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Times-Advocote, April 27, 1983
for all
No matter what the occasion yoe
can count on getting quality mei-
chandise and helpful advice. Small
• appliances, glassware, brass,
wicker and much, much more all
at competitive prices. •
role ot/S (OTIC/r, P(2uS ,
•12 Main St.
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(Weddins are special to LIS.
VI/el take pride in our wedding
doios and feel that all aspects
of Four •floral accessories
shoulcl.be perfect. Let us
help create a look•that
enhances your day
and we will enter
your name in our
draw for a Second
honeymoon at '
the beautiful
Benmiller Inn
395 Main St. Exeter
(ommenial, InduNda) and',,•d,hnv, Phnh,maph,
137 Thames Rd., Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S0
Telephone 519-235-1298
Floor and Wall
Hwy. 21
Grand Bend
Wedding? • •
We rent
Wedding or
5% Discount
on Bulk Fruit for
the Bride's cake
IP!V. M egw..w INwNe W &P.M
We're open:
Daily 9 a,m. - 6 p.m.
Thurs. & Fri. 9 - 9
Closed Sundays
Everything for the Bride and Groom
It's comforting to know you can depend on these professionals to do their part in making your wedding day the
happiest event in your life. These experts all offer friendly personal service combined with excellent selection •
Entertaining suggestions for
newlyweds in small living spaces
Although living space is at
a premium these days, a
couple does not have to sa-
crifice entertaining in style.
Here are some entertaining
tips that will help newlyweds
make the most of the space
they have.
Tabletop Tips: An attrac-
tive tablesetting can be the
basis for successful enter-
taining. But before selecting
your china pattern, you
should consider both your
lifestyle and living space.
Will you have a problem
storing your china because
()flack of shelf space in your
apartment? Do you enjoy
both casual and formal
entertaining? if so, you
should consider purchasing
one set of china — one that
can be dressed up or down
according to the occasion —
such as "'Lantana," a new
transitional china available
in eight romantic patterns
just introduced by Lenox.
Versatile china pattern
According to Charles
Solt, design director for
Lenox, whose fine china
and crystal head the` list of
most popular bridal registry
selections, "Lantana was
designed for flexibility and
versatility — designs that
can be used for both a casual
Sunday brunch and a more
festive Saturday night din-
ner party. And it's very
affordable too — something
most newlyweds consider a
top priority."
Dining with Style: When
having dinner.guests, do not
try to squeeze fifteen people
at a table meant for eight.
Instead, set out a group of
small tables rather than one
big one. This will allow the
hall and sometimes a comer
of the living room to be used.
Or consider a buffet, but be
sure to serve food that
doesn't need to be cut.
Also, if serving space is a
problem, cover a desk or
ENTERTAIN WiTH STYLE, even in small spaces, with
Spring Violets, a new transitional fine china pattern from
the Lantana Collection just introduced from Lenox China.
Spring Violets, with its elegant scalloped shape, is called
transitional because it carebe dressed up or down for both
casual and formal entertaining. That means there is no
need for extra storage space for two sets of china.
T. V. table with a protective
pad and patterned tablecloth
that coordinates with your
china pattern.
Decorating Space Savers:
Before inviting your first
guests over, you will want to
decorate your apartment to
reflect your sense of style.
When decorating. be careful
not to crowd your space with
too many pieces of furniture.
Functional and versatile
pieces are the keys to creat-
ing a room that is comfort-
able for a party of two or
twenty. Modular furniture,
which can be separated and
moved easily about a room
a whole new proposal
Nearly 30 percent of all
marriages today are remar-
riages. But the number of
remarriages isn't all that's
growing, says Bride's maga-
zine. So is the spirit of cele-
Traditionally, couples em-
barking on second and third
marriages faced strong pres-
sure to keep the wedding a
small, quiet affair bearing lit-
tle resemblance to a first
wedding. Etiquette hooks
addressed the subject with
an abundance of negatives:
"Thc remarrying bride does
not wear white;" "A second
engagement is never an-
nounced in the newspa-
All that's changed, says
Bride's. The emphasis now is
a lot less on rules, a lot more
on the importance of sharing
a joyful new beginning sur-
rounded by family and
Some of Bride's sugges-
tions for a remarrying
• As the bride. he just a
little bit selfish at this time.
