HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-03-09, Page 17i i CARPET WEAVING. For infor- mation phone 216-4752. 9-12c ELECTRONIC REPAIR for stereos, red to reel recorders, ghet- to blasters. car and cassette decks, portable radio and T.V. Call 228-6823 after 7:00ps.m, I01fx MOBILE FEED SERVICE "WE BRING THE MILL ' TO THE FARMER" Complete line of Provimi and Shur Gain Feeds and Animal Health Products. Competitive Prices. HARDEMAN BROS,. Kirkton 229-6525 !tin Pioneer Chain Sows Sales i Service Brian's Snowmobile and Motorcycle Repairs Dashwood. 237-3322 Wanted to Buy privately 3 bedroom house, S65;000 - $80,000 Reply Box 29M,. Exeter Times -Advocate Special for March Hind Quarter Beef '1.83 Ib. 4.03 kg. Sides of Beef '1.51 Ib. 3.33 kg. Sides of Pork '1.15 Ib. 2.53 kg. DASHWOOD 237-36 77 LAWN ROLLING. reasonable rates. Phone 225-2230. 10:11c CUSTOM BULLDOZING • Raking • Grain hauling • Hauling Gravel and Fill • Snow Plowing and Sanding Phone 238-2734 Grand Bend 30tfn Rowe Electrical & Plumbing R.R. 1 Woodham' * Rural - Residential Commercial * Repairs & Service DENNIS ROWE ' 229-6284 39tfn CUSTOM WORK with 40 h.p., skid steer loader for barn cleaning. levelling, back filling, etc. Phone 237-3436. Ask for Peter. 10-12' GLAVIN SANDBLASTING Houses, Machinery, etc. Free Estimates CALL JACK GLAVIN • 237-3707 19t 7 Livestock FARMERS - We pay S20 to S50 per hundred weight for old, recently injured, or crippled cows and steers. Must be alive and drug- free. Call (collect) Mark Leis and Sons, Milverion (519) 595-4845. • 43tfn CATTLE - we pay good price for recently injured unthrifty cattle. Easy loading trailer with wrdch. Call collect -238-2796 John Ansems Grand Bend, 45tfn BOARS .- Purebred Landracc York and Cross bred, R.O.P ; tested and health approved. Also high bred gilts, York X Landrace,. open or bred. Phone Brandy Point Farms, Willy and Kurt Keller, RR, 1 Mitchell, 348-9753 or 348-8043. 45tfn COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Located Just 15 • Minutes from London Commerical property of approximately 3 acres in size on which is situated a 40' x 126' x two year old metal clad building which contains office" space and 6 bay doors. Unlimited potential „ ranging haw -servicing to warehousing. For more information call: 271-2030, Extension 240 EXETER • NEW MOBILE AND MODULAR HOMES 1000 to 1400 sq. ft. Erected on your lot. Further information Coll• 235.0890. LOTS AVAILABLE Will build to your plans or ours. 21 Tots to choose from All completely serviced. C.M.H.C. approved suhcfivi „on.. RIVERVIEW ESTATES EXETER - PHONE 235-0890 592 London Rd EXETER OFFICE 235-1232 Fred Eyre Eves. 471-1158 • Barbaro Bell 235-1082 EXETER 531,900.00 for this neat and tidy 1 storey home on large lot. Call Fred Eyre. 3 BEDROOM split level on town perimeter, double carport. Lower toxes.. 155,000. Coll Barb Bell. COMMERCIAL MAIN ST. Town centrextro large store with rear additions. plus 2 apartments. Only 175,000.00. Call Fred Eyre. MODERN 2 BEDROOM brick bungalow, finished basement, good lot, extras, '49,900. Call Borb Bell. NOW ONLY $49,900.00 - HENSALL Extra large store on 2 floors. Well suited for showrooms or department store. Large lot to Main shopping area. Call now and try your offer. BAYFIELD • building lot dose to loke, $11,000 HENSALL 522,900 - 2 bedroom bungalow. Nice lot • corport. NEW LISTING - Attractive residence • Canadian° - large rooms. Good lot. lower 50's. Coll Fred Eyre. Pr .ce 552,500. 2 STOREY BRICK HOME on Main Street. Immediate posses- sion. Asking $32,000. DASHWOOD NEW LISTING Frome 2 bedroom home on small ocreage, huge garage for tractor toiler. Priced at 524,900. LIST ON THE MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE FOR BETTER RESULTS Member of the Huron Real Estate Board 7 livestoc •DENFIELD LIVESTOCK SALES LTD. Sales every Tuesday at 1 I a.m.. Phone 666-1140. For trucking or sorting Tom Rushton 471-4148. H ugh Filson 666-0833 or Jack Phillips. 