HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-02-23, Page 6Pa • • 6 Times -A. vocate, Februor 23 19 MR. -AND MRS. KEITH BESTWARD Jennifer Verkerk and Keith Bestward were united in marriage at Exeter Pentecostal Church on January 22, 1983. Officiating Were Dolph end Vince Otten. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Verkerk, Ex- eter and the groom is the son of L. Bestward of Kincar- dine. The ,matron of honour was Sally Hummel and bridesmaids were Dianne Boersma, Sharon Boersma and.Mary Schreuders. The best man was Bas Vander Hoek and guests were ushered by Peter Stopford, Peter Hummel and Keith Bestward Jr. The ring bearer was Randy Zondag and Katherine Hummel was flower girl. Organist was Anna Peleshok, pianist and Morita Blaak and soloists were Morita Blaak and Connie Vander Hoek. After a wedding trip to northern Ontario the cou- ple is residing at Kincardine. Photo by Harold DeVries Hurondale 4-H elect Hurondale 3 met at the Ex- eter Legion February 2. Members were divided into four groups and eachgroup was assigned a recipe to make. After the recipes were finished, members went through meeting one of the Ontario Heritage book. Elected officers were Julie Blommaert,. president; Kim Crawford. Secretary and Heather Jamieson, press -reporter. Mer'hbers are: Kim Crawford, Shelly Skinner, Heather Rideout, Karen Hoff- man, Shelly and Shai'i Black, Rhonda Turnbull, Julie Blom- maert, Heather Jamieson,. Karen Dykeman and Karen Rowe. The leaders for this club are Jean Crawford and Eleanor Blommaert. The second meeting of Hurondale 3 was again at the Exeter Legion. Julie Blom- maert opened the meeting with the saying of the 4-11 pledge. ' Members then split into lit- tle groups to make different recipes such as Deli Special. . Potato Pancakes, and Dutch Peach Kuchen. They tasted the finished recipes most of which were good. Looking for a way to sharpen your dull scissors and knives? 4'1 Then look to McLean's Home Hardware. Now's your chance;to have all those dull scissors and knives that you have around the house .sharpened. The STAY -SHARP REPRESENTATIVE will be In our store this SATURDAY Feb. 26 9 a.m.-3 p.m. to offer sharpening services PRICE LIST: Stamford Knife 99 Stamford Selsun 1 99 Pinking Sheers 3 SO Saw Sherp.nlny S.rvlc..1...v.11.►I. through.rronq.rn.nts with the! r.pr.s.nt.tiv.. name C Hardware mac eans Main St., Exeter 235-0800 Can you bell A green Chris is part of the country is unusual bat not unheard of. However, seeing a snowman being pro- tected by an umbrella on Christmas Day is enough to make anyone do. a double take. The makeshift umbrella S3` The snow kept ii tug up, covering cars, sheds and por- ches, and people wonliered where it would stop. Now famous "streamers" swept off Lake Huron dumping their loads on the "lee of Lake Huron" or the "banana belt" as some of us cynically call Odds in ends By Elaine Townshend looked like a cardboard box or a clothes basket turned up- side down. I wonder whether it helped the old boy to sur- vive the rain that fell all day and turned • the green Christmas into a rather mud- dy one. It was only the first of many surprises that the winter of 82/83 has dished out. Last year everyone asked, "Can you believe this winter?" Western Ontario: , This year people are still. asking, "Can you believe this winter?" But the Ceasons are dif- ferent. A sifting of snow is the most we've received. Skis seldom leave the garage, toboggans stand in corners and snowmobiles hardly run long enough to get warmed up. Besides the fun missed by winter sports' enthusiast R• 1, r MR. AND MRS. WARD HERN Marguerite Elizabeth Downing and Francis Word Hern exchanged wedding vows February 5, 1983 at Well- ington Street United Church with Rev. G.E. Morrow of- ficiating. The bride was given in marriage by her son John Fargnoli. Matron of honour was Garmc rr Chatfield. Jenny Fargnoli was bridesmaid and Nicole von du Loon was flowergirl. The best mon was Edward Hern. An • - drew Fargnoli and Scott Hern ushered. A reception was held at therbride's home with dancing at tho Polish hall in the evening. The couple will reside in London. Crediton 4-H club • commence project evening. Taste time came next - pumpkin soup was not a favorite by any. Angelesey eggs were nal much Ix•tter. All enjoyed the Irish soda bread, and the Maple baked apples were also delicious. The