HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-03-16, Page 22Pa: 22 Times _Advocate, March 16, 1983
Industrial and RefaiI Development committee subject of i1
Reeve announces ply
Reeve announces plans for flea market
Zurich's recently
Industrial and Retail
Development committee was
the centre of some
acrimonious discussion when
members of the village coun-
cil met. for their March
meeting. (Ali members were
present except Isidore
La• 'rte.)
Reeve Don Van Patter had
announced formation of the
committee at the February
meeting of council, with
himself as chairman. He
named David Gelinas, owner
of the Dominion Hotel, to
represent the village's
businessmen; Doug Kincaid,
owner of Zurich Home Hard-
ware and the Chamber
Commerce's retail represen-
tative as the Chamber's rep;
and Robert Vair, employee of
Thompson's Mills as member
at large.
Councillor Keith Westlake
questioned the constitutionali-
ty of a reeve naming commit-
tee members without incor-
OPENING TOURNEY FACEOFF — Zurich reeve Don Von Patter drops the puck to
officially open the Zurich Has Beans'otdtimershockey tournament. Saturday after-
noon. Facing off are Bob Johnston of the has Beans and Sarnia's George Knowles.
United Church
B.A. B. Div.
Mrs. E. Grace Martin
Wed. Mar. 16 • 8:00 p.m.
Elders meet of church .
Thurs. Mor. 17 - 7:30 p.m.
Choir Practice
Sunday, March 20
11:15 a.m. Church Service
11:15 a.m. Sunday School
Mon. Mor. 21 - 9:30 a.m.
Worship committee meet
of Gwyn Whilsmith's
Tues. Mor. 22-3:30 p.m.
Junior Choir Practice
Everyone welcome
Zurich Mennonite
Sunday, March 20
8:45 a.m Worship Service
9:45 o.m.-';unday Church
11:00 a.m. - Worship Service
Wed. 8:00 p.m. Adult and Youth
Bible Study and Prayer Service
Thurs. 7:30 p.m. Mens Fellowship
Fri. 8:00 p.m. -Bridal Shower
for Karen Thornton
Search me, 0 God, and know
my heart. Try me and know my
thoughts. And see if there be any
wicked way in me and lead me
In the way everlasting.
Psal. 139:23,24
St. Peter's
Lutheran Church
Vice Pastor
Mrs. Christine Eagleson B.M.A.
Sunday. March 20
10:00 a.rh. • Worship Service
10:45 a.m. - Sunday School
There is a nursery for small
children which is supervised aur•
Ing the worship service.
Everyone Welcome
p _1
porating the action in a
bylaw. He was assured that
according to the Municipal
Act the reeve was acting
within the authority vested in
To formalize the establish-
ment of the committee, by-
law 4-1983 was brought before
council, and passed without
the approval of councillor Bob
Fisher. Fisher, who also sits
on the Chamber executive,
disputed the right of council to
name a representative from
the Chamber of Commerce,
and lamented the lack of prior
dialogue between the two
g In reply to Fisher's asser-
tion that council could not dic-
tate to the C of C, Van Patter
said -neither could the
Chamber dictate to council.
Van Patter informed coun-
cil that the Industrial and
Retail Development commit-
tee is making plans for a
Zurich -Hay flea market to be
held in the arena every Satur-
day from mid-May until the
end of September. The Reeve
envisions 30 stalls around the
perimeter of the ice surface
selling meat, produce, crafts,
collectables, antiques, 'etc.
with four or five booths set
aside for the use of non-profit
organizations like churches
and service clubs. Space
could be rented in the centre
for displays such as new or
antique cars. Van Patter of-
fered his services as auc
Has -beans win B trophy
in Oldtimers tournament
Hockey fans had a very ex
citing weekend at the aren
again on Saturday and Sun
day when the Oldtimers tour
nament took place. Con
gratulation to the Has -Beans
for winning the "B" trophy
The "A" went to Sarnia. Al
the adults enjoyed a well at
tended dance on Saturday
St. Peters CWL
The March meeting at St.
Peter's Catholic Church St.
Joseph, was held last Tues-
day and the, league are
donating a set of dishes to the
school for the mentally
retarded in the area. They are
also planning a bingo on Wed.