232-4233. 251 SHIPPING CATTLE - Toronto Union Stock Yards every Mon- day. Ship your cattle with a licenc- ed drover. 262-5430 Campbell McKinley. 2tfn BOARS - Purebred Yorkshire and Duroc, ROP tested. Government health inspected. Ted Schendera 225-2734. 10-17c 9 Sports Equipment,Veh HONDA MOTORCYCLE. 1974 Enduro. Safetied. Asking 5495.00. Phone 235-1619. 10tfn 1975 KAWASAKI I25cc Elduro 5500.00 safetied. 1975 Yamaha 350 RD, 5400.00 as is. 228-6868. 10:11' 1982 SUZUKI RM125 Motocross, liquid cooled, excellent condition. 'SI250.00 or best offer. 235-0693. 10c 19-8-0 HONDA CM8OOT' motorcy- cle, metallic green with backrest and carrying cage, 9000 kms. Ask- ing 51200.00. Call 238-2758. 10c HONDA ODESSEY, excellent . condition. Phone 293-3568 after 6 p.m. • IOc 1982 HONDA 250 custom, ex- cellent condition. Well maintain- ed. Phone 262-5471. 10c 1981 750 SUZUKI GL, low mileage, mint condition. 52200.00 firm. Phone 235-1793. 10:11c KAWASAKI BIKE engine and parts - 350 c.c. triple (needs clutch, thro ole cables, chain and battery); 71/2" to 81/2" headlight rouud black cafe fairing, universal fit- ting; 5300 complete. 686-0979 after 5. lOnc 11 Cars, Trucks 1976 THUNDERBIRD, yellow with white vinyl top. 6200 miles in mint condition, one owner, new Michelin tires and muffler system, battery. A recent body andpaint job. 53400.00 certified. Phone 238-2287 9:I0c LOW MILEAGE. 1978 and newer, cars and trucks urgently needed. Phone Ted at Baker Motor Products, Grand Bend. 1-238-8613. 9-17c 1976 FIREBIRD, parts, both body and chassis. Phone 235-1491. 9:1Oc 1979 CORDOBA, AM -FM stereo, p.s. and p.b., V8, 318 motor, 'safetied. 53000.00. 227-4382. 10;11' 1976 FORD F150 Explorer pickup, p.s. and p.b., V8, automatic, radio, low mileage 52500.00. 227-4382. 10:11• 1978 CHRYSLER LE BARON, good condition. Phone 235-0202 or 235-0782. 10:IIc 1976 ALPHA ROMEO 5400.00, needs body work. 237-3362. I0c 1978 FIREBIRD 350 engine, automatic, excellent condition 565-5022. I0c 1971 CHEV IMPALA, 2 door. good running condition. New ex- haust, battery, carburetor, needs 'some body work 5600.00 or best offer. 235-0573. I0c 12 Pets PUPPY to give away. Part Lab and Collie. Phone 235-0911 after 5 p.m. I0tfn Poly Glaze The Shine that Protects, and Lasts without Waxing 17500 DOBBS MOTORS LTD. 235-1800 Elizabeth 'Court Apartments One Bedroom. Available Now _April and May Features appliances, carpet throughout, laun- drey facilities, all utilities included. Located at 176 Oxford St. Hensoll, Ontario PH: 262-3448 or 262-2615 15 P[' SC'•13l IF YOU WANT to drink that's your business. If you want to quit that's ours: Torspeak with an AA member please phone 23S-0294, 238-8982 or 227-4008. 8t WEDDING FLOWER SPECIAL fresh or silk, 579.95, day or even- ing appointments. Margaret Jean Wedding Flowers, London. 679-9814, 10:12tfn 16 for (inle AFX SPEED STEER slotless rac- ing system, round shaped track, adapter, 2 speed, steer hand con- trollers, nags, oil, etc. "No cars". Good shape: 525.00. Phone 235-2815. Sltfn ARTIST SUPPLIES Artboards, Brushes, • Acrylic Paints, Charcoal Pencils, Art Nibs Sketch Pads, Calligraphy. EXETER - TIMES -ADVOCATE 30t Ins FIREWOOD; well seasoned, delivered by cord or larger truck loads. 236-4457 or 238-8454.37tfn APPLES Spys No. 4 Hwy. at Crediton Road OPEN SATURDAYS Frank Sawyer Proprietor Itfn AMS/Oil-Quality of Life For business and Personal use, the very best Synthetic lubrication; ex- ternal car care; personal and health products. No minimum orders required. Contact: George & Verna Burgin Kirkton, 229-8965 Afternoons & Evenings 8:10:12tfn FIREWOOD. Good dry, hard wood. Pick up or delivered. Phone 234-6274. 6-13c USED STORE and warehouse equipment. Store . fixtures, counters, show cases, stock room shelving, pallet racking, also of- fice equipment, filing. cabinets. desks, chairs, etc. Free store plan- ning services. Jack Venton Retail Systems. 