HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-02-23, Page 2Page 2 Thsles•Athocote, F.bruw� 1w Everything for the Bride. and Croom MEMORIES. r I cherish forever WEDDING SPECIAL 11" x 14" Colour Print of Your Choic FREE! 4. Ifyou book yogi'' Wedding Now. t` Offer res /83 S ( ununr„ IA Industrial and %%editing Photograph, 137 Thames Rd., Exeter, Ont. NOM 150 . • Telephone 519-235-1298 Your Flor. and WallJ • Covering Specialists 4111141.601 Hwy. 21 Grand Bend 238-8603 Planning. *A Wedding? 5%.0ff.. Bulk Fruit for Wedding and Anniversary Cakes k411111 1 PIK .r : 0 FE GU i A Miktik Ilw1. M MI,...- Ms,wll ewe 1tS $ . !>6-49? We're Open: Daily 9 a.m. • 6 p.m. Closed Sundays ••A .Illi'IIr::••.. •ilile\•Ij11 III •Ir Put on your most beautiful face... The bride's most radiant face visa sec ref assist from us. Behind the. scene, our cosmetics create a very special appearance 10 make you the most beautiful bride ever. JorhooiLv�'tiLebto�coupIt's comforting to knowyou can depend on theseprofessionals to do their part in makingyour wedding day the happiest event in your life. These experts all offer friendly personal service combined with excellent sele tion. the bi"l cooleho�f pps c sings silver Lifestyles may change and•etiquette to some about -to -be -married. coup- les may stray far from the pages of the volumes dedi- cated to proper social gra- ces. But The. Wedding Day, the hopeful wishes, the importance of the mar- riage vows still remain spe- cial to prospective wedding couples. The excitement ripe with meaning. Every purchase becomes sym bolic of the couple's com- mitment tq each other. Standard of excellence ' Buying, then, for this enraptured couple should be predicated on wedding gift choices that evoke quality, fine styling and lasting beauty.— a standard of excellence synonymous of course, with sterling sil- , •ver. The more the couple understands about silver, silverplate, stainless steel and pewter, the greater their insight into what's trendy and what has endur- ing style.. Sterling silver, though somewhat price prohibitive in the: bridal market during Exeter Pharmacy Ltd. ELEGANT STERLING .il ver Aatware in the English . Gadroon pattern by Gorham. A 3 -piece place Betting is priced at 5178.00. the last several years, is now experiencing a revital- ized surge in salts. And, as the Silversmiths Guild of America publication on sterling states, "don't apol- ogize for the price of ster- ling." Some reasons -- it is an excellent investment, a permanent purchase be- coming more beautiful with lime and vse. As the queen of the table, its rich patina basks in heri- tage and tradition. Like a fine painting or rare jewel, it will become q treasured family heirloom. . The balance, styling and comfortable feel of sterling flatware are proof -positive of its timeless value. Yes, it requires proper care, but then doesn't anything that is worthwhile? First things first As flatware is -the most permanent part of the table setting, it should be chosen before holloware pieces or china and crystal. And, prior to pattern choosing, a fix on the couple's lifestyle is important Information with which to work. With so many men ac- companying their future wives to the bridal registry, his likes and dislikes are as vital to ascertain as hers. Of course, -if her mother is part of the registering team, another dimension is added! Still, it is the coup- le's taste that is the ultimate deciding factor. _ Expense needn't pre- clude buying sterling flat-- • lat=• ware. Two place -settings from parents is a fine start. Birthdays. anniversaries and other important occa- sions become.opportunities for building the service. Another alternative Couples can also register for additional place -set- tings or serving pieces to complete a service that they may have inherited. A pattern such as Gorham Chantilly, for instance, has been•available since 1895 and is still coveted today — the pattern itself has be- come h tradition in count- less families. Friends and relatives or r a finding a sterling pattern registered will be pleased to be guided toward purchas- ing even one sterling piece such as a sugar spoon, gravy ladle or butter spreader. Sterling is always welcomed. The expense, then, need not be great — the selection of any sterling item makes that gift a spe- cial one. The silverplate option Another option for the couple, is silverplate. Surely, the look of sterling is there, the balance, the elegance. Quality silverpla- ted flatware with its size, weight and crisp ornamen- tation, all manufactured to sterling standards, give a table a splendid look. While not having the investment value or heri- tage of sterling flatware, silverplate is beauty and luxury in itself, and should not in any case be labeled "second-rate." Over the last several years, mucic attention has been directed toward qual- ity stainless steel flatware and with good reason. Quality stainless such as Gorham's fine line has