HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-02-23, Page 156 Services PERRY'S DRYWALL Apply Finish & Texture Perry Knee Centralia For Free Estimates 228-6837 2st GLAVIN SANDBLASTING • Houses, Machinery, etc. • Free Estimates - - CALL JACK GLAVIN • 237-3707 Iyt HENSALL SIDING Fascia - Soffit -. Windows Eavestroughs --FREE ESTIMATES -- Winter Renovations EUGENE WEBBER RR 1 Hay Phone 237-3260 39t fn SEPTIC TANKS WEEPING BEDS Installed, Repaired, Pumped Butler Bros. Lucan 227-4312 or 227-4254 30 Years Experience Backhoe service. Scrap purchased s• 16tfn Gordon Dann PUMPS SALES 8 SERVICE for Submersible, Jet and Piston Pumps Well Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES Phone Granton 225-2234 5-8c Pioneer Chain Saws Sales & Service tartan's Snowmobile and Motorcycle Repairs Dashwood 237-3322 FARMERS PIT SHOP RR 1 Exeter Phone 237-3724 For All Your. Steel Needs - Welding - Lathe and Milling - Por- table Welding - Welding Supplies Etc, 1'/4 miles North of Ex- eter Cemetery., Watch for Big Yellow Building. MATHERS MOTORS 136 Main St. N. DAILY CAR RENTALS tow doily & weekly rates 1�11()Ni 235-1525 IN '83 BUY OR LEASE CHRYSLER ...OUR LOW PRICES WILL GET YOU. OUR SERVICE WILL KEEP YOUI COME SEE US TODAY /fratOQswrgib lay** O Nynn,AA WARNER AUTO MARINI lull it GRAND RIND 118 1191 MON FRI 9 6 SAT 9 5 5111 11 5 6 Services PASSMORE Plumbing and Heatit g Ltd. New Installations and General Repairs RURAL -RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL DENNIS PASSMORE Phone 235-1751 14t 7 Livestock DENFIELD LIVESTOCK SALES LTD. Sale every. Tuesday at I I a.m. Phone 666-1140. For trucking or sorting Tom Rushton 471-4148. Hugh Filson 666-0833. ,or Jack Phillips 232-4233. 251 FARMERS - We pay 520 to 550 per ' hundred weight for old. recently injured, or crippled cows and steers. Must be alive and drug- free. Call (collect) Mark Leis and Sons, Milverton (519).595-4845. 431fn- CATTLE - we pay good price for recently injured unthrifty cattle. Easy loading trailer with winch. Call collect 238-2796 John Ansems Grand Bend. • 45ifn BOARS Purebred LanJrace York and Cross bred, R.O.P. tested and health approved. Also high bred gilts, York X Landrace, open or bred. Phone Brandy Point Farms. Willy and Kurt Keller, RR 1 Mitchell, 348-9753 or 348-8043. 45tfn SHIPPING CATTLE - Toronto Union Stock Yards 'every Mon- day. Ship your cattle with a licenc- ed drover. 262-5430 Campbell McKinley. • _ .2tfn goof). SELECTION of. York, Hamp. Duroc and Crossbred boars. Ready for service. ROP tested. Herd health approved. Priced to suit most any budget. Some meeting Q.S. standards. Vista,Villa Farms Ltd., Bob Robinon, RR' 4 Walton, Ont. 345-2317. - 8:9c -BOARS - Purebred Yorkshire and Duroc, ROP tested. Government health inspected. Ted Schendera 225-2734. 8 -Iles 9 Sports Equipment,Veh 1978 KAWASAKI 440 Intriguer, low mileage, S1000.00 firm. Phone 657-1057 after 7 p.r.Stfn 1978 KAWASAt(I 1000, excellent shape, low mileage. two helmets. included. Asking 52600.00. 235 -1892 -after 6 p.ln. week days: 8:9c 11 Cars, Trucks 1975 FORD 1ORINO station wagon with 35,000 miles on engine. Bodyin good condition. Needs paint. 5800. Call 293-3145 or 232-4429. • Itfn .1977 CHRYSLER CORDOBA. p.s., p.b, cruise control, AM/FM stereo radio and tape, electric rear .defroster. electric trunk lock. remote mirror. 360 V8. 55,000 miles approx„ factory air, 4 new tires, Landeau roof, new muffler and pipe, good gas mileage. ex- cellent condition. Phone 236-4920 noon or after 5 p.m. 7:8c 1977 DODGE Club Cab pickup, heavy duty, 'h ton, p.s., p.b., low Imileage, new paint. 234-6720.8c 1967 VOLKSWAGEN, rebuilt engine, big tires, tape deck, new brakes, looks good, runs great. Complete with extra car for parts. 