519-238-8149, Grand Bend. 7-IOc Spring is on its Way Place your order for Goslings, Ducklings Pheasants and five breeds of chickens for egg and meat production Started and ready to lay Pullets . All government blood tested. Book your favourite date from Edelweiss Acre Farms Erich Freiter and Family RR 1 Dashwood Phone 237-3382 Ask for Price List _ Sifn BEDROOM SUITE, 4 piece, 5 piece bedroom suite, 25" Admiral colour T.V., round oak table and 6 presshack chairs, box,spring and mattress (two years old). Call 235-1706 after 6:00 p.m. tit fn I3AI.E1) HAY for sale First cut - tine with no rain. Phone 236-4748 Zurich. 9:IOe WATER. SOFTENER, fully automatic 20,000 grains.' Phone 235-2741. I0:I1c CAMPER - Apache Ramada, sleeps 8, excellent condition. i'hone 293-3568 after 6 p.m. IOc DINING ROOM SUITE, 9 piece walnut. Phone 262-2645. 1.0:1 lc TWO TON CM electric chain falls. Phone 229-8288. . IOc METAI DE1 ECTORS. Canada's newest hobby. Many models to choose from, also ren- tals. your local dealer. The Treasure Hunter, Grand Bend. 238-8692. 10.13. 1-REEZI:R - white Kelvinator, running order. 58"x36"x311". 5199.00. Phone 237-3774. 10c SPA('I• IIEATI'R. large oil, dual carburetor. automatic fan, good condition. 599.00. • Phone . 237-3774. • irk WHI FE CAR] OPPER, assembl- ed, new, never used. 599.00. Phone 237-3774. IOc POOL. TABU- 4 0. x 8 ft. cues and two sets of halls. faectric stove and dryer. Best offer. Phone 229-6852. Ilk MATHERS MOTORS 136 Main St. N. DAILY CAR RENTALS Low daily 6 weekly rotes PHONE , 235-1525 APARTMENTS FOR RENT Extra Large Luxury Apartments Carling Street - Exeter Within Walking Distance of Shopping Area 2 bedroom apartments immediate Occupancy laragh Corporation Ltd. PHONE 235-0141 Y1 16 Vol Sole RANGE - .G.E. telt clean, al- mond, new, asking 5600. 235-2468. 10ft1c WORM MANURE,(CASTINGS) a naturally rich organic potting medium. Ideal for all plants and seeds. Makes an excellent mulch. Can be used full strength or mix- ed with potting soil. 100 percent natural, free from chejnicals or other ingredients and are non. toxic. Available from Batten's Battens 229-8831. 10-13• FLORAL CHESTERFIELD, mostly yellow. Good condition, priced reasonable. Phone 294-6180. - 10' OVEN READY ROOSTERS, call 236-4625. 10:11c OAK DRESSER, antique, with mirror. Phone 294-6528. 10' APPLES APPLES 150 bushels Spys, Courtlands, Macs and Kings Schatz Genual Stare Dashwood, Ont. 237-3531 lOtfn ROTOTILLER, 3, 4 years old, good condition. 5 h.p. Briggs and Stratton engine. 5200.00 or best offer. Phone 234-6718. 10' BLACK IRON RAILING suitable for three sides of a porch 10x12; also handrails for steps to same, very reasonable. Norma Siebert, Zurich 236-4151. 10-12c ENGLISH PRAM, navy blue cor- duroy with storm cover. Collapses for easy storage or transportation. Like new 5175.00. Konica 35mm. camera. Auto S2. i-1/500. FI.8-16. 45 mm lens. Leather case. Rollei flash. Complete 575.00. Phone 235-2528. 10' KITCHEN CUPBOARDS 8 0. with counter and sink; 7 0. divider with counter and glass upper. 262-5789. - 10:11c REMINGTON MODEL 572, 22 cal. pump. Savage model 340 222 cal. w/c. Phone 235-1907. 10' • DOUBLE BED, box spring and mattress, headboard and foot board. Good condition. 5125.00 firm. Coffee table and two end tables, round wooden framed with smoked glass tops. Excellent con- dition 5175.00 complete. Phone 228-6839. IOc 17 Wanted To Buy HOUSE, I floor plan or split levet in Exeter. Must be very modern. in good state of repair. Apply to Box 281', c/o Times Advocate, Exeter. 9:10c TV TOWER in the 30 to 50 foot height range. Call evenings 238-8329. 