HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-03-23, Page 20Page 20 Times -Advocate, March 23, 1983
SahitsbUry ladies host
dessert euchre contest
ing following a delicious high, Joe Carter, Exeter; lone
choice of desserts. hands, Ilarry Carrell; men's
Winners as follows: ladies low, Mrs. V. Atkinson (play -
high, Mrs. Hazel Cunn- ,ing a mans card); two
ingham, Clandeboye;• ladies special, Mr. N. Squire Exeter
lone, Mrs. R. Hodgins; ladies and Mrs. Mabel Needham
low, Mrs. G. Cronyn; men's Lucan.
Harry Carroll won a second
prize as Wednesday was his
Thames Road birthday. •
�i+� Miss Julie Foran Centralia
was an overnight guest with
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Davis
Thursday March 24 at 8 p.m. and Crystal.
Personals Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Mr. and Mrs. John Miner MacGillivray and Courtney,
and Brenda of Estevan London, and Mr. and Mrs.
Saskatchewan are visiting Michael Davis and Crystal
with their parents Mr. and were dinner guests with Mr.
Mrs. Mac Hodgert and. Rev and Mrs. Hugh Davis follow -
Stewart and Mrs. Minor of ing church service Sunday.
Exeter for two weeks. Mrs. Mary Davis visited
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rohde of her sister, Mrs. Earl Atkinson
Mitchell were Thursday even- at St. Joseph's Hospital Lon-
ing supper guests with Mr. don, Thursday.
and Mrs. William Rohde. Mrs. Eleanor Darling, Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Baxter of Silas McFalIs, Mr. Jeff Young
Fullarton were Sunday sup- and his friend Miss Teresa
per guests with Mr. and Mrs. Shumka were Sunday guests
Ken Duncan and Floyd. with Mrs. Mary Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Duncan Miss Patti Dobbs is spen-
were Sunday guests with the ding the winter break with
former's sister and brother- her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
in-law Mr. .and Mrs. Ken Fred Dobbs.
Passmore of Aylmer. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tindall
Mex Duncan who lives with and Robert visited Mr. and
her daughter and son-in-law Mrs. Ron Cunningham, Mar
was celebrating her birthday. on Thursday and Robert
Congratulations. stayed for the holidays.
The ladies of St. Patrick's
church sponsored a dessert
euchre on Wednestii,) after-
noon, with eleven tables play -
Rev Robert Matheson told
the children a story entitled
"So small". The sermon was
entitled "We're Still In The
We do recognize our faith is
something we do not compart-
mentalize or limit to our Sun-
day activities. We are called
to live our faith every day of
our lives. Living our faith is a
high calling but it is also a call
to risk. Living our faith calls
all people to surrender our in-
dependence to God's loving
care so His will may reign
supreme in the world of
Mrs. Margaret Robinson of
Clinton will be the guest
speaker at the April Thank
Offering .meeting of the
United Church Women. Elim-
ville and Zion ladies will be
our guests on April 4 at 8 p.m.
There will be choir practice
SOME OF THE ROASTERS -- Huron -Middlesex MPP Jock Riddell is shown with Eileen
Palmer, former MPP Murray Gaunt and tan McAllister who provided some of the
roasting for Wednesday's Roast Jack Riddell night in Seaforth. At the right is Gor-
don Erb of Zurich. T•A photo.
A HAPPY ROASTING — Huron -Middlesex MPP Jack Riddell jokes with his Exeter
office secretary Ruth Stover and her husband Roy during a Riddell Roast in Seaforth,
Wednesday night. T -A photo
Kippen ladies display quilts
Regular meeting of Kippen
East W.I. at Mrs. Rob€rrt
Kinsman's was opened by
president Mrs. James Drum-
mond on the St. Patrick Day
theme and also she gave a
reading on 'Sneezes.'
Roll call, How I spend my
food dollars, was full of
helpful hints. Two beautiful
quilts which were quilted by
members this winter were
displayed. Mrs. Alex
McGregor will provide the
crafts for the District Annual.
A sing song of Irish songs was
at Clandeboye
Assisting Rev. Keith Brown
at the Clandeboye United
Church on Sunday morning
was Rev. Bob Brain who with
his wife, Joan, serve as mis-
sionaries under the Africa
Evangelical Fellowship Mis-
sion in Zambia.
He gave a most interesting
talk of their work in that
St. James A.C.W. spon-
sored an euchre party on
Tuesday evening with 13
tables in play.
Prizes went to: high scores,
Shirley Dickens and Jim Cun-
ningham; lone hands, Olive
Atkinson and Harry Noels;
low scores, Margaret Riddell
and Evan Hodgins.
Next party will be March
accompanied by Mrs. Ross
Mr's. Alex McGregor was in
charge of the program. There
was brisk bidding at the blind
auction with Mrs. Hugh Par-
sons as auctioneer. Mrs. Rola
Broadfoot gave a reading
"How do you follow a
recipe?" A bit of nostalgia
was in the form of a reading
"Members of fifty-nine."
