HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-04-20, Page 17May publish cook book
Interesting reports
Mrs. John Drake heated the
annual meeting of the Staffa
Women's Institute at her
home April 13. There were 18
members and one visitor
present. '
Mrs. Lloyd Miller presided
opening with the Institute Ode
and Mary Stewart Collect.
Roll call was answered with
the paying of fees for 1983-84.
During business it wa§
derided to look into publishing
of a cook book to com-
memorate the 80th birthday
of Staffa W.I. and a commit-
tee was named. Members
were reminded that the 4-11
Homemaking clubs achieve-
ment night would be held in
Upper Thames School, May 9
at 7:30 p.m.
During the annual meeting
interesting reports were
given by all Standing commit-
Shipka meeting'
Shipka community
members are reminded of
their annual meeting to be
held tonight. April 20, at 8:00
p.m. at the Community
Debbie Zielman, accom-
panied by her mother, was a
contestant in the Kiwanas
Music Festival in London last
Tuesday. In accordion
quartet class. Debbie, Irene
Dietrich, Joanne Verlinde,
Angela Fleming and Robert
Hoffman, won first place.
Debbie and Joanne
Verlinde won second in accor-
dion duet class, and Debbie
was third in solo class.
Deb's friend, Wayne
Gingerich, attended the even-
MTC Approved
McCann Redi-Mix Inc.
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SLATS CURBS Exeter 235-0338
for Staffs WI
tees. When giving her
secretaries report Mrs. Wm.
Mahon stated that Staffa W.I.
had a membership of 29 with
9 of those life members.
Besides 11 regular
meetings this past year
members and friends had
also enjoyed a bus trip. a live
theatre night and a dessert
euchre. The branch has spon-
sored 4 4-11 homemaking
clubs and this past year
ing session of the Festival.
Hugh and Annie Morenz at-
tended the 50th wedding an-
niversary dinner, Friday
evening for Hugh's sister and
husband, Hazel and Jack Cor-
bett of Hensall, for around 40
family relatives. -
Rev. Stan McDonald, of
Hensall United church, was
emcee for toasts to the couple,
family reminiscing and
recollections. Speaking for
Jack's side of the family was
his eldest sister, Mrs. Bertha
MacGregor, and for' Hazel's
family, her brother Ilugh.
Weekend guests with the
Morenz's were cousins, Roy -
and Jean Boerner, of Mio.
Michigan, also guests at the
Friday evening dinner party.
laugh and I, and Don, Liz
and Clark Adams, attended
the Open House at Hensall
United Church Fellowship
hall Sunday afternoon for
Jack and hazel Corbett.
Decorators Touch Plus
412 Main St. 235-2511
'celebrated 25 years of 4-11
Homemaking in the
Handyman hints have been
given at each meetingwhich
has proven educational.
Members contribute to.Pen-
nies for Friendship at each
meeting and have arsinstitute
in England which they corres-
pond with.
Mrs. Lloyd Miller thanked
everyone for their co-
operation the past year and
Mrs. John Templeman in-
stalled the officers for 1983-84.
They are past president,
Mrs. John Miller; president,
Mrs. Lloyd Miller; vice
presidents. Mrs. Dalton
Smale and Mrs. Ross
McPhail; secretary, Mrs.
Wm. Mahon; treasurer, Mrs.
Charles Douglas; district
director, Mrs. John Miller;
alternate, Mrs. Carter
Kerslake; branch directors,
Mrs. Bert Daynard, Mrs.
Robert McCaughey, Mrs. Art
Smale and Mrs. Bob Parsons;
public relations officer, Mrs.
Carter Kerslake; pianist,
Mrs. Robert McCaughey;
assistant pianist, Mrs. Wm.
Auditors, Mrs. Cameron Vi-
vian and Mrs. Bert Daynard;
press reporter, Mrs. John
Templeman; assistant, Mrs.
Cameron Vivian; Sunshine
committee, Mrs. Cameron Vi-
vian and Mrs. Ruby Reed;
Tweedsmuir curator, Mrs.
Ross McPhail; Tweedsmuir
committee, Mrs. Carter
Kerslake, Mrs. Ed Chappel,
Mrs. Jack Burchill, Mrs. Art
Smale, Miss Vera Hambley,
Mr. Cameron Vivian, Mr.
Tom Scott and Mr. Alvin
Nominating committee,
Mrs. John Templeman and
Mrs. Orpha Norris; standing
committees, Agriculture and
Canadian Industries, Mrs. Ar-
thur Kemp and Mrs. Orpha
Norris; Education and
cultural activities, Mrs.
George Vivian and Mrs. John
Templeman; Family and
consumer affairs, Mrs.
