HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-02-23, Page 13At Scouting service Special awards presented The Scouting kfovement is alive and growing in•Lucan. Sunday afternoon was the <culmination of the weekend with a Thinking Day Service at the Lucan Community • Centre. This service was held in honour of Lord Baden Powell and Lady Baden Powell, the founders or the present day Girl -Guides and Boy Scouts. The joint service was well at- tended by boys and girls, as well as ,,parents and grandparents. • All participants in the pro- gram from the youngest Beaver and Brownie to the oldest Scout and Guide did an exemplary job. The con- gregation was fully cap- tivated for the duration of the service. The highlight of the after- noon came with the presenta- tion of the Religion and Life Awards for the following boys. Cubs; Mark Elliott, Shannon Thomas, Paul Damen, Michael Van Bussel, Brian Van Busse(, Jeremy Jenwe. Kelly Malone, Robert Damen, Aaron Haygarth. Jason Rodak, Ronnie Damen, Peter Vickery, and Shawn Kraft and .Scouts: Mark. Kraft. Jeff and Gerry Monster month at St. Patrick's January was monster month in the Grade 2 classroom at 'St. Patricks. Monster is a loveable, 6 foot purple , monster wild is everyone's friend. There are twenty; -four stories written about monstey and each child was expected to read as many as possible. During the_ month, the class read a total of 62t) books. This made each of thein eligible to join the "Monster Reading -Club". Along with reatfing stories, thechildrep also write ;heir own stories. To complete the monster theme, the children"invited theirparents to a Valentine's Monster Par- ty. February 14. On this day each child received their !leading Award and -stories were on display for parents to Senior crafts The regular Thursday afternoon meeting of Lucan senior citizens was held in the - club rooms with President Ed Dowdall in the chair. He welcomed all present with a special welcome to Mrs. Davidson, a visitor: • - Two readings were given • by Verna Ibettson "The Clock of Life" and "Bring your flowers now" and one by Mar- jorie Steeper "I shall not live in vain.'' Happy birthday was wished Elizabeth Conlin. Agnes Hot - son and. Ilonor Stanley. '('rip convener Elsie -Gibson reported on upcoming trips. A sing song was held. with Mttrle! Cobleiigh at the piano. / My Murdy„ was to charge 61, cards with prize winners as follows. Higit score. Mary Kooy: lone hands. Margaret Carter: low„ Kathleen Neil; marl's high. Maurice MacDonald; lone hands. Murray Carter; low. Ilerh Broom. • Craft group continued their .crafts with the prize there go- ing to Florence Ilodgins. Lunch was served -by Ethel ('rGuch, Mary Davis,Li[y Dobbs and Verna ibettson. • WI MEETS The Lucan Women's• In- • stitute niet.•-in the Masonic Lodge, Rooms with members of •('Iimdeboye inslilule as guests. • Convener for ,Agriculture; Vina Emery introduced guest Ross Daily who spoke on "The _._ far►ner and the consumer." He suggested ways to ac- g4ainl consumers with agriculture by way of displays in malls, open house on farms. Farmer's • night - hring a fanner or consumer.- school onsumer;school education. and visits from the Dairy Princess. He stressed the irnportaht of advertising these activities. 11 was decided to register the convener of resolutions, Flora Robertson,to attend Of- ficers Congress in Waterloo May 3.4.5. Neel meeting is March i6 at read. To coms !ete the party purple cupcakes and monster grape juice.was served.. •An unusual Mission Hope - Project held February 14 raised $62 to help less for- • lunate children in otherparts of the world. Students pur, chased tickets for the chance to throw. a cream pie at a teacher. The -unlucky teachers were Miss S. Barry. "Mr. J: .Gar- diner and Mrs. V. Kelly. The lucky students, were Kelly VanKerkoei•te. Stacey Mnlenkamp and .Jenny Needham. The project vas sponsored by the student council.' • Mr. VanKessel, from , the .Guidance department• at Catholic Centre and Mrs. Rose from the Guidance department at Medway have spoken to the Grade 8 students regarding course selections for Grade 9. The Grade 4, 5 and 6 students are continuing to be involved in houseleague floor hockey under the supervision of Miss S. Barry and.Mrs. C. - McClure. - The annual :St: Patrick's Day. Dance will be held on Saturday. March 12 at the. Lucan .Arena in (he Leprechaun Room. Tickets 'are available at the school. Everyone is welcome. United .Lucan United .Church con- .gregation gathered 15 Minutes. early Sunday. morn- • ing for-- the monthly ' pre - service Hyn-n .Sing. They • responded with joyful singing to the enthusiastic leadership of Linda Froats,:assisled by sons Neil and Jamie and by ,Marj Park at the piano. Gary and Ann Revington