Times-Advocate, 1983-04-27, Page 11 QUALITY
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Phone 235-1964
It's still tentative, though
Ixeter taxes up tpercen
tentative stage until it Is
thoroughly checked by Clerk
Liz Bell, who was not in atten-
dance for Monday's special
The main debate at the
meeting was over -holding the
mill rate at the current level
or increasing it by two per-
cent. In a "straw vote" the
decision was actually tied
with Mayor Bruce Shaw,
Reeve Bill Mickle, Coun-
cillors Dorothy Chapman and
Bill Rose opting for the zero
percent increase while Coun-
cillors Morley Hall, Tom
Humphreys, Don McGregor
and Gaylen Josephson sup-
ported the move for a two per-
cent increase.
Exeterks proposed budget
for the current year took a
turn for the worse, albeit a
rather slight turn.
The original budget propos-
ed by the finance committee
last week called for a slight
reduction in the mill rate, but
council members hgreed this
week to a two percent
However, only half of the
surplus generated in the
budget is going to be spent
and, the other half will go into
a reserve fund which will on-
ly betapped if council is re-
quired to provide service for
a new industry at the north
The budget remains in a
Deputy -Reeve Lossy Fuller
was absent.
The two percent increase,
coupled with a surplus presented before council
already established through•
chops • made in the budget,
will provide a $40,000 reserve paving and eve to cover
and another 440,000 for street
It is anticipated that the ditures with Salaries and
,40,000 for paving will result
in about eight blocks being
covered with asphalt this
In yicingsupportpfor 'the Mechanic loses tools
MacGregor urged council to
consider doing a bit each
year. "Otherwise we'll be in
a helluva- mess down the
road," he commented.
Noting that the education
levy is still to come and can
be expected to show a big in-
crease. Mayor Shaw said
there may. be a question of
how much the ratepayers can
"We can't let the town run
down just because of educa-
tion," Josephson responded.
Several alternatives for
splitting the plus were
decided on the
even split in
the $80,000 ore.
Most of the, budget. falls in
line with last year's expen-
wages being increased by five
percent. '
About the only major ex-
penditure chopped was anew
cruiser for the police depart-
ment. The $7,200 expenditure
was dropped in the first
Full details of the budget
will he presented next issue
after the final figures are ap-
proved by council.
in $16,000 area breakin
Thieves stole virtually mechanic in his work.
everything that Gary Lovie ' Also stolen was a motorcy-
needed to operate his Mobile cle, four chainsaws and a
Mechanics Shop located on • large stereo unit.
Highway 4 about two miles.
south of Exeter, • Saturday
Exeter OPP listed the total
loot at $16,1100 and It included
a long list of hand -and power
tools used by; the Exeter
In another theft reported on
Sunday. Eldon McCutcheon.
Usborne Township, reported
the lost of a 1981 black
McGregor made trailer that
was full of cedar rails.
AN ORPHAN SQUIRREL -- Andy DeBoer holds one of
the. seven baby squirrels which were orphaned when
the.mother was shot near her nest near the corner of
Pride and Kingscourt. this one is white. Included were
four grey and two black. They are being fed until ready
for the outdoors by Mr. and Mrs. Dave Roger. '
to seven
The Exeter Save the Squir-
rels committee has a new
chore this week. They are
playing nursemaid to seven
baby squirrels.
A mothersquirrel was shot
sometime over theweekend
on the property of Dave and
Karen Roger at the northern
end of Pryde Boulevard leav-
ing one white, four grey and
two black squirrel babies
Spokesman for the group
Andy DeBuer took the dead
squirrel to the Exeter
Veterinary Clinic and Dr.
Gary Balsdon extracted a
pellet from the animal.
The squirrels believed to be
about four weeks old are be-
ing fed by Mrs. Roger. They
are on a cat , lood and bird
seed diet.
DeBoer said Monday he
was taking the shot from a
pellet gun to Exeter pollee
andattemptto find the
Serving South Huron, North Middlesex
– 01
FARMERS DAY - Monday was Farmers Day at the Sunshine Kids Nursery School
open house. Shown working up the garden are next year student Joey Graham with
Stephen Straw, and Chris Raeburn. Open house continues today and Thursday at
Exeter United Church. T -A photo.
WheidhIist' support
for Ferguson's plans
In theory 'and in practise,
the Hon. Eugene Whelan sup-
ports his fellow Liberal MP
Ralph Ferguson's controver-
•sial bill C653.•
• .Speaking to over :350
Liberal party supporters
\ • from the federal ridings _Of
Perth and lluron-Bruce in
Mitchell on April 21. the
federal agriculture minister
said his office has dealt with
- farmers facing financial dif--
ficulty on a steady basis for
the past, two years and this
proposed hill will assist them.
The bill. which is currently
before the l louse of Commons
agriculture standing commit-
tee, is the re -introduction of
an act passed in the 1930's to
assist not Only farmers. but -
small businessmen in finan-
One aspect of the proposed
hill that Whelan spoke of. is
the point of mediation. Ile_
pointed to a system in Saskat-
Stephen okay
fire charges
Stephen township council
has accepted the budget for
the Exeter and area fire
board for the year 1983. The
township's share is $13,414.
