HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-04-20, Page 18Page 6A Times -Advocate, April 20, 1983
Corbetts celebrate golden wedding anniversary
The leaders of the Hensall The+ president welcomed children went to Queensway The tickets will be sold 3 for Bertha MacGregor spoke on ed home after spending a
Explorers took them to a everyone and read a poem Nursing Home and entertain- $l.00, behalf of her brother's family. month with her daughter and
swim party at Vanastra on -Easter Is". ‘ Twelve ed the residents in the sitting' By the end of the school The bride and groom of fif- son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Clive
Monday. This was followed by members answered the roll room. It was very evident year funds usually run low, ty years replied recalling Adamson, in the Bahamas.
a pizza party at the c'iurch. A call. that these people received a any unneeded items at home many events of the years. Mrs. Blanche Chapman of
most enjoyable time was had. Meetings will continue to great deal of joy in seeing so you might like to donate to the The opening of gifts and pic- London was the weekend
Seniors pot luck dinner commence at 1:30 p.m. Mrs. many happy tiny ,faces, and school would be welcome. ture taking brought a most visitor with her sister and
The Three Links Seniors Marg Upshall was in charge the children had a good time Good use could be made of delightful evening to a close. brother-in-law, who
held their annual April pot of the program. Mrs. Dorothy eating and drinking treats Hula hoops, skipping ropes On Sunday, April 17 an celebrated their golden wed-
luck dinner at the local hall on Parker gpve the study provided by the staff of the and large balls. Open House was held in the ding anniversary.
Tuesday evening with a good Paradise Polluted from the home. Celebrate Golden Wedding Fellowship Hall of the Hensall Mrs. Alma Horton is a pa -
attendance. Following the book The Pacific Way. The Registration for next year's A most enjoyable evening United Church when the fami- tient in South Huron Hospital,
meal vice .president Mrs. meeting closed with the classes has already begun was spent at the Pineridge ly received many friends and Exeter, where she is receiv-
Hilda Payne presided for the benediction. Hostesses were with a few mbthers calling for 'Chalet on Friday, April 15 relatives who congratulated ing"treatment.
business, opening with "O Ardys Glenn and Doris information. This is a good when the family of Mr. and Jack and Hazel on having Mr. and Mrs. Don
Canada" withMrs. Vera Ross Hamilton. sing, as many of our children Mrs. Jack Corbett entertain- reached the milestone of fif- MacLat-en, Jodi and Brooke
at the piano, followed by the Nursery School elects officers will be going off to ed family members to a din- ty years of marriage. Their of Oakville spent the weekend
Lord's prayer. Twenty-nine The Hensall and district kindergarten in September ner in honour of their parents' grandson Johnathon Corbett with Don's mother Mrs. jer-
member and one visitor were nursery school held their an- and new families are learning golden wedding anniversary. was in charge of the register tha MacGregor and attended
• esent. nual meeting this month and about the parents' co- Rev. Stanley 'McDonald was and their granddaughters Sal- the golden wedding anniver-
Members were reminded elected the 1986-84 executiveoperative nursery school. The Master of Ceremonies and in- ly Chaffe and Catharine Cor- sary of the former's uncle and
tie District meeting will be Those nominated and ac- teacher will welcome any in- troduced the head table bett served the wedding cake. aunt -Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Weld at Exeter Legion Hall, claimed unanimously were terested child whose parent guests after which their . The ladies' group, Unit II of Corbett.
April 27, registration from President, Janis Bisback, wishes to see how the school families were introduced. the church served a delicious Mrs. Doug Mann and Mrs.
9:30 to 10:30 p.m. After. Treasurer, Lois Hayter, is run. It will be necessary to Their daughter, Mrs. Connie lunch. Eileen Rannie attended the
business meeting Mrs. Pearl Registrar, Gwen McClirrchey contact the teacher through (Robert) Chaffe spoke on Personals District Horticultural
Taylor directed progressive and Secretary, Sharon one of the active parents and behalf of the family and the Mrs. Ella Harding of Lon- meeting held in Lucknow on
euchre. Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman. find out which session is best eldest grandson Steven Cor -don spent the weekend Saturday.
Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. It was reported that a new to sit in on. Three dates seem bett, spoke and proposed the visiting with Mrs. Dorothy Rev. Kenneth Knight con
John Cooper will be in charge child was attending school to be ideally suited so plan on toast to his grandparents. Corbett and attended the ducted service in Cannel
of the May meeting. while two children were contacting someone soon, as Mr. Hugh Morenz, golden anniversary of Mr. Presbyterian Church on Sun
Several members of Amber removed from the pro- nursery school will be over at Dashwood, spoke on behalf of and Mrs..Jack Corbett. day. Mrs. Joan Keys piesis
Rebekah Lodge attended the gramme Teacher Mrs. Ruth the end of May. his sister's family and Mrs. Mrs. Eileen Rannie return- ed at the organ for the service
District meeting at Pride of Ashton was present and spoke Throughout the year the -
Huron Lodge, Exeter, on to the group, outlining the up- school is active with parents
Wednesday. coming month's events which . helping as assistant teachers,
U.C.W. Unit :1 will include' a trip to the recyclers of good junk, pro -
Unit Three of Hensall firehall, a walk to Duttman's viding transportation and
U.C.W. met on Tuesday after- Bakery, a tour of the Bank of supporting the various fund -
noon with President . Mrs. Montreal, a visit from O'Con- raising projects such as the
nor Ambulance Service and Easter chocolates and Regal
hosting a special day at .the stationery orders in the fall.
