HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-04-20, Page 6BAG 'THESE BUYS We Sell For Less Page 6 • Times -Advocate, April 20, 1983 Women Today Contlnu. discussion on child birth A woman should be very selective when choosing a doctor and hospital IA deliver her baby. It is very important to have a good rapor to let your doctor know what your wishes and expectations are. This was an important theme in the discussion of 35 people who attend the workshop "Birthing: Options and Op- portunities in Huron County" sponsored by Women Today last week. Pressure from the public has resulted in many changes in city hospitals. The changes in local hospitals have been slower but this does not mean our local hospitals are not receptive to our wishes. Women Today has sent 11 hospitals in and surrounding Huron County a questionnaire about the policies and pro- cedures in obstetric care. So far five hospitals have responded by either filling out the questionnaire or meeting with a committee member. Kathi Wilson, workshop leader, explained the childbirth reform movement began more than 10 years ago. The first requests were PLAN OPEN HOUSE The Sunshine Kids nursery school operating out of Exeter Public School will be holding an Open House April 25 to 28 from 9 to 11:30 a.m. The students are top row Nathan Hern, Darryl Par- sons, Trista Werrett and Chad Gilfillin. Second row, Timmy Robinson, Sarah Walker, Katie Webberand Toni DeJong. Front, Robbie Turner, Crystal Davis, Laura Pearson, Alison Knip, Catherine Tomasik, Amanda Werrett and Jennifer MacNeilly. T -A photo I'll be danged! Every danged one of the Danged family turned up at the Danged Family reunion. There was Will Alby Dang- ed I and Will Alby Danged II. L. B. Diddle Danged in - .x. a great time confusing the whole Danged family. No one could tell them apart. Even their parents, I. R. Danged and Billy B. Danged, had to admit they weren't Ys�iyy . be Odds 'n ends By Elaine Townshend troduced his bride Golly B. Danged to the whole Danged clan. ima Danged ( the family idiot) spent most of the after- noon trying to count the jelly beans in the jar. She wanted to win those jelly beans more than anything. Helen B. banged and Sin- ners R. Danged made their first appearance at a family reunion in five years. Hott Danged showed up alone, as usual. Gitt N. B. Danged left ear- ly. as usual. Ifenadoo and Ifenadont M. Danged (identical twins) had sure about Ifenadoo and Ifenadont. Lookout R. B. Danged ( the. family pessimist I warned everyone who would listen that the world was surely' corning to an end. Perhaps the best matched couple was Sorry B. banged 'An Sorry. They spent the afternoon telling jokes. and nobody laughed harder than they did. Ewell 13. Danged thought some of their stories were rather "off colour." The oldest member of the Danged Family at the Dang- Please turn to page 7 EIGHT WWATCHERS WORKS After 10 years of seesawing up and down I finally learned through the Weight Watchers program how to shed these pounds and keep them off. It's terrific to be able to follow the maintenance plan and not feel I'm always on a diet. It works for me, it can work for you too, JOIN WEIGHT WATCHERS" ,OSP e' P,rjhl frtrO 7n(1 "' ,ti, Enroll at any clans. Registration and first meeting fee $15.00. %6.00 weekly thereafter. Senior Citizens and students - Regis tratlon and first meeting fee $7.00. $3.00 weekly thereafter. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL: 1-800-265.9291 o Wa001 Warr nwra IMNMI.nna. Inc 1981 Ownrr o1 ft,. WngM Waetn.es t,*Ormar� lit CD to have fathers present at births, to have a choice of unmedicated births and to do away with strapping a woman down and putting her in stir- rups. This has been achieved at nearly all hospitals. Now the issues pave become much more complex. Women are questioning the routing use of internal fetal monitors, the rising Caesarean rate, automatic episiotomies and the increas- ing use of syntocinon (a syn- thelic hormone) to start or speed up labour. Wilson ex- plained that most larger cen- tres no longer give women enemas or prep. The reason given for giving a prep was always to prevent infection, explained Wilson, but the studies that have been done show that shaving often in- creases the incidence of infection. Any woman applying deodorant after shaving her arms knows the sting of many Precious Blood CWL hear annual reports The C.W.L. of Precious Blood Parish held their April meeting in Trivitt Hall, Tues- day night. President, Mrs. Esther Rau conducted the meeting and led the opening prayer. Annual reports were read by conveners. Discussion centred around the craft show to be held in November. All were urged to donate items to make this project a success. Carol McDonnell displayed a