At the latest meeting of
council the 1983 budget for
township purposes was
reviewed. It is expected to be
set at $403,994, a very slight
increase over 1982. The mill
rate is expected to be set
within the next month.
Rates charged for the
Dashwood fire department
truck was increased by $25
per hour while out on calls.
Township planners will
meet with council on May 5 to
• renew discussions on the
township's zoning bylaw.
Third reading was given to
the water system rules and
regulations bylaws anclHorn-
blower and Company was
authorized to bore for 100 •
millimetre. pipe across ('on -
cessions 8 and 9 and 10 atoll' •
for the water system:
Amending bylaws to the
Fleming .Morrissey
municipal drain were passed.
A tile drain loan application
in the amount of 818,000 was
An agreement will be sign-
ed with the Bank of Montreal
for collection of township
taxes and other accounts.
chewan which has lending in-
stitutions giving three -months
notice before foreclosures are
The agriculture minister
disagrees that passage of the
bill will curtail the lending ac-
tivities of the banks to
farmers and small
businessmen. The hill, said
Mr. Whelan. does not say
banks shall forgive loans.
ratites a court hearing is held
where foregiveness or partial
foregiveness of debt is
considered. •
"1 say that is not so wrong."
coinm,.ntcd Whelan.
The federal \1l' also prais-
ed the Liberal governments
recently. introduced 198:3
"ll means concern for the
people. small husinesses, big
business. construction and
agriculture." said the cabinet
minister. •
Paving the way before.the
president of the Liberal Par-
ty of Canada Iona Cam -
pagnola spoke, Mr. Whelan
referred to his former cabinet
colleague as a "people per-
son". As Ms..Campagnola
did., Whelan praised the ac-
tions of his party's
Commenting on the metric
system, the agriculture
minister, said Canada
depends on international
,trade and "all trading is done
in metric". Taking a swipe at
the 'Tory opposition, Whelan
said it takes "43 Tories to run
a gas station". He was refer-
ring to the British Imperial
System -run gas station own-
ed'by federal Tory MPs in the
Ottawa area.
When be is asked about the
gas station, Mr. Whelan says
he is "looking for sterling"
with which to pay for the gas.
Promoting Canada and par-
ticularity the Liberal party,
Whelan said he and Ms. Cam-
pagnola are yelling
One Hundred and Tenth Year
1 North Lambton Since 1873
Price Per Copy 50 Cents
EXETER, ONTARIO, April 27, 1983
Exeter gets Commercijl Banking Unit
of M
The Bank'of Montreal has
announced the establishment
of a Commercial Banking
Unit in Exeter, resulting in
the addition of about 20 people
and a $600,000 renovation and
enlargement of the exisiting
Main St. facility.
The announcement was
made by J. A. Ernie Morel,
Senior Vice -President,'
Western Ontario .Division,
who along with Art Thomp-
sotu.Distriut_.Manag voullt.,
with Mayor Bruce Shaw to
outline details of the project,
In addition, specialized
Commercial/Agricultural Of-
ficers will be assigned to
those branches to be affiliated
with the Exeter Unit to meet
the specialized needs of their
markets through existing
branches in Clinton,
Goderich, Grand Bend, lfen-
sall, Lucan. Mitchell. St.
Marys and Zurich.
Morel said the formation of
the Commercial Banking Unit
is in line with the Bank's
domestic development pro -
Spring work
Area farmers started
spring work in earnest this
week as farm equiprnent
could be seen rolling across
many farms.
However, a chill wind made
the task a little unpleasant
and most workmen were
bundled in winter coats and
hats as they started spring
seeding and ground
ON THE TRUCK Joel Evans and Jeff Kerr stand on the side of an Exeter fire truck
with fireman Larry Smith during a visit to the.fire hall Wednesday by youngsters
from the Exeter Library Story Time hour. T -A photo
gram whereby 'expertise is
being concentrated to focus
on specific markets such as
commercial, agricultural and
personal banking. About 100
:Commercial Banking Units
will be in operation across the
country by 1984.
Thompson said the Exeter
unit will tx.-nne.11a'.he larger
ones in Ontario:
Morel went on to note that
this "considerable investment
in both dollars and manpower
Building change to . cost $600,000.
20 employees
is a reflection of the Bank's
confidence in the present and
future potential of this very
important agriculture and
commercial area.
The contract for the renova-
,tion and enlargement has
been let to'Norlon Builders
Limited of London and work
is expected to commence in
the immediate future with a
completion elate set for
The bank will be extended
20 feel to the rear of the ex-
isting.facility and the upper
storey will be extended to the
same degree.
Opening of the new unit
will correspond tothe Bank's
A101h aI verslr .0 xeler•._
The first location was at the
corner of Huron and Main and
then the Bank was moved to
the present PUC building.
During World War II, the
Bank took over the facility of
the Bank of Com►nerce at the
present site.
