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Times -Advocate, April 27, 1983
Horns celebrate 50th anniversary at open house
Congratulations to Waldo
(Doc) and Ellen Horn on the
occasion of their 50th
(Golden ) wedding anniver-
sary. A lovely open house was
held for them at the township
hall on Sunday afternoon. ar-
ranged by friends and staff of
the Bluewater Rest Home
where Mrs. Horn was former-
ly the head cook. Among the
many well-wishers was
M.P.P. Jack Riddell who
presented the couple with a
plaque from Parliament.
They even received a phone
call all the way from New-
foundland and many lovely
cards and gifts. It's a day they
will always remember.
Has everyone in town notic-
ed our nice.new, wooden gar-
bage containers that are now
around on the main streets?
Thanks to Bean festival
money. they were purchased
by that committee. Let's all
be sure to use them and keep
our village clean. Don't be a
litter bug.
Michael Hartman of Mon-
treal spent last week with his
mother-in-law Juliette
Denomme, mother Theresa .
Hartman and other family
members while here to pick
up his daughters. Lori from
Western University in London
and Lynn from Guelph. The
girls are now finished their
classes and returned to Mon-
treal with their father.
Happy Birthday to Shari on
Schroeder and Eugene
O'Brien whose.birthdays are
a week •apart. They and their
spouses had dinner at the
hotel last Friday complete
with birthday cake.
Have your papers ready out
on the curb Thursday. April
28 for pickup at 6:30 p.m.
Congratulations to Wendy
and Mike Masse r nee
Meidingert on the arrival'o[
their baby girl.
Richard Thiel of Wasaga
Beach spent a few. days in
town last week and visited
with his parents Vera and•
Tiny Thiel.
Maplewood residents en-
joyed their Easter dinner on
Wed. April 13. The table ap-
pointments were in yellow
and white. The smorgasbord
table was centred with a
beautiful decorative Easter
egg and white candles. while
the small tables each had a
daffodil. After the dinner
Meda O'Brien accompanied
on the piano for a short sing-
song. Birthday celebrants
were Tillie Ziler and Tony
Wisser. Mr. Risi showed the
HELPING - Zurich Chamber of Com-
merce member Bob Fisher serves up a generous help-
ing of barbecued spare ribs at the Chamber's annual
sauerkraut dinner.
films of "Freaky Friday" and
"The Incredible Journey".
Members of St. Boniface
C.W.L. along with director,
Fr. Mooney held their mon-
thly meeting on Tues., April
26 preceded by the Rosary
and Mass for vocations in
honor of the Feast day for Our
Lady of Good Counsel.
Following the business, the
executive`and Father put on
a skit, "As it was in the Begin-
ning. Is Now, and Ever shall
be" which,was a lot of fun for
everyone and enjoyed by all.
The lucky winners from the
Knights of Columbus Share -
the -Wealth draw were Frank
Reynold, Seaforth who won
first prize worth $218.00 with
two consolation prizes of
$25:W each going to John Van
Backe) and Ben Bjerg. The
Knights are once again
preparing for their annual
Police Appreciation Night, to
be held in the form of a dance
in Zurich at the arena on Sat.
May 14 from 9-1 with music by
Mozart's Melody Makers.
Everyone is welcome.
Tickets are now available
from Mozart Gelinas Sr. for
$10.00 a couple' with lunch.
Ilurry and get yours early.
April 25 tc 29 is Education
Week at both the Zurich
public and separate schools
and special activities are tak-
ing place for the students and
parents such as open house,
card party and a hot dog
lunch around the theme
"Education for Tomorrow".
The Ladies' Auxiliary of the
Bluewater Rest Home are
holding their spring tea, plant
table and bake sale on Sat.
May 7 from 2-4 p.m. Dona-
tions and your attendance will
be appreciated.
Happy Birthday to Denny
Overholt who celebrated his
fiftieth on Sat. with a surprise
party given by his children at
the home of son and daughter-
in-law, Danny and Donna
Overholt near Exeter for
family and friends. A good-
time was had by all.
Miss Diane Klopp of Toron-
to spent the weekend with her
parents, Herb and Donna
Klopp and on Sunday a fami-
ly get together dinner was
held celebrating Diane's
birthday. .
May we offer our sincere
sympathy to the family of
Mrs. Iva Datars who passed
away on Monday.
Oscar and Lylyan Greb
Successful C of C sauerkraut dinner
The men of the Zurich
Chamber of Commerce prov-
ed to be proficient chefs and
United Church
B.A. B. Div.-
Mrs. E. Grace Martin
Thurs. April 28 - 7:30 p.m.
.Zurich choir practice
Sunday. May 1
11:15 a.m. Church Service
11:15 a.m. Sunday School
U.C.W. Anniversary - guest
speaker. - Rev. Francis Clarke
from London Metropolitan U.C.
