HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-03-30, Page 23Times -Advocate, March 30, 1983 Pare 23 RUNNERSUP GREENS— The runnersup to the grand championship in the Hensall rec hockey league were the Greens. Back, left, Mark Melady, Dave Consitt, Mark Taylor, Jeff McKay, Matt Klaver, Chuck Broadfoot and Don Geigel . Front, Dan Taylor, Bill McIver, Derek Divok, Les Gardner, Bill Downey and Jim Nigh. Missing were Steve Sararas, Steve McGregor, John Berry and Lyle Kinsman. Collecting cigar b�nds is educational and fun Trudy Van Wieren, RR 1 Hensall, has. a collection of 17,000 cigar bands. When she was a child in Holland, most adult men smoked cigars. The hundreds of flourishing cigar factories in that country vied with each other to create series of graphic, elaborately crafted bands with a decorative as well as prac- tical function. Any topic you can think of has been thought of previous- ly by a cigar manufacturer. Popes, presidents and princes. Birds, bees and flowers. Castles and cathedrals. Car insignia and traffic signs. Newspaper mastheads • and Isaris billboards. President Ken- nedy from rocking chair to funeral cortege. The moon landing and the history of electric light. Bathing beauties, femme fatales and movie stars. The list is endless. Dutch children collected cigar bands as avidly as Canadian children amassed series of hockey and baseball heroes from their packages of bubble gum. The pursuit was so popular a song called, "Sir, may I have the band on your cigar" was played on radio stations across the country. Trudy recalls rushing out of church to wait impatiently for the good burghers to light up after an hour's abstinence, and tugging on black woolen coat tails to request the bands from the smokers' stogies. The gutters beside busy ci- ty streets were another source of supply. Children walked with their heads bow- ed, searching for the elusive golden glitter signalling another work of art for one's collection. Duplicates, or doubles, were traded with the acumen of Amsterdam diamond merchants. When Trudy and husband Harry immigrated to Canada in 1958 Mrs. Van Weiren brought her books of cigar bands with her. At that time they numbered around 3,000. Trudy soon discovered that most North American cigar bands were strickly func- tional, and carry the instruc- tion OPEN or Pull. "It must mean Dutchmen know how to unwrap a cigar", she laughed. Letters Trudy wrote to the six Canadian cigar manufac- turers were never acknowledged or answered. Comedian George Burns was more obliging. A request for a band from one of his famous cigars elicited a personal rep- ly and three labels from El Producto Queens. Frank Sinatra replied with a picture of himself taken two decades previously, explain- ing the cigars he smoked had no bands. Trudy corresponds and trades with fellow enthusiasts in Holland, a priest in Quebec and a young man in Ottawa. She first saw the Ottawa hob- byist on a TV program 13 years ago, wrote to him, and began a friendship that climaxed in an invitation to his wedding this month. The Van Weiren collection now contains 17,000 cigar bands, but they are becoming more and more difficult to find. Cigar smoking is not as popular as it was a generation ago. (One reason may be the former good old five center now costs ten times as much.) Times have changed since Rudyard Kipling wrote, "A woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke". An appropriate epitaph for cigars and chauvinist would be "ashes to ashes and dust to dust". Meanwhile, the woman who collects cigar bands has the last laugh. And anentranc- ing and educational record of many interesting people and events in world history. and district news BLUES WIN HENSALL REC TITLE The Blues have won the Hensall rec hockey cham- pionship. Back, left, Glenn Slade, Ron Thompson, Herman Klaver, Scott Ross and. Dan McClinchey. Front, Steve Knight, Bill Gardner, Jim Cockwill, Ron Ferguson and John Feeney. Missing were Bob Malone, Jamie Caldwell, Grant Lee, Brad Mann and Brad McBride. T -A photo Riddell will be guest auctioneer at Centennial rummage sale The Centennial Committee meeting was held on March 22 at the Fellowship Hall in the United Church with a very good attendance in spite of the weather conditions. A discus- sion on future events was followed by plansfor the Rummage and Auction sale April 30. Rummage sale at 11 a.m. and Auction Sale at 1 p.m. Jack Riddell M.P.P. for Huron -Middlesex will be guest