5800.00 as is. 235-1720. 8c Poly Glaze The Shine that Protects, and Lasts without Waxing 87500 DOBBS MOTORS LTD. 235-1800 A-1 USED CARS RENTALS per s day • Unlimited mil•ag• • Insurance Included tx,.. ots.1 exeter 235-0660 WANTED TO BUY Antique cupboards, lamps, • dishes, jewellery, toys. clocks. dolls or what hove you. Buying complete households or will sell for you; Ontario Auction Services RR 2 Lucan Ph. Bud McIver 227-4111 11 Cars, Trucks 1980 FORD LTD. 2 door, com- pany car with air conditioning. AM -FM plus other options. Ask- ing_ $390(.00: Contact George Keller at 235-0840 or after 5 p.m>, 237-3290. 8:9c 1977 DODGE MONACO in A -I . condition, air conditioned, power seats, locks and windows. Will safety. Phone 229-6393. 8c 1974.MAVERICK. good condi- tion. 5500.00 or best offer. After 6 p.m. 228-6556. 8:9c 13 Musical Instruments PIANO - needs repair. 237-3784. 8c •14 Appliances, Television MICROWAVE - GE Jet 130 Digital with Auto cook and Auto roast, 1 yr. old. Cost 5900.00 sell - 5500.00. Phone 294-6427. 7:8c ADMIRAL DISHWASHER. hat -est gold 5125.00 can be seen • working- Phone 235-0573. 8c 15 Personal II YOU WAN1 'to drink that's your business. If you want to quit_ that's ours. To speak with an AA member please phone 235.0294, 238-8982 or 227-4008. 8t WEDDING FLOWER SPECIAL fresh or silk, S79.95, day or even- ing appointments. Margaret Jean Wedding Flowers, London. 679=9814. 8:I0tfn 16 For Sale AIDING MACHINES, typewriters, sales, service, rental. supplies. Jerry Mathers Typewriters, 94 Main St. 235-1840. • 211 HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich has a tine selection of diamonds. wed- ding rings, watches, clocks. cuckoo clocks, harometers. Car- dinat watches. • Family rings and . charms, watches and clock'repair- ing guarantee. _ 3t SPRING LAMB- the ideal treat. Get one now for your freezer and be ready to treat your family and guests royally. Call Bill Batten at 235-1331 or 235-2184. 1911 -ns USED FURNITURE-- chester- fields and chairs, diningroorn suites, kitchen tables and chairs, dryers, refrigerators. ranges etc. Whiting's Warehouse. Exeter, 235-1964. • 281 WATERBEDS - complete ,With pine frame, pedestal, CSA heater, safety liner, mattress and fill kit 5239. at Vanastra - Furniture 482-7922. -• 14tfn 2-13 INCH SNOW TIRES, I year old: Call 235-0911 alter 6 p.m. . 50tfn AFX SPEED STEER slot less rac- ing system, round shaped track, adapter. 2 speed, steer hand con- trollers. nags. oil. etc. "No cars". Good • shape. 525.00. ('hone. 235-2815. 51tfn CUSTOM HOME BUILDING AND RENOVATIONS • Aluminum Siding Soffits, fascia Eavestroughs • Made to measure custom thermal windows • Free estimates GRASDAHL CONST. LTD. Cliff - g' Ron 234-6711 vroducis 234-6224 ARTIST SUPPLIES Arthoards,'Brushes, Acrylic Paints, - Charcoal Pencils, Art Nibs Sketch Pads, Calligraphy: EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE 300ns FIREWOOD. well seasoned, delivered by cord or larger truck loads. 236-44c7 or 238-8454.37ifn APPLES Spys No. 4,1+vy. at rediton Road OPEN SATURDAYS Frank Sawyer Proprietor _ __ _!tin TEN -TON TRI-XLI. FLOAT. 52,200. Caf1293-3145 or 232-4429. , Itfn AMS/Oil-Quality of Life Lig business and Pcrs,ulaluse, the scry best by nthetic lube ication; ex- ternal car care; personal and health products, No minimum orders required. Contact: George & Verna Burgin Kirkton, 229-8965 .. Afternoons & Evenings _ 8:10:12ifn FIREWOOD. Good dry. hard snood. I'ick up or delivered. Phone 234.6274. 641. lc TWO ('II:CI: living room set. One I aiy Boy chair, needs recovering; i easonable.- Phone 23S-0853, 8c I-RESH I)U(•K EGGS. small 51.50 dot. Big duck eggs 52.00 dol. White or brown hen eggs 51.00 dol. Phone 227-4175. . 