HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-03-23, Page 11Dart shooters win hams Couples enjoy progressive supper; CMI Nineteen members of the Couples Club met Saturday night March 12, for a pro- gressive supper. They started first at the home of Bob and Susan McKay for punch, wine and hors -d'oeuvres. Next to Larry and Paula Taylor's for an appetizer of soup, juice or salad. Then on to Don and Jan Kobe's for the . main course, of chicken, ham and roast beef and vegetables. The dessert was served at Dennis and Brenda Mathers of cakes, pastry and coffee. They held a short business meeting at Mathers where the final plans for the Easter Sunrise service and breakfast were made. Tickets will be on sale shortly, Catholic Women's League The C.W.L. met March 15 at the Alhambra hall with 25 in attendance, President Lia Vanderberk opened with the Rosary and prayer of St. Joseph. ,igamaam 1 A letter was read from the COi11Pu FiEfiO INCOME TAX RETURNS (any slze) BOOKKEEPING ART READ Chartered Accountant Diocesan spiritual convener, (519) 238-2388 Grand Bend, Ontario 39Woodpark Cres GDrana's -BULK FOOD Dates '2.25 Ib. • Ntween Sean A Dotterel GRAND BEND 238.5030 Frances Brooman, asking for a spiritual bouquet of special prayers and masses for Bishop Paul Redding, of Hamilton who is ill. The C.W.L. will present the birthday party for residents of Bluewater Hest Home in April. A thankyou was received from the Eskimo mission of Northern Canada for Christmas in July articles sent, plug a donation of $75.00. A very successful dinner for farmers and chemical pro- ducers was held March 9 for about 75, at the Alhambra hall. Proceeds from this will go to the kidney foundation on behalf of Mary Mennen, a C.W.L. member. The ladies served lunch at the vegetable grower's dance recently and realized a profit of $250.00. It was voted to send $75.00 to Lambton Right to Life, and $100.00 to develop- ment and peace, to aid third world countries. Nomination sheets were handed out by Dora Rood and they are to be filled out and• put in box at the back of the Church by Sunday March 27. The Easter Ecumenical hosted by the C.W.L. and ladies of St. Johns will be held April 7, at St. John's Anglican Church, 8:00 p.m. 4-H news• On Monday March 14, The Country Connoisseurs, Grand Rend 4-11 club number two, Times -Advocate, March 23, 1983 Page 11 IL got tIuanks from Eskimo mission met at Bonnie and Wanda Turnbull's home, for their party.Il'he menu consisted of food studied in previous meetings. The members had their mothers as guests at the party. Heather Love introduced the mothers and Stephanie Woods led in the 4-1-1 grace. After a smorgasbord meal, Patti Love, Lori Hutchinson and Heather Love conducted games for all members and guests to enjoy. Susan Janssen thanked the mothers for joining. At the next meeting April 11 the members will make plans for Achievement night. Super Chefs, Grand Bend 4-H club number one, held meeting seven. Roll call was answered by, "Name a uew food or spice thatyou learned to like during the project." These girls had a roulette quiz on what they have tear- ned in the cooking course of food from other countries. They plan to hold a party on tv Bible coffee hour Eleven ladies attended the Bible coffee hour at Mrs. Vera Brown's