auctioneer. There will also be a bake sale andfood booth. Names of relatives and friends who should be invited for the event are being receiv- ed, there is still time to send these'm to the comrnittee. Jnnnwnnnun The Light Touch By JACK LAVENDER Overweight is just desserts. R . often= Now we know what they mean by middle income. The govern. mem lets you keep your first ddllar and your last dollar --and they take everything in the middle. • Some open . minds should be closed for repairs. Our friend says he has o great rapport with his kids. They tell him what to do and he does it. • The annual convention of the Hypochondriac Society was held lost week', but everyone was too sick to attend. Folks are in a fever about the expert workmanship found at Jack's Small Engine Repair Service 107 Queen St. Hensall 262-2103 ;pIIIIu1 1111111uI IPIlll1 11111111111111111111e Please send in any names and addresses at your convenience. Personals Mr. Sim Roobol returned home after receiving treat- ment in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. William Baker returned home after spending a holiday in Florida. Mr. Robert Mickle, Jamie and Craig, Ayr spent last Thursday visiting with the forrner's mother, Mrs. Laird Mickle. Mrs. Bertha MacGregor returned home after spending three weeks with her son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Don .MacLaren, Jodi and Brooke in Oakville. Owing to the spring storm last week the dessert euchre planned for Wednesday March 23 by the Amber Rebekah Lodge was cancelled. A large number of relatives and friends assembled at the Hensall Recreation Centre on Saturday evening in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Eyre who were celebrating their golden wedding anniversary. Dancing was enjoyed to music supplied by the Spirit orchestra. A delicious lunch was served at midnight by the Kippen East Ladies W.I. dur- ing which time their eldest son •Mervyn Eyre thanked everyone, followed by Camp- bell and Grace thanking their many relatives and friends for making the evening such an enjoyable event. One-man musical coming to Blyth Richard Greenblatt, direc- tor of the 1982 Blyth Summer Festival smash Country )(earls brings Soft Pedalling, his hit one-man musical to Blyth Memorial Hall, Wednesday, April 20 at 8 p.m. Who is Robert .Goldblum anyway? Is he really just a struggling young musician trying to keep body and soul together while dealing with his boring job as a rehearsal pianist, or is he Composer - man, a mild-mannered superhero able to leap whole octaves in a single bar? Then again, maybe he's a Rock Star, weary of the fast pace and the bright lights: or a hairy, whiskey -breathed Country and Western singer, crooning, down-home Nashville songs. Or is he in (act Canada's hotest new en- try in the Musical Olympics, shooting for an unprecedented four gold medals if he can on- ly wrap up the arduous Minute Waltz event. Soft Pedalling, currently on a cross-('anada- tour, has amassed rave reviews since it was first presented at the 1981 Toronto Theatre Festival. The Ottawa Citizen called it "Sheer brilliance." "Watch PECK APPLIANCES "IN THL HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" • FILTER QUEEN SALES & SERVICE • VACUUM CLEANERS • (Saks & Service to Most Makes) •FM COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS For Farm & Business • SPEED QUEEN APPLIANCES •MOFFAT APPLIANCES •INSECT LIGHTS & FLY KILLING UNITS • GIFTS •MANY OTHER ITEMS VARNA, ONT. ' 482.7103 this man!" The Toronto Star said, 'Richard Greenblatt is an engaging, frenetic very talented performer." Soft Pedalling is the final performance in the Blyth Centre for the Arts Theatre Series. Rbserved seat tickets are available at the box of- fice, 523-9300. All seats are $8. EASY MEN — Tempers flared at times in Sunday's opener of the South Huron league finals between Exeter and Hensall. This shoving match erupted in front of the Exeter net with Hensatl's Jamie Caldwell and Mohawks Jim Guenther the main combatants. News from Hensall churches Palm Supday- was celebrated on Sunday morn- ing at the United Church when Mr. McDonald spoke on the subject of "Perspective on J pe Power." He referred to the humility of Jesus as he rode on the donkey into Jerusalem: Power -is seen so differently in man's eyes than God's, he said. Power for man usually. means a position of dominance, control and superiority regardless of how they offend, hurt or destroy; *power groups