HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-04-06, Page 23La!gO congr.gatlonsattend SpeciaI EasNr s•rvlces at churches The Easter Sunday service at Grand Bend United was well attended with many family visitors. Rev. H. Moore's sermon topic was, "What ought Easter to re- mind us of?" Rev. Moore said 'it should remind us of many things: such as the changing seasons, and for children the Easter bunny, and the stone rolled away to reveal an empty tomb and the Resurrection of Jesus. Choir anthems were, "Someone", and "This Joyful Eastertide." The children's story • by Rev. Moore was about a special Easter egg. Clark Adams played the open- ing prelude organ music and Roy and Evelyn Johnson greeted at the door. Many Easter lilies decorated the church and traditional Easter hymns were sung. Several attended the Good Friday evening service at 7:30 p.m. from Greenway and Grand Bend. Rev. H. Moore's meditation was, "It is finish- ed." The Sacrament of Holy Communion was observed. More than 100 attended the Easter Sunrise Service at 7:30 and breakfast at 8:15 at the United Church, sponsored by the Couples Club. Bob McKay led the service. Scripture was read by Elsie Keyes. A meditation talk, "From sunset to sunrise," was given by Don Kobe. Special choir music by the Couples Club included a solo, "It is finished" by Millie Des- jardine, with Morley Desjar- dine at the organ and a trio of Jean Weigand, Susan McKay and Paula Taylor sang "Praise the Lord," accom- panied by Irene Kennedy at the piano. A special U.C.W. event will take place on Monday even- ing, April 11, at North Street United Church, Goderich, beginning at 6:00 p.m. Guest speaker will be Miss Laurie Scaldwell, London, medical student recently returned from Zaire. The theme: Love in Action. Would you please wear a name lag? The Young People's group of Grand Bend United will meet Sunday evening April 10 at the church at 7:30 p.m. The Confirmation Class will begin on Saturday morning April 9 at the Grand Bend church at 10:00 a.m. Anglican Church news Rev. Jim Sutton welcomed many visitors and regular members at the happy Easter service at St. John's church. In his sermon he stressed that many people in our generation are caught up in the pressure of achievement in society and when they reach retirement age they realize they have nothing spiritual to give them peace and satisfaction. Rev. Sutton suggested that we use this Easter as a time to change, or as a renewal of our faith. Mrs. Reta Martin was coffee hour hostess following the service. The ladies group of St. Johns will meet at the Parish Hall, Thursday, April 7, at 2:00 p.m. Church of God At the Easter Sunday mor- ning service at Church of God, Rev. John Campbell's sermon topic was, "Death and Life." Special music was a solo by Dr. A. Brown, "When I Survey the Won- drous Cross." The evening service at Church of God was conducted by youths of the congregation. They held a monthly Bible quiz, challenging the Beaconaires and Women of Church of God. The quiz was from 1st John, Chapter 2. Highest points went to the youths with Beaconaires com- ing second. Good Friday services were held at 10:30 a.m. Friday morning. The Sacrament of Communion was observed. Rev. John Campbell sang, "It is finished." A carload of Church of God THE LAMBTON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION PUBLIC MEETINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT STUDY COMMITTEE FOR NORTH, EAST AND CENTRAL LAMBTON Tiie,,4chool District Study,Committee will hold open, public meetings at the Following loca- tions and times East Lambton LOMPLI!E9, Watford Wednesda MEET1NGaO, 1983, at 7:30 p.m. North Lambton Secondary School, Forest Wednesday, April 6, 1983, 7:30 p.m. Lambton Central C.V.I., Petrolia, Wednesday, April 13, 1983, 7:30 p.m. Meeting agenda information will be available in the Main Office of the study schools and at the Receptionist's Desk at the Education Cen- tre, 200 Wellington Street, Sarnia. the day before the meeting is held. Questions and comments from the public either oral or written will be received by the Study Committee at 8:30 p.m. at each meeting. Information about the Committee and its deliberations will be given out at each meeting. H.G. Cole, A.R. Wells, Chairman Director of Education. youths attended the Youth For Christ meeting Saturday night at Brucefield. A film, "Nite Song," was shown. U.C.W. evening unit The U.C.W. evening unit met in the Sunday School rooms at the United Church, Monday evening. Then the group went out visiting sick and shut-ins with bouquets of flowers and plants: Back at the church a short business meeting was chaired by leader, Evelyn Johnson. An interesting discussion was held on the Easter story. Bible coffee hour Eleven ladies attended the Bible coffee hour 'Tuesday afternoon at Mrs. Vera