HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-04-20, Page 1646. P SH teams in MUFOfl!VVTTH playoffs, should fare well Despite little preparation time, the senior South Huron Badminton team should have had a reasonably good show- ing at yesterday's Huron - Perth tournament in Wingham. With the entry of top- ranked Stratford Central players, South Huron will have to play their best to make the top three and a berth in WOSSA, April 23. Coach Pat Rowe feels her girls double team of Patti Willis and Cheryl Cann have the best chance to qualify. Willis has showed great ap- titude for the game as this is her -first year of play. Mat- ching up with Cann the pair placedthirdat atournament in Medway last weekend. Also in Medway, boys doubles teams of Brian Blackburn and Lovekesh Malik; and Dean Watt and PeteJanssen had good mat- ches. For Huron -Perth, as each school is allowed only one entry per competition, Janssen played singles and Dean Watt teamed with Margie Chaffe for the mixed doubles. • Both Watt and Chaffe have impressed Rowe with their playing lately and play together well. Chaffe is pf junior age but moved up to fill the waning senior ranks. In exhibition matches against Strathroy on Monday this team showed improvement 4 INCOME TAX Specialists at H&R Block are specially trained to provide you an accurate and complete RETURN and,to check for all deductions, credits and exemptions so you pay the lowest legitimate tax. Our work is GUARANTEED and if your return is questioned we will represent you to the tax department at no extra cost. IT PAYS TO BE PREPARED so see us soon. This year, have your tax return doneby H&R BLOK THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS MUM 399 Main St. Exeter 44 .66 OPEN 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Weekdays 9:30 - 4:30 Sat. Phone 235-1901 Closed Wednesdays, No. appointment necessary with the practise of playing together. Fruth Huron sent a full slate to Huron -Perth except a girls' The juniors, have another ability but is even more en- thusiastic about the j unio chances. singles competitor. Rowe is juniors' week and a tournament in optimistic about her seniors' Medway before their April 26 WIN MIXED DOUBLES — Winning the mixed doubles championships of the South Huron badminton club were Blayne Epp, Kendra Arthur, Andrea Pearce and Mur- ray Rundle. Huron -Perth. Only the top two finalists advance,lo WOSSA but Angelina Malik and Ken - Good attendance The second annual Suzuki Professional Motocross School was held Saturday at Hully Gully. Riders from all across South -Western Ontario attended the school. Ross Pederson, Canada's no. 1 Motocross rider was the main instructor, and he was assisted by Rob Hodgson, also a Suzuki sponsored rider, and Hully Gully's National Team. This Saturday, April 23 Hul- ly Gully will be hosting a Houseleague Amateur Motor - cross School, which will be in- structed by Sean VanDongen, no. 2 trophy winner, Chuck Collins no. 3 Expert Rider and Randy Ford a top contender in the expert class. There is still room for the school and entries will be ac- cepted up until Friday. dra Arthur are determined to rank high among Western On- tario badminton players. The team of Scott Bogart and George Pratt have strong chances in the boys doubles category. They played especially well against Strathroy in exhibition mat- ches on Monday. Brian Topp and Pam Cot- trell have not had a lot of ex- perience playing as partners but their individual skills should carry them. Rowe has not yet finalized her girls' and boys' singles en- tries to complete her strong junior team. ;{‘, Shower ,�� of r• l Ps ?fa t) f4P at n- S LGOMA TIKE PRECISION TEAM IN INTERNATIONAL — The Exeter novice precision skating team placed fourth in the recent International skating competition at the Thompson arena in London which included 2,000 skaters. Back, left, Kelly Hern, Jodi Chanyi, Laurie McLelland, Cheri Wedlake, Sandy Pratt, Kellie Whiteford, Catherine Davison,• Tracy Spencer, Wendy Ballantyne, Carrie -Lynn Dietz, Suzanne Wareham and coach Marg Carey. Front, Cathy Merner, Lisa Birmingham, Patti O'Toole, Kelly Mommersteeg, Monique Aunger, Patti Bierling, Julia Tiernan, Michael Rankin, Lisa Bedard, Heather Westlake and Michelle Birmingham. T -A photo. Good showing at OFSSA places SH gymnasts higher next year This Saturday's OFSSA gymnastics competition is somewhat anticlimatic for Starr Jesney and Catherine. Patterson. The competition held in Mississauga will draw the province's best gymnasts. A adie Ihaek COMPUTER is a valuable tool in the office or at home AT WORK The idea of