HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-04-20, Page 19New members Conflrmation at United Church Eleven young people became members of the Church by profession of faith at Confirmation and Commu- nion service at Lucan United Church Sunday morning. Lucan and Clandeboye con- gregations united for this special service. Those confirmed were Erik Barr. Jamie Bond, Jeff Bond. Debbie Hall. Jane Holden. Terri McRoberts and Sherrie Smith from Lucan. and Bon- nie Lynn. Gerry Lynn. Bradley Scott and Jo Thomp- son from Clandeboye. Each young person individually ek- pressed faith: in Christ and commitment to Him and to . His Church. Mr. Brown was assisted by the parents of the young peo- ple and by the Clerk of Ses= sion of Lucan or Clandeboye congregation as he laid hands On each communicant in an act of confirmation. . Following the ceremony. each new member was presented with a Good News Bible as a gift from 'his Church. Catherine. Cheryl • and Bonnie -Lynn's two love- ly trios. "He's Alive" and -What. a Difference 1'ou Make in my Life" highlighted Three area accidents Three accidents were in- vestigated this week by -of- ficers of the Lucan detach- ment of the Ontario Provin- cial Police with damages totalling $2.100. Thursday at 4.25 p.m.• vehicles driven by.. Stephen Keron. RR 1 Area and Elissa tlomenock. London collided at the corner of Elgin street and Concession 7 in Arva. Constable J.F. Briggs in- vestigated and set damages at $550. Constable C.S. Fleming estimated damages at $400 when a Vehicle driven by Karen Evans. RR 2. Denfield left the .roadway of the Roman Line. near Highway 4 at 2:30 a.m. Saturday. ' The same day at 6:30 p.ni., a vohicle driven by William Bannister. RR :3. llderton lel! the 'Hderton sideroad and struck a culvert. Constable .1.A. Wilson set damages at $1.030. the meaning of the Confirma- tion service. In his charge to the young people Mr. Brown spoke from 1 Tonu►thy Chapter 6. challenging them to live out their commitment to Christ as men and women of God. Paul's advice to young Timothy applies equally to- day. We need to flee all that hinders the Christian life - all actions and attitudes that destroy faith, in order to follow Christ's way. In charge of greeting the congregation were Leroy and Nancy Maguire and son. Loys Melanson very capably led the congregation in the mon- thly pre -service hymn sing of the Outreach Committee. and Dorothy Dedels took a large group of children out for their Junior Church during the lat- ter part of the service. The service concluded with the celebration of the Lord's Supper. Following the service. Chairman of the Board of Stewards. Frank Goring. ex- plained to the Lucan con- gregation plans of the Com- mittee for church repairs and renovations andinvited ques- tions and comments. He also appealed for volunteers for next Saturday's Work 'Bee• beginning at 9 a.m• to help clean up and make minor repairs inside and outside the. church. The U.C.W. will pro- vide a hot lunch at noon. Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. the Friendship Unit of the U.C.W. meets in the C:E. wing. Beth Cowdrey will conduct "An Evening in Paradise - a Pacific Experience". All ladies of the charge are welcome. Prayer and Share Fellowship continues its study n(1 Peter chapter 2 at 9:45 a.m.. Thursday and the junior choir meets for its regular .practice at 6:30 p.m. Family Night. originally scheduled for this week is postponed until April 29. Lucan .service will be withdrawn on May 1 so that members may attend Clandeboye Anniversary Ser- vice. Special speaker is Rev. • Bruce Pierce 'of Granton. - Couples' club garage sale is scheduled for Saturday. May 7. Donations of "valuable junk" would be appreciated. Call Bill Froats for pick up of large items at 227-4879. Friends are reminded of plans for the U.C.W. hot beef dinner, Thursday. May 12 al the arena. Tickets are now available. Anglican Church news Greeting members and friends of Holy Trinity Anglican church. as they ar- rived for Morning Prayer ser- vice. were Helen and Maurice McDonald. Reading the lessons appointed for the third Sunday of Easter were Kay Egan and Betty Ankers. The junior choir. led by Patricia Pocock and accom- panied by Beaulah Hardy sang the beautiful anthem "The Prayer of St. Richard of. Chichester." This was one of the selections which they sang al the Kiwanis Music Festival and received a mark of 84. Rev. Pocock welcomed and introduced the -guest speaker. Pat Daunt. a very active layman in the church from Fordwich. He came to talk about the Anglicans in Mis- sion program and why we need to be involved -in it. It is a program of 'the entire Anglican Church of Canada: its dioceses. parishes. and people. More importantly, it is a program that emphasizes our spirit and strong commitment to teach and witness to the Word of. God. Funds raised will help meet the challenge of Mission in the North, of World Mission. of our Pen- sioners and of Mission in our Diocese of Huron. It is an in- dividual commitment and calls us once again to recognize the truth of our love Church of and concern for the C h God everywhere. A question period enabled Mr. Daunt to clear up many pre -conceived ideas and misconceptions .regarding Anglicans in Mis-. -Sion program. Upcoming Events: Wednesday evening. 