HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-04-20, Page 9TOPS IN ORIGINALITY -- Receiving prizes for originality he Great Egg Race at Zurich Public School are (left) Sherri Ferguson and Joy Kuepfer third, Paula Wat- son and Susie Ferguson, first and Richard Voogel, second. BEST DISTANCE -- Winners for distance in the Great Egg Race at Zurich Public School are Derrick McGee and Johnny de Blieck, third, Jeff Yerhoeven and Gustaf Gaud, first, and Heather Consitt, second. Hay to announce mill The general budget for the township was discussed at the second regular April meeting of Hay council, and referred back to the clerk. The 1983 mill rate will be announced at the next meeting. The county tax shows an in- crease of 10.75 percent or 4.3 mills this year, and (he educa- tion tax will almost certainly be higher. Reeve Wilder expressed his objection to the county's value assessment, basing their figures on 1980 property assessments and computing an average from ten percent of the farms sold. He believes this puts an artificially high evaluation on properties in the township, and the many unarable, untaxable acres of Hay swamp are not taken in- to consideration at all. Gary Davidson, Huron County. planner attended the meeting to clarify some mat- ters the council wanted to discuss with him. Egg race at Zurich PS . Zurich Public School's the spectators. More than one fourth annual Great Egg went forward, came to a Race rolled along its merry quivering halt, and then returned to its astonished desi way last week. The aim of the competition was to transport an egg (hard boiled and sup- plied by the school) as far along the gym floor as possi- ble in any type of conveyance powered by rubber bands. Sixteen entries took off from the starting position and headed for the far wall, cheered along by the entire staff and student body lining each side of the raceway. Some. vehicles travelled less than a metre, others got scrambled and shot off into He explained that an ap- plication to the land division committee by Mike Miller to sever a 13 -acre parcel of land with a greenhouse at St. Joseph's was for mortgagor charge purposes only, and would not change the original designation of. agricultural use or create a separate property. After studying a map of the Doris Gore'lots at Highlands Subdivision, council and Davidson agreed the easiest way for her to obtain' access to lot 3 would be the addition of a 66 foot road allowance leading to a 75 foot cul de sac turnaround off the right of way. Council is prepared to gners. A few didn't get out recommend to the land divi- of the starting gate due to sion committee that her re - mechanical failure. quest for severance be ap- . Many of the entries showed the inventive imaginations of their owners, and ranged from the conventional to the exotic. Winners were divided into two categories, for originali- ty and distance. A silver collection of $25 wili be sent on to the Easter Seats campaign. proved as soon as she submits a map showing the road allowance and the turnaround. Acting on a request to allow alcohol to be served at some functions in the township hall. Tony Bedard reported that a check with the LCBO, the department of health and the fire board revealed a possible expenditure of $15,000 to PARAMOUNT, RED SOCKEYE SALMON F.D. f WiXZ GARDEN COCKTAIL 28 oz. JAR SUPER SPECIAL SCHNEiDERS BREADED HONEY OR PLAIN BUCKET OF .CHICKEN S EdIAL S FLAVOUR VARIETIES KOOL-AID SUGAR FREE 2's VARIOUS WEIGHTS ‚.3, jSPECIAL: 3 VARIETIES LIBBYS BEANS WITH PORK 9990 oz. SPECIAL 1 RED ROSE TEA BAGS CARTON OF 60 1.6 227g 1 SPECiAL 1 SENI•SWEEI CHOCOLATE CHIPS 350 g PKG. f.69 9 PURE MARTINS APPLE JUICE • LIMIT 6 PER CUSTOMER 48 oz. TIN LIBBYS 'IN TOMATO SAUCE SPAGHETTI, ZOODLES OR ALPHAGETTI 14 oz. TINS FOR SUPER SPECIAL ASSORTED COLOURS ROYALE FACIAL TISSUE ENRICHED WHITE N% WHOLE WHEAT NACHO WNW ZEHRS BREAD 4?