HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-04-13, Page 1QUALITY
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CTC will get
A $1 million deal was sign-
ed by three Exeter firms this
week which will result in the
construction of a new Cana-
dian Tire Store on the former
Fraye Chev-0Ids downtown
Mike Williamson of Frayne
Chev-Olds said his jirm would
own the new 12,E square
foot facility and it will be leas-
ed to CTC store owner Gerry
The building was
engineered by MF Builders
and Designers and the con -
(ruction will be undertaken by
that firm, which is.headed by
Cliff Marsden and Ray Field.
Construction is scheduled to
commence later this month or
early in May and completion
is anticipated for early
The single -storey building
will be erected on the south-
east portion of the large
downtown lot and parking for
approximately 74 cars will be
provided at the front of the
Williamson explained that
the large store is in keeping
with an earlier consultant's
study on the core area„which
suggested a major anchor
store was needed in that area.
The automobile dealer•has
been working on various
deals for the property Since
relocating to the south en-
trance to town, and rioted that
it finally came to fruition
through the decline in the in-
terest rate and the
"demonstrated faith" the
local and head office officials
of Canadian Tire have in
The existing building,
which housed Snell Bros. and
subsequently Frayne Chev-
Olds, will be removed from
the site and that location
could also be used for further
commercial development.
That building was erected in
the 1920's by the late Milo
Williamson and Walker
both noted that the involve-
ment of MF Builders and
Designers was one of the ma-
jor factors in CTC officials ap-
proving the venture. •
"MF proved thewhole con-
cept (of the deal) was
viable," Walker explained,
noting that the venture was
rather unique for his head of-
fice to approve. .
Normally, CTC designs and
builds stores for its franchise
dealers through head office
leases with local landlords.
This project will allow Walker
to be the building lessee.
Officials from Frayne
Chev-Olds acid MF Builders
and Designers put the com-
new sore in
plete proposal together, bas-
ed on the background in such
transactions that is held by.
Williamson, Marsden and
Field. •
Walker said the new facili-
ty, which will house six ser-
vice bays, will enable hint to
more than double his retail
and service space.
He said the new store would
carry a much expanded pro-
duct assortment to better
serve area customers. Not on-
ly will there be a greater
assortment of any product
group, but products not car-
ried previously due to the
space restrictions of the pre-
sent outlet will be available.
Walker said some of those
lines are being introduced
gradually at the present
The 100' by 120' building
will feature architectural
block at the base and the up-
per portion Will be painteu
Both Field and Marsden
said they have implemented
many energy conservation
ideas into the design of the
building, which is oneof the
major projects undertaken by
the firm which has been in ex-
istence for . •-.en years.
They indicated a couple of
jobs will be opening up as a
result of the construction -pro-
ject. while Walker also in-
dicated that there may be a
requirement for increased
staff at his store when it gets
into operation this fall.
PLAN NEW STORE — Local CTC store owner, Gerry Walker, left, looks over details
of the new building which will be erected on the former Frayne Chev-Olds pro-
perty in downtown Exeter. With him ore Mike Williamson, of Frayne Chev-Olds,
and Ray Field and Cliff Marsden of MF Builders and Designers; who designed the
structure and will be in charge of construction.
Hay.okayfire cost,
two capital.proiects
Reeve Lionel Wilder wat
back in the chair for the first
regular April meeting of liay
township council. tanned and
rested after his Florida
c. The general budget for 1983
was discussed, but the new
mill rate has not yet been set.
Net accumulated ,1982
. revenue of $12.000 was
brought forward to the cur-
rent fiscal year.
Capital expenditures of
$17,259 to repairs and painting
the office and purchase of
new office equipment 'were
approved and $10,000 'has
been budgeted -towards' pur-
chase of a backhoe.
