anglican Chureb. The collect
for the third Sunday after
Easter shows the loving God
who pursues, with emphasis
on the new faith being above
all a fellowship, a company of
those who believe.
As the congregation and
friends gathered for worship,
they were welcomed by Brian
and Don Ankers. Duang the
service the lessons were read
by Joyce Sovereign and Bet-.
ty Ankers.
Rev/. Pocock based his ser-
- mon on the Gospel lesson,
John 10:22-30. Again 'the
crowds at the Temple sur-
round Jesus and ask, "Are
you the Messiah?" There is
no doubt that behind that
question were two attitudes of
mind. Those who genuinely
wished to know, and others
who wished to trick Jesus in-
to blaspheming!.
While Beaulah Hardy is
away Loretta Dickson very
capably is playing the organ.
Up -Coming' Events: Bible
Study has resumed and Ephe-
the new study, Tuesday
evenings at 8 p.m. at the rec-
tory, all are welcome. Mark
June 26 on your calendar as a
celebration of the 75th An-
niversary of the laying of the
cornerstone,- an exciting pro-
gram for that day is being
planned, more details later.
Tonight is the Medway
Deanery Ladies Rally at 7:30
p.m. with Mrs. Dorothy
Crocker of Goderich as guest
attend the Dessert Blossom
Tea at the Revival Centre, on
the 18th.
Bernice Lockyer, Isobel
llaskett and a member at
large, will be delegates at the
district annual on Thursday.
May 19, in Poplar Hill Baptist
Church but all members are
One dollar per member was
voted to UNESCO Project 71
"Water & Sanitation for All"
which is co-sponsored by
Members were asked - to
bring written ideas for pro-
gram to the next meeting.
Reports of the different con-
venerships were given and
Aleda McComb, a past presi-
dent of the Birr Institute con-
ducted the election of officers
and installed the Executive
for 1.983-84. They are past
president. Isobel Haskell;
president, Bernice Lockyer;
vice-president, Vina Emery:
secretary, Mabel Froats;
treasurer, Iola Goring;
district director, Isobel
Haskett; alternate, Vina
Emery; branch directors,
Leda Revington and Lillian
Radcliffe; P.R.O., Mabel
Froats conveners, Isobel
. Haskett, Leda Revington,
Margery Crozier, Frances
Pruss and Flora. Robertson;
Tweedsmuir History Curator,
Iva Hodgins; committee,
Honorary Curator, Violet
Hardy, Reta Cunningham,
Leda Revington, Muriel
Cobleigh and Dorothy Darl-
ing; sick and sunshine,
Kathleen. Neil. -
The telephone committee
will be Alice Crossman,
Dorothy Darling, Kathleen
Neil and Iva Hodgins and the
nominating committee
Margery Crozier and Vina
Emery. Each second month a
"mini flea market", within
the Branch, is held and
Frances' Pruss and Marion
Smith will be in charge of this
project. Barbara Wraith will
audit the books next year.
Bernice Lockyer and
Margery. Crozier presented
gifts to the outgoing presi-
dent, who thanked everyone
for their assistance' and
cooperation during the past 2
years. Mrs. • Lockyer closed
the meeting and lunch was
.provided by Margery Crozier
and Vina Emery. , '
Helping Hands
and volunteers
"Helping Hands"
volunteers joined - with the
regulars for "Lunch Out" at
the Arena on Wednesday,
with the A.C,W. of Holy Trini-
ty providing a portion of the
delicious meal and the
volunteers each bringing a
small salad, casserole or
dessert. Approximately 60
men and women shared in
this time of appreciation,
when Angela Clarke thanked
the many volunteers for their
assistance in various
capacities, with special men-
tion being made of Muriel and
Mert Culbert for taking the
many telephone messages
and to Murray Hodgins,
treasurer for the "Helping
Rev. Keith Brown asked the
blessing and. Rev. Bruce
Pocock added his thanks to
those of Angela and also
thanked her and Anita Giesen
for their untiring efforts to
keep the volunteer work going
in this communit
HELPING DONOR --. Ruth Ann Curtis of the Lucari
Women's Institute checks on the well being of donor
Jane Forster during Thursday's Red Cross Blood Donor
Clinic at the Lucan arena sponsored by the Lucan and
Clandeboye WI's. T -A photo
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April 27. 1983 Page 7A
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