along with Brett and Christopher welconied friends -as they ar- rived' and later assisted in taking up the offering. The choir, . under - Helen Stanley's direction, sang for. their anthem a lovelyversion - of. "Softly and Tenderly Jesus .is Calling." Dorothy Dedels was in charge of the children's story about Marcy, who learned that the things we want badly -are not always the ones -That are test for us. (;od always knows what .is best for us and that is why when we pray we say. "Thy will be done." Following the story. Dorothy and her junior helpers took the children out . for a specialc or• f tPe rind. Mr. Brown continues) his sermon series on Paul's first letter to Timothy, dealing with chapter 2:.8•J5. Paul taught that public.as well as private prayer can 1* offered anywhere and by any Chris- tian. • Mr: Brown suggested that in o qtr- world today when 2 p.tn. when Public Relations Convener Mabel Froats will have the program. BARN EQUIPMENT Stable cleaner replacement chain for all makes - CLAY Silo unfoaders, ring drive and dual augers, feeders, stable cleaners, liquid manure pumps, electric feed cores. RALCO Stable cleaners, conveyors, transfer pumps, bedding choppers. BERG Stable cleaners, transfer pumps, cow stalls, etc. BEATTY Replacement parts for silo unloaders, stable cleaners and stalls. WESTEEL ROSCO. Grain bins, aeration systems, hopper bins. We' also pour'the foundationsand erect bins. Tor Further infbrma ion Contact Brintnell Construction Ltd. Kirkton 229-8244 ` Service Sales Installation Roestenberg, Glen Murphy, and Wayne Haygarth. Mrs. Cheryl Sutherland (District Commissioner of Guiding for Huron District) had the honour of bestowing Tabatha Froats with the Canada Cord, the highest award in Canadian Guiding. After the service the con- gregation was invited to slay for refreshments: The Annual Boy Scout Spaghetti Dinner is Thursday February 24 at the Communi- ty Centre. Tickets availpble from leaders,.Shaws, Donna's Decorating and Becker's. . The Scouts are going to have. a newspaper drop off location at Smith's Sunoco. Please tie paper bundles with heavy cord and deposit in the marRed garbage container (which should be in place by the end of this week Februar y 26). Please call Lucy Pescod at 227-4053 if you can.help in any way with any activity involv- ed with Scouting. Lions host -Melbourne Lucan Lions held their. regular meeting February 21. being hosts to the Melbourne r Lions. • Members were reminded of the "District Speak Off" in the Lions' Hall in Strathroy February 23 at 7:30 p.m. A euchre party will be held in Crediton along with a Smorgasbord. There will also be fun and games for non - :players which is dated for Friday. February 23. • There will be a presentation of a .. pew van to ' the Strathmere Lodge Saturday' April 2 at 2 p.m. A represen: tative from the clubiylrsked to take part in the ceremony. Upcoming events are: District Al Cabinet meeting' at Drawbridge inn, February' 27: Convention at I loliday Inn un the weekend of April 8.10; and Run for Vision to beheld April 17-18. - -. Dine and dance tickets will be on sale for all those in- terested. The date for this event, will be !Saturday February 26. Church many of these restrictions are no longer observed, we need to keep inview the value God places on inner beauty and godly motherhood. . Upcoming Events -- Lucan senior choir meets for prac- tice Wednesday at 7`30, and junior choir Thursday al 6:30. The self help group for bereaved sponsored by help- ing Ilands meets also (hal evening at 8 p.m. The Couples club too meets at 8 p.m. at the home' of Dennis and Mary Maguire. -The program -in- eludes .an opportunity to try out their swimming pool! Next Sunday al 3,p.m. the Communicants. Class meets and al 4 p.m. the Sunday School teachers, officers.and spouses meet for their annual dinner, followed by a time of fellowship and learning. Rev. Morley • -Clarke of Metropolitan United Church in London is 10 be the speaker. Saturday, March 5, beginn- ing • at ' 2 p.tn. the ,Sunday School is planning a family fun day . a I v and to get to know one another better. - The Annual interdenomina- tional event "Learning for Lent" sponsored by Lucan United Church Women begins Wednesday March 2 with registration at 9 a.m. it con- tinues March 9, 17; and 30, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. with a choice of interest groups followed by Bible Study with Toni Davies. Child care is provided. All women are _invited. • TOP GUIDINGiAWARD - At Sunday's Thinking Day service at the Lucan arena, Tabatha Froats received the Canada Cord, the highest award in Canadian Guiding. I Congrptulatiny Tabptha is District Commissioner Cheryl Sutherland. Others from the left are leader Barb Coughlin and Tabatho's mother Linda. T -A photo Lucan and district news Times -Advocate, February 23. 