8 p.m. al Rectory - Wardens meeting. ,Thursday at,. 9:00 a..rn. ladies of Medway Deanery hold their Spring Rally with Mrs. Dorothy Crocker of Goderich as guest speaker. All womenare urged to at- tend for an evening of Chris- tian fellowship.. t PRESIDENT SERVES Lucan Optimist club president Steve Storey shows the pro- per way to serve in volleyball Thursday night at the arena. Taking a close look were Kim Poole, Karen Toonders, Monica McCarthy, Lisa Van Geel 'and Carla McAdam. The Optimists provide two hours of sports activity time for area boys and girls each Thursday from 5 to 7 p.m. until the end of June. T -A photo. St. Patrick R.C. School, Lucan Student Registration Junior Kindergarten (born 1979) Kindergarten (born 1978) SCHOOL YEAR 1983 - 84 May 3 and 4• Call the school (227-4801) for an appointment. Proof of age, immunizdtion and Baptism required., • One gymnast winner missed One "Gold Seal" Winner was omitted from the list of gymnastic meet winners in last week's paper and we are very sorry. Tracy Mair was also 'one of the comtelilors and won a "Gold Seal". Con- gratulations Tracy. and we are sorry for the omission: JUNIOR OIR IN FESTIVAL — The Lucon Anglican Church junior choir placed fourth in the recent Kiwanis Music Festival in London. Back, left, Sharon Richard- son, Ann Hodgins, Angela Hardy and Jason Hdskett. Third row, Paula Hodgins, Sarah Henderson, Debbie Molenkamp, Bobbi -Jo Richards and Vicki MacDonald. Second row, Christ° Hardy, Cathy Atkinson, Gary Haskett and Philip Hardy. Front, Carol Smith, Andrea Van Geel, Shone Gillen, Nathan Blay and David Pocock.T-A photo. and district news Susan Cook 225-2750 UCW selling tickets for May 12 hot beef supper .'!'he president of the Luc.... General C.('.W. Mabel . Froats. welcomed Members and guests to the April Seniors play • cards, quilt The Sunshine and Busy Buddies woups niet for cards and quilting Thursday after- noon, with president Ed Dowda11 presiding .for the brief business meeting. after welcoming those• present and espeelally Evelyn and .lint O'Shea and I(uby and Elmer Burnard: , . • Irene Egan and Ed. Arm- strong were the recipients oI birthday wishes. Mary Kooy played for the singing of "O Canada" arid also' for the singsong. later in the prograni.and gave a most humorous reading "A New-. fotuuiland Memo." A second reading was given hy.Florence !Pidgins. entitled "They are Out on the Land." Margaret and..loe Carter thanked members • for their sympathy-cards. Cards were convened by Lela Abbott and winners were ladies high. Eileen llodgins: lone hands. Marion Noels: , low score. Marie Damen man's high. Marjorie Steeper. playing a man's card: lone hands.- Murray Carter: low score. John Loynes. Ethel Crouch %%un the ('raft prize Lunch was served by Angelirie Scott. 11arScott. Marjorie Steeper and Marie Turner. ' Donalions for the "Dutch Auction" at the Dessert Euchre on \lay 5 may be brought in tomorrow Thurs day and must be in by. the following week. April 28. meeting. held on Wednesday evening. A list of Presbyterial pro- jects wit's read. including Seeds for Zaire, Corn for the Horn. Eye Glasses. and Sun- day School publications. All United • Church members are invited to the "Sod Turning" ceremony for the new White Oaks Church. on Sunday; A r$1. '24th at 3 p.m. on Bra ley Avenue. ( turn right • o f • Wellington Road.) The Regional Rally will be held in Alisa Craig United Church on Tuesday.. May :1 with. supper sittings al 5:30' and 6:30. A letter of thanks was read. from. Dorothy Wallis for the donation to the Women's Community House and in response_to a query as to how the members and friends could helpa list was included. Garden furniture, a plastic clothes line. baby clothes. bulbs, flowers: shrubs, dishes. hots and pans. baby walkers. canned food -and an alarm clock are needed. Articles are Pi be brought to the- Unit meetings in play. or may be left in the church kitchen, • marked