March 23 at 8:00 p.m. in their
parish hall, admission adults
$1.00 and 50e for children.
On Sun., April 10 a special
evening is being scheduled for
7:30 p.m. when Mr. John
McCarroll will be showing a
video production on the life of
Brother Andre in the hall.
Everyone is welcome to both
of these events.
Seven friends of Mary
Ducharme helped to
celebrate her fourteenth bir-
thday last WednesdajRand en -
jived watching two video
shows at her home in Hensel)
followed by cake and ice
cream and the opening of
Mrs. Margaret Kalbfleisch
and Mrs. Vera Haberer
returned home on Friday
after spending an enjoyable
two month vacation at Laden -
dale by the sea in Florida.
Best wishes fora speedy
recovery are extended to
Helen Kleinstiver of
Dashwood who is a patient in
Victoria Hospital, to Dorothy
Ducharme " who returned
home from the hospital last
week and Helen Creces. •
Several youths from St.
Boniface Parish went to En -
Core in Stratford on Sunday
at ImmaculatConception
Last Monday the Women's 1
Institute held a day of quilting , s
at the township hall, followed
a by supper and a brief
business meeting afterwards.
- . The Zurich girls ringette
- team Buckettes finished their
last game for the season on
Friday as they lost in the
semi-finals to Huron Park,
three out of five games.
Dr. John Haberer of Toron-
to spent last Friday with his
mother, Mrs. Vera Haberer.
Mr. Nelson Braun of
Waterloo spent a few days
this past week with his cousin,
Mrs. Annie Becker and hus-
band Henry and also visited
with friend Joe Martin.
Dr. Fred Hess, and wife
Eleanor; and • their' two
daughters and Mr. and Mrs.
Steven Hess of Mississauga,
were Sunday visitors with
their mother and grand-
mother Mrs: Marie Hess.
Keva and Sharon Silvers-
tein (nee Overholt) were din-
ner guests on Monday at the
home of Jerome and Carmel
Sweeney, followed by a sur-
prise family get together
celebrating her birthday.
Ted and Vonny Oud and two
children recently spent a
week at St. Albert, Edmonton
while attending the wedding
of their son Ted Jr. and Kim -
Marie Christoffel and had a
nice trip and good time.
Congratulations to Mike
and Diane (Chip) Cubberley s
(nee Oud) of St. Marys on the
arrival of their first baby a t
boy. e
St. Patrick's decorations d
were in evidence on Wednes-
day night at the Maplewoods
monthly party get together. t
Following the games of ed
cards and crokinole and a
billiards a lovely lundh of th
rake and ice cream was serv- st
ed. Nora Theander and Edna ri
Eckel were hostesses for the a
evening. Wh
The next get together will
be a dinner meeting on April ed
tioneer Don Van Patter
will be talking about anti
Everyone is to bring alo
antique to be appra
There have been very
turnouts every week an
the programs have been
A lot of preparation
time has been put into
project. Joan Smith
myself were busy babysi
and .had as many as
preschoolers one day.
Visit Java
Last Wednesday, Mar
Robinson from C.H.S.S. s
to the pupils at the Zur
public school and present
one hour program "V
Java" from her recent f
month visit to that land.
showed slides of Javan
life, had souvenirs and pla
some modern and traditio
Javanese music.
Lions Convention
Richard and Mary Erb,
and Jane Bedard, Wayne a
Denise Meidinger, Norm a
Kathy Koehler, and Ke
and Janet McKinnon all
tended the Lion club con
tion from Friday to Sunday
the Victorian Inn in Stratfo
March of Dimes
Rose Regier and Virgin
Denomme are delighted
report that a total of $1,125.
was collected in Zurich a
urrounding area for t
March of Dimes. Thank y
o all the canvassers and
veryone who gave
"Heritage Cooking"
The meeting started wi
he 4-H pledge. They discuss
the achievement progra
nd other business. After the
ey said their roll call an
arted making Kima wi
ce, West India Gingerbread
ng an
d alt
tioneer for charity auctions
during the flea market.