10' 18 Wanted BRAND'S NEARLY NEW SHOP, 399 Main St. Exeter. We will be accepting spring and sum-., mer clothing after Mar. 15. Limit 15 articles per month. Consigners with skates, winter coats, etc. that have not sold-, =pleate pick up before Mar. 10. After Mar. 10 these items will begiven to chari- ty. We would like to thank everyone for responding to our re- gtrest for bags, the supply is over, whelming. Thanks again. The H&R Block Income Tax Of- fice at 399 Main St. (note change of address from Iasi year) is open from 9:30 to 5:30. Mon. through Sat. Closed Wednesday. No ap- pointment necessary. Watch for large ads for special pricing. 8 -Ilk LOOKING FOR A -one bedroom or bachelor apartment. Willing t i pay S200.00 per month including all utilities. Call 235-0209 after 4. 8t fn ROOM AND BOARD - Girl, works night shift at Fleck. Phone 345-2079 or 145-2817. -_ 10c PERSON TO teach basic violin skills to very interested 6 yr. old boy. Phone 235.1926. - 10•. (1SED PIANO in good condition. Phone 236-77(17. 10:11c PERSON TO SHAKE rent of large .3' bedroom apartment 5125.00 plus utilities. 235-0334 before 3 p.m. or all day Friday. 10• 19 Property For Sale BUNGALOW - 2 bedrooms, new roof, new siding, hydro heat. Phone 229.8203. • 9-11• 20 Property For Rent 111E MAPLES 7 Ilcnsafl. 1 bedroom 5212.00: 2 bedrooms 5238.50; heat. parking, garbage pickup included, laundry facilities. Ground level with own 1313Q arca. Available March, April and May. • Phone 262-3446 or 262-2429.9:10c r--MOVER-Th fred Sole Houses. Buildings Garages, etc. Route 2, Oil Springs, Ont. Free Estimates Tel. 834-2189 Insured, 20 Property For Rent 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT with stove and fridge, available immediately. 235-0141> 221fn HENSALL - one bedroom apart- ment, newly renovated, broadloom, new stove and fridge. 262-3146 after 5 p.m. 46tfn HOUSE FOR RENT in Zurich area. Four bedrooms, Targe kit- chen, well insulated, new carpet throughout, fridge and stpve available. Immediate possession. Telephone 234-6783. Itfn MAPLE ARMS APARTMENT, Luxury, adult. One bedroom apartment available now. Phone 235-2420 and evenings 235-2754. 1ifn MAPLE ARMS APARTMENT. Luxury adult. Two bedroom apartment available now. Phone 235-2420151'.235-2754 evenings. 10tfn FARM HOUSE in Zurich -area. Call 236-4026. 1041c 21 For Rent PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, portable cement mixer, Power Trowels, wheelbarrows, etc. Form tics stocked. Ca11 N.J. Corn wan, Zurich. Telephone 236-4954. 15t THE/"OLD TOWN 'HALL" auditorium for rentals including weddings, meetings, banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, films, etc. Kitchen facilities available. Contact property manager Bill Dinney 235-0231. 23t 22 For Sole or Rent 25 •ACRES plowed ground, highway location, close to town. Phone 236-4160 after 4:00 p.m. . 9:10* 23 Wanted To Rent THREE BEDROOM FARM HOUSE, barn and five to 10 fepc- ed acres in Exeter area. Must have ample water I'or small livestock operation. Two-year lease or longer preferred. Apply stating location, rental and length of term available to Box BAN; The Exeter Times -Advocate. 45tfx LAND IN Hensall-Kippen area. Call 262-5968. 4t fn 100-150 ACRES good cash clop land. Advance payment. Phone 228-6288 early morning or late evening_ St fn 40-50 ACRES of cash crop land in the Granton-Lucan area. Call 225-2750 after 5 p.m. 9:10c FARM HOUSE in Hensall, Ex- eter area. 262-2687 evenings.10' EITHER FURNISHED one bedroom apartment or 'bed and break fast for 6 month period com- mencing April 1, 1983. Please con- tact Dunlop Construction Pro- ducts Inc. 228-6564 during bu tress hours. 10:11c 24 Property Wanted LEASE: OR BUY - house with building with approx. 1 acre. North of Exeter: Reply to • Box '24P, Exeter Times Advocate, Ex- eter, Om. • • 7tfrt 26 legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of Mary Hannah Murray All persons having claims against the Estate of Mary Hannah Mur- ray late of the Town of Exeter. in the County of Huron, housekeeper deceased, who died on or about the 14th day of January, 1983, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Per- sonal RepresentatiXe of the said deceased on or before the 9th day of April. 