Brown's home in Southcott Pines. Millie Desjardine led in a hymn sing. Mrs. Nita Sinclair opened with prayer and led the lesson. We studied 1st Peter 2:1-8, about letters to p^ople in trouble, on how to LION AND ' FARMER — Huron -Middlesex MPP Jack Riddell, Liberal Ontario Agriculture critic, is seen following the annual Farmers' Night dinner with Grand Bend Lions Club president Bill Thomas (right). He spoke to 60 Lions and farm guests at Oakwood Inn. More than 500 attend museum egg hunt spree Baby chicks, soft and fluf- fy bunnies, braying donkeys and 50 dozen eggs to search for made for a festive mood at the Lambton County Museum south of Grand Bend, Saturday. Co-sponsored by the museum committee of Lamnb- tonrCounty council and the Grand Bend Optimist Club. the Easter event attracted more than 500 youngsters and their parents. COMPu PEfiO INCOME TAX RETURNS (any size) BOOKKEEPING ART READ Chartered Accountant (5 19) 238-2388 Grand Bend, Ontario 39Woodpark Cres SPRING SALE Thursday, Friday, Saturday April 7 - 8 - 9, 3 days only Selected o00 Table Lamps Brass, Ceramic, Buy one and get it's mate for Bargain Table 1�2 price Royal Albert and Paragon China 30% - 50%off Everything in store on Sale Strathroy Furniture Curio Cabinets Reg. 699 Sale 5B9 Hours • Thurs. 9 a.m. 106 p.m., Fri. 9 e.m. 10 9 p.m., tat. 9 a.m. to S p.m. Free Coffee HOTSON LIGHTING Hwy 21 1 Mile North of Grand Bend 238-8240 "Attendance this year is up by about 30 percent over last year and we were expecting a small number of people because of the cool weather and the rain that was predicted," said museum curator Bob Tremain. A large rabbit who called himself "Bunny Rabbit" met participants at the main en- trance with Easter greetings and directions to events that included an Easter egg hunt. coloring contests, egg relay races and visits to museum displays. Tremain said the 50 dozen eggs were donated by a Petrolia grading station and animals on display came from a local poultry farm and a Grand Bend zoo. London sisters Barb and Ruth Groves demonstrated the craft of eggery, the art of making items such as jewelry, music iboxEs and miniature houet.a'S eeteggs. The 19th -century Craft was in- vented when a Russian czar asked local artists to design something unique for Easter. The Groves use several dif- ferent kinds of eggs to. demonstrate the craft. I1 bad luck comes in threes; the way they say it does. then I'm behaving myself. You see. just last week I ran into two instances of bad luck. and I am not eager to experience a third. One evening. 1 had a friend- ly. visit Stith one of Ontario's finest in a black and white car. Then just two days later. I had another visit with another gentleman in a patrol car. So now you know why I ant behaving myself • or at least trying to It all started one evening when I had worked late, and then had some errands to run after I left the office. Finally 1 hit the open roads of highway 83 and I was anxious to get home. There was hard- ly any traffic on the highway. except one car coning towards me. We mel: and glanced in my rear view mir- ror. That's when I noticed hint making a fast turn- around behind 111e. and I look- ed down at my speedometer. I knew 1 was in trouble. Sure enough, the red lights flashed. Anyone who has ever ex- perienced it will know the sickening feeling that over- comes you when you see those red lights in your rear view mirror. The friendly policeman showed me the bad news on his radar. Now, 1 honestly didn't mind gelling the speeding ticket. 1 needed the reminder to slow down. It's paying the fine that hurls. don't drive at dangerous- ly excessive speeds. On the other hand, I will admit that my car does riot travel com- fortably at 841 km/hr. Unless keep a close eye on my Bet- sy, she'll try to sneak up around the 83-, to 90 range. But even she complains if she is ever pushed to the 100 mark. This is my third speeding ticket in my 12 years of driv- ing. 'That's not a record to be proud of, hut when one con- siders the kilometers I've Mary's musings By Mary Alderson covered, it's not bad. I've done a lot of driving. My first speeding ticket was given me soon after I -bought my first car. A friend tells me that the two events often go hand in hand. Then a year and a half ago I had the dubious honour of being handed a speeding ticket by a Mountie in Manitoba. On that occasion 1 was hurrying to the Brandon airport in a rented car, anx- ious to catch my plane hone. The fact that I was catching an airplane. and 1 was an out - of -province visitor failed to impress the RCMP. 1 had to mail a cheque back to Win- nipeg when I got hone. Please turn to page 24 grow up. Pressure in Chris- tian homes was discussed, and some pressures are caus- ed by discouragement. We should not let trials get us down. The question, how can you best