Local merchants could
advertise specialsoverthePA
system at no charge and draw
visitors to the downtown
business section.
The family atmosphere
provided by the park and
playground setting is one of
the points emphasized in
handbills ready for distribu-
tion at other flea market sites.
Van Patter reported ex-
cellent response from area
merchants, and said already
one-third of the stalls have
been spoken for. He said no
vendor would be allowed in
who would compete directly
with local retailers.
Westlake and Fisher both
pointed out the arena was in-
tended for recreation, and
asked how rollerskating and
wedding receptions would be
affected. They also felt there
was potential for conflict if
the C of C carried on with its
farmers' market this year.
Councillor Mike O'Connor
foresaw difficulties with psi'I
'admission to baseball tour-
naments, but suggested the
overall concept of the flea
market was excellent, and the
committee should be given
the chance to meet with con-
cerned organizations and find
a mutually agreeable solution
to these legitimate concerns.
Council next turned to the
waste disposal site used joint-
ly by Hay Township and the
village of Zurich. `Zurich will
pay its share of the B.M. Ross
feasibility study on the future
of the site, provided no fur-
ther financial obligations. are
incurred without prior con-
sultation and agreement het -
ween the township and the
village. They refused Hay's
request to share in the
maintenance costs of the road
leading into the dump, as
Zurich residents pay $30 per
household for garbage pickup
now, and there is little in-
dividual traffic into the dump
from the village, rand far
fewer users from Zurich than
from Hay.
Council will meet with Hay
township council soon to work
out a written agreement con-
cerning use of the waste
disposal site. The township
holds the lease, and Zurich
pays them to run the dump at
specified times.
Reporting for the Zurich
recreation, parks and com-
munity centre board, Mike
O'Connor said Melanie
McLaughlin of the ministry of
tourism and recreation had
attended the last meeting and
informed the committee that
no more maintenance grants
were available. The fidanhe
committee will have 1 ex-
amine proposed pro efts
carefully to see which ones
eon be postponed.
A letter will be sent to the
Lions -Club, thanking there for
the new outdoor sign.atthe
arena. Council. ho m� e
• rsfi,
HAS BEANS WIN TROPHY — T e Zurich Hug Beans sponsored o very successful
oldtimers hockey tournament on the weekend and won the "B" championship. Ac-
cepting the Hensall Co-op trophy from Leo Meidinger are goalie George Robinson
and captain Don O'Brien.
T -A photo
can be saved by having PUC
manager Charles Eckel do
the electrical hook-up.
Zurich's water works
systems passed the ministry
-of environment inspection
with top narks far beth quali-
ty and quantity.
WIN SEAN FESTIVAL TROPHY — Zurich. Bean Festival
chairman Rick Fisher presents the "A" championship
trophjr in Sunday's Zurich Has Beans oldtimers tourna-
ment to. Sarnia captain Brian Ireland.
Huron 4..-H leaders
plan 1983 activites
The 1983 441 club year was
kicked off at a gathering of
club leaders in Clinton on
March 9.
Agricultural representative
Don Pullen said the 19133 4-11
agricultural club year
presents new challenges, pro-
grams and dimensions. He
noted there is currently finan-
cial management clubs being
Conductedacross the county
marking the first club of its
Various new clubs were
started last year and Pullen
added that the Huron branch
of the Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and Food is
prepared to offer any new 4-11
club that would be ap-
ro'riate in the community.
Second meeting of Kippen
Heritage Club was held at
Vanastra Curling Club,
March 8. Members recited
the 4-H pledge and went right
to work making Mennonite,
German, Netherland and
Jewish dishes which consisted
of celery soup, deli special,
potato and sour cream pan-
cake and dutch` peach
tPPen4-H club
Church Service being held by
the U.C.W. March 20. It was
reported that the sale of the
books "Kippen and its
Families" is going well. Ad-
ditional copies are available
from Mrs. John Anderson.
Members are reminded
that the April meeting of Kip -
pen U.C.W. will be replaced
by the special events evening
being held at North Side
held in May.
Topic for the evening given
by Mrs. Gerald Moffatt took
the form of a film on Life and
Tradition in Papua in New
Guinea. Their tribal rituals
were observed and discussion
followed on how we can learn
from each other.