home in Southcott Pines, Tuesday afternoon. Prayer and a hymn sing opened the meeting. Millie Desjardine led in the discussion. The group finished 1st Peter. Lesson verses were from 10-25. Peter tried to instill in the minds of the people the im- portance of the gospel and the cost of salvation which was the blood of Jesus. Peter told them to live good lives to be more like Jesus. Our faith is proven by the way we live and showing our love to others. Meeting next week will be same time 1:30 p.m. at Mrs. Brown's. Dart news At the Legion dart games held Tuesday night winners NESCAFE INSTANT COFFEE LIMIT 4 JARS PER CUSTOMER 10 oz. JAR 1 SUPER SPECIAL 100% PURE MITCHELLS APPLE JUICE 48 OZ. TIN 11 TIN 1 THREE VARIETIES LIBBYS BEANS 19oz. 89• TIN 1 SPECIAL J McCORMICKS ASSTED PANNED EGGS 1.69 1 SPECIAL 1 500 g PKG. LANCIA LASAGNA VAR SIZES 99$ SPECIAL PINEAPPLE SYRUP PACK CHUNK - CRUSHED - SLICED 19 oz 99' TININ 1 SPECIAL 1 ASSORTED NEILSONS FRUIT PLUS YOGURT 175g CUPS 79' FOR 0464 L SUPER SPECIAL. ROYA PAPER TOWLE ELS ZOODLES WITH MEATBALLS AL��gGgR YS HAGETTI 15 oz. 89f TIN 9PSt AL DOMINION HILLBILLY RABBIT 3.25 oz. 99 EA. ASSTD COLOURS - 2 ROLL PKG. 48 oz. TIN 1 sPECIAL. `T BRAVO TOMATO PASTE 5.5 oz. TINS 2 FOR 89 J SPECIAL WESTONS ENGLISH MUFFINS PKG. 790 OF 8 LIBBYS TOMATO JUICE 1.19 I SPECIAL j PKG. 1 SPECIAL 1 ORANGE FLAVOURED TANG CRYSTALS 130, PKG 49 OF4 . LARGE EGGS CANADA `' GRADE ALL WHITE IMP DOZ. CANADA DRY GINGER ALE, C+ ORANGE, SUGAR FREE GINGER ALE OR WINK 750 mL BOTTLE l SPECIAL. ASSORTED FLAVOURS LIPTONS CUP -A -SOUP PKG. 890 OF 4 PLUS DEP. CONCENTRATED PURE McCAINS ORANGE TIN JUICE 12.5 OZ. TIN SPECIAL CTN. OF 72 TETLEY TEA BAGS 227 9 1. 99 ASSORTED 400 g PKGS. BETTY CROCKER SNACKIN' CAKE MIXES 1.29 J SPECIAL 1 BRAVO 3 VARIETIES SPAGHETTI SAUCE 28 q. l.29. 1 SPECIAL 1 WESTONS HOT CROSS BUNS PKG 99' OF 8 1 SPECIAL 1 ALL PURPOSE ROBIN HOOD FLOUR k9 2.39 J tfteTAL 1 DECAFFEINATED NESCAFE COFFEE 8 oz. JAR 5.89 SPECIAL 1 3 VARIETIES LANCIA PASTA 1 Kg 99' SPECIAL 3 VARIETIES OLD MILL OATS 1.35 l' 7K(,. 1.39 '-1 SPECIAL 1 CARNATION HASH BROWN POTATOES 1 K 99' FLAKE0 184 91. 89 APPLE OR PUMPKIN E.O. SMITH PIE FILLINGS 19oz.1.29 TIN J A0,041, DUEWATER FROZEN BOSTON BLUE FISH STICKS OR FRIES ?4 oz 3.39 sPea BLUEWATER FROZEN BOSTON BLUE FISH & CHIPS 32.12999 SPECIAL j FOR YOUR FABRICS DOWNY SOFTENER 2L 3.19 SPECIAL 1 GILLETTE TRAC II CARTRIDGES IDs2.99 1 SPECIAL 1 3 VARIETIES GILLETTE FOAMY 199 300 mL SPECIAL] NORMAL -OILY HALO SHAMPOO m,1.99 j SPECIAL 1 ROYALE VARIOUS LOURS FACIAL TISSUE 100389 2 VARIETIES PEAK FREAN COOKIES � 1.49 1 $CIAO. t UNCIA 5 SIZES EGG NOODLES 375 g 79' CHERRY OR BLUEBERRY E.D. SMITH PIE FILLINGS 19°1 69 TIN L SPECIAL 1184017 RESH DELICIOUS GRANNY BUTTER TARTS PKG. OF 10119 JCIAL LIQUID FOR DISHES IVORY DETERGENT ONE LITRE 2.39 CHRISTIES 2so g TRISCUIT WAFERS FOR DISHWASHERS CASCADE 2 5 K9 YELLOW -BLUE-GREEN J -CLOTHS tO SHEET BILLY BEE LIQUID HONEY SOO q NELCHS GRAPE JELLY OR GRAPE JAM 500 mL FLEISCHMAN CORN OIL MARGARINE 1 Ib 149 5.99 159 199 1.69 159 <ORI-krk +-71157041/4 COUNTRY OVEN SPECIALS COUNTRY OVEN DELICIOUS SPECIAL' PRUNELLA CAKE 16 of 2.29 COUNTRY OVEN TASTY BRAN MUFFINS P3(. 01 SPECIAL' 1e 15 COUNTRY OVEN HAMBURGER OR HOT DOG BUNS PKG OF n 69' SEALTEST CREAMED soo 9 COTTAGE CHEESE 1.39 FRASERVILLE RASPBERRIES OR WHOLE STRAWBERRIES 300 9 159 BADEN LIMBURGER 200 9 1.79 EDAM, GOUDA BADEN CHEESE ;27. 