obtain spiritual nourishments? was discussed and answers were: by word of God, prayer, and home en- vironment is important. Meetings are held each Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. Next meeting will be at Betty Campbell's. Dart scores At the Tuesday night dart game held weekly at Grand Bend Legion winners were: first, Eve Rubery and Tony Gaudio; second, Wendy Scott and Bob Hamilton. The 50-50 dart draw was won Tuesday night by Wendy Scott. Easter visitors Mrs. Susie Devine was a Sunday dinner guest at her son's Ervin and Hedy Devine, also her grand and great grandchildren, Bill and Elaine Vandeworp, Elsie, Michele, Bob and Bill, of Dashwood, Howard and Yvonne Hendrick, Julie, Kathy, Denise, Steven and Gregory of Crediton area. Paul Moore, of Little Cur- rent, spent the Easter weekend with his parents Rev. and Mrs. H. Moore. Couples home from the south in time for Easter were Ethel and Emerson Desjar- dine and Jim and Lenora Orr. Mrs. Marian Stuckey, of Lexington, Michigan, visited last week with her niece and nephew, Pat and Elgin Hen- drick. Joining them all for Easter Sunday dinner were their son Peter Hendrick, and their daughter Kim and Ken Pinder, of Exeter, Pat's father, Stanley Mitchell, of Exeter and Elgin's mother. Mrs. Florence Hendrick, also of Exeter and cousins Stewart and Evelyn Horton of Grand Cove. Laura Lee Campbell was a supper guest with Mrs. Rosie Grigg, Saturday night. Sun- day visitors with Rosie were her son Nelson and wife Jean of Waterloo. Sunday dinner guests with Mrs. Elizabeth Norris in Grand Cove were her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Norris, Kathi and Scott of Sarnia. Weekend guests with Alex and Clara Hamilton were their 'Son Barry and wife Bet- ty from Ottawa. Joining them all for Sunday visiting and supper were Brad and Rita Hamilton, Allen and Ronnie of London. Glenda and Tammy Morenz are home again after a two-week holiday in Florida with their aunt and• uncle, Glenn and Judy Thurman, and cousins Dania and Stacey, of Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Love and daughter Jennifer and son Brian with his son Keith of Ottawa, and daughter Brenda of Hamilton, spent the' weekend with Mrs. Fern Love and called to visit Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Love and family. On Saturday the Love's from Ottawa and Hamilton accompanied Fern to Sarnia where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Love and Dick and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Love and family. Morley and his wife and Jennifer spent Satur- • day evening in Chatham with friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Bogart, Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Love and family spent Sun- day afternoon and supper with Fern and her visitors. Personals Members of the Catholic Women's League, Women of Church of God, Anglican Church ladies and United Church women are all reminded of the Easter ecumenical to be held Thurs- day evening, April 7 at 8:00 p.m. at the Anglican Church. The Couples Club met Saturday evening at the United Church to set up tables and prepare for the Easter Sunrise service and breakfast. Golden Age Club members are reminded of their meeting at the Anglican hall this after- noon, April 6, at 1:30 p.m. Turnbull's Grove Betty and Emil Wydarney spent the weekend in Buffalo. attending a hockey game where one of their relatives was playing. With Pat and Ed Williams of Turnbull's Grove, for Easter Sunday dinner, were her mother Mrs. Watson. also Pat's sister Nancy and her two sons Jay and Todd, of Lucan. Mrs. Eva McGonigal, has returned home after spending three weeks in Thunder Bay with her mother-in-law, Mrs. L. Garrett, who was just recently out of hospital. Guests on Good Friday with Ann and George David, here, were their three daughters. husbands and families from London. Marg and Bob Hedley visited Thursday in Bramp- ton with Marg's mother, Mrs. Gertrude Hornsey. Times -Advocate, April 6, 1983 Page 23 Your Floor and Wall Covering Specialists Se Hwy. 21 Grand Bend 238-8603 • Hayne Chev. Olds. Ltd. 58i Main Street Exete-, Ontario Bus. 2:15.0660 Res. 236 4414 O.OP NOW IN STOCK * Spring Bulbs Dahlias, Begonias, Etc. * Onions * Peat Moss - Lawn & Garden Seeds, Fertilizers Chemicals Mowers, Tillers and Hand Tools EVERYTHING YOU NEED! Check this value price on LAWN FERTILIZER $398 20 kg. bugs 10-6-4, or 7-7-7 EXETER DISTRICT (0-0P 221 Brock Street, Exeter 235-2081 YOU'VE MADE YOUR VACATION PLANS. NOW YOU NEEDTHE CASH 10 GETAWAY. A vacation loan that makes sense to you will probably make sense to us. So come in and talk it over today. We know you need more than a vacation. You need the best possible vacation financing. At the Commerce, we can help make it happen. <A> CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE 1