excellent balance and weight, handle decoration front and back, contempo- rary as Drell as'traditional design choices and superior surface finish: it is an attractive addition to a well-dressed table. Virtues of stainless Easy care, durability, lasting beauty and, of 'course, affordability make stainless flatware a natural for the newlyweds. Gor- ham. for example, has design studio stainless flat- ware in a 12 piece (four 3 piece place settings) starter set. Ideal wedding gift package! The newlyweds can begin entertaining in style with a minimum in- vestment to the purchaser. The same is true of silverplated holloware. /Perhaps sterling salt and peppe sh*ers or napkin rings are affordable but larger sterling pieces are very expensive. However, Bridesmaids speaking their minds: words to the. wise Taking part in the approximately 2,500,000 weddings this year will be a whopping 10,000,000 bridesmaids. What will the experience be like for' them?. Based on the theory that it pays to take a lesson from history, lists of the most common complaints voiced by past bridesmaids have been compiled by Bride's magazine, which also sug- gests ways in which this year's brides can help smooth them out:. • What they wore. Per- haps the most frequently heard complaint is that the bridesmaids didn't like the dresses the bride chose for them: they were the wrong color, the wrong style, were too expensive; or couldn't be worn again. While it's hard for the bride to please everyone, you can make the effort by trying this approach. At first, take only your maid or matron of honor with you shopping and narrow down the almost limitless choice to three or so styles. Make sure to use your judgment in picking styles that will flatter your attend- ants' varied figures. For instance, full skirts and blou'soq tops look good on almost anyone. . You mighttry to include in your choices one two- piece or shorter style your maids will be able to wear again. Once you've made this preliminary selection, you're ready to schedule a time when the rest of the maids can come into the bridal shop to vote on the final decision. • How much they spent. Costs can add up when you consider that its usual for attendants to pay for their own outfits, including shoes, accessories and per- haps an extra dress for the rehearsal dinner; wedding and shower gifts; and trans-. port at ion, lodging and meals if they're coming from out of town. • Just a few of the many ways to help them out: See if riends and relatives could put your maids up, let them,select their own shoes (or wear a pair they already have) and provide all meals. • What their duties were. The problem was that no one really explained what on exclusive collection of handmade, custom• designed lingerie and loungeweor Alluring creations for the honeymoon...or any time.! e ave an xcellent. selection or weddings and ther formal ccasions. epresenting yd Silver, lassy and re Ai ':r •1 they were supposed to do. For instance, many a maid was even more nervous than the bride when she came down the aisle be- cause she hadn't been giv- en a chance to practice. So at the rehearsal give your bridesmaids plenty of time to walk through their parts, including passing your bouquet and reading -any special Scripture pas- s AAs for their duties before the wedding, simply ask them for help whop you need it — in choosing your dress, addressing invita- tions, welcoming out-of- town guests — but be'sensi- tive to how busy their own lives are. • How the wedding affected t e friendship. Many bridesmaids complained that.the bride was so in- volved in her plans and par- ties that she was in her own little world and not inte- rested•in them anymore. Again, sensitivity is the key. It's up to you to show your bridesmaids that you haven't changed as a per- son or as a friend,just be- cause you're getting mar- ried. Where BEAUTIFUL TEA SERVICE GROUPINGS of Strasbourg Holloware from Gorham make excellent wedding gifts. It also gives the buyer two options: Invest in small sterling pieces or complement them with affordable matching silverplated platters. • silverplated trays, bowls, wire baskets, candlesticks, dishes, sugar bowls and creamers, pitchers are mar- velous gifts and coordi- nates for flatware of all kind and are reasonably priced. Gorham, for instance, makes Strasbourg hollo- ware in sterling and silver - plate, the latter, a beautiful complement tosterling flat- ware in the same pattern. Carefully chosen holloware ' groupings also eliminate the need to "return" the hodgepodge of holloware that couples sometimes receive. The personal touch. Also appropriate are fine lines of personal gifts in sil- ver, silverplate and pewter. It is amid the hustle and bustle of last minute ar- rangements that gifts for at- tendants and bridesmaids are usually purchased. Why not have the couple select these when register - Tg? he variety of such gifts is enormous. Sterling items such as money clips, letter