The Zurich and area fire
board budget of $16,173 was
accepted. Hay's share wilt be
Tile drainage loan applica-t
lions totalling $67,500 were ap-
proved. The total amount ob-
tainable in one year by an in-
dividual (from all
municipalities inclusive) has
• been increased from 50 per-
cent to 65. up to a total of
$20,000. -
Council gave verbal ap-
proval to Doris Gore's propos-
ed subdivision on part lots 18.
Cameron is moving.
to Kemptville post
Transfers of personnel
from ;Centralia College of
Agricultural Technology con-
tinue to rob Exeter of ardent
community workers.
The latest transfer is Don
Cameron. a former member
of Exeter council and chair-
man of the community park
grounds development
Cameron has been ap-
pointed regional manager for
the east. Rural Organizations
and Services Branch. by the
ministry of agriculture and
He and his wife. Helene.also
active in the community and
one of the organizers of
Women Today. will be taking
up residence in Ottawa.
Cameron's office will be in
"My family and I will cer-
tainly miss Exeter and the
-many friends we've made
here,” he said in writing coun-
cil to submit his resignation
as grounds development com-
mittee chairman. "On the
other hand, this is an exciting
time for us and we are look-
ing forward to the many new
challenges that this move will
Defeated by Bruce Shaw in
a bid for the mayor's post in
the 1980 election, Cameron
said he was pleased that the
grounds development project
can be completed, "at least as
far as we can go for now".
Noting it was a difficult job in
some ways, he said it was also
a satisfying one, "particular-
ly when I see so much activi-
ty going on in that area dur-
ing the outdool' season.'
"I think Exeter has a
recreation complex that they
can be proud of and, when
finally completed. it will be an
attractive and useful facility
for everyone.
His resignation was ac-
cepted with regret by council
and they acted on his recom-
mendation to 'name Jim
De131ock as a replacement in
the chairmanship of the
Reeve Bill Mickle com-
mended Cameron for his
"excellent leadership" on the
project and Mayor Shaw
referred to him as a "good
man" who has done a con-
siderable amount of work for
the community.
Another ardent worker
Jack Underwood. left CCAT
lastyear to accept new duties
at Ridget own.
Serving South Huron, North Middlesex ads,
19 and 20 adjacent to Highway
21 on Plan 28. The required
documents must besubmitted
before formal approval can
be given. -
A severance application.
from Mike and Steve Miller
for L.R.E. concession, lot 10
was not allowed as it does not
conform to the township's.,
• secondary plan; • .
Terry Caldwell was granted
a tree removal permit for the
eastern half of -lot 16, conces-
sion 6, in Hay township. Earl
Becker was given the same
rights for the small area
outlined on a sketch of the
western half of lot 5, conces
sion 17.
Bylaw No. 1-83, setting the
remuneration of the reeve,
deputy reeve, councillors and
appointed' committee
members for 1983 was passed
at .a previous meeting.
The Hay township reeve
receives $100 for each of the
two regular meetings each
month, the deputy -reeve
$95.83 and councillors $91.67.
The reeve and deputy-
• Please turn to page 2
CARNIVAL .AIDS POOL -- At Wednesday's annual
meeting of the Kirkton-Woodham Winter Carnival,
president Mervin Shute presented a 51,000 to Gwen
Coward to be'used by the Kirkton-Woodhom swimm-
ing pool committee. •
Mayor switched
to South Huron
Secondary school prin-
cipals in Huron County will be
transferred to accommodate
the vacancy al Goderich
District Collegiate Institute
when its principal retires in
The Iluron County Board of
Education approved the
transfers al its April 3
In the shuffle, Seaforth
District High School will be
left without a principal. The
position is to be filled from
within the system.
Only F .E. Madill Secondary
School, Wingham, principal
R.P. Ritter will stay at his
present school. however he
retires in January.
The transfers involve Cen-
tral Iluron Secondary School,
Clinton, Principal I lerb Mur-
phy going to (MCI. South
Huron District high School;
Exeter. principal J.L.
