HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-04-06, Page 18Page 18 Times -Advocate, April 6, 1983 ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS - HILL (LYNCH) - Dave and Josie of Lucan thank God for the early but safe arrival of their se- cond son Brandon Paul at 8:45 p.m. on Wednesday March 23, 1983, weighing 6 Itis. 8 oz. A little brother for Jordan. Grandparents are Ruth and Alan Hill of Lucan and Mary and Bill L) nch of Hastings. I4c MIELKE - • Peter and Edna Mielke are very pleased to an- nounce the birth of their son, Michael Peter, at St. Joseph's hospital on March 19, 1983 weighing 8 lbs. 8 oz. A brother for sister Angela and a first grandson for grandmother Oma Mielke.14c RUSSELL - Donald and Anne are proud to announce the early arrival of Danielle Anne, born March 27, 198J weighing 1 Ib. 14, s oz. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wiendels, Grand Bend and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Russell, Dashwood. A tiny sister for Chantal. 14' TRIEBNER - Carl and Barb thank the Lord for the safe arrival of their son Nathan Carl Paul, born March 19, 1983 weighing 7 lbs. 8 oz.•Nathan's sister Tamara is also delighted with her new brother. 14c WILLERT - Rick, Susan, Jason and Scott are proud to announce the arrival of Shawn Matthew on March 19, 1983 weighing 8 lbs. 9 oz. A new grandson for Don and Lenore Parsons and Harold and Joyce Willert. Thanks to Dr. Read, Dr. King, Dr. Manners and staff of the third floor at St. Joseph's Hospital..Special thanks to Grandpa and Grandma Par- sons for all their help and for tak- ing care of the boys. 14' DEATHS-- PARSONS EATHS-PARSONS - At his residence on Thursday, March 31$, 1983, Mr. Archie Roy Parsons, of Stanley. Beloved husband of the fate Alice E. ( Linden) Parsons (1968). Dear father of Gerald of Thamesford, Harold of RR 2 Kippen and Donald of RR. 2 Hensall. Dear brother of Mrs.' Mary C. Ryckman of Pollock, South Dakota and dear friend of Mabel Selves. Predeceased by two brothers and one sister. Also sur- vived by four grandchildren. Mr. Parsons was a member of Hensall Rebekah Lodge No. 349 and a 59 year member of Hensall I.O.O.F. Lodge No. 223. Visitation at the Hensall Chapel of Michael P. O'Connor Funeral Homes, 118 King Street, Hensall. where the funeral service was conducted on Saturday. April 2nd. Reverend Don Moffatt officiated. Interment followed in Itaylield Cemetery. I4c DEATHS -• McKINNON - On Wednesday, March 30, Anne Isabelle of Lon- don, in her 28th year. Beloved daughter of Ronald and the late Mary Elizabeth McKinnon (1981 ) of RR 8 Parkhill. Dear sister of Christena of Edmonton, Alberta, Robert of Toronto, Ian of Parkhill, Jonathan, Roderick and Ainslie all of London. Rested at the T. Harry Hoffman and Sons Funeral Home, Dashwood; where prayers were said on Saturday, April 2 at 2 PM, with Rev. Father J. Nelliganofficiant. Cremation with ihterment of ashes in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Cemetery on Tuesday. April 12 and where a funeral memorial Mass will be said at our Lady of Mount Carmel Church at 7 p.m. . I4c ANNOUNCEMENTS - In honour of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Jack and Hazel Corbett, their family invite you all to a Open House in Hensall United Church Fellowship Hall, Sunday April 17, 1983 from 2 to 4 p:m. Best Wishes only please. 14e CARDS OF THANKS- _ We would like to thank everyone for the kindness shown. when leaving this area. Special thanks to all those who helped in any way, also for the party and generous donations received at Gerry and Rita Schenk's, on Saturday night and the dinner and gifts on Sunday. It was deeply ap- preciated and will always be remembered. Bob and Ruth Galloway and fami- ly. 14c • Sincere thanks to our family, relatives, friends and neighbours who so kindly remembered me with flowers, cards and visits while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and since retur- ning home. Also to Rev. Forsythe and the Exeter Oddfellows Lodge. Your kindness will always be remembered. Elmer McBride . 14c Thanks to all who telephoned, visited, and sent cards on Miller's 94th birthday. Miller McCurdy, Harold and Wilma 14c The children and grandchildren of Mr. S. S. (Sonny) Wuerth con- vey their sincere thanks and ap- preciation to our relatives, friends, and neighbours for acts of kindness, floral tributes and memorial donations,' during the loss of a beloved father and grandfather. 