HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-04-20, Page 15Dashwood Minor
Athletic Assoc.
Midgets 16 & 17
Bantam 14 8 15
Pee Wee 12 8 13
Tyke & T Ball
6 - 11
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Sat., Apr. 23
New players please
bring birth
MOTOCROSS CHAMP VISITS — Canadian Motocross champion Ross Pederson was at Hully Gully's Motocross
School Saturday. Pederson is shown on a machine surrounded by John Gerard, Rob Hodgson, Chuck Collins
and Iry Ford. T -A photo.
44% South Huron
0111 Roc Centre
Anyone interested in playing or enter-
ing a team in a men's slo-pitch league
- contact the Rec Centre at 235-2833.
Tentatively set up for Sunday after-
noons or evenings.
Exeter Minor Hockey Assoc.
Sat., May 28
Sponsored by Kentucky Fried
$20.00 per person - dinner included
To register - Call Rec Centre
or Simon Van Dam 235-0351
after 6:00
By Lynne Farquhar
The Martins and Downs
Circus is coming to town on
Friday, July 1 for two shows
at 6:00 and 8:15 p.m. Advance
tickets are on sale now at the
rec centre for $3:00. We en-
courage you to purchase ad-
vance tickets as you will be
helping to support the rec cen-
tre as sponsors of the circus.
Tickets at the box office sell
for $3.50 for youngsters and
$4.00 for adults.
Golf lessons at the high
school are now full and will
start on Wednesday, April
27th at 7:30 p.m. in the new
St. John's Standard First
Aid is being offered at the
high school starting Thurs-
day, April 28 at 7:30 p.m. The
course runs for 8 weeks and
fees are $32.00. If interested
register at the rec centre by
Friday, April 21st. We must
have 20 people to go ahead so
please get your name in.
The South Huron Ladies'
Slo-pitch league is holding a
meeting on Tuesday, April 26
at 7:30 p.m. at the rec centre.
Team captains and coaches
should attend as well as
anyone wishing to enter a
team. People interested in be-
ing put on a team should leave
their name and number at the
rec centre.
We have heard some
rumblings of interest in men's
sio-pitch this season. Anyone
interested in entering a team
for men's slo-pitch should
contact the rec centre.
Ladies volleyball that was
being held at the public school
on Wednesday nights is now
over. We plan on getting
started again next fall
The last night for mixed
badminton at the high school
is tonight, Wednesday, April
20. Badminton will be held in
the high school old gym in-
stead of the new gym for that
Exeter minor hockey is
holding a golf tournament on
Saturday, May 28 at the Ex-
eter Golf Course. Organizers
tell me they have lots of prizes
lined up with the help of tour-
nament sponsors - "Kentucky
Fried - Chicken" and
"Ellison's Travel." The tour-
nament will be a two -ball
SH hockey banquet
The annual banquet of the
'South Huron intermediate
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hockey league was held Fri-
day night at the Exeter
Legion when a large number
of awards were presented.
In the team category the
Exeter Mohawks received the
John Stephens trophy as the
playoff grand champions and
the John Ansley trophy went
to the regular schedule cham-
pion Ilensall Sherwoods.
Jamie Caldwell of Ilensall
won the Bob Somerville
trophy as the league's leading
scorer and the top goal
tenders Doug Fairbairn and
Tom Steeper of the Exeter
Mohawks won the Green
Forest trophy.
Caldwell also won two other
trophies. Ile took home the
Pat O'Brien trophy as the
most valuable player in the
league play and the Bayview
Tabern silverware as the top
scorer in the playoffs.
The United Co -Operatives
trophy for the most sport-
smanlike player was won by
Mark Cronyn of the Centralia
Marauders and he also took
the Bob Galloway award as
the second most valuable in
league play.
Jamie Chaffe of the
Mohawks was judged the
rookie of the year. Ile receiv-
ed the RSD Sports 1)en trophy
and Dave Kinsman of Ilensall
won the Exter Co -Op trophy
as the best defenceman.
The most improved player
was Jerry Thompson. He
received the Derry Boyle
trophy and Barry Baynham
received an award from Bob
Galloway as the most
valuable player in the •
The coach of the year
award provided by Tuckey
I3everages was won by .john
Baker of the IlensalI
Tues., Apr. 26
to town
foursome and costs $20.00 per
person to enter or $30.00 for
husband and wife. For infor-
mation or to register contact
Simon Van Dam at 235-0351 or
the rec centre at 235-2833.
We have another "PD Day
Special" coming up on Fri-
day, April 29 at the rec centre
for youngsters with the dayoff
school. Roller skating will run
from 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Ad-
mission is 25 cents, rentals
are 25 cents. There will be
movie in the afternoon.
HuIIy Gully
The first annual Rough
Country Rodeo, A.T.V.
events, was held April 17 at
Huliy Gully near Varna. It
was a fun filled day with
Rodeo styled events for the
entire family.
Spirit and enthusiasm was
high inspite of the cold snowy
weather. Entry was light in
the smaller capacity classes
and children classes, so
organizers are encouraging
the entire families .to come
out on May 7th to experience
the fun and excitement.
The results are as follows:
Western pick-up Dale Link
Fisherville; Steve Lumpy
Guelph; Gary Rudduck
Obstacle open John Parks
Varna; Dan Roth,Ayr; Jamie
Ruddock London.
Obstacle 200 Sandy Innes
Embro; Neal Laing
Lambeth; Gary Ruddock
Obstacle Open Dale Link
Fisherville; Ted Henderson
Eden; John Hartwick
Slolam 200 Sandy Innes
Embro; Neil Laing,Lambeth;
Al Wardlaw Palmerston.
Slolam Open John Hartwick
Fisherville; Ted Henderson
Eden; Mike Champagne
Oval 200 Neil Laing
Lambeth; John Parke,Varna.
Oval Open Ted Henderson
Eden; Dale Link,Fisherville;
John Hartwick, Fisherville.
Oval 1;owderPuff MaryJane
Lampman, Eden; Margaret
Holland London.
Family Egg Race Greg
Davis, London; Ian McLeod
Attention Farmers
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Times-Advocote, April 20, 1983 Page 3A
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