for this purpose. The tJ.C. \V is responsible For the June -Lunch Out". Further tickets *ere distributed for the hot -beef supper to be held al the arena Thursday. May 12. front 5 to .7 p.m. Returns are to Ix' in to Ann • Holden • before May 8. Many helpers will he needed so volunteer to a member of tli( executive. The U.C.W will be respon- sihle for the church Service .luly I(t while the minister is on vacation. The program convener. Flora Robertson. introduced Annelies Butler who took us • 1 OPEN MK ATMID .l• •caw. •.a, Timm Hu •3 amsoonan Jr FLOOR HOCKEYISTS Optimist Gerry Mcleod gives instructions to Frank Van Sas, Jim McLellan, Dennis Foran, David Seymour and Dan Hartman during o Luton Op- timist club sports session at the arena, Thursday night. The Optimist club is pro- viding a two hour sports activity period each Thursday night until the endo June for area boys and girls. T•A photo. on a most interesting pictorial tour of the holy Land. which she and Ed had visited earlier this year. It Was most ap- propriate . following so soon after. Easter. Donna • VanArenthals. Leader of the Friendship unil_ advised` those tfresent that Spring bulbs. from Holland were for sale again this year and at no increase in price. Place your` order with any member of that Unit. Donna also led in a lovely posl- Easterand into Spring -tune worship service using music for listening., singing. the spoken word and poetry. The Dorcas t)nit was responsible for refreshments and these were served -by Jean •Brown and Ruthann Curtis,. 4-H meet Lucan No. 1 "Jazzy Jog- gers" held their seventh and - final meeting Sunday. The meeting was opened wit h.1he 4-11 pledge followed by roll call in which each member answered to "List two things you plan to do in the future to be a more responsible consumer." After Thal. each member discussed the highlights of their special project and Then participated in the club act ivi- ly called "A friend in need is a friend indeed." Buyer bingo was also played and book re- quirements were discussed as well as when to have a work ince,inl. Meeting six of Lucan No..3 club was held April 16 at the home of Paula llodgins. The pledge was repeated by six members and one leader: The • rofl call was "One thing you had to smile about." • The next meeting will be at • Mrs. Straalman's April 23 and Lisa Van Geel will be . president for that meeting. Christina Mellhargey read the minutes of the last meeting and 'covers for the books were received. M•ernhers read the guidelines for making a presentation and were given the program for Achievement Day. Annett read her special project to the rest of the members. The meeting. was turned over to the leader. Members manicured their finger nails and polished them. Don't forget the Blood Donor Clinic at the Lucan arena Thursday, April 21, 6to9p.m. Times -Advocate, April 20, 1983 Page 7A Magazine campaign set at St. Patrick's school This week St. Patrick's School held an assembly to kick off their magazine cam- paign. The students will be selling magazine subscrip- tions and renewals to aid their mission project. The goal is to raise $800.00 to build a house for a family in India. So far the school has collected $254. The campaign runs for one week and will end Monday. April 25. Congratulations are in order for several people. Jason LaPlante. a grade six student placed first in the next level of the Royal Cana- dian Legion's Art and Essay Contest held in Windsor. He placed first in the poster con- test at the junior level. He received a plaque and a che- que for $30.00. - Revival Centre • Because of the spring snowstorm Sunday morning. - and hydro being off. Sunday School was cancelled. As the hydro came on. in time. Mr. Wm. Davies held the morning service. opening reading Psalm :14:1-8.19.22. Tony Vivona showed from Psalm 103:5-8 how in his Christian walk there is sometimes weeping fora time. but that joy comes in a morning when he stayed with God. From John, - 14:21-2:3. 