14c Thank you to my relatives, friends and neighbours for their visits, prayers, cards, treats and flowers during my stay in hospital. 11 was appreciated so very much. Special thanks to Dr. Wall, Dr. Pace. Pastor Mellecke, Pastor Obeda and nursing staff on 8th floor north for their excellent I care. Isabel) Rader 14c Calvary United Church of Canada Dashwood Minister REV. BARBARA LAING Organist • Miss Idella Gabel, A.R.C.T. Wed. ApriI.6 - 8:00 p.m. Know Your Faith, third in a series of seven evenings. Sunday, April 10 9:45 o.m. Worship Service 9:45 a.m. Sunday School Tues. April 12 - 7:00 p.m. Dashwood Choir Practice Everyone Welcome Bethel Reformed Church Huron Street East. Exeter REV. ABRAM BLAAK Minister Sunday. April 10 10:00 o.m. Worship "The Emmaus Road" ' Luke 24.13.25 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 7:30 p.m. Worship "Just Works" James 2:14.26 Come and Worship with Us Caven Presbyterian Church MINISTER REV. KENNETH KNIGHT Phone 235.2243 Organist Mr. Robert McIntosh Sunday, April 10 1:30 p.m. Alternoon.Worship 1:30 p.m. Sunday School All Grades Everyone Welcome The Trivitt Memorial Church (Anglican) Main at Gidley. Exeter the REV. J.W. SUTTON Rector 235.2335 Sunday. April 10 2nd Sunday of Easter 11:15 o.m. Confirmation Rite including Baptism 8 Eucharist the Rt. Rev. M.C. Robinson , Bishop Suffragan Celebrant Reception to follow A welcome to Visitors Zion . Lutheran Church Dashwood Paster REV. MAYO MELLECKE Sunday. April 10 9.30 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Study 11:00 o.m. Divine Service Everyone Welcome Exeter Christian Reformed Church CARDS OF THANKS- IN MEMORIAM- Ken EMORIAM- Ken and 1 wish 10 express our heartfelt thanks to our family, friends and neighbours for the prayers, cards, flowers, visits and phone calls while 1 was a patient in Victoria Hospital and since returning home. Donna McLinchey 14' Pat Masse and Connie Koehler would like to thank everyone who attended the bridal showers at Dashwood Community Centre and Colleen Coehler's in Brucefield for all the lovely gifts. 14c A sincere thank you to my fami- ly, relatives, friends and neighbours who so kindly remembered me with prayers, flowers, cards, treats, visits and phone calls while a patient at St. Joseph's and Exeter Hospital. A special thanks to Father Nelligan, Dr., Eckcr, Dr. Sales and Dr. Mackenzie, nurses and staff. Your kindness and thoughtfulness will always be remembered. Harry Van Osch. 14' IN MEMORIAM- ATKINS - In loving memory of a dear husband, William James Atkins, who passed away April 10th 1982. It does not take a special day, To bring you back to our. minds. A day without a thought of you Is very hard to find. Loved and sadly missed by wife Mary and boys. 14' DOBSON - In loving memory of Cecil Dobson who passed away April 6, 1979. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear. Fond memories linger every day, Remembrances keep them near. Lovingly remembered by wife Verna and family. 14c HERN - In loving memory of wife Mary Hern who passed April 7, 1981. Loved, remembered and longed for, She'll be with each beat of my heart, Till in Heaven we're once more together. For eternity never to part. Ward: 14' HERN - In loving memory of a dear mother, grandmother and great -grandma, Mary E. Hern, who passed away so suddenly on April 7. 1981. Silenrmemories keep you near, As time unfolds another year, No longer in our lives to share, But in our hearts you are always there. Sadly missed by her family.14' MacEWEN -- In loving memory of a wonderful mother, mother-in- law and grandmother, Inez MacEwen. who passed away April 12. 1982. In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly tender fond and true. , There is not a day. dear Mother ')'hat we do not think of you. Sadly missed by Donna, Harry, and Jerry. . 