Mrs. Turner. closed the
evening with prayer. Lunch
followed served by th
Church, Goderrch April 11.. hostesses Mrs. Art McCallum
is Members also wrote down Thankoffering Service will be and Mrs. Percy Wright.
to information and discussed
70 about sausage and cheeses
nd from Northern Europe.
he Mrs. H. A. Caldwell has
ou returned from a week's visit
to in Alliston with her cousin
a Mrs. Frank Gemmel!.
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. John Kinsman on the
th birth of a so:l named Andrew
on Wednesday.
m U('W meets
t The March meeting of Kip -
d pen U.C.W. was held in the'
th Sunday School Room March 9
with is members present.
nd Strawberry Milkshake
en they were done the
read from their books and fill
in the blanks. They finaliz
everything for the party
ey tasted the food that the
d prepared and it was en
oyed by all.
Mrs. Bert Faber opened the
y worship service with the
poen( "Sunshine Sprinkle".
She noted that storms come
into every life but if we trust
y in God, Sunshine will return
sooner. !
President, Mrs. David
Turner, opened the business
section of the meeting with
thelpoem, "Let me not grum-
ble," Roll call was answered
by bringing a donation for the
craft and bake sale after the
It was decided to purchase
a new tape recorder lei t
facilitate the tape ministry t
being initated by Mr. Moffatt. by
Invitations to attend Thankof-
fering • meeting at Egmond-
vine April 5 and Varna April fe
7 were accepted. $
The president expressed )
her appreciation to those who
helpers at Queensway Nursing d
Home in February and at the e
recent World's Day of Prayer ed
Service.. se
Plans were finalized for the u
13 at 8 p.m. ed
Learning for Lent Th
Today, Wednesday, March ha
6 is a last of the Lenten j
eries nd will feature auc-
On Now!
25% to 50% Off
the most lines ever!
Shop and Save
At "The Store For All Occasions"
Heimrich 's
Stationery & Gifts
Zurich Phone 236-4941
Or lCll_.____JUt tot trJf='—_lOt 1[l
Jnr— --lt)
Skaters compete
Region - Huron, Oxford,
ddlesex, Elgin. Hosted by
Exeter Figure Skating
Preliminary free skate -
ladies: Roxanne Overholt,
Lisa Bedard, Kellie Mom-
mersteeg, Andrea Hendrick.
No test free skate - ladies:
Terri Maurer, Chrystal
Jones, Colleen Keller, Christy
Keller, Colleen Overholt.
Pre -juvenile free skate -
ladies: Kerry Lynn Deitz,
Kathy Merrier, Sonya Lynn
Shantz, Heather Westlake,
Stephanie Peters.
Novice free skater Debbie
Bronze medal - Lisa
Bedard, Silver medal - Kellie
Mommertseeg, Debbie
Bedard, gold - Kathy Merrier
Zurich Ladies
JS Z. inthout 563
PP. J. Masse 576
SL P. Miller 606
RD S. Dickert 559
P L. Thiel 1160
AO A. Faber 593
TC H. V'derhoek 651
HG S. Stade Soo
PH J. Crown 496
GH B. Meloche 545
HS S. Dickert
HT 1I. Vanderhoek
IM S. Dickert
Land Division budget up
Huron's share increases
Anticipating less revenue It was acknowledge that the
from fees this year, Huron fee never covers the cosi of
County's share of the Land administration. Land
Division budget will increase severance fees currently
by just over $4,000. stand at $100 per application
The Land Division's 1983 plus $200 if the application is
budget of $49,400 was approv= approved.
ed at the March 3 meeting of
Huron County council, -
"Are we not compelled, by 60/dett
action taken here this morn-
ing (two budgets were sent
back to committee) to send A Happy St. Partrick's Day
this back?" asked Bayfield to all our Irish friends. We
Reeve David Johnston. hope St. Patrick's won't pull
Land division committee a nasty trick and drop a
chairman Cecil Desjardine deluge of snow on us.
said the budget is only Monday evening as usual,
an estimate and the figures movies were shown followed
could change. He added that by refreshments.
the committee has cut back The sympathy of residents
by reducing their usual full and staff is extended to the
day meetings'to half day family of the late Miss
meetings. Eleanor Plumsteel.
