HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-02-23, Page 16Times -Advocate, February 23, 1983
STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE — Kathy Merner waits to lead Chrystal Jones (left),
Colleen Overholt and Dwana Foreman out.on the ice for the Zurich Figure Skating
Carnival. -
LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE -- Kelli Ratcliffe (back left), Jennifer McGee, Teresa
Haugh, Jennifer Deichert, Kim Scotchmer; Tina Dayman and (front) Vicki and Wen-
dy Rau, Jayne Westlake and Elyshia Denomme, under the leadership of Heather
Westlake, wait to portray popular TV characters at the Zurich Figure Skating Club
. Carnival.
CONCENTRATION — Barb Consitt (left) carefully turns the pancakes, supervised
by Mary Chessell, while Doris Wilson pours at the Varna United Church pancake
supper on Shrove Tuesday. j
Hill boy outof danger.
Brian Hill regained full con-
sciousacss Saturday night,
and is eating well and making
a rapid recovery after being
struck bya car last week.
Wilfred Chiller has been en-
, joying a magnificent
amaryllis. with six huge
flowers in bloom at one lime.
Alexa Murray returned
home kohl Clinton hospital
on Iriday. Ife,had surgery on
February 8 after being admit-
ted several days previously.
Olive has been confined to her
home for a couple of weeks
with a bad chest cold.
There were 14 tables of
euchre at the Orange Lodge
card party on Friday night. •
Winners of ladies' high and
low werg Delia Slavin and
Estate Auction Sale
1976 Dodge Aspen car. Antique fur-
niture and glassware, musical in-
struments, appliances, etc. to be
held of Richard Lobb's Barn Clinton
Ont. for the estate of Joseph Hart
Saturday, February 26 at 10 a.m.
1976 Dodge Aspen 4 door sedan six cylinder
automatic radio, good tires, new brakes, sell-
ing as is. Two wheel trailer, five string bongo
and case, violin nearly new in good case,
Toyoset kerosene heater nearly new, AM/FM
component set, portable AM/FM eight track
player, AM/FM record player set, Camerano
accordion, tape recorder new, Hanimex
binoculars, eight track tapes, approx. 200 long
ploy records, Westinghouse fridge,' Carntore
down draft wodd burning stove, McClary 24"
electric stove, Simplicity eighteen cu. ft. freezer
approx. 1 1/6 years old. Small Delaval electric
creomseperator,Hoover vacuum cleaner with .
power sweep head, four G.E. electric heaters,
antique Boston rocker, antique single'washs-
tand with side towel bars plus three other
washstands, blanket box, trunk, writing type
table with drawer, chests of drawers, coffee
table, small parlour table, fancy buffet, buffet
w/mirror, two baby cribs, two doll cradles,
baby cradle, two oil lamps, finger oil lamp,
dressers w/mirror, odd wooden choirs, two
matching pressback chairs, crock and jug, milk
can, lantern, small churn, B & W TV, chrome
table, two older bedroom suites; recliner chair,
cherry pittel , hay knife, sixty Ib. milk scale,
sump pump new, pressure weed sprayer, six
amp buttery thorger, skill saw, hydro fencer
(new), extension cords, plastic gas cans, hand
sows, meat sow, tarp, hand and garden tools,
small appliances, pots,. dishes and glassware
including several antiques plus our usual large
offering of misc. items. Terms Cosh
Clinton, Ontario
Mrs. Walter Pepper. Men's
high and low went to Jean
McEwen (playing as a man)
and • Wilfred Chuter: Draw
prizes were won by Gertie
F'leisehauer, i3rent. Taylor,
Mrs. Ernie Brown, Bill
McLaughlin and hazel
At a recent meeting of the
Community Club. members
decided to rent icc at the
Bayfield Arena onednes-
day, March 23 (school holiday
week) from 2 to 3 p.n1. for a
children's skating party. To
defray expenses, they are
asking $1.00 per child, and
mothers are requested to ac-
company their children or
provide supervision for them.