1983, full particulars of their claims. After the said date the said Personal Representative wilt distribute the assets of -the said deceased having regard only to claims of which 0 shall then hate notice. Dated at Exeter. Ont. this 7th day of March, 1983. . Victoria and Grey Trust Company 1 Ontario Street, Stratford. Ont. (Executor) Raymond, McLean & Gray Barristers and Solicitors Exeter, Ontario IOc 27 Tenders Wanted Township of Usborne Tender for Fuel Scaled tenders (Nearly ma ked as to contents will be receive by the undersigned until 5:01) p.m. on Nlonday, April 4. 19 . for the su(Sply of diesel fuel, gasoline and furnace oil at Tossnship garage and for stosc oil at Township hall for the period April 1, 1983 to March 31, 1986. Successful kidder to be responsi- ble for storage facilities and to supply and install electric metered pumps. All prices to be firm for the three year period except fluc- tuations in wholesale price. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further information apply to: John Batten Road Superintendent RR 3 Exeter, Ont. NOM 150 Phone 519-229.6363 • 10:11c ATTENTION FARMERS! FOR PROMPT DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL SERVICE CALL TOLL FREE 1-8OO-265-4267 Cash paid for disabled cattle and horses BRUSSELS PET PON SIMPLES Osborne for fuel At the March 1 meeting of Usborne township council, road superintendent John Batten was instructed to call tenders for the supply of fuel` for the next three years. Batten also presented the 1983 roads program budget at an estimated cost of 5436,200. An application for a sup- plementary subsidy in the amount of 5108,900 for con- struction of the Etherington bridge was also approved. In a tender call for banking GREENE GETS POST' Murray A. Greene and Harry DeVries were among the 1,400 delegates represen- ting electric utility commis- sions from across the pro- vince attending the 74th an- nual meeting of the Ontario Municipal Electric Associa- tion (O.M.E.A.) in Toronto. Greene was renameu to the presidents council for 1983 and Lucan's Rudy Engel was elected a director. Addressing the delegates, President Richard E. Cavanagh of Scarborough, outlined the O.M.E.A.'s con- tinuing efforts to maintain the principle of "power at cost" while ensuring the consumer reliability of service through adequate generation and transmission facilities. - Cavanagh emphasized the Association's concern that charges related to Bruce Energy Centre and the distribution of surplus steam be clearly indentified. "It is extrememly impor- tant that installed procedures make absolutely certain that the electricity consumer whom we represent, does not en'd up subsidizing the opera- tion of the Bruce Energy Cen- tre through electricity rates' and charges," he continued. - "We want to ensure that the operations of Ontario Hydro and the Bruce Energy Centre are not interwoven, thereby making it difficult if not im- possible to track and identify the cost of operations at the Bruce Energy Centre." GB GETS GRANT Community planning study grants of about 516,000 have been awardeci to the County of Lambton. G and Bend will receive 511,835 and Port Franks will get 54,150. The an- nouncement came from the office of Lorne Henderson (MPP Lambton) on behalf of Claude Bennett, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. The grants will assist the Township of Bosanquet in the preparation of the Port Franks zoning amendment and Grand Bend in an economic opportunity study. Such grants may also be us- ed for studies involving lakeshore development, com- mercial development and for energy -conserving planning measures. Kerosene 1.95 gallon 42.9 per litre Propane Fill Station M&Naughton Shell Station Hwy. 23 Klrkton WANTED TO BUY Antique cupboards, lamps, dishes, jewellery, toys, clocks, dolls or what hove you. Buying . complete households or will sell for you. Ontario Auction Services RR 2 Lucan Ph. Bud McIver 