14c Main St. North MINISTER REV. B.H. DE JONGE B.A. M.Div. Phone 235-1723 Sunday, April 10 10:00 a.m. - Morning Worship Sunday School - Preschoolers - 2:30 p.m. • Afternoon Worship Sunday School Grades 1-4 Everyone Welcome • Nursery Available Listen to The Back to God Hour Radio Program • Sundays CKNX Diol 920 - 10:30 a.m. CHLO Dial 1570 • 4:30 p.m. CHOK Dial 1070 • 6:45 o.m. "The Ultimate Health Club" Television Faith 20 - Global 6 (cable 3) "Are You an Alcoholic" 9:30 a.m. Sundays Exeter United Church James of Andrew Minister REV. JAMES FORSYTHE Assistant Minister REV. GRANT MILLS Organist and.Choirmaster Mr. Robert Cameron Sunday, April 10 11:00 a.m. Worship Service Sunday School Classes 1:00 p.m. Confirmation Class Nursery focllities available Courtesy Cor 235.2787 All Are Welcome Coming Events BINGO - Every Tuesday even- ing at Vanastra Centre, RR 5 Clin- ton, 8 p.m. First regular card $1.00, 15 regular games, 3 share the wealth: Jack E'ot 8200 must go. Admission restricted to 16 years and over. 26tfn BEEF BARBEQUE - Hensall United Church, April 13, 5,6 & 7 p.m. Adults 86.00, Children 6-12 $3.00,5 and under free. For tickets call 262-2446 or 262-2201.12,13,14r RUMMAGE SALE - April 28 at 10:00 a.m. Exeter Rec Centre. Proceeds go to the South Iluron Hospital Auxiliary. Pickup April 27. 13.14,15' GUIDES AND BROWNIES RUMMAGE SALE - J.A 1). McCurdy School. Huron Park. 10 a.m. - 1 p.ni. April 16. 13,14c LU('AN IJ.C.W. HOT ROAST BEEF DINNER - Lucan Com- munity Centre. Thursday May 12, 5 to 7:311 p.m. Adults: Advance Sale $5., At The Door 86. Children: under 12 years $2.50. Preschoolers: free. Tickets from most members. 14c SATURDAY. APRIL 23 - 11 a.m. at Orval McLean Auction Center. Lindsay. Tractors, farm machinery, ears. trucks, recrea- tion vehicles, construction equip- ment and tools. Bring con- signments to Karn by April 9th. I-705.324-27&3 Orval McLean Auc- tions. 14x SOUTH HIBBERT ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION -- Car Poker Ral- ly April 10 at Cromarty Ball Park. Registration 1:00.2:30. Share the Wealth. Admission 82.00. Everyone welcome. 14' 12TH SEAFORTH OPTIMIST CLUB CANOE RACE - Sunday April loth. Registration - 10 a.m. Starting time - 1 p.m. Phone Ken Miller 527-1898 or Arnold Stin- nissen 527-0410. 14' THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to at• tend the Child health Clinic, held at the Health Unit office, South Huron Hospital. Exeter on Mon- day, April 11, 1983 from 9:30 - I1:30 a in. for 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screen- ing 3. Immunization 4. Hearing Screening 5. Vision Screening 6. Fluoride brushing for ages 3 to 5 years. ADULT IMMUNIZA- TION WILL ALSO BE OF- FERED AT TIIIS CLINIC. I4c THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to at- tend the Adult Health Guidance Centre, held at the Maple Woods Apartments. Zurich on Monday, April 11, 1983 from 1:30.3:30p m. for: 1. Ilealth Surveillance 2. Foot Care 3. Anaemia Screening ' 4. ()rine Testing 5. Blood Pressure. 14e SOUTH HURON HOSPITAL. AUXILIARY MEETING - Tues- day April 12. Pot luck luncheon at 12:30. Mr$. Peg Menzies, guest speaker. 14' INGRAM - In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grand- father who passed away 1 year ago, April 6, 1982. Today recalls sad memories, 01 a loved one gone to rest. And those who think of him today Are those who loved him best. Lovingly remembered and sad- ly missed by his wife Pauline, family Kathy, Julie and Sam Regier, Sandy and Pam Ingram, Rick and Barb Ingram, and granddaughter Tara Lynn. 14' VAN DER WIEL - In loving memory of a wonderful son and brother, Gerard, who passed away suddenly 8 years ago, April 6, 1975. Eight years have come and gone Since the one we loved so well Was taken from our home on earth, With Jesus to dwell. The flowers we place upon his grave May wither and decay. But the love for him who sleeps beneath Shall never fade away. Always loved and remembered by Mom, Dad, brothers, sisters and in-laws. 14c WORSELL-- In loving memory of a dear daughter and sister, Patricia "Bedard" Worsell who was taken from us 4 years ago to- day April 4, 1979. Little did we know that morning The sorrow that day would bring. The call was sudden, the shock severe, To part with one we loved so dear. You didn't have time to say farewell, Or for us to say goodbye, You had gone before we realized And only God knows the reason Our family. circle has been broken, A link gone from our chain, No one can know the sorrow we share, When the family meets and• you're not there. We hold our tears when we speak your name, But the ache in our hearts remains the same. " We think oS you in silence And often speak your name; And all we have are memories And your picture in a frame. Our hearts still ache with sadness, Our silent tears still flow, For what it meant to lose you. dear Pat, No one will ever know. Sadly missed, forever loved; Mom, Dad, sisters and brothers. 