In addition, a Varna card par-
ty for the Clinton Hospital
Auxiliary is planned far
Wednesday evening, AprN 6
at the hall,
- •
Tenth Zurkh Skating Carnival a success
More than 500 people pack-
ed the Zurich arena on Sun-
day to watch the tenth annual
performance of, the Zurich
and Area Figure Skating
Club. The TV Times theme
provided a base for routines
depicting everything from
Love Boat to Hockey Night in
Canada, plus the inevitable
The carnival was organized
by co-chairmen Carole Dietz
(club president), Elaine
Datars and Alma Westlake,
with Elaine Datars and Nellie
Mommersteeg in charge of
costumes, Lois Jones respon-
sible for music, vice president
Laura Overholt looking after
tickets, and Paul Bedard and
Peter Jeffrey keeping track of
props. .•
Paul Bedard and Robert
Merner divided the master of
ceremony duties between
This .year the club rented
the costumes, but music,
backdrop, printing of pro-
grams, and all other
necessities were supplied by
club members.
The skill of club pros Mar-
ci Sawruck.and Brenda Pin-
combe, and the dedication of
senior coaches Debbie
Bedard and Sandra Datars,
junior coaches Lisa Bedard,
Kerry Deitz, Kathy Merner,
Roxanne Overholt and Sonya
Shantz and shadow coaches
Stephanie Peters and Heather
Westlake made a large con- 4
tribution to the ±successful
show: •
The first number was Solid
Gold, with Debbie and Lisa
Bedard, Sandra Datars,
Kerry Deitz, Andrea Hen-
drick, Kathy Merner, Kelly
Mommersteeg, Roxanne
Overholt, Stephanie Powers,
Sonya Shantz and Heather
Westlake. This was followed
by Exercises with Sonya
Shantz, Christa, Colleen and
Shannon Keller and Terri
Romper Room was next,
with Andrea Hendrick, Erin
Keys, Charlene Manson,
Shelley Miller, Amanda
Regier, Jennifer Wilbee, Rox-
anne Regier, Meagan Reid,
Barbara and Sara Resch and
Sarah Vair.
Strawberry Shortcake was
skated by Kathy Merner,
Buckeyes keen
for playoffs.
The Zurich Buckeyes are
getting very well prepared for
the upcoming playoffs in the
Richard.Schilbe will be tak-
ing over the coaching chore
for the playoffs. The problem
of not having a coach this
season has been Zurich's big-
gest weakness. Not many peo-
ple know how the game of
hockey is to be played better
than Richard.
The team is looking for-
ward to seeing what chances
may be ib store for them:
Already the full team is show-
ing up for practices, a first for
this year.
Two practices a week have
been set up until the semi
finals start in the first week of
All teams in the 511111. have
a two week break while ('en-
tralia College is on holidays.
•An ayerage of only • 10
players a game have been
showing up for a game this
season and now with the sign-
ing date well behind us the
Buckeyes have 20 skaters
With a fall line up, winning
the SIIIIL for a fifth year in
row now does not seem so far
out of reach. Zurich has
always been a playoff team
and always had the. biggest
and best fan support behind
them. Let's go Zurich!
At Pinery Auction Barn,
on Hwy. 21, 4 miles S. Grand Bend.
Sunday, Feb. 27, 1983 at 1. p.m.
We will be selling an outstanding selection
of furniture and appliances from an Exeter
home. Both modern and antique •
INCLUDING a 9 pc, quarter cut oak dining room
set (ex. cond.) with chino cabinet, oak framed love
seat and fainting couch (refin.), pine kitchen cob.
and hutch, bow front china cabinet, wood beds,
chairs, dressers, chesterfield sets, wicker fern stand,
oak hall seat, office chairs, desk; blanket box,
stereo, end and side tables, colour TV, wood chairs,
shelving. metal utility cupboards, pots and pons, kit-
chen ware, fine glass and chino, Nippon, Depres-
sion etc., linen, lamps, trunk, folding choirs,
dehumidifier, table saw, stove, fridge, washer; dryer
,elect. lawn mower. Garden tools plus 101 items
found in the average home and not so average with
Be Pachinko pin ball machines, plus the family cars;
1980 Chev Malibu, 4 door wagon, air conditioning,
cruise control, mint conditon, 1977 Dodge Monaco,
both in good condition.