1983 Page 13 Five area motor mishaps During the week. officers of the Lucan detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police in- vestigated five motor vehicle collisions resulting in damages of $8,800. Sunday at 1 a.m. Michael Dupuis, HR 3. Thorndale was northbound on Concession 6 of West Nissouri when he srnell- ed smoke. lie pulled into a driveway and the vehicle burst into flames. Constable D.N. Marshall set damages at $3,000. A vehicle driven by Dwight Ward, RR 3, Thorndale struck a deer on Concession 3 of West Nissouri township at 6:50 p.m. Wednesday. The deer con- tinued intothewoods leaving about $800 damage to the vehicle. Constable Holland investigated. "Friday at 7:45 a.m. a vehi- ', cle driven by Brad Farron, RR 3, Lucan was southbound on Highway 4 when it left the roadway endgame to rest in a field. Constable F.L.° Goldschmidt set damages at $1,000. At -about the sante time Fri- day, a vehicle driven by Grant Fraser, RR 4, Embro, Susan Cook 225.2750 Student speaks at Centre Bruce Henry commented on the _importance of ac- curately "writing down what •you want to remember before leading • in, prayer Sunday morning. Rev. C. J. Williams, with the church board, welcomed David Kelly. Mrs. Carole Butler, Loys Melan- son. and Sharlene Itilaiitinga as new members or the church. Rev: Williams, from 1•Peler 1:3-5. showed it is according to God's tnercy that we are here. Being born again is a deep experience to a .living hope, an incorruptible in.- heritance. From Ephesians 1:18-19 tell of• our privilege of being in Heavenly place with Christ as .sons of God. Mission's Service .Sunday evening was Yeimg People's service. with the em- phasis on missions. Marlene Brothers, ('hrislianview Bible College student, led the song ' S,'rviee. Sharlene I'lantinga read the Scripture Luke 10:30-37. the story of the Good Samaritan.the first' missionary. • Mrs. Elsie Melanson was weleomett into (he member- ship of the church. Meagan Henry read a missionary poem. if 1 Were You. Marco Williams led in a -testimony service. with several telling of blessings God had done for them. Loos Melanson accom- panied herself on the piano as she sant,. The Touch of the Master., . - John Brooks, ('hristianvieiv Bible College strident, ministered from Roman 10:13-15. Mr. Brooks stated that we are trulyblessed in this 'country. but are we grateful' %%ith these blessings come responsibilities. Because ('hr istia ns represent a loving God on earth. they are responsible h) furthecr the . Kingdom 01 God. In Acts 1:a .)esus gave us a job to do, and gave;us power to do that job -- to be Itis witnesses. • Area 4-H clubs elect officers The Lucan Number :3 4-11 Club held their first monthly meeting Saturday_ at the home of one of their leaders, Mrs. Straatman, Six - members were present and the meeting began with the 4-11 Pledge. Books were distributed to each girl and the contents Of each meeting was revieweg. Discussion was based on the requirements of the dub. Mrs.. Slraatman mentioned Heart Fund successful 'I'he.Heart Fund campaign conducted in Lucan Saturday - by the newly formed Optimist Club was very successful. Campaign chairman .John !lope •reports the 20 -volunteers from the club col- lected $1,031.10. Hope continued. "For (hone residents not at home when+. 'the canvassers were around - we Would ask them to mail their contributions in (he • envelope provided." - Ile concluded; "We would like to thank all the people of Lucan who were so kind and generous." that "Look For'l'hal Label," would be the topic for the clubs'. Achievement Day exhibit. • Elections took - place with the following results; presi- dent, ;Annette Straalman: vice-president, ,hve Straal-- man; secretary, on a rotating basis; and the press reporter is Paula Hodgins. J'4ext meeting will he held Saturday. February 26 .at Slraalman's. Lucan Number 1 4-N'ers had their first meeting February -15 at Thompson's. This clubs' project is called "Looking Great, Feeling Great. • To get --acquainted with other members- lir the club a game called "(rooming Greetings" was Play ed. The officers are, president. Tracey • Giesen; - vice- president. Jane Thompson; secretary, on a rotating basis; and press reporter will be Debbie Manders. . i(C was decided that everyone would design a cover and from there we would decide on one. We hope to pick a name for the club next week. - • ►,1 • Where are we to be witnesses?. The Bible says in all illations, beginning at 'home. in our own 'community. then to the world. - Twila Duthie accompanied by .Wendy ,Robertson on piano, 'sang Who Will Go To Work For Me Today? Both are Christianview Bible Col- lege students. Mr. Brook