179 RHODES WHITE BREAD DOUGH 29 WESTONS ��� DINNER ROLLS 12. 119 zehrs fine markers_ of fine foods THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONO IN: IRA HIGHWAYS #4 & 83 EXETER MONDAY, T11IIDAY i GIDIAIIDAY 94 P.M. THURSDAY i FRIDAY 14:O0 P.M., SATURDAY 1:3S4 D.M., were: 1st, Bob Hamilton and Sigrid Durdin, 2nd, Keith Crawford and Peter Bills. At the ham dartshootheld Friday night at Grand Bend Legion, winners were Buster Clark, Keith Crawford, Gary Rumbold, Les Taylor, Brenda Tubrett, Bud Durdin, and Vern Gallant. Winner of a draw on a large ham was Mr. Bonner, of Camp 1pperwash. Personals Sixteen seniors were out to St. John's Parish hall last Wednesday afternoon for fun and games of euchre, Uno and solo, and music. Twenty-one Beavers and their leaders met at St. John's Parish hall Tuesday evening. They had a competition mak- ing a St. Patrick hat. Winners were: Jason Clay, Drew Anderson, Ryan Taylor, Christopher Stanlake, Trent Spellingwerff and Jeremy Anderson. At an upcoming meeting on March 29, they are planning a Western night. Grand Bend Women's In- stitute will be holding their family night on Wednesday March 23 with a pot luck sup- per in the S.S. rooms at the United church at 6:00 p.m. Fifty neighbours and friends from London, Kit- chener and Thedford gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Baird in honor of Tom Baird's 80th birthday, Sunday. SPEAKING JUDGES— The judges at Wednesday's area separate school public speaking contest at Mount Carmel were Evelyn McKeever, Father Joseph Nelligan and area trustee Michael Ryan. T -A photo. With the local churches Hold congregational supper More than 100 attended the congregational pot luck sup- per held in the S.S rooms at the United church Friday evening. After a delicious meal, an interesting program was enjoyed with Allan Walper as M.C. Opening was a sing song of favorites led by Millie Desjar- , dine, with Morley Desjardine accompanying with piano and Don Kobe with violin. Twelve members of the Couples Club entertained musically, with instruments and singing. For McNamara's band the men donned St. Patrick hats and green bow ties. When they sang "In your Easter bon- net," the ladies wore tradi- tional Easter hats. June Lagerwerf played two piano solos. For the smaller children, Eleanor Durie read a story, illustrated with pic- tures about Fourteen Bears. Senior citizens contributing to the program were Ross and Nola Love and William Love. The men with their violins, and Nola at piano, played toe tapping, hand clapping old time music, along with Irish tunes. Sunday school pupils, Mat- thew and Lorna Miller enter- tained with Matthew reading, "My shadow" and "Mr. Nobody". Lorna sang a medley of songs with actions. Jim Love recited a poem about the "Bachelor's sale." Wayne and Debbie Riddell, sang two duets "The Hose" and "The Auctioneer's song", accompanied by Nola Love. ReJ. II. Moore closed this happy evening with prayer. The Sacrament of holy Communion was held Sunday morning at the United Church. Rev. H. Moore's sermon topic was "What did Jesus have to be thankful for?" Ile said Jesus was thankful for the gift of life and God's love. An