school to treat grandparents An active parent, Shelly Hoff -
and senior friends to songs man, has donated a beautiful
and verse. afgan which will be raffled off
On St. Patrick's .Day the the night of the Hensall fair.
Dorothy Brintnell presiding.
Mrs. Pearl Taylor took the
worship, the theme being
"Joy". A hymn was followed
by a poem "Easter" and clos-
ing prayer by Pearl.
and district news
Mrs, Bertha MatGregar,
Phone 262-2025
La Leche League meets in Exeter
La Leche League in Huron
County, South held their mon-
thly meeting Last month in
Exeter at the home of Mrs. B.
DeJonge. Women and
children from Varna,
Brucefield, Hensall, Exeter.
Vanastra and Crediton were
The centre of discussion
was the art of breastfeeding
and overcoming any dif-
ficulties that may arise. Leav-
ing baby and getting away"by
oneself or with your husband
was of great concern. It was -
pointed out by mothers pre-
sent that it is natural for a
new mother to want to be near
her newborn and usually she
is unhappy if she spends too
much time away from the
infants. •
Society has encouraged
women to get away to take a
break. but must instincts tell
one to stay close to protect
and meet the babies needs
whenever they appear in the
early mouths of life. This con-
flict can be confusing for new
mothers arid can add to the
stress of parenting. Mothers
can be separated from their
children. However, it is usual-
ly, so easy to bring the baby
along. especially one that is
nursing. There is no need for
parents to resent this new
change in lifestyle.
Tiny babies are not difficult
to take along to parties. In the
early months they usually
need to be fed and diapered
and are content to go back to
sleep or look about in their ,
carheds. Dressed for the
weather, babies can go to ball
games, to the beach, and
usually sleep through the
Representing many trust com-
panies, highest rates usually
For more information contact
, John R. Consitt
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drive-in movie.
Parents' activities are only
limited by parents' imagina-
tion. Life does. not have to
change dramatically with the
birth of a child. It was men-
tioned that having more than
one child usually means life is
more restricted because there
are more needs to be met.
Older brothers and sisters
may want to do things, be
places and need their parents'
help in different ways.
•Thursday, April 28 at 8 p.m.
will be the last meeting in Ex-
eter at 260 Churchill Dr. The
topic of discussion will be
nutrition and weaning. Ex-
pectant women, new mothers
and babies are always
welcome. Mothers are
welcome to call the local
leader, Janis Bisback,
262-3505 if you have any ques-
tions or want more informa-
tion about breastfeeding. The
summer series will begin in
May and will be Meld near
Hensall student
on dean's list
Timothy E. Hamather of
Hensall has been named to
the Dean's List for winter
term at Northwood Institute
in Michigan.
To achieve Dean's List
recognition, students must
earn a 3.0 grade -point on a 4.0
a`, .+sti
DOING DISHES IS PART OF DINNER — Dorothy Parker (left) and Judy Parker get
help with the dishes from Dianne Gerstenkorn, UCW social functions convener
responsible for organizing the Hensall UC beef barbecue.
Eleven•th -annual: beef 'barbecue..
Hensall United Church has and 240 pounds of potatoes.
discovered the recipe for a and spur the ladies of the con -
successful beef barbecue. gregation into baking 180 pies.
To feed 700 hungry She and Mona Alderdice
customers last week, UCW turned 72 pounds of
social functions convener sauerkraut into a giant salad.
Dianne Gerstenkorn arrang- Seventy women served the
ed to purchase and cook 380 three sittings, and washed the
pounds of roast beef, turn 50 mountains of dirty dishes.
pounds of white beans When he last satisfied diner
donated by the village's three had left the premises, all that
mills into tasty pork and remained of the sumptious
beans. farm out 84 jelly spread was a roasting pan of
powders to be made into potatoes, another of turnips,
salads, see that someone and about four pounds of
cooked four bushels of turnips roast beef.
The UCW does not yet know
how much profit was made
this year, but last year all the
hard work netted $3,700,
which was used for local com-
munity and missionary
The dinner had its origins in
an annual strawberry supper
years ago. Gradually the date
was advanced, and the menu
changed. The Hensall UC beef
ba rbecue has been part of the
yearly church calendar since
Hensall Church news
"Lord We Believe", a can-
tata,by G. Ilawthorne and TT.