/9LOAVES SOFT STYLE REGULAR OR DIET IMPERIAL MARGARINE SLEEVE PACK NORMAL, DRY, OILY ENHANCE SHAMPOO OR CONDITIONER 450 mL 3.49 j SPECIALSWEET 1 TNM TUN N NI MLL BICK'S PICKLES 1.5LJAR 2.99 rnsPEc LAYS OR RUFFLES ASSORTED POTATO CHIPS 300 g PKG. 179 1 SPECIAL j ALUMS 3 VARIETIES LICORICE CANDY 200 - 250 g S9° NORMAL OR EXTRA HOLD SILKIENCE HAIR MIST 300 mL [ SPEGAL E REVIVE, APPLE, *ANN McCAiNS DRINKING BOXES SOxES250 mL I . SPEClALI FOR VDDR LAUNDRY BOLD 3 DETERGENT 6 LITRE 4.79 [...SPECIAL 1 COLOURED PRINTED WHITE -YELLOW -ALMOND ROYALE TOWELS 2 ROLL 29 • KIST BRAND SOFT DRINKS ASSORTED VARIETIES 750 mL BOTTLES 2089# PLUS DEP. REI. eR WITH NARSNNALLOW NEILSON HOT CHOCOLATE 500 g 2.29 1..„,sPectikt. 1 COAST BAR.9191 4 BARS SOAP BUNDLE f.99_. 1. SPECIAL I FROZEN POLY BASS GREEN GIANT PEAS .CORN 350G. g 89# PK NEIL$O*S 2% BUTTERFAT COTTAGE CHEESE TUB 39 CAL CAARI KISRAFT-WE DRESSING 500 mL 1.49 Latilnia ALL PURPOSE OR wNILE WHEAT FIVE ROSES FLOUR 2.S Kq 2.39 AUTOMATIC IOWL CLEANER VANISH 350 mL 1.19 UNITS QUALITY SAUERKRAUT 14 ox. S9* NESTLES 2 VARIETIES ICED TEA MIXT 92.99 IMMURES! ASSTED VARIETIES FISH FILLETS;: E2.49 MUNI (HALF & NAtF) 10% CREAM 500 ml 89¢ FURNITURE POLISH BEHOLD 350 g 2.89 E.O. SMiTN TOMATO 46 o:. CLAM COCKTAIL 1. 79 INSTANT SYRUP 3 FLAVOURS MILK MATE 350 ml L37 BADEN DRANO COLBY CHEESE 227 g 1, 79 SCONE ROLLS 124 99 WESTIN asodo ATE SWiSS ROLLS OP: NESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY IN: 1 994 FBUTTER TARTS 12 41.69 HIGHWAYS #4 & 83 EXETER • KRAFT IN B FRB CHEESE PIZZA I1111111f IMEI OUR PRIVATE LABEL $PEC1AL IEACARNII ANO Ulf ESCALLOPEI MIEN a NOODLE); STOUFFERS ENTRES 326 g FROZEN 199 3 VARIETIES PURITAN STEWS 6b0 g TIN1.79 1 SPECIAL. 1 KRAFT CAL -WISE DRESSINGS COLESLAW CREAMY CUCUMBER 1000 ISLAND 1.69571T1 SPIIAt f Mi LAIRS FLAKED, SHREDDED SWEETENED COCONUT 2000 99? max1111301811 AUORTED FAOVUUSVOURS ICE CREAM 2 LITRE 3.19 STOUFFERS FROZEN MIX 2.49 MACARONI &CHEESE / 12 oz. COUNTRY OVEN 84 s ropg *AKA SKIP!PNCIAL PKG. HOT DOG OR OF 6 HAMBURGER ROLLS TOMATO KETCHUP „ 1.89 iiNHLNIER FROZEN t1 oz. PRO. OCEAN PERCH FILLETS 2.49 WILSONS ICE CREAM NOVELTY DINGBATS 6 PER PKG. 1.47 WESTON* JAM FN.LE/ BUNS 6 PER PKG. 119 FREE! WITH THE PURCHASE OP ONE COUNTRY OVEN . PRUNELLA CAKE IT".L87 COUNTRY OVEN FAUN COME 0R WNOtE rn,w 12•s ENGLISH MUFFINSL6 9 COUNTRY OVEN MUCOUS MINIM too:. • 29, SNACKBREAD 200 g 1. IY CHEESE BREAD MONDAY, TIMMY i WEDNIMIAY 94 P.M. TNYRtAY A FRIDAY !�9:00 P.M.. SATIPRDAY 1:304 P.M.. ) Times -Advocate, April 20, 1983 Page 9 rate at next meeting =20,000 would likely be necessary to meet all regula- tions and standards. No fur- ther action will be taken; the rules governing rental of the hall will remain unchanged. The present rental of 525 will stay in effect, provided the facilities are cleaned up afterward. If the township is left with the clean-up, an ex- tra ;10 will be charged. A 55 deposit will be required, to be refunded when the keys are returned. After April 30 the keys will be available at the clerk's office or at Tony Bedard's. A request by Zurich reeve Don' Van Patter to rent the township hall tables was turn- ed down. Council agreed the tables should stay in the hall. Members of council chose Darcy Ducharme's design for a township pin from 13 en- tries. Another of his submis- sions placed second, and a logo by Dana Fisher placed third. The contest winner will receive $25, and each entrant_ will be given a township pin when the pins are available. OMAF drainage coor- dinator John Johnson will meet with members of coun- cil on April 25 to discuss the Schwalm drain. petition reporttoext nfor a extend engineer's Youth bowling wind-up at awards dinner Zurich Youth Bowling wound up with an awards din- ner at the Dominion Hotel on Saturday. The trophies were handed out by Sandra Dickert, assisted by fellow organizers Judy Crown, Hilda Lansbergen, Judy Morrison, Brenda Harburn and Donna Lesperance. League champs were Little Angels: Tammy Lesperance, Lisa Ducharme, Jeff Har- burn, Paul Goldsmith, Robert Hoffman and Kerri Barraclough. Play-off