Easter prayer was repeated in unison today. Choir anthems were "Here, 0 my Lord f See Thee," and "Shining from the Crass." The children's story by Rev. Moore was about Amos, a shepherd. Clark Adams played the prelude organ music. Easter lilies are needed to decorate the Grand Bend United Church for Easter Sunday. If you wish to place lilies in the church, please contact either of the following numbers by Monday, March 28. Norma Walper at 238-2756 or Marg Love at 238-2644. Anyone wishing to attend Confirmation classes this year is asked to contact Rev. Moore. Easter Events include: Good Friday service - April I at Grand Bend United at 7:30 p. rn. Easter Sunrise service and breakfast - Sunday April :l at Grand Bend. Easter church services at regular hours. Church of God Morning speaker at Church of God was Edgar Cudmore, of Hensall, on the topic, "Be- ing called of God." Mrs. John Steckle read a story about, "The boy who remembered." Special music was a solo by Mrs. Harold Vincent, believe in miracles" accom- panied by her daughter Lori on piano. The "Beaconaires" were in charge of the evening service led by Mrs. Archie Brown. Psalm 34 was read by Mrs. Nita Sinclair. Mrs. Leota Snyder led in a hymn sing, with Mrs. Leila Finkbeiner accompanying with piano. Dr. A. Brown sang a solo, The great judgement day. A film was shown on Strangers from Galilee. Alex Desjardine led in prayer. Anglican Church news Rev. Jim Sutton spoke about the gospel of the adulteress brought into the presence of Jesus. This gospel appears in the Bible, in many chapters but Rev. J. Sutton quoted John 8: 1-11. With Jesus quotation of "let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her," the event can be just as relevant now as then. Rev. J. Sutton pointed out that we must take each other as we are and no'one is without sin. Judge not, but try to be followers of the laws set down by God. Live one day at a time. Lenten eucharist is being held each Thursday at St. John's at 1:30 p.rn. followed by Bible Study. Dart competition keen in SP play Convener Sherwood Eddy is perched on top of the S.P. table tennis tournament lad- der at the end of February. On the rungs immediately following him were Gerry Alger and I)on Southcott. It's Leen a see -saw battle for posi- tions over the first month of the competition. It's a cinch there'll be many changes before the round robin begins. Others in the top to are Ken Lawton, Bob Rodger. Kelvin Alger, Steve Alger, Walt Costello, John Bowman and Wayne llrhshott. Tops among the gals is Lin- da Bennett. Contestants will jockey for position on the lad- der until April 30, when an elimination will take place among the top eight for the trophy. Dart team standings in the Pines: Dart Swings (Vennings Johr .,ons) 52; 3 no trump (Thatchers Spindlers) 41; Eagletoes (Algers Ifarveys) 40; M&M's (McLeods McPhails) 33; Others (Myers, Steins) 29•Sharpies(Davises, Ansems) 25. Men's top 5: Roger Venning 32, Bill Harvey 16,GerryAlger 15, Ralph Thatcher 14, Dave McLeod 13. Ladies top 5: Angie Venn- ing 10, Lillian Myers 10, Kathy Thatcher 9, Rea Ansems 8, Dorinda McLeod 6. [ Harwood's 1, Card & Gift Shop Easter Candy by Rheo Thompson Candies Stuffed Animals Baskets Cards GRAND BEND Telephone (519)238-8540 Pww441111-AllIP""I 3' e ✓.1 4'