Morel said most of th% 20
personnel being added to the
Exeter bank will be existing
staff who will be transferred
from other Western Ontario
Most of the. main floor
banking services will be car-
ried on as usual and
customers will notice few dif-
ferences. However, those re-
quiring some ofthe specializ-
ed services in' the Commer-
cial Banking Unit will beser-
viced in the offices located on
the second floor:
Morel said this will be a
quieter atmosphere for
customers in which to talk
with bank personnel.
Mayor Shaw expressed con-
siderable enthusiasm for the
decision by the Bank of Mon-
te (.o JexPeOCtla;,ifteiliti s
and Said he hoped the- con-
fidence being shown in Exeter
will encourage others to in-
vest and locate in town.
He said the Bank's decision
to decentralize some services
to Exeter will snake the town
a focal point for the banking
community in this area.
An Exeter homeowner had
four $100 bills stolen this week
in a breakin.
The incident occurred on
Wednesday. Nothing else was
reported missing.
BANK EXPANDING Officials from the Bank of Montreal announced a $600,000
expansion and renovation project for the Exeter branch this week to establish a
Commercial Banking Unit. Twenty personnel will be transferred here this fall from
other branches throughout Western Ontario. Mayor Bruce Shaw, right, looks over
blueprints for the project with Art Thompson, left, District Manager, and J.A. Er-
nie Morel, Senior Vice -President, Western Ontario Division.
Court decisions differ
Distance is a factor
Absence of arresting ol-
ficer8 resulted in two charges
being dismissed in Exeter
court, Tuesday, but another,
accused who asked for the .
same decision was denied.
A charge against Elgin
Josling, RR 1 Londesboro,
was distissed by Justice of
the Peace Douglas Wedlake
because the arresting officer
was .on course at Aylmer
Police College and
unavailable to submit
evidence in the charge of fail-
ing to yield to traffic.
The charge had been laid as
a result of an incident in Hen -
salt on March 19.
Defence lawyer Jim Don -
Optimistic lease
can be renewed
Officials from South Iluron
Hospital and Huron Dental
Associates expressed con-
, fidence this week the two
could work out a satisfactory
agreement for a new lease.
Dr. Russ Lingard confirm-
ed this week that the dental
group had purchased proper-
ty as a possible new location
but stressed that it was a
"protective"measure only
and he was optimistic Huron
Dental Associates would re-
main In the former nurses'
residence owned by the
hospital adjacent to the latter.
llospital administrator
RogerSheeler alsosaid helps
confident a new lease could be
Huron .Dental Associates
still have two years remain-
ing on the 10 -year lease and
both Lingard and Sheeler said
the facility needed a new roof
and that was one of the areas
of concern in formulating a
new lease.
,Lingard said the purchase
of nearby property as a possi-
hle location was undertaken
when.Huron Dental
Assocites were concerned
• they could he "left out in the
cold" if a new lease could not
be obtained with the hospital
nelly, whose client pleaded
not guilty to the charge, said
the 76 -year-old Josling had
come all ,life way from
Londesboro for the .1rial and
was prepared to proceed.
The next case involved
Gary J. l3irmingham. Exeter.
who pleaded not guilty to a
charge of failing to stop at a
stop sign on March 2:3.I1e Said
he too was prepared to pro -
geed with the case and asked
that the charge be dismissed
in view of the fact the ar-
resting officer was not pre-
sent to give evidence. The
court learned the officer was
al the hospital with his wife.
Wedlake ruled that Birm-
ingham lived in the irn-
rn&diate area and ?;o the cir-
cumstances were not quite
similar • to those of the •
Londesboro man.
At•ial dale was set for May
The same officer was not
available to give evidence on
a charge.of speeding against
Norman D. Landry, London,
so•that charge was dismissed
by Mr. Wedlake.
Landry said he had come
from his father's hospital bed
in North Bay to proceed on
Please turn to page 2
SKIPPING ALONG — Despite the cool weather
Wednesday evening, Mikal MacDougall and Beccie Far-
quhar tried out their skipping abilities on Kingscourt
Crescent. T -A photo.
Motorists victimized
by bit, run drivers
A straying cattlebeasl was
the only injury victim in the
four collisions investigated
this week by the Exeter OPP.
The animal, owned by
Phomas . Hayter, RR 2
Dashwood, strayed onto
Highway 83 on Supday and
was struck byvehicle
drivep by Gregory Revington,
RR 2 Lucan.
The animal sustained a
broken leg. Damage to the
vehicle was set at $1,000.
Jarnes Allen, RR 1
Crediton, escaped injury
when his vehicle rolled over in
the ditch on concession 8 of
Stephen Township on Friday.
Damage in the mishap, which
occurred north of the Ml.
Carmel road, was 8500.
The other two collisions in-
volved hit and run drivers. On
Friday, a vehicle driven by
Bradley Hutchinson, RR 1
Lucan, was sideswiped by an
unknown vehicle which did
not stop. The accident took
place on the Crediton Road
west of concession 15 in
Stephen. Ddmage to the Hut-
chinson vehicle was $900.
On Saturday, a vehicle
driven by Ronald Fulford,
Simcoe, was struck by an
unknown vehicle on Highway
84 west of Hensall. Damage to
the Fulford vehicle was listed
at 8400.
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