227-4111 DRYSDALE MAJOR APPLIANCE CENTRE LTD,, SALES WITH SERVICE The Pierer' Tc' Airy Apf)Iicrnc''s NEW AND USED Hensall 262-2728 Closed Mondtrys to call tenders services the bid fun the Bads of Montreal was ac-' cepted. It was one of two (ec ived. - The engineering report on the Shute municipal drain was provisionally adopted, bylawa will be served on the assessed ratepayers and tenders will be called for con- sideration at the April 5 regular meeting. A land division application from Mrs. Verna Rundle for the creation of a building lot on her property -at Lot 12 in the Woodham area' was approved. A bylaw- approving pur- chase of 51,000 of clay fill for the Kirkton dump for grant - purposes was passed. John Batten was appointed drainage superintendent wider provisions of the Prof vincial Drain Maintenance grant. Bev Brown, chairman of Huron Town and Country Homemakers made a slide presentation and a grant of 5100 was made to the association. March 9, 1983 Page 17 STIHL® SAN WILD Sales Service kophoo Sepals., ifamirpealaglerolos 133 Victoria St. E. Crediton Phone 234-6339 We Moved to 19 Kings Court Crescent, Exeter Jim Rolph Construction For free estimates on new homes, renova- tions, or farm buildings call 235-1460 • FLATROOFiNG - • SHINGLES - • MAINTENANCE * FREE ESTIMATES HENSALL ROOFING COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL RICHARD REOIER EXETER -235.0911 BOX 1052 -- EXETER, ONTARIO NOM 1S0 TENDER JANITORAL CONTRACT For the 'complete .janitoral contract in the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Building, located at 135 Main Street, Ailsa Craig, On- tario, tenders will be received until 6:00_p.m. local time Friday, Morel 18, 1983. For further information regarding this tender, please call Mrs. M. Graham at the above address, telephone number 293-3203. The lowest or any tenders not necessarily accepted. i TENDER LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE CONTRACT For the complete landscape maintenance contract dt the Canadian Imperial Bank of Com- merce, located at 135 Main Street, Ailsa Craig, Ontario, tenders will be received until 6:00 p.m. local time Friday March 18, 1983. For further information regarding this tender, please call Mrs. M. Graham at the above address, telephone number 293-3203. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. HARRY E. RGHORfl Realtor MERT. CULBERT LUCAN 221•1110 Member of Leedom wed St. Thsaws Reel fktrlte &lard 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW - on large lot. New gas furnace, new roof and Lake Huron water. Priced to sell in mid twenties. RETIREMENT SPECIAL brick bungalow on 70x190' treed, town lot. Large garage to leove the car in as you con walk to all conveniences in 3 minutes. Thi; house features 1200 sq. ft. • of comfort. Large living room with fireplace, separate dining room, compact kitchen, 3 bedrooms and large bath, small den or office. New gas furnace last year. All this for way under 140,000. 4 BEDROOM - - older brick home on town water and sewers. Good solid family' home. Asking under $30,000 for quick sole: FOR RENT - 3 bedroom modern apartment on ground floor. Vacant 2 GOOD BUILDING LOTS on town water and sewer. Selling of 1977 prices, $10,500 each. 2 BEDROOM --- aluminum cottage on 66 x 155 lot new gas heat, good water supply, 17 miles northwest of city. Sacrifice of $22,500. 1 V2 STOREY - 3 bedroom aluminum clad older home on large 70 x 217 villoge lot. This home features large rooms eg. 13 x 18 living room, 12 x 14 dining room, 11 x 16 Kitchen with large 4 piece bath on main, floor, 3 spacious bedrooms on second floor. Don't miss this one at $39,500. McGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP - 147 acres, 120 workable, 50 systematically tiled, 70 gravel bottom, 22 acres rough land and bush, ex- cellent cosh crop land without extra cost of buildings. Many other houses to choose from at a variety of prigs. r •