8:9:10% USED STORE and warehouse equipment, Store fixtures. cotrllters, show cases, stock room she's Ing, pallet racking. also ot- lice equipment, filing cabinets. desks, chairs, etc. 1 ret store plan ning seri ices. Jack Vcntrm Retail Systems. 519.238-8149, (irrnd (lend. - 10, AI'I'I (S, cscellrnt, hard „ill", fresh out 01 controlled atmosphere age. Sins 57.95 bushel, Mia- mi, Macs, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious and Spartans at regular price. ( runican Broths s, 1 miles south of EIginficld. Hwy. 4 on your way to London. Phone 666-0286. • 7:8c Elizabeth Court Apartments One Bedroom Available Now Mar. or April 2 bedroom available April Features appliances, carpet throughout, Ioun- drey facilities, all utilities included. located et 176 Oxford St. Hensall, Ontario PH: 262-3448 or 262-2615 16 For Sale We're Back from Holidays Ready to deal on a store full of Mowers and Chain Saws Steve Argyle Lawn & Garden Equipment (1970) .Bayfield 565-2800 7:8c HARDWOOD. mixed dry. John Coleman. Phone 262-5031. 7:8• DRY HARDWOOD. storedfin- side. Phone Don Parsons 262-2821. 7:8c 50 ASSORTED RECIPES. Great, fast and easy recipes. Send 55.00 and 50t postage to G&S Enter- prises, Box 163. Parkhill. Ont. NOM 2K0. - 8c • ALLIS WD TRACTOR. Quanti- ty of hay bales. Phone 227-4375. 8• CHESTERFIELD, gold velvet. needs recovering 550. Matching chair, good condition 830. Phone 228-6930. 8c FIREWOOD mixed hardwood. delivered, . free kindling. Leslie Cudmore. 235-1267. -8:8• EXCELLENT CONDITION- - Kroehler chesterfield suite. brown carved velvet. scotch guarded, asking 5600.00 (Ates• 51300.00. 235-0883. 8:9c CLEAN WHEAT STRAW. Phone 237-3439. 8:9c LARGE ROUND BALES of mix- ed alfalfa hay. stored inside. 234-6203. 8:9c Spring is 'on its Way Place your order for ---- Goslings, Ducklings Pheasants and five breeds of chickens for egg and meat production As well as started and ready 10 lay pullets. All government blood tested. Ilgok your favourite dale from • Edelweiss Acre forms Erich Freiter and Family RR 1 Dashwood Phone 237-3382 Ask for Price List _ 8itn CORNER BUNK with built in dresser space. Excellent condition. Phone 237-3290. 8:9c. RIDING LAWN MOWER, Niter - national Cub Cadet no: 55, 5 h.p. - good condition. 5275.00. .293-3081. 8c BEDROOM SUITE, 4 piece. 5 piece bedroom suite, 25" Admiral colour T.V., round oak.table and 6 pressback chairs, bt1,x spring and mattress (tsyo years old). ('all 235-1706 after 6:00 p.m. 8tfn REFINISHED WASH. STAND, baby furniture, coffee and end table. Phone after 6 p.m. 237-3732. 8:9c 19 Property For Sale LUCAN - 3 bedroom bungalow. 6 years old, finished rec room, new dishwasher 540.900.00. Phone 227-4717. 7:8c HENSALL. - 2 storey, 4 bedroom brick hoose. New *large kitchen and dining area; Attached two car garage. Call 262-2810 or 262-2535. 8:9c ?U Property Ful Rent 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT with stove and fridge. available immediately.. 215.0141. 22i fn COUNTRY HOME. sear Brucefield, available December 1, 5 bedrooms, open staircase weft insulated: "Phone ' 262-2928 .or -262-5768. 441fn s HENSALL - one bedroom apart- ment, newly renovated, broadlooms new stove and fridge. 262.3146 after 5 p.m. 46tfn IN HENSALL - 1 bedroom townhouse, ground floor, close to arena, heat. Parking. ,garbage pickup included. Available -Noss. Phone 262-2014 or 262-3446.48tfn 3 BEI/ROOM 1i0USE on .quiet • Hensall street. Phone 262=2103. Shirt LARGE 2 BEDROOM A'PARr- MENT, S245.00 per month plus utilities.' Phone 235-1647: 52i Inc HOUSE FOR RENT in Zurich area. Four bedrooms, large kit- chen, well insulated, new carpet throughout. fridge and stove available. Immediate possession. Telephone 234-6783. 