Dalton Smale and Mrs. Bert'
Daynard; Citizenship and
world affairs, Mrs. John
Miller and Mrs. John Drake;
Resolutions, Mrs. hazel
During the social hour
plants, bulbs and slips were
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dow
and Mr. and Mrs. Ross
McPhail are home again after
enjoying a holiday in
California. '
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris,
Jill and Robert, Mrs. Orpha
Norris. Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Skinner, Rob lleckman, Mit-
chell arid Susan Norris, Strat-
ford were dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Longman, Londesboro.
SIGNING UP FOR SOFTBALL — Tracey Humphreys signs up for the Exeter minor
softball program Saturday morning with Bob Drouillard, Bev Bierling and Joyce
Morgan. T -A photo.
New officers elected for
Clandeboye Women's Institute
The annual sleeting of the
Clandeboye 1Vomen's In-
, stitute was held Wednesday
afternoon al the home of Mrs.
Alan •Hill.‘vith 21 members
answering the roll call with
payment of fees.
Excellent reports were
given by all conveners and
secretary -treasurer. Mrs.
Jim Cunningham gave a good
financial report. Mrs. Chas.
Coughlin gave the auditors
report and read the new slate
of officers and conveners. as
prepared by the nominating
committee. Mrs. Harold Har-
dy.District Director. con-
ducted the installation
The officers and conveners•
for the coaling year are as
follows: president - Mrs. Ar-
nold Lewis; sec.-Ireas. - Mrs.
Jim Cunningham: assistant -
Mrs. Bruce Henry: district
director - Mrs. E. Wor-•
lhington; branch director -
Mrs. Roy Cunningham. Mrs.
Alan Hill and Mrs. Wilmer
Scott; pianist - Mrs. :flan
Hill; auditors - Mr's. 1larolcl
Hardy and Il1rs. A. I1i11:
public relations officer - Mrs.
M. Heffernan.
Conveners - .Agriculture
and• Canadian Industries -
Mrs. Chas. Coughlin: Citizen
_ ship and World Affairs - Mrs. -
Williani Scott: Education and
Cultural Activities - Mrs.
Gerald Lynn: Family and
Consumer Affairs - Mrs./Ed.
Armstrong: '.;w,eedsmuir
History - Mrs. Arthur
Hodgins; Mrs. Isobel Simp-
son; Resolutions - Mrs. Roy
Business included discus-
sion on what help was needed
for the blood clinic to be held
at Lucan. April 21.
The courses in the leader-
ship workshops were discuss-
ed and choices were made.
Achievement Day for the 411
Homemaking Clubs will be
held 11lay 7 at Prince Andrew
School. District annual to be
May 19 at Poplar Hill.
Velma Hardy reported on
plans for lunch out followed
by the matinee performance
of "South Pacific" -at the
Huron Country Playhouse in
Jean Hodgins reported on
the upcoming bus trip June 1
to the Erlandd,ee Homestead
• at Stoney Creek. Greenhouses
al Dundas and Dundurn ('as
tle at Hamilton.
Mary Scott updated . on
plans for the dessert euchre to
be held April 27 at St. James.
Tweedsmuir history
Curator, Jean Hodgins
displayed a .-peciai album
with memories of the 73111 an-
niversary of Clandeboye W.I.
and the international Plowing
Match, containing pictures.
stories, newspaper clippings
and etc. It will be added lathe
Clandeboye. Tweedsmuir
History collection. •
A gift certificate from
Nicholson's Flower's w a:
presented to Edie Wor-
thington in appreciation of
her two years as president.
Fire caused considerable
damage to the storage barn
ixhind Carter's General Store
Friday afternoon: The
Clandeboye Hillbillies Model
T Ford car was damaged but
hopefully. can be repaired.
ready for the parade season.
Two lawnmowers and .1
bicycle were destroyed a:
well as some lumber stored in
the building.
The quick response of
neighbours and fast action 01
the Lucan fire department
soon had it under control.
Mrs. Viola Carter and
granddaughter Lisa Carter.
accompanied by Mrs. Evelyn
Parker. Harris, on. have
returned from a two week
visit with Patricia and John
Brownlee and family in
Savannah: Georgia. •
Hydro in this area was off
for nearly three hours Sunday
morning.' due to a car acci-
dent near Centralia. Services
at both Clandeboye churches
were cancelled.
Clandeboye United Church
joined with Lucan for their
Confirmation service at 11 : 13
a.m. Candidates for confir-
mation from Clandeboye
were Joe Thompson. Brad
Scott, Bonnie and Gerry
Sl. James Anglican church
'joined Holy Trinity in Lucan
for their morning service.
aeon Eft
Sympathy is extended to
the families of the late Mrs.
Senior Major Margaret
Bowers of Petrolia. Mrs.