TERMS: Cash, Viso M/C
VIEWING: from 11 a.m day of sole
Cohsignments accepted•every Thursday. Put our
modern 4,000 sq. tt. Auction Hall to work for you. Bo
111 AUCTIONEER: Pat Lyon Phone 243-2713
NN..___r_••• 0
l)uana Foreman, Chrystal
Jones and Colleen .Overholt,
preceding Mother Nature
with Lisa Bedard, Tracy Jef:
fray Jamie and Jodie McGee
and Jennifer Overholt,
Heather Westlake, Tina
Dayman, Jennifer Detchert,
Elyshia Denomme, Teresa
. Haugh, Jennifer McQee, Kelli
Ratcliffe, Vicki and Wendy
Rau, Kim Scotchmer and
SOLID GOLD — Seniors Sonya Shantz (back left), Stephanie Peters, Kerry Deitz,
Sandra Deters, Roxanne Overholt, Debbie Bedard and (front) Kelly Mommersteeg,
Lisa Bedard, Andrea Hendrick, Kathy Merner and Heather Westlake were the first
act to perform pt the Zurich Figure Skating Carnival.
ROMPER ROOM — Andrea Hendrick led Meagan Reid (back left) Sara and lam -
bare Resch, Erin Keys and (front) Charlene Manson, Roxanne and Amanda Regier,
Sarah Vair, Jennifer Wilbee and Shelley Miller through their paces at the Zurich
Figure Skating Carnival. Missing: Michelle O'Connor. -
Students get int�th� act
with Carousel Players
Children were part of the
action as well as the audience
during a presentation in par-
ticipatory theatre when pupils
from kindergarten to grade
three from Zurich Public
School joined their counter-
parts at the Hensall School to
watch and be part of a play
called First People perform-
ed by the Carousel Players.
The active role the children
take makes this performance
unique. The children were
divided into five groups, each
with an actor as leader. The
actor visited the children in
their classroom before the
play, teaching them a simple
song and drawing out their
natural ability to transform
themselves into trees in the.
wind, or the earth growing
plants as a preliminary step
to helping the actors tell their
The two female and three
male members of the cast un-
folded the myths of how the
earth got its shape, -
deliverance from the ice age,
the first animals, the first
People and the gift of corn, in .
the centre of the school gym .
while the children sat on col-
oured mats around the
perimeter. When Frog
swallowed all the water,
variouspupils were asked to
help get it back by burping
her, brushing her teeth, and.
finally successfully tickling
her. When the. first Indians
had to move to a new .camp-
site, audience and actors all
trekked around the gym.
Kindergarten teacher.
Joyce Preszcator, who
divides her teaching duties
between the two schools, con-
ceded she came in the perfor-
mance hesitantly, and left
"more than pleased".
Mrs. Preszcator said small
children are very im-
aginative, but often hold back
from strangers. •
"The cast did an excellent
presentation. They got a great
deal out of the children and
had their audience with them,
completely involved, from the
start." she said. .
Joyce said that all the way
back to Zurich on the bus,
down the hall, into the
classroom to pick up lunch
buckets and books, and back
out to board the buses for
home, the children never
stopped singing the "la, la,
la" tune they had •just
learned. -
The Carousel Players, a
nontprofit organization under
the jurisdiction of the Cana-
dian Actor's Equity Associa-
tion, is based in St. Catharines
and receives most of its finan-
cial support from the Ontario
Arts Council and the Canada
Council. The group has been.
touring schools in - Huron
County and had already
visited Seaforth, Wingham,
Brussels and Clinton. They
entertained Exeter children
Stage manager Judy Arm-
strong said the players find
children in the rural areas
much more open and atten-
tive than their rather blaseci-
ty cousins, who often chatter
throughout a performance.
"We are doing what we
love, and our reward is the en-
joyment we see. We get the
bft.t.; we're only with the
. children an hour" she
PRE -PERFORMANCE WARMUP-- Jeanette lambermont rehearsed some actions
the Hensall kindergarten would later perform in a ploy presented by the Carousel
Players at the Hensall Public School.