Wear an engagement ring.
Indulge in a beauty day at
the salon—complete with
lavish haircare, facial, and
manicure. You deserve nail!
• Feel free to marry in
the outfit ofyour chcice. Thc
traditionally .,impte, cream -
colored suit is still lovely —
hut so is a romantically long
and lacy gown. in white or
your favorite color.
Thc only accessory best
omitted, suggests Bride's. is
the veil — lone a symbol of
youth. A more >.ophisticatcd
choice might be a dramatic
picture hat cloche , or
wreath of fresh or silk
• if either of you has chil-
dren. try to include them in
as many plans as you can.
As Barbara Tober, Editor-
in- Chief ofBride's says, "if
children will he part of your
marriage. why not make
them part of your wedding'?"
They'll feel especially
important playing a rule in
your ceremony —depending
on their ages. they can he
ring hearers or flower girls,
bridesmaids, ushers. or
honor attendants.
• Make your reception as
extravagant a party as you
wish, complete with all the
wedding traditions— a
receiving line. the "first
dance." the ceremonial cut-
ting of the cake. and a cham-
pagne toast.
A warm way to welcome
guests is to head tip the
receiving line yourselves,
rather than leaving it to your
parents. They, in turn. will
he free to circulate among
• Don't feel a honey-
moon isn't necessary "this
time ,wound." Getting mar-
ried is tiring. even if you've
been through it before. How
to fit in some rest and relaxa-
tion around childrenY
If possible, plan a trip just
for the two of you first, then
a "group honeymoon" so
you'll all feel like a family.
into different groupings, is
an attractive and space -sav-
ing choice.
Wallcoverings can add a
more spacious feeling to
small rooms but you should
select soft, neutral colors.
Also, if you want patterned
wallcovering, be sure to
select a small print rather
than a busy, strong geomet-
ric pattern.
Married alien the year is
He'll be loving, kind and
When February birds do
You may wed, nor dread
your fate.
If you wed when March
wind's blow,
Joy and sorrow both you'll
Marry in April when you
Joy for maiden and for
Marry in rhe month of May,
You will surely rue the day.
Marry when June roses
Over land and sea you'll
Those who in July do wed,
Must labor always for their
Whoever wed in August
Many a change are sure to
Marry in September's shine,
Your living will be rich and
If in October you do
Love will come, but riches
Hyatt wed in bleak Novem-
Only joys will come. remem-
When December snows
fall fast,
Marry, and Inge love will
Hang it alt
If floor space is a prob-
lem, try to think of the
objects you can hang on your
wall such as stereo speakers,
lamps, or even a bicycle.
By using a little imagina-
tion and pre -planning, a
newlywed couple can enjoy
entertaining in style, no mat-
ter what size home they
Advice on advice for
the bride and groom
How to handle a never-
ending stream of advice from
family and friends is a chal-
lenge all marrying couples
face, according to article in a
recent issue of Bride's maga-
"It's.not good fora mar-
riage if a wife makes more
money than her husband,"
the bride's mother might
say. "You really should
buy a condominium instead
of renting." the groom's
uncle will insist.
Everyone is eager to help
a pride and groom adjust to
their new roles. The only
trouble with all this help is
that it can be so over-
whelming that the couple
end up feeling confused and
pressured. Which advice
should they take? How can
they turn down a piece of
advice without hurting a
loved one's feelings?