• Mon. May 2 ' 8:00 p.m.
Combined Official Board meet
at. Zurich Church
Wed. May 4'- 9:30 a.m.
Workbook on Living Prayer -
at Norma Siebert's
Everyone welcome
Zurich Mennonite
Sunday. May 1
8:45 a.m. Worship Service
9:45 a.m. • Sunday Church
11 00 a.m. • Wors»ip Service
Wed. 8:00 p.m.
Bible Study and Prayer Service
Friday 8:00 p.m. Bridal
Show for Lois James.
(Fiance of Charles Gingerich)
Sat. 8:09 p.m. - M.Y.F.
regular meeting
God's word will calm the stormy
His love -will bring you through
Hove faith in the:Master Pilot.
For He surely cares for .you!
Jon -Gilbert
St. Peter's
Lutheran Church
Vice Pastor
Mrs. Christine Eagleson B.M.A.
Sunday, May 1
10:00 a.m. • Worship Service
10:45 a.m. • Sunday School
There Is a nursery for small
Children which is supervised dur-
ing the worship service.
Everyone Welcome
attentive waiters when they
cooked and served • their an--
nual•ribs and sauerkraut din-
ner last -week.
Seven hundred pounds of
Iluron County -produced ribs
were cooked earlier in the day
in the Tasty -Nu bake shop
ovens and served barbecued
or plain to approximately 400
diners that evening, along
with 2(K) pounds •of baked
potatoes individually wrap-
ped in foil by Chamber
members, 75 pounds of cote
slaw and 125 pounds of
sauerkraut jazzed up with
some secret ingredients by
Tanya Erb and June Fisher.
C of C wives were asked to
supply three home-made pies
each, but many went beyond
the . all of duty, and donated
four or five.
The Chamber -catered din-
ner has been an annual event
in Zurich for over 20 years,
and all profits are put back in-
to community projects.
returned home last Thursday
from an enjoyable nine day
Plantation and Garden bus
tour of the Carolinas, which
included a conducted Tour of
Historic Charleston and
several beautiful gardens and
homes as well as the Skyline
Drive and Luray Caves of
Best wishes for a speedy
recovery are extended to Ur-
ban Pfile who is a patient in
South Huron Hospital, Exeter
and to Bert Klopp who return-
ed home Friday from the
hospital in London.
The Women's Institute will
be holding their monthly
meeting on Mon. May 2 at the
township hall beginning at
7:30 p.m. Don O'Brien, prin-
cipal of the Zurich public
school, will be there to speak
on education. Everyone is
welcome and new members
encouraged. Come and bring
a friend.
Mr. and Mrs. John Groot
Sr. returned home recently
from a three week trip to
Holland and Europe where
they visited with their parents
and family members.
Congratulations to
newlyweds Pat Masse and
Connie Koehler who were
married on Sat. April 23.
Mrs. Agnes Regier spent
last week in London at the
home of her daughter, and
son-in-law; Teresa and Jim
Cerny and children and came
back home on the weekend.
REFILL - Zurich Chamber of Commerce member Keith
Westlake refills coffee cups for Gertie Fleischauer (left)
and Margaret Hess, Zurich, at the Chamber's annual
sauerkraut supper.
HIGH SINGLES - The Zurich and areabusinessmen's handicap bowling tournament was played at the Town
and Country Lanes on Sunday. Top singles in the ten games were (back left) Jock Phillips, Hensall, Roger Ed-
wards, Stratford, Dan Brintnell, Hensoll, Ron Edwards, Stratford, Grant Lee, Zurich, Ron Hartman, Hensall and
(front) Gary Houston, Hensall, Earl McNab, RR 2 Kippen, J.P. Rau, Zurich and Martin Mommersteeg, Bayfield.
Summer recreation being organized
The men and women who
volunteer their time to pro-
vide recreational oppor-
tunities for Zurich and area
children and adults are now
organizing this summer's
The Minor Athletics
Association is preparing
registration forms for a sum-
mer ball program. The forms
will be made available
through the schools -in early
• Any- girls 17 and over
wishing to play slo-pitch in the
Buckettes league should con-
tact Betty Rasenberg at
237-3414 right away.
Under the auspices of the
rec league, a men's slo-pitch
tournament will take place in
Zurich June 9, 10 and 11. The
Buckeyes tournament is
scheduled for Jul 8 and 9.
IrA .31
Mrs. Corm*, Sw+Nn+ y
Phan:: 236-4702
BOWLING WINNERS -- Top bowlers in the Zurich and area businessmen's han-
dicap bowling tournament were decided on Sunday. Ron Dickert, Zurich (back left)
was first, Ron Crown, Zurich, third, Ken Rader, Dashwood, fifth and (front) Bryon
Edwards, Stratford, second and George Love, Seaforth, fourth.