second meeting has also held at Fleming's a week later. Sandra Ilullehush and Irene Dietrich were in charge . of ingredients for celery soup and Dutch peach kuchen. A11 the girls prepared their own deli special with whatever ingredients They wished. Ifecau'e these recipes are all measured out at home by the members tak- ing (urns. it cuts down on the length of time needed before the meeting begins. A discussion on a club name ended in agreement for "Food Museum." Angela i to draw the cover picture with this name,and have it ready for meeting three, which will be held at /Oak's home. . By Angela Fleming The first 4-11 meeting of Crediton Club 5 was held February 7 al the Fleming residence. After welcoming • two new members. the pledge was receifed and the roll call answered. The meetingbegan by preparing the recipes outlin- ed for this meeting. While these were cooking, the elec- tion of officers look place( Results are: president - Mary Fleming, Vice- president - Sandra Hullebusch, secretary: Irene Dietrich, and press rcportl•r Angela Vleming. . It was decided to hold all meetings or. Monday even- ings. Home activities were discussed and assignments made to bring food ingre- dients to the next meeting. Angela and Mary Fleming were in charge for this HAVE YOU QUESTIONED The Quality of Your't'v DRINKING WATER? he�\Go\S Nltr(ies pest ic;des Metals V qe" GS 9\v‘ Ch/o"ine Sewage Seepage? If you are concerned, you should know about this convenient economical way to remove pollu- tion from your drinking water, it's NATURE'S WAY... Distillation from $475" YOU SHOULD! i FOR YOUR FREE BROCHURE CALL 519-229-6401 OR WRITE Jim and Shirley Wilkinson Elgin Pure Water Supply RR 3, Exeter NOM 1S0 Please send me a Free Copy of Your Brochure. NAME• ADDRESS POSTAL CODE PHONE • ve it?: lack of snow has caused pro blems for people who make their living from seasonal sports. Some of us, who are less energetic in the winter, have guilt feelings. We're torn bet-. ween empathy for our fellowman and our personal enjoyment of this "easy" winter. The unusual conditions have not been confined to Canada. In Europe, profes- sional skiers had difficulty finding enough snow for their World Cup competitions. Bul , the most surprised peo- ple this winter were probably the Californians who woke up to snow one morning. Typical- ly, the kids didn't mind. Back in Western Ontario, meteorologists have spotted systems headed our way. We've held our breath think- ing, "Now we're gonna get it!" Storms have come close, but suprisingly they've stop- ped before they've reached our area or they've taken detours. The groundhog didn't see his shadow, and a few robins have.come back. Could we be surprised by an early spring this year? Maybe, but March can be a tricky month. Some of us are still expecting a wintry sur- prise, package before it's over... Playhouse gets art council aid Huron Country Playhouse announced this week that a grant of $30,000. has recently been awarded by The Ontario Arts Council. This grant -will be used to help defray some of the expenses incurred in mounting the five main stage productions for the 1983 season. ' The Ontario Arts Council has provided financial sup- port for Huron Country Playhouse in the past. This year's grant is an increase from last year, an endorse- ment .of the high-calibre entertainment which the Playhouse provided for Southwestern Ontario theatre -goers. Huron Country 1;'layhouse is continuing to solicit funds to support ouse I1, the newest atl ti the com- plex whi h is ue to open this summer. PREPARING BATTER — Murray and Rea Greene ore shown assisting in the preparation of pancakes at Tues- day's annual supper at Trivitt Anglican Church. Mt. Carmel women hear Right to .Life The January C.W.L. meeting was held at the Blue Water Rest Home, Zurich as part of the monthly birthday' party. After providing enter- tainment, in the form of group singing, accordion selections and a fashion show, members served lunch and visited with the senior citizens. The• business meeting followed with 28 members in attendance. President Jean Fleming thanked everyone • who contributed to the. suc- cess of all the December ac- tivities: pot -luck supper,1 Christmas gifts, bake sale,t etc. - She also informed that the league was asked to provide the program . for the Dashwood Senior- Citizens meeting April 18. The ladies performing in the play and the fashion show agreed to provide the entertainment. C.W.L. plates are once more available through Na•' tional Head Office for a price of $9. League pins are $3 and are handled by treasurer, Barb .McCann. The February meeting was held in the school gym and opened with the league prayer. Inviteduests from Parkhill, Bornigh, Zurich. Grand Bend and Exeter were in attendance.