In order to deal with this
situation, the couple must
know what they want, says
Bride's. They should sit
(low n together before the
wedding and ask: "Where
do we want to live?" " How
important will our carecN
he?" " How (10 we hope to
spend our free time?" Pre-
marital counseling — avail-
able through churches,
universities, and psycho-
logical associations — can
help by providing a frame-
work for these talks.
The answers the couple
arrive at should he as specific
as possible — for instance,
"We'll try to start a family
with,n three years," or
"We'll plan to spend 1 week-
end a month alone. just thc
two of tis." When the couple
disagree, They should push to
find a compromise rather
than one or the other simply
giving in. since "easy" solu-
tions often lead to anger and
Once a couple feel secure
in their decisions, says -
Bride's, they'll be able to
react calmly to the advice
coming their way.
First, they should deter-
mine if there's an underly-
ing reason why a person is
so eager to offer advice. If a
bride finds her mother -in-
law -to -be taking a little too
much interest in the wed-
ding, she should stop and
examine what's going on:
maybe the woman always
wanted a daughter of her
own. The bride can then
respond on this level
instead of with anger and
perhaps think of ways to
get her fiance's mother
more involved.
Second, the couple
should realize that all the
advice they get won't be
useless — especially when
an advice -giver has experi-
ence in the area. A harried
bride and groom may feel
that yet another opinion on
where they should go for
their hone nioon is the last
thin they need, but if it's
coming from a cousin who
has traveled all over the
world it could prove invalu-
Finally, the bride and
groom must know how to
stop listening and turn down
unneeded advice. Since
most advice -givers mean
well, it's only kind for the
couple to let them know
that they do value their
opinions even if they can't
use all of them.
But, at thc same time,
they should make it clear
that they arc rejecting the
advice: "We've thought
about what you said, but
it's just not right for us," or
"Thank you, but we've
already decided on another
plan." in the end, a couple
must he able to say, "We
did it aur way."
ire ave an
excellent selection
for weddings and
other formal
Syd Silver,
Classy and
Freeman Rentals
t.xquisitely d.signrd mai hing
engagement and wedding rings are
available in every price range. Our
extensive selection is sure to hold
the ring votive always dreamed nt.
Sto. in s,o,.
How-to's of trousseau gift -giving:
Consider color, fabric and style
The most favored gift of
any trousseau is intimate
apparel. Whether you're
the groom looking for this
intimate gift, or mother of
the bride, here are some
simple shopping tips on
how to select your trous-
seau gift.
Color is always a key fac-
tor when selecting an inti-
mate gift. Keep a sharp eye
on what the bride-tq-be is
wearing these days and
which colors she favors.
Most likely what colors she
wears outside reflect what
she'd love to wear under-
Pale pastels and roman-
tic prints look fresh this
season. Shades such as
nude and champagne, lav-
ender, silver, rose, Tight
blue and mint are among
the newest.
Soft colors also offer
greater wardrobe mr�ileage
because they can bri"worn
under blouses and dresses
of all shades when darker
tones may be more limiting.
Seek out a salesperson to
help you in the department.
tell her the bride's color
preferences, then ask her
advice about choosing
styles and shades.
Intimate apparel is sen-
suous by design but one
important consideration in
buying is selecting the right
fabrics. Not -many brides
today want to iron slips or
send nightgowns to the dry
cleaners, so look for easy -
care, stain -resistant fab-
One of the most luxurious
fabrics offering the feel and
look of silk combined with
ease of care is "Qiana."
"Qiana" fabrics not only
drape beautifully with the
look of pure elegance, but
they are also hand or
machine washable. If the
FOR HER TROUSSEAU there's nothing more elegant to
receive than an embroidered lace-trinuued ensemble from
Barbizon. A dreamy twosome in flowing "Qiana" satin is as
easy to care for as it is beautiful.
bride prefers a more cotton -
like hand, look for blends
with " Dacron" polyester for
truly easy -care.
Selecting a style can be
trying with so many beautiful
designs this season. In day -
wear, items such as a cami-
sole with tap pants, a teddy.
lacy full slips and chemises.
are all great trousseau ideas.