beautiful baby quilt which she and a small group have just finished. Some members indicated they would participate in a Pro -Life Walk planned for May 1 in London. Esther Rau and Anne VanGerwen are delegates who will attend the Diocesan convention to be held May 10 and 11 at the University of Windsor. A motion was passed to make a donation to the Rev. A.P. Spencer Library Fund which will be used to help con- struct a section of shelves in the new library now under construction. Plans were made to hold a garage sale in June with pro- ceeds going to the missions. Membership fees for the com- ing year will be due May I. The next meeting will be held May 3 at 8 p.m. tiny knicks in her skin. These knicks from shaving can be an entrance for infection, hence a higher risk from this practice. Although this has been known for years, still 60 percent of the hospitals in Canada still routinely use this practice. Wilson recommended several books. The Silent Knife, by Nancy Wainer - Cowen and Lois Eptner. Changing Childbirth, Family Birth in the Hospital by Diony Young and The Rights of the Pregnant Parent by Valmai Howe -Elkins. Women Today hopes to purchase some of these to add to its lending library for members. The bir- thing committee will be con- tinuing to meet. Anyone in- terested in being a part of this should write Women Today RR 1 Belgrave. Women Today have 2 workshops upcoming. On April 27, at 7:30 p.m. at the Vanastra Hec Centre will be a panel discussion on Child Abuse. On May 16 at 7:30 at the McKay Hall in Goderich will be a workshop on Wife Battering. The quarterly meeting for Women Today will be held May 3 at 7:30 p.m. at the Clinton High School. Visitors and new members are welcome. DOGGIE FOR SALE - Sherry Christian and Lisa McKellar are shown with a puppy which was for sole at Saturday's rummage sale sponsored by the Huron Park Guides and Brownies. T -A photo. Spring Has hit the Fever 5 Size 16 - up 420 Main St. Exeter Ail Spring Coats & Jackets 30% Off Selected Blouses Sweaters 1,f2 PantsPri Co-ordinates ee Sweaters 300/O Off Co-ordinates Centre Mall Lambton Mall Rd. Exeter Sarnia Byron Village Center Commisioners Rd. London Convenient layaway plan These Low Prices in Effect %Veil., 'I'hurs., Fri. .\ fiat. Nabob, Tradition Vac, 369 G. Fine, Extra Fine. Regular Coffee Philips, 40, 60. 100 watt. 2 bulb ack Light Bulbs8 C (CormickS. 300 q Coconut Treats Billy Bee Liquid. 500 g. Honey 2.19 lDel Monte, your choice. 4's Mini 1.29. Puddings 1.49 Aylmer Fancy 48 oz. tin Catolli Tomato, 28 na 1u, Spaghetti Sauce 1.39 Maple Leaf, 500 g. inr Cheddar Spread 2.79 Kroft 1 I,y far 5111o0th Or uunchy Peanut Butter 3.59 Doles Panty 19 oz. tin Fruit Cocktail 99 t FlakesKolloggs, giant 673 g. Flakes1 Corn CInrl s 74 n,. tin Beef Stew 1.89 Bulk Blonched, 1 Ib baa Aylmer. choice, 19 or. tin Tomatoes 79 ! Stunrt Haase 18 a 75 Peanuts 1.29 Foil White Swan, 2 ply Towels 1.89 Libbys Fresh Pak Pure Citrus orange or grapefruit, 1 titre Juices We Deliver, 235-0212 Liquid, 1 litre Plastic Red Rose, 60's Sunlight Tea Bags 894 2.19 1.69 Tomato Sauce 754 Catelli 1 kg„ Spaghetti or Macaroni 1.29 Monarch "added touch", 320g. Cake Mixes 1:09 . tin 1.79 c/s 24 tins Coke 5.95 Kelloggs, 373 g. All Bran 1.69 Heinz Vegetable or, 10 oz. tin Tomato Soup 2/794 Luncheon Meat Prem 12 oz Del Monte, halves or s Peaches Posts, 400 g. Sugar Crisp (iced, 14 oz. tin 89$ 1.99 Baketime Sultana, 600 g. Raisins 1.98 Heinz, 14 oz. tin Spaghetti 69 C Kent Fruit Box, grape, orange. fruit punch, 250 mi. Drinks 3/894 Cashmere Bouquet, 90 g. Toilet Soap 4/1.00 Save on these Superior Meat Special Values Superior Quality Meats Pork Loin Sale Whole, cut and wrapped for your freezer 12-14 Ib. avg. Pork Loins 3.92 kg./Ib. 1.78 Centre Cut Pork Loin Chops Swifts Lazy Maple or Sugar Bacon Swift Premium, vac pak Wieners Devon Brand Small Sausage 4.59 kg./Ib.2.08 Plum, 300 g. pkg.2.39 pkg.1.29 3.29 kg./Ib. 1.49 Stdre Sliced Cooked Ham 4.17 kg./Ib. 1.89 fresh produce Ontario Grown Seedless Cucumbers 894 Ontario Grown, Carrots 3 ib. bag Ontario Grown fancy mac rn 994 Apples 2.19 Produce of Chill Red Grapes 994 Ib. A&H Either end of loin, pork Loin Roasts 3.70 kg./Ib. 1.68 Swift Premium Pork Dinner Rolls4.79 kg. / Ib.2 s 1 7 Maple Leaf Polish Sausage Tolllifer Brand Bulk - Side Bacon 3.73 kg./Ib. 1.69 4.17 kg./Ib. 1.89 Schneiders Blue Ribbon, sliced or piece Bologna 69 3.73 kg./Ib. . bakery buys Sunshine White Sliced,V B read Valley Farm Choice, 1 kg, bag 1.39 frozen foods Semby 100% Whole Wh.eta}i fig, Bread Dempster', stone B read Paas Volley Farm choice, 1 kg. French Fries 594 ground, cyst Westons Chocolat., 4's Swiss Rolls McCain Deep and Delicious, chocolate, vanilla, marble, banana, 1,2 0 994 Cakes .99 OPEN THURSDAY L ta10ai' NIGHTS UN111 9 P.M.