\ President Jean Fleming in- troduced guest speaker. ('arta Hevington from Right to Life. She spoke briefly and•showed us a film entitled "Baby Doc" about a baby born with Downs Syndrome who was left to die through starvation. A lively discussion followed. • It was decided that copies will be made from Bishop Sherlock's pastoral letter on , the Right to Life. and will be If your only claim this year is a CHILD TAX CREDIT H&R Block will prepare your income tax return for tha►special price of $10 at participating offices. It pays to be prepared — by H&R Block MIME VISA iTHE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS 399 Main St. • OPEN H&R BLOCK 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Weekdays . 9:30 - 4:30 Sat. Phone 235-1901 Closed Wednesdays, No appointment necessary attached to upcoming church bulletins for parishionerslo read. Nancy Regier thanked Carla for coming and lunch was serves. A penny sales was held with 78 articles for selection in- cluding a beautiful, hand - painted, wooden rocking horse made and donated by - Bernard Rimmer,' itaffle tickets were sold on this and won by Mrs. Johanna Gielen. The business • meeting followed with 48 members in attendance and opened with a spiritual reading by Theresa- Larkin. heresaLarkin. Correspondence was read by Mary Angela Rutter including a thank -you note from C.N.I.B. for a donation. • Mary Angela asked- for more voluntuprr help Nan- cy. Regier and Pat Glavin in canvassing for the Heart Fund. Jean Fleming inform- ed that next year was the C.W.L.'s turn to host the Worid Day of Prayer and everyone agreed. Members were reminded that Dorothy Dietrich is still collecting Zehr's tapes and the box is in the back of the church." The ,March meeting will be held in the school gym Tues- day March 1 and will be an open meeting enabling us to tie all loose ends before a new executive is elected. • Nell . 1c('ann, pasl- president has agreed to assist as chairpbrson for nomina- tions -and elections, and Will pick a committee • of two others. The conveners of stan- ding committees will be ask- ed to compile and report on activities during their two year convenership at our April meeting. Anil .'s Cerairii`s NEW HOURS 4 p.m. - 10 p.m. Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs.. During day by appointment only Phone 229-6401 Shirley Wilkinson BEAT THE BINGES Dieting alone can't help„ you beat your bad eating habits. . .but the WEIGHT - WATCHERS program can. In weekly meetings, you'll learn new and proper eating habits that can become as natural to you as breathing. You71 find out how to lose pounds and keep them off once and for all. Call Weight Watchers and help yourself to a better figure. JoNm TODAY Receive Volume I . of "Fun With Food" Cookbook FREE Enroll at any class. Registration and first meeting fee 115.00. $6.00 weekly therenter. Senior Citizens and students — Registration and first meeting fee $7.00. $3.00 weekly thereafter. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL: 1-800-265-9291 0 W.yI t Watchers Inte,nar,on.r Inc 1983 Owner of tr,e We,ght Watchers hadanw► WEDDING INVITATIONS ,oweie 4llild by INTERNATIONAL OF STRATFORD ('hoose wedding invitations with complete confidence -from -our elegant selection...which includes announcements and all the correct wedding accessories. 'Our wedding gift to you...: a Keepsake copy of your Invitation processed in luxurious gold. We also have personalized wedding napkins, matches and cake boxes. limes - dvoca P OTO F111115 NG and film supply headquarters! • Polaroid Cameras and films • Kodak Disc Cameras • films • ilatteries 48-HOUR PROCESSING "We use Kodak paper for the good Iobk" • Finishes available.Bord•red, Borderless, lustre or glossy • Disc films, 15 exp. '6.49 - Reg. film 12 exp. '5.49 • Two sets of prints available for small extra charge • • King size prints available too • Money -back guarantee if not satisfied Exeter Pharmacy Ltd • Main Street 235-1570