A4 � f4P ' gyres
tTa er 5 ea
at � � $
and June Fisher assists their husbands in the arena kit-
chen at the Chamber of Commerce sauerkrautand ribs
0Ile n
-. 1 am sure everyone en joyed
the nice riry weekend.
Hopefully warmer weather
will soon be on the, way.
When spring arrives. some
of our programs are normal-
ly cancelled for the stnnnter
months, therefore we
welcome visitors to call
whenever possible.
If any group or individual
would like to provide music or
entertainment of any sort,
they would be rnost welcome.
We are pleased that 11rs.
Jessie Brock has returned
from the hospital much
mproved:-On Tuesday evening, the
monthly birthday party was
provided by the Catholic
Women's League of Grand
Bend. The program was very •
much enjoyed, especially the
little Brownies who helped to
entertain. Residents having
birthdays during the month of
April are Mr. Amos Gascho,
cinpi e3
Ntr. Wellington Riehl, Mrs.
Alice 'I'Iionlpson and Mrs..
Myrtle Woodford. Gifts were
received by them from the
Ladies Auxiliary of the {tome.
Following the program. a
delicious lunch was served.
Residents recently out
visiting were Mrs. Ruby Ilog-
gart h, Mrs. Oriole Westlake.
Mrs. Bertha Phillips, Mrs.
Vera Brintnell, Mrs. Hazel
Coward, Mrs. Florence
Gould, Mrs. Alice Webb and
Mrs. Hilda Turnbull.
Bingo was played on Friday
afternoon instead of -the usual
evening hour.
• We welcome Mr. Aaron
Gingerich to the Home. He is
a former resident of the
Zurich area.
The Sunday evening chapel
service was conducted by
Rev. Brian Elder of Crediton
United church. Mrs..Fink-
beiner presided at the organ
during the service.
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Shop will b. opine
Saturday mornings
and the men's rec league
tournament will be played in
September. Men's fast ball
needs more players: contact
1 Ken Clarke.
A ball tournament involv-
ing several Lions Clubs will
be held in Zurich May 27. 28
and 29.
There will be roller skating
in the arena every Friday and
Sunday evening from 7 to 10.
beginning May 13.
The first flea market will
open May 7 and be held every
Saturday until September in
the arena.
Zurich Fair dates are July
15. 16 and 17.
Chamber of Commerce
spokesman Joseph Risi said
his club can not make definite
plans for the summer
playground program until
they hear whether or not their
application for a grant has
been approved.
Zurich men's bowling tournament
The third and final day of
the Zurich Businessmen's
Bowling tournament was held
Sunday atTown and Country
Lanes. This men's tourna-
ment as, Well as the ladies' on
April 11 included many local
men and women.
A big thank you goes out to
Zurich, Hensall and area
businesses for their eighth
year of support. They are:
Home Hardware, Zurich,
Zurich Dental Clinic, Domi-
nion Tavern, Fisher Abattoir,
Ferguson's Apiaries. Tender
Spot, Tasty -Nu Bakery,
Shaw's Dairy Store - Hensall,
Shaw's Dairy Store - Zurich.
O'Connor Ambulance and
Funeral Home, Don's Food
Market. Erb Bros. Garage,
Village Flower Shop, Norm's
Smoked Fish. Rau's Car
Wash, A.B... Printing,
Bayview Tavern, Bayview
Golf Course; Bank of Mon-
treal - Zurich, Bank of Com-
merce - Hensall, Tuckey
Beverages, Ifurondale Dairy
- Hensall, St. Joseph Store,
Westlake Insurance, Reids
Lunch, Pro Hardware - Hen -
sill, Bean Pot,. Richman
Photography. Duttlnan's
Bakery, Taylors Discount.
}{ensall, Erb Garage,
Lions collect 1,650
in Easter Seal campaign
Nineteen Lions attendtd
their twice monthly dinner
meeting at the Dominion
Tavern . on Mon. April 18
beginning at 7:00 p.m. In the
absence of president Bob
Evans, first vice president
Doug O'Brien chaired the
meeting. Lion Russell Gra-
inger reported that so far
$1,650. has been collected for
the recent Easter Seal Cam-
paign. The Lions would like to
thank everyone for their co-
operation and donations. The
club could also use some
more volunteers to help
deliver Meals on Wheels if
you can, please phone Russell
Grainger at 236-7724:
At the last director's
meeting a motion was passed
that $500.00 be donated to the
Zurich and Area figure
skating club.
The Lions are planning to
have a slo-pitch tournament
on May 27, 28 and 29 in Zurich.
.Next meeting is on May 2.
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