having a compuier in the office is no more revolutionary today than having an electric adding machine was just a few years ago. A Radio Shack computer will give you infor- mation faster, and more accurately which translates into increased efficiency. Our com- puters are known for high performance at a low cost. Combine this with Radio Shack's support system and their vast selection of ac- cessories and you'll know you have made the best decision in buying from us. let Don Winter, our computer consultant show you how a Radio Shack computer is a wise invest- ment for your office. AT HOME Radio Shack computers are made for more than just games. Of course, we offer a large assortment of games...but we also have prac- tical programs designed to keep your household records and budgets up to date. They're so simple to use even a child can operate them...and imagine what having a computer of home will do for your child's mind, education and future. These are only a few things a com- puter will do better, faster and more ac- curately in hour office. • Bookkeeping • Word processing • Check writing. • Inventory control • Mailing lists • Sales projections • Budgeting • Time charts • Scheduling • Profit and loss • Cash flow and much, much `more Illactea ns 110 Main St. N. 235-0800 Radio Shack 0 The desire to do well and place high at OFSSA was stripped from South Huron's two WOSSA champions by a ruling that states that if an elite B gymnast places high at OFFSA she must compete as an elite A the following year. 'A' gymnasts work out in clubs year round. Gayle Ecker, who coached South Huron to the WOSSA championship, feels that both Jesney and Patterson have the ability to place very high this weekend but admits they will have difficulty competing against club gymnasts next year. The lack of facilities more than a lack of ability will hold South Iluron's gym- nasts back. Ecker realizes' that her gymnasts are going into Saturday's competition wary of doing well. Jesney who followed up her Huron -Perth first place on the floor with a very strong WOSSA cham- pionship routine says, "Mak- ing it to OFSSA was the big thing." She has been a substitute for the all -Ontario competition for the past two years. This is perhaps Catherine OFF TO OFSSA - Catherine Patterson and Starr Jesney will be representing South Huron District High School at this weekend's all -Ontario gymnastic competitions. ,,- Q i 'I..-'-,-,41'4 :♦♦ s1 `«hay'i•9't •.,,r' P� s l SINGLE WINNERS -- Taking single titles in the South Huron badminton club playoffs were Kendra Arthur and Lisa Blue. Patterson's best opportunity of her four OFSSA competi- tions but the petite gymnast states simply. "I don't want to do well at OFSSA, I'm not go- ing to compete Elite A." A weight training program has given 'Pits' the strength for her WOSSA winning uneven bars routine while her deter- mination placed her first on the balance beam. The two grade 12 team- mates negate any ner- vousness they have about Saturday's competition. The lack of desire to perform win- ning routines has downplayed any jitters Patterson would have but Jesney admits that she will be "a little nervous" for her first OFSSA performance. Spring Flip on tonight South Huron's two OFSSA competitors will be perform- ing their award-winning routines tonight, Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the high school's new gymnasium. The gymnastics team, both Huron -Perth and WOSSA champions, are presenting Spring Flip. They have choreographed several modern dances and rhythmic gymnastics. The girls are serving refreshments after their per- formances and are asking $1.50 admission to pay for their new balance beam. Hawks lose final game In their final oldtimers hockey game of the season, the Exeter Molting llawks dropped a 6-5 decision recent- ly to the Zurich Has Beans. Jim Russell and Bob Jones led the Exeter scoring attack with two goals apiece while Jack Chipchase added the fifth score. Best Interest 12% Guaranteed Investment Certificates *subject to change Balser-KMol• GEInsurance Brokers Inc. EXETER 235-2420 GRAND BEND 238-8484 CLINTON GODERICH 482-9747 524-2118 ezt (Exeter) Ltd. 296 Main St. N., Exeter, Ontario CUSTOM MADE GLASS BELTED 1 RADIAL TORE3 NO HIDDEN EXTRAS MOMS MI P185/75R13 P185/75R14 P195/75R14 P205/75R14 P215/75R14 P205/75R 15 P215/75R15 P225/75R15 P235/75R15, $58.95 $60.95 $62.95 $67.95 $69.95 $69.95 $72.95 $75.95 $79.95 FREE INSTALLATION & BALANCING EVEN S5.00 MORE! SEE COUPON This Coupon Entitles you,To a Further$5• Discount on Every Tire. Limit 4 Tires Per. 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