1 t fn MAPLE ARMS APARTMENT. luxury, adult. One bedroom apartment adailable now. Phone 235-2420 and evenings 235-2754. • Itfn 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE with 11/2 bath, broadloom throughout. electric heat, good parking facilities, 5350 monthly .{flus utilities. Call 235-09441.6-8c 120 ACRES cash crop land for rent. Vashwood - Grand Bend area. Phone 238-2(146. _7:8• M APARTENT_ - lower 2 bedroom, heated. no pets. Near Zehrs. 5225.00 monthly. Phone • 235-0354. 7:%c 17 Wanted To Buy IOYS, an,s sort such as dinky, small steel tractors, farm machinery. Call 228-6823 after 7:00,P:m. ' - ,; . - 8-10x TV TOWER and aerial. Phone 237-3766. • 8c 18 Wanted NEED IIELI' ssith gasoline hills? Ride to and Irorn London 8-5. Vicinity Highbury and Dundas. Call 235-1659 evenings after 7.7-9c WANTED TO RENT OR BUY - 1 :used • organ with double keyboard an I pedals. In good condition. Call 235-0762 after 5:30 P•!!t• 8' BRAND'S NEARLY NEW SHOP, 399 Matn Si. Exeter. We will he accepting spring and sum- mer clothing after Mar. 15. Limit 15 articles per month. Consigners with skates. winter coats, etc. that have not sold, please pick . up before .Mar. 10. After Mar. 10 these items will be given to chari- ty. We would like to thank everyone for responding to our re- quest for hags. the supply is over- whelming. Thanks again. The LI&R Block !neuritic Tax Of- fice at 399 Main St. (note change of address from Iasi year) is open from 9:30 to 5:30. Mon. through Sat. Closed Wednesday. No ap- pointment necessary. Watch for large ads for special pricing.. 8-10c LOOKING FOR A one bedroom or bachelor apartment. Willing to pay 5200.00 per month including all utilities. CaII 235-0209 after 4. 8tfn 19 Property For Sale BUN(;Al O\\ In liseter. 2 bedroom, new roof. new siding, gas heat. near Post Office. 237-3383 or 217'1282. 7:8c • Kerosene 1.95 gallon 42.9 per litre Propane Fill Station McNaughton Shell Station Hwy, 23 Kirkton FARM TO LEASE /Shout 90 acres. Level farm. Systematically tiled. Near Exeter on paved road: Preference to long tern lease arrangement. Call Jim Rowcliffe 1-672-3232 8:9c FARM !UAW. 3 bedrooms near Zurich.. Phone 262=2928 or 262-5768. - 81111 21 For Rent I'I.YWOOI) FORMS, wedges. portable .cment miser, Power Trowels; sshccIharj osss, etc. Forst tics siorked. ('all N.J.Corriveau. Zurich. 1 elephotfe 236.49_54. 151 'THE "OLD •TOWN HALL" auditorium .for rentals including weddings, meetings, banquet room, lectures, exttiljoitions. films, etc. Kitchen 1acita available. Contact proper0+ manager. Bill •tinny 235=0231. 21, 23 Wanted To• Rent 1HRLI.HLDRO0M i• ARM HOUSE. barn and fise top tfenc- ed acres in Exeter -area. -Must have ample water ,fin small livestock two-year wo-year lease or longer • preferred. Apply stating loca ' , rental and length of tern mailable to Roy IIA \. I he 1-.sctcr Times-Adsocate. 45tfs . Special for February Market Weight Hog 525" Market Weight Beef 575" hill I)as N edncsilas ?tianizr.: DASHWOOD 237-3677 CUSTOM KILLING and SLAUGHTERING Kill Day - Tuesday Specializing in home cured and smoked meat Veal s ABATTOIR and MEAT MARKET 235-1 123 APARTMENTS FOR RENT Extra Large Luxury Apartments Carling Street - Exeter Within Walking Distance of Shopping Area 2 bedroom apartments Immediate Occupancy laragh Corporation Ltd. PHONE 135-0141 23 Wanted To Rent LAND IN Hensall-Kipper area. Call 262-5968. 40n- 350-400 ACRES of cash crop land in Hensall-Exeter-Zurich area. 235-0770 days or 262-2323 even- ings. - - 7-9c LAND WANTED,to rent or share crop. Write to Box 23'. Exeter Times Advocate, NOM ISO. 7-9c 100-150 ACRES good cash crop land. Advance, payment. Phone 228-6288 early morning or late. csening. 