Fetke, was beautifully
presented on Sunday moring
in the United Church by the
Wesley -Knox Youth Choir of
London under the direction of
John Chalmers, Music
Department. University of
Western Ontario. The young
people brought a message of
faith through the music and
scripture readings. They
were accompanied by in-
strumentalist Julie Unger on
the -french horn; Trevor
Dearham on the trumpet:
Carolyn Sole and Janice
Westland on the flutes; John
McCowan on bass and Mark
Hendry on the piano. Marlen
Nagtegaal, organist and
director of music at Hensall
United Church was organist
a aid accompanied Trevor
Dearham on the trumpet for.
the prelude Suite in D. Major
by Clarke, the flute duet by
Carolyn Sole and Janice
Westland during the offer-
tory, and Julie Unger on
french horn during the
The ('anlala opened with
the singing of The Creed;
followed by Ride the Morning
Wind; Today I heard the
Word, Faith is Like a ('hild
and Tell Your Children.
Tracy Ohman, soprano, in-
spired the congregation
through her solo Love Is. The
Cantata closed with
Forgiveness Is a Miracle of
Faith and Sing Out 0 Earth.
Rev. McDonald led the wor-
ship and !tarry Stuart greeted
the congregation with John
McAllister, David Rowcliffe,
Randy Parker and Jim Par-
sons as ushers. The flowers at
the front of the church were
placed in honour of the 50th
Wedding Anniversary of
Hazel and John Corbett. The
congregation were reminded
of the confirmation service
which will take place next
Sunday morning. Everyone is
invited to this very beautiful
and moving service.
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GIRLS PLAY HOCKEY — A number 01 girls were involved in the 1982-83 program
of the Hensall Minor Hockey Association. Above, Harry Moir presents medals to
Cara Gardiner and Katie Rothwell of the Hensall tykes team. T -A photo
of song. The service next Sun-
day will be held at 9:00 a.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Broener,
Mio, Michigan and Mrs. Ella
Harding, London were
visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Corbett at their 50th
wedding anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mock
returned home after a plea-
sant visit with their son and
daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs.
Tim Mock and new baby son
in Vancouver, B.C.
A number from Hensalyat-
tended the Song Fest in
Londesborough United
Church on Sunday evening
when the church was packed
to listen to an evening of in-
spirational, hand -clapping
gospel music. -
Mrs. Chester Earl of At-
wood and Mrs. Carl
McDonald of Listowel spent a
day this week visiting their
brother and ' son, Rev.
McDonald at the Manse.
By P.R.O. Reporter Bea Uyl
The Hensall Branch of the
Royal Canadian Legion held
their monthly meeting on
April 13, with a large atten-
dance. Following the business
meeting, elections of new of-
ficers were held. Elected to
office were: Past President,
Irvin Ferris; President, Pete
Allan; 1st Vice President,
Larry Uyl; Secretary, Irvin
Ferris; Treasurer, Murray
Traquair; Sgt -at -arms, David
Smale and Executive, Paul
Neilandg, Ted Roberts, Pete
Zwaan, and Lloyd Allan.
It is hoped everyone who
was out and supported your
candidates will continue to do
so in the following year.
At the recent Hensall Mens
Recreational Hockey Ban-
quet, Legion Sports Officer
Dave Smale presented the
new Mens Recreational
Hockey Team with the play-
off runner-up trophy donated
by the Legion. Each team
member also received a
' The spring Zone d-1 con-
vention was. held in Goderich
on March 27 and several of
our comrades went to this
well-informed meeting.
Our condolences are ex-
tended to Mrs. Donald
McKaig and family' of
Seaforth in the recent loss of
a beloved husband and father.
Mr. McKaig was a member of
the Hensall Branch No. 468
for many years.
All Comrades from Br. No.
468 wish Dr. J. Goddard and
Gordon Phillips a speed
At the going down of the
sun, and in the morning we
will remember them.
FILLING UP — Jen and Cec Kipfer (left) and Marg and
Mery Hayter fill their plates from the bounteous
smorgasbord offered at the Hensall UC beef barbecue.
Queensway Home
Rev. Forsythe and Rev.
Mills conducted worship ser-
vice at Queensway Nursing
Home in April. Charles
Westlake and Norma of St.
Catharines visited Mary
Westlake, Mrs. Gladys
Beckler visited her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Desch, Mer-
vyn and Irene Dunn visited
with Mrs. Vera Laramie.
Louise Mitchell attended
the fiftieth wedding anniver-
sary of Jack and llazel Cor-
bett at the Open House on
April 17. The Arnold Circle
evening auxiliary entertained
residents to bingo and treats
on Monday evening. ,
Hensall Men's
SIo Pitch '
Final Week
Earl McNab
Mark Consitt
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Names and addresses of former
residents of Hensall and surrounding
The Hensall Centennial Committee
needs this information to send invita-
tions to the Centennial celebrations in
If you know of anyone who should be
invited please contact any committee
member or drop the name and address
in any of the centennial boxes in town.
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