Wooden going to C'IISS and
Seaforth District high School
principal Bruce Shaw going to
South Iluron District High
Murphy is a former vice-
principal at SIIDIIS, while
Shaw started his •teaching
career at • the local high
school. The latter is the
Mayor of Exeter.
Initially the board had
advertised both provincially
and internally for the position
of GDCI principal. The board
had accepted the resignation
for retirement purposes from
John Stringer at its March
meeting. The retirement is ef-
fective June 30.
Sixteen applications for the
position were received, five
from within the Huron
system. The position was of-
fered loan outside person but
rejected. The proposal of
transferring the present prin-
cipals was then recommend-
ed to the board.
One Hundred and Tenth Year
&,North Lambton Since 1873
EXETER, ONTARIO, April 13, 1983
Price Per Copy 50 Cents
TURN SOD FOR AUTHORITY OFFICE --- Construction started Monday on a new office building for the Ausable-
Bayfield Conservation Authority and Usborne township at the Morrison Dam near Exeter. From the left are
Usborne councillor Ross Ballantyne, deputy -reeve Margaret L. Hern, reeve Gerald Prout, Authority chairman
John Tinney, Usborne representative Roy Westcott and vice-chairman Gordon Johnson.
Designation may be changed
Continues fight over
Local developer Gib Dow
continues to fight the proposal
for street extensions in the
area north and east of the rec
centre, and while council
voted this week to delay ap-
proval of the planning board's
recommendations on alter-
nate routes, the delay was
cited by. one member as
allowing more time for con-
sideration to more concrete
plans, not less as. Dow wants.
Lawyer Randy Evans,
representing. Dow, owner of
Manx Developments, in-
dicated the opposition to the
alternate roads plan was be-
ing continued because it
adversely affected his client's
The proposal, contained in
an amendment to the town's
official plan, calls for Well- -
ington St. to be extended to
meet both Pryde Boulevard
and Eastern Ave., while
Riverside Drive is to be ex-
tended south to -join up with
Wellington via a proposed
bridge across the river.
Evans said the main con-
cern was in having the road
extension locations
designated on a map in the
amendment, suggesting it
may be difficult to alter those
proposed locations in the
"We don't want the plann-
ing board telling us now what
our roads must look like,"
Evans noted, saying that
development may not take
place for 10 to 20 years and
the location of roads should be
considered at that time to
complement the development
plan, i
Ile also contended there
were items in the amendment
that were ambiguous and
should be clarified.
While members of council
and planning hoard member
Dorothy Chapman suggested
the offical plan was a guide
only and the exact location of
roads could be negotiated
later, Evans said that once
they were recorded, it may be
difficult for those involved in
the future to remember that
it was intended only as a
"We can'tsayri;ht nowwith
any certainty what the future
may dictate," Evans
Mayor Bruce Shaw noted
that the official plan could be
amended in the future. but
Evans said this could create
delays in any proposed
developments to the point of
jeopardizing those
"We're looking ahead,"
Mrs. Chapman explained,
claiming the alternate routes
study wad not a bit
futurisitic nor would it jeopar-
dize development.
She said that it maybe too
late to put roads in their prb-
per locations if a $70,000 to
Pleads guilty
on theft counts
A Kippen man will he
sentenced on April X18 for
several hreakins in Exeter.
Barry Arthur McCallum
pleaded guilty to the charges
in Goderich court. Monday.
He was charged with the
break, enter and theft on
November 21 at Exeter Farm
Equipment, two counts of
break, enter and theft on•'
January 11 involving Cana-
dian Tire and Beth's Hairstyl-
ing and two counts of break,
enter with intent.
lie pleaded not guilty to the
attempted hreakins at the Ex-
eter Times -Advocate, Home
Hardware, Campbell's
Jewellers, Russell Electric,
the Junction and Polka Dot on
January 14 and those charges
were withdrawn.
$80,000 house ended up where
a roadway was wanted.