champs were Fireballs: Mark Johnston, Greg Overholt, Dwayne Overholt, Julie Healy, Kelly Lansbergen and Jason Harburn High average trophies went to Patti -Ann Dickert, bantam girls; Trevor Lansbergen, The report of the first April bantam boys; Tammy meeting of Hay township Lesperance, junior. girls and council carried in last week's Mark Johnston, junior boys. Exeter Times -Advocate con - Jennifer Morrison and Jeff tained two errors. Harburn received awards for An extra digit added 510,000 high double in the bantams, too much" to the amount to be as did Mary -Jo Meidinger and spent on inside and outside' Marty Merner for juniors. • renovation of township office Recipients of high singles and the purchase of a new of - trophies were Kelly fice copier. The correct figure Lansbergen and Scott should have been $7,259. •Bedard, bantams, and Lisa Omission of one word com- Ducharme and Greg pletely changed another Overholt, juniors. sentence. Terry Caldwell was Paul Goldsmith was the . denied approval to submit a most improved bantam, and request for a tree -cutting per - Tony Latour received a mit for the eastern half of lot similar award for the juniors. 16, concession 6 to county Jim Crown accepted the council. Earl Becker's re - sportsmanlike trophy. quest was approved in part. Perfect attendance badges We apologize for ny were passed out to Tammy misunderstanding or embar- Lesperance, Lisa Ducharme, rassment resulting from Robert Hoffman, Kerri Bar- these mistakes. raclough, Mark Lansbergen, Jeff Smith, Jim Crown, Trevor Lansbergen, Dana Fisher. Jenny Morrison, Tony Letour, Patti -Ann Dickert, Marty Merner, Julie Crown, Scott Bedard, Angela Fisher, Tracy Fisher, . Andy Lansbergen, Nicole Letour and Kelly Lansbergen. Trophies for over 250 pins went to Tammy Lesperance and Marty Merner. Last but not least, skunk awards were given to Strikers Angela Fisher, Tracy Fisher, David Kirk, Andy Lansbergen, Nicole Latour - and Jo -Ann Bridle. CORRECTION B&T Antenna Sales A Service And a Full Line of Towers, Boosters and Rotors F.M. 2 way Communications for Farm and Commercial Chanel Master Satellite Receiver Brian McAsh 482-7129 Varna, Ontario Ask us about our Live In Home Demonstration • • the Mousseau drain was granted. Bartlett and Associates was appointed. Council will conduct their annual tour of township roads next Thursday. Emmanuel United Church REV. B. LAING B.A. B. Div. Organist Mrs. E. Grace Martin Wed. Apr. 20 . 9:15 a.m. Morning Break for women If you enjoyed "Learning for Lent" plan to attend Wed. Apr. 20 - 12:00 Noon Bible study at home of Norma Siebert Thurs. April 21 - Zurich choir practice Sunday, April 24 11:15 o.m. Church Service 11:15 a.m. Sunday School • •Special services for Ventures in Mission Mon. Apr. 25 - 9:30 o.m. Community Worship meet of home of Joy Hogg. Tues. Apr. 26-3:30 p.m. Junior Choir • Everyone welcome Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor CLAYTON KUEPFER Sunday, April 24 8:45 a.m. Worship Service 9:45 a.m. • Sunday Church School 11:00 o.m. - Worship Service Wed. 8:00 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Service Meditation Lord God! behold thou host mode the Heaven and the earth by Thy great power and stretch- ed out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee. Jeremiah 32:17 St. Peter's Lutheran Church REV. CARL ONOFRIO Vice Pastor Organist , Mrs. Christine Eagleson B.M.A. Sunday, April -24 10:00 a.m.. Worship Service 10:45 a.m. . Sunday School There is a nursery for small children which is supervised dur- ing the, worship service. Everyone Welcome Evangelistic Meetings April 18-24 8 p.m. Lakeview Conservative Mennonite Church 1/2 tulle south of ' Blake Evangelist Floyd Yoder, Fairview, Mich. "0 Taste & See that the Lord is Good" StartinMay2nd, never you another bank account. Ask for details at 'VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST snm1aaa VG Exeter, 425 Main St. 235.0530 Member Canada Depmit Insurance Corporation A •