Mind over matter- at SHDHS
Mike -Mandel once again
entertained at South Huron
District High School. Friday
afternoon over 500 students
paid $2,50 for an hour and a
half of mind boggling feats.
Mandel, a Canadian,
travels around North
America to colleges, univer-
sities and high schools: This
was the sixth time South
Huron has booked the popular
but increasingly' expensive
The leather chid Mandel
amazed the audience with his
mental powers and included
the crowd in many of his
"tricks". Englishman, Bob
Grey, balanced his tremen-
dous brain power with zany
comedy. 'Grey has a split
hemisphere brain that
enables him to convert
sentences backwards. •
He used a reversing
machine to prove his ability to
say a sentence proffered by
the audience. Grey's incredi=
ble memory was the envy of
many students soon facing
the rush of March examina-
tion. The native of London,
England has memorized the
capital, population and area
of all 114 countries in the
The high school audience
volunteered eagerly for the
highlight of Mandel's perfor-
mance. Thiry volunteers
allowed themselves to be put
under hypnosis by Mandel.
By power of suggestion he in-
duces their sub -conscious to,
rule their actions . to the
delight of tie watching au-
dience. He took the concen-
trating students on a terrify-
ing rollercoaster ride, skipped
rope with a girl's elongated
nose, and had a boy using his
wallet as a star wars
An especially crowd pleas-
ing part and one of the few
new portions of Mandel's oft
repeated performance, was
suggesting to the volunteers
that they had x-ray vision.
The students council, who
sponsored Mike Mandel's
show, made a profit despite
an increased fee for Mandel.
The last social activity
before the March 11 exams is
the WASHTAM Dance
(Women Around South Huron
Take A Man). The Sadie
Ilawkins ' based dance
features the Ixmd Doc Savage
who has an impressive
songlist. The former Beatles
band plays mainly Top 40
with some of their own
material. The WASHTAM
Dance is this Friday night at
8:30 p.m. at the high school.
Admission is $3 or $5 per
couple. •
Zurich Ladiesclosers 2762
)S t). Clarke 54)$1 91 I lot Shots 33 r -----
PI' J. Fisher 693 67 Blazers 33
Si. F. balers 602 94 Strikers 2'2
RU S. Dickert 810 96 Fireballs 52
P (.. Reichert 5811 98 IIA P.A. [)ickert 100
A() U. Ilamather 587 11►tHU P.A. Uickert 241
TC H. Vanderhvek 812 N12 IIS P.A. Dicker( 160
iIG S. Zimmerman 627 54 IIA T. Lansbergen -122.
PII T. Ue(.root 519 37 NU T. Lansbergen 303
(111 L.A. Meloche 583 27 IIS 3. Harburn 196
IIS S. Uickert 336 IIA T. Lesperance 164
IIT 11. Vanderhoek 812 HU T. I.esperance 450
HA S. Uickert 218 HS T. Lesperance 258
HA M. Johnston 177
Zurich Youth HI) M. Merner 4417
'ittle Angels fl0 HS M. Merner 241
Jayne Westlake performed in
Little House on the Prairie,
while Mouseketeers were
Douglas Finlay, Dwane
Foreman, Chrystal Jones,
Christa Shannon and Colleen
Keller, Colleen Overholt and
Terri Mauer.
Farne was portrayed by,
Kerry Deitz, DebbieBedard,
Roxanne Overholt and Sonya
Shantz, while the in-
termediates: changed from
Mousketeer to Happy Days
Sandra Datars was in
charge of Greatest American
Heroes Mark Crane, Chad
Desjardine, Jason Erb and
Crhis Keller. The Love Boat
crew consisted of Stephanie -
Peters, Hayley Linfield, Dana
Regier and Angela Zielman.
Hockey Night in Canada
was played by Bryan
Denomme, Joey. Gelinas,.
Allan Jeffrey, Graham Key,s,
Justin Merner, Ryan Desch
and Steven Regier, with
Frank Thrig.as referee.
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