Most popular are long or
short sleepwear gowns with
matching coats, cozy paja-
mas, or short -length cami-
soles and chemise sets. Lace
and embroidered trims add
final fashion touches.
Loungewear styles in
jumpsuits, pajamas and caf-
tans are dual purpose and
can be worn for home enter-
taining as well as for loung-
ing. A quilted robe in
"Qiana" satin makes a
lovely gift, especially if your
honeymoon is planned for a
cold weather spot.
If the intimate details of
size is a question, find out
what sweater or dress size
the bride wears. Sleepwear
and loungewear are often
sized similarly to dresswear
and sportswear, either in
numbered sizes, 46-8-10. or
categorically,' Petite, Small,
Medium or Large. Fitted
innerwear styles,'such as
camisoles and full slips, are
more often labeled by bust
size, 30/32 and up.
Crispy, versatile waffles: they're
not just for breakfast any mope!
Serve crisp, golden waf-
fles throughout the day .. .
not just breakfast! The sur-
prisingly versatile waffle
can be enjoyed as a deli-
cious dessert, even a main
With the new Oster
"Gold 'n Crispy" Waffle
Maker, two delicious waffles
can be made in just 2-
21 minutes. Thermo-
statically controlled heat
grills evenly and exactly to
ensure perfect waffles every
By adding your own
favorite topping or varying
your recipe, you can enjoy
different waffle taste treats at
any meal. You and your new
spouse can share in the fun
of making delicious hot waf-
fles right at the table.
The Oster "Gold 'ii
Crispy" Waffle Maker pro-
duces waffles that are
toaster -size for quick
reheating. A convenient
signal light tells you when
the waffle maker is ready
for cooking.
Clean up is a breeze with
its nonstick, non -stain sur-
face. When not in use, it
stores away compactly.
There's convenient cera
storage, loo!
Try these wonderful waf-
fles from the Oster Home
Economics Test Kitchens:
For that Special
day you're sure
to look elegant
When you choose from.
our selection of:
• long gowns
• special occasion
• suits
• hats
GOLDEN DELICIOIIS WAFFLES are the perfect food for
breakfast, lurch, brunet', dessert or arty time of the day.
For a change of pace,
serve' your favorite creamed
entree on tasty, crisp onion -
flavored waffles.
2 cups (500mL) biscuit
1 egg
11 cups (325mL) milk
2 tablespoons (30mL)
vegetable oil
2 tablespoons (30m1.)
dry onion soup mix
Preheat Oster " Gold 'n
Crispy" waffle maker. Put
all ingredients into a large
mixing howl. Beat on low
until dry ingredients are
Pour V2 cup (125ml.) bat-
ter over center of grids.
Close waffle maker, hake
until golden. about 2 min-
utes. Repeat.
Serve while hot with
Tunas la King or any
creamed entree.
Yield: 12 wanes
386 Meln Street, Exeter, PHONE 2330991
Wolf bol • ou look our bast
1 can (101/2 ounces or
294g) condensed
cream of mushroom
so'ip, undiluted
1 can (6'/: ounces or
182g) tuna, rinsed
and drained
1 can (4 ounces or
112g) mushroom
pieces, drained
1 cup (250mi.) frozen
1 tablespoon (L5m1.)
chopped pimento
'/. teaspoon (1m1,1
1 cup (250m1.) sour
In a 2 -quart (2 -liter)
saucepan; combine all
ingredients except sour
cream. Simmer 5 minutes.
Add sour crearn to mixture.
Heat through.
Using'/a cup (50n11.) fill-
ing per waffle. serve on
Onion Waffles or your favor-
ite plain Waffle.
Ykld: 3 cups (750r la or
12 servings
• Giftware
• Kitchen
U• Canning
G Supplies
• Kitchen
• Cookware
S• Cleaning
T Supplies
122 King Street 262-2015
• Gardening