15:10-1i. Mrs. -Tony Davies talked of. the importance of obedience in serving God :Hari Melanson 'sang l Will Serve Thee. then led in chorus singing before the close of.'the service. Wm. Davies conducted the evening service, as he will be doing untilRev. C.J. Williams returns recovered from surgery. Mrs. E. Currie; from 1 John 4;1-6, stressed the im- portance of testing by God's. word if a person who pro- fesses to preach the gospel is really of God. Mr. Davies spoke about divine inner healing. II Cerin- thains :3:18. speaks of God's glory which can change us • daily as we -live in God's Word. Our • failings can be turned to victories, with a new hope coming from despair. when one errs. by correction from the Lord. - Two calls for firemen Volunteers of the Lucan fire department answered two calls recently. The first was Wednesday,. April 1:3•at ap- proximately :1:00 p.m. when they went to.the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ron Pullman located at the corner of the Roman Line and Townline. There were no occupants .home al the time so nothing was saved. • • The Knights of Columbus will. be taking any contribu- tions at the Mini -Hall or con- tact a K.C. member. The second call was answered Friday. at 1:25 p.m. al the garage of Clarence Carter. April 7. the Lucan Branch of the Legion held their public speaking contest. Six students from Sl. Patrick's par- ticipated - Margaret Giesen. Bill Kelly. George Giesen. Tara Sullivan, Tammy Williams and . Kelly VanKerkoerle. Margaret Giesen placed first and Bill Kelly second in the 5 and 6 Busy year for Brownies The second Lucan Brownies have been busy so far in 1983. A good time was had by all at camp early in February at Camp Orenda near Belmont. The girls even managed to do • some tobogganing! - The girls have continued visits to the folks al Craigholme on Professional Development.days which are enjoyed by both young and old. A special service was held al the Lucan Community Cen- tre for .all Scouting. and Guiding February 20 in honour of Lord and • Lady Baden Powell's birthdays. While reciting their pro- mise. the girls also used hand signs as taught to them by Mrs. Kwasnicki. They also sang a song entitled. "Lend a Helping Hand" which is their motto. In March they did several crafts while the girls are working hard on their achievement badges and . programmes. A fun night of bowling with the girlsaccompanied. by their fathers started off the April meetings. • Melissa Small!. Shonna Maslen. Peggy Malone and Lori Vanneste have received their "Golden Iland" recent- ly. This means they have completed the Brownie pro- gramme and are ready to go up to Guides. . April 18 to 22 has been declared Volunteer Week and the Helping Hands of Lucan are prepared to donate their services by having a pot luck lunch on, the same day as the seniors "Lunch Out It will be held Wednesday. April 20 from noon till approx- imately 1 p.m. at the Lucan Community Centre. . . division while George Giesen and Tara Sullivan tied for se- cond place at the 7 and 8 level. April 5 the winning junior girls' floor hockey team went to London to represent S1. Patrick's al the system's floor hockey tournament. . The team which consisted of Tina Marie VanBoxmeer. Lisa Foran. Angela Perry. Mary -Anne Clement: Lisa Morkin and Peggy Malone reached the semi-finals plac- ing third out of twelve -teams. The girls played six very close games. April 7 the winning junior boys' floor hockey team Con- sisting of Ed VanKerkoerle, Brian • Heessels. Jason McLellan. Michael Cita. Bill Kelly and Robert Amaral went to the System tourna- ment held at St. Lawrence School in London. Congratula tions to both these teams for representing St. Patrick's well. ntraiia Sy MRS. TOM KOOY - Residents were surprised. on awakening Sunday morn- ing to see the ground covered will snow. and hear the snow . plow passing by: but spring is jus( around the corner. The senior citizens mel in the community centre Mon- day afternoon for cards and lunch. Mrs. Von Overholt was a • Sunday guest at a family din- net at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Marty Overholt and David. Exeter. David was celebrating Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence li zelan 1 r t d Mr. and MrsTom Kooy attended a dinner and social evening sponsored by the Lucan Lions Club. On location or Studio Bart DeVries PHOTOGRAPHY - COMMEROAL - PORTRAITS • WEDDINGS • GROUPS - PURUCITY Mounting and Laminating i.. r.. d'd.s-....._ ..r a....'_,r,d.. Telephone 235.1298 137 Thames Rd. East Exeter, Ont. Tune Into the World of Satellite TV General Instrument Dealer 108 channels now --more coming r`�' ultra -Vision I Satellite Systems Ltd. 134 Alice Street Lucan, Ontario 519-227-1102 Towers, Boosters and Rotors 1 NOW OPEN Lakewood Nursery Professional Landscape Designer and Horticultural Consultant on hand We have an excellent selection of top quality • Roses • Fruit Trees • Flowering Shrubs • Evergreens • Shade Trees • Hedging • Perennials • Garden Supplies • Ground Covers • Chemicals • Fertilizers We do complete Lawn Maintenance FREE ESTIMATES Hours Open Mon -Sat. 9:00 a.m. till dusk Sunday Noon till 6 p.m. LAKEWOOD NURSERY Landscaping and Lawn Caro Highway 21 St. Joseph Mike Miller 236-4479