Mrs. Charles Eyre gave cur-
rent events and courtesy
remarks and a reading
"Creed of the Farmer."
Program was most in-
teresting when each member
presented her autobiography.
A contest was conducted by
Mrs. James Chalmers. Plans
were finalized for the March
26 party.
Lunch was served by Mrs.
Grant MacLean, Mrs. Wm.
McDowell and the hostesses
Mrs. Robert Kinsman and
Mrs. Vern Alderdice,
4-H meet
Third meeting of Kippen I I I
4-H Heritage Club was held at
Vanastra Curling Kink March
15. Members decided on a
name for the club
"Smorgasbord Smurfettes."
Members then went right to
work in the kitchen preparing
foods that were listed on the
menu. The foods consisted of
breaded pork chops with
cherry sauce froin Russia,
vegetable and macaroni
casserole from Poland, plum
dumplings from Yugoslavia,
Hungary, Poland and Men-
nonite rice with peaches frohn
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Consitt,
Hillsgreen are holidaying in
hannel Master'
Reception Equipment
Satellite &
OPUMIST SPEAKERS - Kirkton-Woodham Optimist Club president Cliff Thom-,
son presents public speaking plaques to junior winners Susan Selves, Usborne; Rudy
Broers, South Perth; Geoff Strang, ,Usborne and Katie Paul, South Perth.
McCurdy memos
Lack of snow halts carnival
Where has all the snow
gone? In fact, what happened
to our winter this year. That's
exactly what the student
council' wondered as they
were repeatedly asked when
the classes would he going to
the Pinery for their annual
winter carnival. Hopefully;
next year we'll have a more
co-operative weatherman'
Skating party
One winter activity surviv-
ed the weather. Grades 5 to 8
spent the afternoon of
February 18 at the arena.
During that time. there was
c P the Co ope ator
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free skating. relays. conwetr-
tions and "spot" skates.
Grades t to 4 went for
shorter periods on a weekly
basis to improve their skating
'/.ehr's tapes
Zehr's customers con-
tributed sales toes totalling
$23,707.44 to our, school. These
were redeemed for a total of
579.02. With this money, the
school bought two cassette
recorders. Please -keep those
register tapes coming.
Public Speaking
In our recent public speak-
ing contest, winners were
Junior, Mark Rothhouer,
Scott Russell and Valerie
Students and seniors, Lana
Henderson, Ewan McGregor
and Deb Morton.
In a further speak -off
among these six contestants,
Lana and Scott were chosen
to represent as at the Crediton
Social Club competition.
Java presentation
"Boo". In English, that's
used to scare someone but in
Java. it means 'mother'. Mrs.
Robinson. a teacher at CUSS
in Clinton gave a presentation
to our school. She spent some-
onetime in Java as a teacher. We
thoroughly enjoyed her songs,
slides and souvenirs of Java.
Michelle Rock
(louse league
After an exciting series of
dodgehall for the juniors and
European handball for the
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seniors, we have now started
basket ball. The tournament
is in April. This time the
seniors have girls' teams and
boys' teams rather than mix-
ed teams. For some of the
junior players, this is a new
game so there are many skills
to be learned.
Science Fair
The students of grades 6,7
and 8 are preparing exhibits
to demonstrate their scientific
abilities and interests. The
school fair will be March 30
and 31. The winners will go to
the Rec Centre in•Exeter on
April 6 and 7. Parents are in-
vited to view both exhibits.
Following our month of
gymnastics in phys. ed., a
competition was held among
the houseleagues. Each house
had two juniors and two
senior representatives.
The teams were as follows:
Knight Riders - Lorraine
Varley, Shiela Randall, Jason
Hartford and Ginny Cable,
Mohawks - Stefanie Jones,
Jackie Whyte, Sherry Chris-
tian and Eileen Price,
. Cougars - Mike Moffatt, Mark
Sutherland, Diane Mclntrye
and Thuy Nguyen, E.T.'s -
Lorraine Lewis, Lynn Major,
Melanie .Jones. The senior
winners were Stefanie Jones
and Jackie Whyte.
Grades 5 to 8 had a St.
Patrick's dance March 17.
Those wearing green saved
on the price of admission.
Everyone enjoyed the music,
the prizes and the pop and
Skip It
In April, many students will
be participating in a Skip It
marathon for the heart Fund.
We will he asking for pledges
and trying to skip non-stop
from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Track
pants will he awarded for the
first five people to raise $I00.
Others will receive t -shirts or
Reports and holidays
Report cards were handed
out the last day before March
break. Students had various
feelings on what those reports
might do for their holidays.
Hopefully, everyone will have
an enjoyable holiday and
come back eager to make
Term Three a success in
every way!
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