Bowers is Fred . Bowers'
Sympathy is' extended to
the families of the late Mrs.
Ruth King, Exeter.
Mr. and , . Mrs. Stan
Preszcator and Brenda Glan-
ville were Sunday supper
guests with Mr. and Mrs: Jim
Barnes. Parkhill. Also guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Rick
Davidson, RR 8 Thedford.
Mrs. Stan Preszcator spent
Monday with her mother Mrs.
Ed Regele, RR 4 Walton. ,
Times Advocate April 20, 1983 Page SA
Annual meeting
for Elimville WI
The annual meeting of
Elimville W.I. was held
Wednesday evening. Presi-
dent Isabel Fletcher opened
the meeting with a reading
"Spring", the Ode and Mary
Stewart Collect.
A motion was •made ,that
Ruth Skinner be the represen-
tative to the Historical Socie-
ty and'Gladys Buswell to the
Town and Country
Homemakers. .
At the May meeting Gwen
Dykeman will demonstrate
the use of food processors.
Dues were paid and reports
were read by all conveners.
secretary and. president.
Gladys Skinner presided for
election of officers and
Shirley Cooper gave report of
nominating committee.
Officers elected for 1983-84
season are past president.
Mrs. Floyd Cooper; presi-
dent, Mrs. Ron Fletcher; first
vice-president, Mrs. Carl
Gower; second vice-
president, Mrs. Melville
Buswell; secretary -treasurer.
Mrs. Ivan Brock;assistant.
Mrs. Thomas Vern; district
director, Mrs. Murray
- Coward; alternate, Mrs.
Floyd Cooper; brand direc-
tors, Mrs. Jerry Grubb, Mrs.
Russell Morley, Mrs. Elston
Lynn; public relations. Mrs.
Lorne Johns; examiners,
Mrs. Howard Pym and Mrs.
_Philip Johns.
Curator. Miss Ruth Skin-
ner; 4-11 coordinators, Mrs.
Wm. Allan and Mrs. Phillip
Johns; pianist, Mrs. Freeman
Horne; conveners of groups
are: Agriculture and Cana-
dian Industries, Mrs. Delmar
Skinner; Citizenship and
World Affairs, Mrs. Ross
Skinner; Education and
Cultural Activities, Mrs.
Thomas Hern; Family and
Consumer Affairs. Mrs. Bev
Parsons; Resolutions, Mrs.
Floyd Cooper.
The number of blasts from
horns in a traffic jam is equal
to the sum of the squares at
the wheel.
Heating i Cooling ='
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■ Positive action steering
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■ Turf -type tires -
■ Six speeds forward, plus reverse
See the full line of Ariens Riding Mowers at your
Arlene dealer today!
Steve Argyle
Lawn & Carden Equipment (1970)
PHONE 565-2800
A COOKIE MONSTER DRAW — Patty Bowerman and
Karen Gage show the Cookie Monster which was a
draw prize at Saturday's Huron Park Guides and Bro-
wnies rummage sale. T -A photo.
This Saturday and Sunday,
Kentucky Fried Chicken has
a sensational special for you.
A Bucket, with 15 pieces
of finger lickin' good chicken,
priced at only 58.50.
The Sensational Saturday
and Sunday $8.50 Bucket.
At Kentucky Fried Chicken.
{fv : There's nothing like it.
Tickets available here for Golf Tournament
, and Dinner May 28.
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9Au�c :seThandet
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227 Main St. North, Exeter
Say Thank You to
with flowers
Desk Planter with
Fresh Cut Flowers
on fashion83
presented by
Merry Rags -
Wednesday, May 4, 1983
7:30 Social Hour
8:30 Show
South Huron Recreation Centre
Exeter, Ontario
on fashion '83
with your host:
Jim Swan (Morning Break - T.V. London)
Admission: $7.00 Each
Models from the School of Elegance and the Playhouse
Mens clothing Bud Gowan and Roy Davis of London
Jewellery is from Anstett's
Tickets available at: Haggarty Fashions, Parkhill: Benders Variety, Ailsa Craig: Bridgette
Pharmacy, Strathroy; Harwood Drugs. Grand Bend; Young Classic, Grand Bend; Exeter
Pharmacy: The Feather Tick, Exeter; Christmas Place, Grand Bend; Huron Country
Playhouse Guild; Cooks.Corner, Hyde Park: Donnelly & Murphy, Goderich; Agripress
Canada Ltd.. Hensall; Sports Den, Fxc+ter: Merry Rags, Grand Bend: Val Fraleigh, Forest;
All Around the House, Wingham.
for mon details call, Huron Country Playhouse, 238 8451 or 238.8387.
Alt proceed. to HURON COUNTRY PLAYHOUSE 1903 Fund Rendes Campaign. ' ,