14' Cancer can be beaten CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY1 Stag &-Doe for Char Gingerich and Dan Elliott Sat., Apr. 9 Music by Mozart and the Melody Makers Dancing 9 - 1 For more information call 236-4347 QUEEN'S SEAFORTH This Thurs. to Sat. DAYBREAK No Cover Next Thurs. to Sat. GEORGIA STRAIT Sat. Matinee No Cover Thurs. to Sat. April 21-22-23 SCANDAL No Cover Daily Luncheon Specials • • Huron Restaurant Home cooked meals SPECIAL Sunday, April 10 Roast Turkey 4.50 Virginia Ham Steak 4.35 Roast Beef 4.95 White Fish 4.60 With all the trimmings. Includes soup or juice, dessert; tea or coffee. Prices include tax 134 Main St. Exeter 235-1913 sanderzs DINING LOUNGE and TAVERN ON THE BEACH SUNSET SPECIALS Beef Bourginion or Sole or Prprouska Baked Potato Vegetable of day Dessert Coffee or too Fri., Sat. and Sun. Soup or Salad Your choice Chicken $995 Reservations Appreciated When the Sun Sets the Fun Rises in the - SANDBAR OPEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Happy Hours 7-9 Grand Bend 238-2251 STARL!TE Box Office opens at Dusk Open Weekends Until June 24 ._. FILO, 1 GRAND BEND Children Under 12 in Cars Free FRIDAY & SATURDAY APRIL 8 & 9ri 1 Warning This Movie May Be Dangerous To 1 Your Health. You May Never Stop Laughing. k)4*. .. \ . ,II T lip , 1I U r, -VVI "tin w�'i ia.:61111 ■■ r/L'JML:t;rirlE' :::RI 4 Hes charming, he's sexy, he's tough .irnl hes ton hot to cool down He's The Hammer .. c: u_ r u • •u n• •� r .11. .n•.!1”.. II I '1 _jl a;, •1..L I i° 1 Not j cliicken. We're Kentucky Fried Chicken. The best tasting chicken there is. INS Kentuck9fried Ck�cken , A I A..AI nA M . The Colonel's taste is best. 227 Main St. North. Exeter All ex -service per- sonnel and their dependents are in- vited to take advan- tage of a free Legion service. Mr. C. Wall Service Bureau Officer from London, Ontario will be at Legion Branch No 167 on March 29 at 6:00 p.m. to give skilled advice on veterans' benefits. Anyone wishing to see Mr. Wall is urged to call or write Mr. Reg McDonald who will arrange an appointment. DP ZYE-IN T*Z.*TRE CLINTON seg BEECH STREET 482.7030 THIS WEEKEND: APRIL $-1-111 FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY SOX OPPICE OPENS AT 7:31 P.M./FIRST SHOW AT SiN THE TRUTH: IT WAS ALL A LIE. 1'IIE LARDS }.. OF DIoicIPl•1 SPECIAL ADMISSION FOR APRIL: Adults •3.112; Children under 12 FM Albatross Tavern Huron Park, 228-6733 Thurs., Fri., Sat. Dance to: "Good Question" Watch for our new menu "Try our Chicken" Kitchen Hours Mon. - Fri. - 6:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. Sat. - 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. ••••••••••••••••••••••••,•••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 7:N P.M. KISS ME GOODBYE le WED.-THURS. LAST2 DAYS FOR MSS P.M. • & lOAleE .v STARTS FRIDAY, APRIL t FRIDAY -SAT. 74 9:00 SUN.-THURS. 7:30 Y GUIWCE PARDAEx1AL HIGH ROAD It/ CHINA Fun AA d.,nbu,-.,I t•u•t> 111111 • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 • FRI.-SAT.-SUN. • OX OFFICE • OPENS 7:00 P.M.. • SHOW STARTS 7:10 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' 1 • • . • • • •' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 •••' A story so shocking, so threatening, it will frighten you beyond all imagination. 2ND FEATURE He's channrng, he's sexy, hes tough. and he s too hot to cool down He's "The Hammer. Mioi.. S"C.:.1'••• :'iai- : '•n',,: .. ' C 11 t . • au Il. 1, .�. 1-•t� ADDED BONUS EACH NIGHT $71111111 11tl1 I7117P" -4 M tif teaL 1111 11 • PREMIER T111 ATRF S --+4 1 1 5 5 LN '83 FAITH AND LIFE CRUSADE HE THE GINGERICHS A MINISTRY OF WORD ANO SONG WITH HAROLD JANICE WNW, UMW WHERE: ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE WHEN: APRIL 10 -15 7:30 P.M. MISSION PROJECTS: * Huron County family crisis centre * Friendship - A ministry to the mentally handicapped * World Vision