Faces trial
on stabbing
Roy Becker. RR 1
Dashwood. has been commit-
ted for trial on a charge of at-
tempted murder in a stabbing
incident at a home near Hen-
sall in October.
The 28 -year-old was charg-
ed following the stabbing in-
cident and appeared at
preliminary heariag•inStrat-
ford. Friday.
Randolph Redmond, 204
Algonquin Drive. Huron
Park, suffered three stab
wounds in his back and was
rushed to University
Hospital following the inci-
dent. Ile was in hospital for
about one week.
Evans contended protection
against that possibility was
provided in a registered plan
of subdivision and said the
road pattern could be
developed at that time.
"That's the lime to deal
with roads and layouts," he
Shaw said the official plan
amendment would give
guidance to present and
future owners and added that
it was responsible on the part
of present officials to have
plans for the future. He em-
i►hasized that future officials
would be responsible in con-
sidering any changes
At that point, Reeve Bill
Mickle joined the discussion
to suggest that perhaps coun-
cil should designate Well-
ington St. as a collector road
through to Eastern to ensure
Please turn to page 2
Ausable-Bayfield Conser-
vation Authority and Usborne
township ,officials combined
Friday morning in a sod tur-
ning ceremony for a new of-
fice -building at Morrison
The two storey 7,6)0 square
foot structure will be used by
both groups. The Authority of-
fices will be moved from the
present-Ideationon Thames
Road West and the township
Firm opens
new plant
The former Easton
manufacturing property on
Highway 4 near Centralia has.
been purchased by Kenpal
Farni Products Incorporated.
The firm which will employ
three persons at the outset
will manufacture vitamin and
mineral pre -mixes for
Company president Ken
Palen said Monday, "We
have been , acting , as a
distributor for this typeof
product for sevenyears.'Now
we will be doing our own
Manufacturing is expected
to start about May 1 with an
official opening planned for •
late summer.
Palen in saying his lirm
would be; involved in three dif-
ferent aspects of manufactur-
ing added, "We will put out
our own line of premixes,
private labels for other com-
panies and straight
Kenpal will also provide
custom blending for other
firms as well as make nutri-
tional advice available to
Palen concluded, "Our
front officnwlll have a wide
variety of nutritional infor-
mation and we will also have
independent nutritipnists on
The rear Wilding on the
property wi I be used for third
' party store • e.
office will•relocate from the
home of clerk -treasurer .
Harry Strang.
Total cost of the building is •
expected to be about $380.000.
Usborne township will share
costs of the construction.
Authority general manager
Tom Prout said Monday the
exact percentage to be con-
tributed by Usborne had net
been determined but:As-ex. •'
pected it would be in the 15 to
20 percent range.
Construction began Mon-
day and is expected to be
completed by August 31.
Funds for the construction
labour are coming from the
Canada -Ontario Special
Employment Program which
will provide 20 workers
through the Authority and the
township qualifies for three
employees under the. NEED
Construction foreman is
Lloyd Mousseau.
Prout emphasized that the
building would be completed
without any additional cost to
member municipalities of the
Lad escapes
serious hurt
An eight-year-old Exeter
lad escaped with bruises and
lacerations after running in-
to the path of a vehicle on
Monday afternoon.
Shawn Webster. 149 Main
St.. was apparently chasing -a
ball and ran into the path et
a northbound vehicle driven
by Iton Hader, Zurich. The
mishap occurred on Maio*.
just north of Victoria around
3:00 p.m.
He was taken to South
Huron Hospital for observa-
tion and X-rays and released
shortly after.
His grandmother, Mrs.
Martha . Webster,. said Tues-
day morning the lad was
"pretty sore and stiff' and
added that he was very
BEST DRESSED AT KLONDYKE DAYS Prizes were awarded for the best dressed participants in the Exeter
Lions Saturday night Klondyke N:ght. From the left ore winners Larry Johns, Sherri Gilfillan, Bob Forrest and
Sue.Mousseau. T -A photo