usually have no love as the basis of anything they do, whereas God's power is shown through freedom, openess and a dependence on love expressed through sacrifice, voluntary suffering for the good of mankind. The choir under the direc- tionof Marlen Nagtegaalsang a very beautiful anthem "Now Let Us All Praise God and Sing" by'GordonYoung. The Children's Story was "Greetings" when Mr. McDonald spoke on the Greeting that Jesus received as he rode into Jerusalem. He told them of the greetings of Hawaii and the giving of a lei to visitors. f 4 "Annual Spring,, SALE March 21 - April 2 „Wallpaper„ and "Paint" Specials "Many In Store" Specials Giftware Clearance 40 8. 50%Off Regular Prices HENSALL ori, PRO HARDWARE 122 Kirtg Street 262-2015 During thewitiging of the children's hymn he presented a lei to each child attending church. ' The ushers for the day were John Rowcliffe, Gary Kyle, Ray Jacobi, and Mervin Fields. Harold Parsons •greeted the congregation and the flowers at the front of the church were placed in honour of the 50th Wedding Anniver- sary of Campbell and Grace Eyre; the yellow roses by the family and the red azalea by friends. The congregation were reminded of the MBiunday Thursday Service on Thur s - day evening at 7:30 p.m., the Easter Sunrise service at 7:00 a.m. next Sunday followed by breakfast and the Family Easter Service at 11:00 a.m. The Junior Hi enjoyed their film night meeting at Donald Wareipgs on Thursday even- ing followed by lunch at Bill Stebbin's. Rev. Kenneth Knight' con- ducted Psalm service in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday, speaking on the subject "A March of Peace." Mrs. Joan Keys presided at the organ and led the choir in the anthem "Hosanna Hallelujah". The Sunday School members sang two numbers "Easter Lilies Everywhere" and "He Is Risen." Special Easter service will be held next Sunday April 3. Choir practise will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday March 30. The W.M.S. Spring Rally will be held at First Presbyterian Church Seaforth, March 30 at 10:00 a.m. and 1 p.m. The Easter meeting of the. W.M.S will be held at 8 p.m. Monday, April 4 when Rev. . Barbara Laing will be guest speaker. E3White -Westinghouse 1986 Clearout 13.6 c. ft. Frost Free Refrigerator • Foamed in insulation • 113 Ib. frozen food storage • Glide out rollers • Deluxe trim • White • almond Reg. '819.95 $ 5 91995 SALE with trade, Color $10.00 extra Some left hand doors DRYSDALE MAJOR APPLIANCE CENTRE LTD. HENSALL 262-2728 ' Ontario CLOSED MONDAY OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. "THE PLACE TO BUY APPLIANCES THOUSANDS OF CIGAR BANDS — Trudy Van Wieren poses with a letter she receiv- ed from cigar -smoking George Burns. She has a collection of 17,000 cigar bands, including three El Producto Queens from Burns. a IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItl111111111111111111mini1I11tI11111111111111111111tI111111111111111I111111111111111111111111(IIiI111111111111111111111111111nIN111 ons R 2 5 2 HENSALL CIVIC HENSALL CIVIC CORNER 1 . Dog Control Bylaw No. 008-78 prohibits running at large all dogs in the village of Hensoll. A dog shall be deemed to be running at large when found not under the con- trol of their ownef either on or off their premises. Is your dog registered at the Municipal Office for the year ' 83?Prior to the 1st of May every owner of a dog is required to register their dog and pay the licence fee as authorized under Bylaw No. 008-78. NIIIMIIIIMMIIIiiiiinrinlmnmtumst tIMIMMIt atnlnmwammttlulN1I11111111111111111111wnin1m1M111111MIIIIMMIm1111u1 es Bott, Manager of Zehrs Markets Exeter, presents o Zehrs Save -A -Tape heque for $408.72 to Adelma Mellecke (left), Florence Mortene (Centre) and ancy Becker (Right) of Dashwood Zion Lutheran Women's League, whose rgonization redeemed Zehrs cash register topes in order to purchase a new ypewriter for their church office and library books for Zion Church. ur sincere congratulations to all who participated in this very commendable roject. We ore pleased we were able to assist you. This exciting offer is open to any non-profit organiza- tion. church or school group. service club or charity. Each 5300 worth of Zehrs cash register tapes is worth one dollar. For example. if your club wishes to raise 5250 towards a project. $75,000 worth of Zehrs tapes would be required. Complete details are contained in a helpful brochure available at any Zehrs Markets. 1