8tfn 24 Property Wonted LEASE OR BUY - house with building with .approx. 1 acre. North of Exeter. Reply to Box 24P, Exeter Times Advocate; Ex- eter, Ont. 7tfn 25 Notices 1 BRIAN MUI E'.cter,Onr. will not- be responsible for air debts or cheques other than those incurred by myself. 6-8' 26 Legal Notices . NOTICE TO CREDITORS -AND OTHERS • All claims against the Estate of . Iver Archibald Small late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, who died on or about November 17, 1982, must be filed with the undersigned per- sonal -representative en or before March 18, 1983. Thereafter, the undersigned _ will 'distribute the assets of the said estate haying ` regard only IQ the claims then . filed. Dated February 9th, 1983. - Morgaret Rae Small, 566 Main Street East Exeter, Ontario • NOM 1S0, Executrix. by her solicitor Kenneth W, Koprowski - • 133 Kent Street London. Ontario . N6A 1 L5 7-9c NOTICE_TOCREDITORS In the Estate of Thelma Corrigan I.atc:of the Township of Hay. in the County of Huron. All persons having claims against the estate of the above-named Thelma Cor- rigan, who died on or about the 29th day of December, 1982. arc rcquiredto file the same with -full particulars --with the undersigned by the 7th day of March, 1983. as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed, lath regard only to the claims of ss hich the undersigned -shall have notice. DATED at. Clinton, Ontario; this 3rd.day of February, 1983. D. Gerald Hiltz ; Barrister lc Solicitor 56 Huron Street. Clinton. Ontario 6-8c We Moved to 19 Kings Court Crescent, Exeter Jim Rolph Construction For free estimates on new homes, renova- tions, or farm buildings call 235-1460 Discussion tonight on nuclear 'topic The National Film Board presontationof the movie If You Love This Planet will 1* shown tonight Wednesday at 8:00 p:m. in the high school gymnasium A panel discus- sion on the film and nuclear disarmament will follow. Ad- mission is free.. The film being shown was nominated for an Academy Award last -week and traces the development of the atomic bomb and its medical effects. The panel will be open to . questions from the Moor.. Several and varied religions are being represented by local clergy. The panel in- cludes government officials. physicians and a student. All specialize in nuclear research. '. Panel members are: Dr. Barbara Laing; Dashwood United Church;' Rev. De- jonge: Christian Reformed' Church, FatherNelligan, the Roman Catholic Church. Count on the Classifieds . to Do the slob J Ralph Wareham, former On- tario Hydro employee at the Bruce Nuclear Station, Stuart Hodgins; student, Dr. Tom Mayberry: Physicians'. for Social Responsibility and Dr. Alan Newcombe of the peace Research Institute of Canada. Bill Johnston. history teacher. will chair the discussion. Organizer Joanne Young hopes to increase the awareness of local citizens b' the evenings programme. February 23, Page 15 5T/HL ,M r..,n.. 1A.•04., M,IN. C/YN YI r y . SAN WELD Sales Service Smell tngIn. Repairs • r,11.rp.nlny s.rvlc. 153 Victoria St. E. Crediton Phone 234-6339 ATTENTION FARMERS! FOR PROMPT DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL SERVICE CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-265-4267 Cash paid for disabled cattle and horses BRUSSELS PET F000 SUPPLIES For Sale By Tender Arena Tractor 135 Massey' Ferguson Gas Tractor In good condition For more information call 519-294-0082. Ask for Adrian. . Tender to close at 12:00 Noon March- 1, 1983. Highest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Tender to be plainly marked. Mail to: North Middlesex Arena Box 