One reeve suggested the We welcome Mrs. Vera
committee meet once every Brintnell, a former Hensall
wo months, but clerk- resident.
reasurer William Hanly said Residents who were out
law the committee has to recently were Mrs. Oriole
meet once every 30 days. Westlake, Mrs. Margaret
The revenue received from . 1
es has been budgeted at
20,000 down from $24,000 in
982. played noted the fees
ecreased last year but add refreshments
d more fees may be receiv- The Sunday evening chapel
this year as to date land service was conducted by
verance applications are Rev. Kenneth Knight of the
p• Hensall Presbyterian church.
aff, Mrs. Mary Spacek,
Mrs. Hazel Coward and Mrs.
Hilda Turnbull.
Bingo was on Friday
evening followed by
ANNUAL QUILTING DAY — Quitters rani ur c an • surroun • ng area met in t e
Hay township hall for their annual quilting day. More than 25 women spent the day
working on three quilts.
Varna people would like to
congratulate JohnKalbfleisch
for his win in the Zone CI
finals and in the district com-
petition of the Legion public
speaking in Clinton and Kin-
cardine. Title of his speech is
"How to Survive a Nuclear
War in Varna," Contrary to
the serious -sounding title, we
hear that it is frequently quite
humorous. We hope to have
the opportunity to hear John's
Barry and Pat Taylor, Tom
and Barb Consitt and Jim and
Kate Keys arrived home on
Friday night from a nine -day
vacation in New York, Atlan-
tic City and Philadelphia,
where they attended an NHL
hockey game, then travelled
west as far as Toledo.
John Dawson, Scott and
David Consitt holidayed in the
south. They had difficulty fin-
ding accommodation in
The wolves in the area
seem to be getting quite bold.
A large one was in Barry
Taylor's yard only a few feet
from the house last Thursday
night, and two large ones
were seen in the daytime
along the line fence between
Ford Johnston's and the
Jewitt house.
Next week is school break.
Don't forget the skating par-
ty at (Hayfield from 2 to 3 on
Wednesday afternoon; ar-
ranged by the Community
Always looking for new 4-11
club members, Pullen said
communication is the nameof
the game. Contact with poten
tial club members is en
couraged. in light of that fact,
club leaders heard from
Shona Rae of RR 1 Clifford
who Was a recipient of a 1982
4-H club membership award
for recruiting new members.
Miss Rae said she put up
posters announcing -the date
of her club's organizational
meeting, asked a friend to
join and offered rides to
The guest speaker for the
evening, Dr: Doug Pletsch of
the University of Guelph.
praised the club leaders for
the amount of time they spend
with youth in the 4-H projects.
"Working with young peo-
ple is the greatest challenge,
but the greatest reward as
well," commented Dr.
Across Huron County. 34
4-H agricultural clubs will be
holding their organizational
meetings over the next
month. There 'will be ca;f,
swine. horse, crops. goat,
tractor. sodbusters. poultry,
veterinary, dairy manage-
ment. gun safety, sheep, rah -
bit and conservation clubs
throughout the county.
Numerous activities will be -
held through out the year, in-
cluding a careers program at
Central Huron Secondary
School in Clinton on Friday.
June 17, an educational bus
trip in July, judging competi-
tions, achievement days with
the year culminating on
November 25 at the annual
awards night at CRSS.
At the close of the meeting,
the leaders picked up the
material they will require for
their projects and headed out
to start another 441 year.
Doug Geofttey
'Homes Renovations Addii,ons
vm Buildings it Repairs
Aluminum Siding B Awnings
5wtth. U4.44.35 Days,,.
23$.2I sv.nit,g.
Instead of a long drive . .
take a short walk
to your own
Sales, Service Chemicals, Accessories
527-Q104 . 234 Main St. Seaforth
Sales & service
And a Full Line of
Tourers, Boosters and Rotors
F.M. 2 way Communications
for Fatm and Commercial
tinsel Mister
Satellite Receiver
Orkin Mellish
494-7149 Varna, Ontario