is at Christian - view ,Bible College training for the mission field. being felt called 10 go to India. Outreach seminar An opportunity to develop Christian outreach through friendship is being offered at Lucan United Church Satur- day aturday March 12, 9 a.m. to p.m. Leader is Rev. George "Robertson, -a Presbyterian minister from Mississauga who has conducted a number of these 'challenging seminars. which include the use of film. Bible Study, group discussions, personal reflec- tion and teaching sessions.. Such topics .as "What Evangelism is", "What is (he Message of Evangelism?", and "How to Lead a Friend to Faith in Christ" are on the agenda for the day. Friends. . from all churches are invited to attend. t Participants should bring a Bible and notebook and a.bag lunch. Drinks • and refreshments will be provid- ed. Baby sitting facilities can be provided if the need is made known in time to make arrangements. . Registration fee is 55 per . person. Contact Jun Robert - son, Registrar, P.O. Box 333, . Lucan, NOM 2.10. Telephone 227-45:38. home or 227-4400. - office. • Another' inlerestin evcot ' m k progress a1 Lucan United Church is a series of films on the children's classic, "The .Lion, the Witch, and the War- drobe" by C. S. Lewis. These are shown during the Sunday School flour ) I0 a.tn. r the se- cond Sunday of each month. There has been an en- thusiastic response by children and adults to the first two showings, and attendance is growing rapidly. All are welcome for the next show- ings on March 13 and April 10. tiNi i/ RELIGION AND LIFE AWARDS A number of Religion and Life,awords were presented at Sunday's Thinking Day service at the Lucan arena fororena scout and guiding groups. Back, left, Father J. Finn of St. Patrick's, Gerry Roestenberg, Jeff Roestenberg, Murk Kroft, Wayne Haygarth, Glen Murphy and leader Jon McIntyre. Second row, Michael Van Busse(, Brian Van Bussel, Paul Damen, Robert Damen, Mork Elliott, Shannon Thomas and Shawn Kraft. Front, Ronnie Damen, Kelly Malone, Aaron Haygorth, Jason Radek and Peter Vickery. Friendship Unit meets The Friendship Unit of the UCW met Febrtary 16 with 12 members present. Jean Brown opened the meeting with a hymn and a prayer. She then led the Bible Study of Mark 8:31-37 where Jesus • spoke of Isis suffering and death for the forgiveness of Christians. .Donna Van Arenthals gave a short talk on Valentine's. Day origins and customs, and read love poems by Robbie Burns and Thomas Moore. A committee formed for the Spring Luncheon will decide on -a date for this event. A letter of thanks for (he donation toward the Junibr Congregation from Dorothy Dedels and an invitation to 11- derton United Church. March 9, to hear Rev. Whitney Dalrymple, a, missionary to Zambia were 'read. The Learning for Lent pro- gram was announced. The meeting clo.- •d with a poem "A snoring $Shand" read by Linda F'roi ts. left Highway.4 and hit the ditch. Fraser and a pasisenger Anne Facey of Goderich sus, tained minor injuries. Constable J.A. Wilson listed damages at $2,000 when a vehicle driven by Ian Curl- mell, London left the roadway of the Roman Line at - Highway 4 al 11:55 p.m. Fri- day .and struck the ditch bank. Shepherds Sunday, St. Pat's Young People met in'the school to - consider the topic, "The Shepherds (',all to Serve His Flock." - Two fine Sisters from Mt. St. Joseph and two men -from St. Peters Seminary presented this subject which was followed by a discussion period. A euchre party foliated at 8:00 p.m. sponsored by our Knights of Columbus in the Mini -Hall. The Sacred Heart ,Messenger, a Catholic mon- call thly magazine featuring spiritual articles, was able to be subscribed to before and after all Masses on Sunday. Mrs. Marie Ross may be con- tacted for further details. Father John Kavanaugh, S.J., from St. Louis Missouri, speaks to "Influences of (he Media on the Formation of Values," at Saunders Secon- dary Scher)! -Thursday, February24 at 8:00 p.m. This event is sponsored by our Separate School Board and OECTA. All welcome! BUTLER Frank Thuss Farm Systems SALES & SERVICE EXETER, ONTARIO Daytime 235.0492 Evenings 294-6152 SI AM! f -SS EAVESTROUGH °° "'""SIDING Ask About Our SAVINGS • Stela) Shutters • Aluminum Storm Doors 1R Windows • Aluminum Awnings • The energy window roll shutters system • Renovations General Construction FREE ESTIMATES JIM BECKER CONSTRUCTION DASHWOOD 237-3526 ,Come on i-n.and take a look at our 19!3 INFLATION FIGHTER Catal,gue Sale Ends February 26, 1983 LANGFORD LUMBER HOME CENTRES CLINTON 482-3995 LUCAN 227-4416 PARKHILL 294-6755 Clap or Plastic Tile Installatjon Parker & Parker Ltd. are now ready kto instal Clay or Plastic trenchless method Phone collect Free Estimates 262-2534 or 262-5789