HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-04-13, Page 17brand Bend councfl givo nod to controversial tent for Mothers
At a meeting Tuesday
night, Grand Bend council ap-
proved three building pro-
posals, subject to approval by
county planners. Council
gave a further nod to the con-
troversial Fraleigh-Mothers
proposal as well as to Bob
Torrington for improvements
to his outdoor boutique centre
and to Peter Becker for his
proposed building to house
small stores on the oki Village
Inn property.
Both Torrington and
Becker were advised that
they must plant a proper buf-
fer next to residential areas.
Such a buffer had been includ-
ed in the original Fraleigh site
plan, in which had been in-
cluded condominiums and a
shopping mall. The new site
plan will be just to house a
Mothers restaurant on a trial
basis for the- summer. The
structure would sit just to the
west of the parking lot fence,
roughly in the centre of the
Another controversial item
regarding sewer hook-up to
the Nader storage shed on the
bank of the river was set
aside. Nader had requested
permission to hook into the
sewer system. Council has ob-
jected to the shed being used
as a dwelling place - a use not
permitted in the zoning. Coun-
cillor Bruce Woodley said he -
saw furniture being moved in-
to the building last week.
Councillor Dennis Snider
declared a conflict of interest
since Snider Marine Looks
after the Nader house boat.
There was a motion that
council accept special benefit-
ting status with the Ausable-
Bayfield Authority for major
maintenance for for the ga-
bian lining just downstream
of the Green Haven culvert
subject to owner Bill Baird
accepting the responsibility of
the village share.
It was reported that the new
tri -municipal fire hall is most-
ly complete. It was agreed to
forward the third payment to
Gregus Construction.
Former councillor, Keith
Crawford, who had shown in-
terest in becoming a by-law
enforcement officer, stated in
a letter that he was not in-
terested since part one of the
Provincial Offences Act had
not been put in place by the
village. Part one would allow
a duly appointed officer to col-
lect fines at the time of the
Council appointed Dorreen
Seguin, of Doreen's Variety
Store, to be a member of the
Planning Board. A vacancy
was left after the resignation
of Jean Gibson.
It was agreed to provide the
harbour committee with a
secretary to take minutes at
harbour meetings. Wendy
Christy has been hired under
tttg . ,nada Youth Employ-
ment�m to work for the
village during the summer.
She will be assigned to the
harbour committee.
Bruce Woodley was ap-
pointed as a second council -
member, to represent the
village on the harbour com-
mittee. Dennis Snider, felt
that he couldn't properly
represent council alone on the
Deputy -reeve Harold Green
announced that the next
Chamber of Commerce
meeting, scheduled for April
20 in the council chambers
would feature a special movie
on tourism in the province
and he urged all council
members to attend.
Murray Des Jardins
reported on a recent meeting
to plan for seniors' housing in
the village. He complimented
the Rev. James Sutton on his
work in researching the pro-
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Don't want beach tent
Fifty-three Grand Bend
protesters gathered at the
main beach Thursday with
signs protesting the proposed
Mothers tent on the beach.
The sign stating "We Luv
Mothers but not in a Tent"
summed up the feelings of the
The protest came after
council approved the
Fraleigh-Mathers proposal in
principle Monday night. It
would take an affirmative
'vote by four of the five coun-
cil members to re -open the
question, according to Reeve
Bob Sharen.
Sharen and Deputy -Reeve
Harold Green, went down to
speak to the protesters brief-
ly. Councillors Murray Des
Jardins and Bruce Woodley
who oppposed the proposal
were not in attendance.
The group met in the fog
and drizzle and as they mar-
ched up the street to get
signatures on a petition, the
sun came out. By Friday, it
was estimated tnat there
were oer 400 names on the
Organizer Bill Janssen said
the petition would be sent to
Mothers with "a polite letter"
explaining the position of
Grand Benders.
Chamber of Commerce
president, Brad Page, who
joined the group wanted it to
be known that the Chamber
was behind the protest in spite
of the fact that it might
possibly hurt the group's big
money maker, burgerfest -
held in a tent every summer
On the beach. However all of
the money gained in that
event is returned for the bet-
terment of the village.
ject. He said that about 15
percent of units would be
geared to income. - The
estimated rent for a two-
bedroom was $250 a month.
He said as the r.:.,rtgage was
reduced, rents would go
down. Mortgages are
available from Central Mor-
tgage and Housing for such
projects at two percent.
He made a suggestion that
the PUC be made a separate
body with no representation
from council in order to avoid
conflicts of the past. Reeve
Sharen called it "an in-
teresting idea.'
April 13, 1983 Page 17
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