213, Parkhill, Ont, NOM 2H0 (Tender) DRYSDALE MAJOR APPLIANCE CENTRE LTD., SALES WITH SERVICE The Place To Buy Appliances NEW AND USED Hensall 262-2728 Closed Mondays NOTICE Public Meeting at Brucefield United Church On Tuesday, March 8, 1983 at 8:00 p.m. DRAFT SECONDARY PLAN REVIEW -Tuckersmith Township Council STANDING FUELWOOD FOR SALE To improve growing conditions for valuable trees, the Ministry of Natural Resources is.thin- ning woodlots in Fullerton and Blonshard Townships end is assisting the.woodlot owner in selling marked, standing trees to a reputable fuelwood contractor. •' Details of this sole are: Areo No. Approximate Fuelwood Volume (in standard cords) • 165 36 55 Average tree diameter 8 inches 7 inches 9 inche,, Major Tree Species Hard - Soft . Soft Maple Maple Maple 1 2 :3 Location: 3 miles southeast of Russeldale This fuelwood will be sold as one lump sum to ono contractor. No partial sales for small volumes will be considered. For further detain;, contact: Harry Wilson, Ministry of Natural Resources, R.R. 5, Wingham, Ontario, NOG 2WO, Telephone: 519-357-3131 or, toll free 1-800-265.3003.' Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Pion. Alan W. Pope Minister W. T. Foster Deputy Minister COUNTY OF HURON - TENDER FOR RENTAL OF FRONT-END LOADER HC -83-501 SEALED TENDERS, on forms and in envelopes available from the office of the undersigned will be received until 4:00 p.m. local time on:„ Thursday, March 17, 1983 for the rental of 3.0 cubic yard minimum.Front End Loader with operator to work in a pit in the County of Huron in conjunction with the following reconstruction project: HC -83-501 - County Road 30 & 32, Township of Howick and Tuckersmith The lowest of any tender not necessarily accepted. R.A. Dempsey, P. Eng., Huron County Engineer, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M2 Commercial Property For Sale By Tender This business property, located at 65 Goderich Street, Seaforth, Ontario is legally described as Part of Lot 134 and Part of Lot 135, Plan #9, located on the South Side of Goderich Street, West, in the Town of Seaforth, County of Huron, Ontario. land, building and car wash equipment are being offered for sale under Power of Sale by virtue of default under loans secured by realty and chattel mortgages. The property comprises land (approx. 132 x 109') on which is located a frame and brick (ap- prox. 2,000 sq. ft.) building. This three year old structure was previously operated as a fast- food restaurant and is well suited for o retail business or office space. Written tenders addressed to Mr. R: D. McClin they, 1036 Ontario Street. Stratford, Ontario will be accepted until 4 p.m. on February 25th, 1983. A certified cheque for 5% of the -amount ' tendered must be included as a deposit and will be returned without interest if the tender is not accepted and forfeited as liquidated damages if the tender is accepted ,and the sale is not . completed by the purchaser. The highest or ony offer shall not necessari- ly be accepted. Financing will be considered if required. - Appointments for inspection'and information on terms and conditions of sole mo' be obtain- ed by calling (519)271.5650. 300 deductions, exemptions and credits to save money on your TI GENERAL income tax return. H&R Block will help you take advantage of every possible saving which applies to you. Prices start at $18.OQ UpD at participating offices. It pays to be prepared - by H&R Block H&R BLOCK THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS LISA 399 Main St. OPEN 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Weekdays 9:30 - 4:30 Sat. Phone 235-1901 Closed Wednesdays, No appointment necessary