openers, pill boxes and jewel boxes are marvelous as well. Gorham, for in- stance, has introduced an array of items — money clips, key ring, letter opener, business and credit card cases — suitable for engraving. Or, what about a silverplated purse mirror ora pewter frame? . Classic gift ideas And, who can forget the bride and groom's gifts to each? Here the bridal con- sultant can suggest to him a sterling Victorian frame or dresser set forher. For him, a sterling brush & comb set is a classic. The variety of appropri- ate gifts offered by major silver manufacturers is surely large in scope and accommodating to awide spectrum of tastes and price considerations. With such lovely gift choices, the happy and enthusiastic couples can't help but feel they are launching their life together in grand style! A practical present 'Mr1'E,' NOT MUSCIES — Light housekeeping can be just that with the new Mighty Mite compact vacuum cleaner from Eureka. This streamlined vac comes with an optional shoulder strap for easy por tabilhyget los the horsepower to handle an your cleaning chores. Country R1oweS our ideas are as fresh 0 as our flowers. We understand the importance of flowers for your edding. Nightie Shown sl2n5 Give us o call 235 175 404 Edward St., Eyet rr 388 Mein Street, Exeter,PHONE 235-0991 We'll h•l ou look our best Floral accessories in fresh and silk will put the delightful finishing touches .on your special day. WO Main St. faits 35-242? M Answers to important Questi�ns asked by the Groom -®Who pays for the wed- ding? What are the duties of the Best Man? What should• I wear to be correctly attired? . Those are but a few of the questions which may. puzzle prospective bride- grooms. Most of the answers to those questions have pat answers, ma them having'been Jia ded down from antiquity, oth- ers being relatively modern in conception. The American Formal - wear Association; being expert on the rules and mores of weddings and their attendant rules and • obligations, has compiled a list of the most often asked questions by grooms add the AFA has supplied the answers that currently, apply to them. Some who can afford it go to wedding counselors .to find out what to wear, what to do and how to do it. The following will answer most, if not all, of the ques- tions that the average groom may pose: Q.: Who or what decides if the wedding is to be for- mal, semiformal or infor- mal? A.: Those decisions are usually up to the bride, and are often determined by the choice of gown that she • wears and the site of the ceremony. If she wears a long gown with a train, the ceremony is definitely formal. If the bride elects to wear only a veil with her gown, the cer- emony can be considered to be semi -formal. Q.: If the wedding is for- mal, what do I wear? A.: In the daytime,' a cut- away coat and striped trou- sers. However, in some contemporary weddings the groom will -wear a white tailcoat, but traditionalists hold out for the gray cuta- way. ora contemporary evening formal ceremony, the groom may wear a black or white full dress (tailcoat), while the tradi- tionalist will wear the clas- sic white tie and tails. Q.: If the wedding is semi -formal, what do I wear? A.: For a traditional day- time wedding, a gray strol- ler with striped trousers. For a contemporary day- time wedding, a tuxedo of your choice or an updated stroller. For a traditional evening ceremony, a black tuxedo ora white dinner jacket. For a contemporary even- ing wedding, a tuxedo of your choice. Q.: What do my ushers or groomsmen wear? A.: In a traditional cere- mony, the same as the groom, with the exception of the boutonierre which,in the groom's case should be a sprig of lily -of -the -valley from the bride's bouquet. In a contemporary wed - For that Special day you're sure to look elegant When you choose from ur selection of: • long gowns • specialoccasion dresses • suits • hats S$ooking stood FASHIONS FOR HER 17r ADM toner, 11..., »s•1us f;%� III,I ,! I. ding, the groomsmen may dress "'a step down" from 'the groom. I.e., if the groom wears a tailcoat, the groomsmen may wear a short coat. .Q.: What do the fathers of the bride and groom wear? A.: The same rules apply to the fathers as to the ush- e rs and the groomsmen. Q.: Do 1 give a present to -the bride? A.: As a rule, the gift of the wedding ringis consid- ered to be sufficient. How- ever, there is no rule against offering her a further token of your devo- tion. Do I• owe a gift to any Of tate wedding members? A. Yts. Some small gill • should be made to your ushers or groomsmen. - Dress studs, cuff links, pocket jewelry or the like is appropriate. Those gifts serve as mementos of the occasion: Q.: Who decides on the type, place and length pf the honeymoon? A.: Those decisions should be made by agree- ment between the bride and groom. its type is usually determined by financial , capabilities and the avail- able time for the trip. Q.: Who provides th,� bride's bouquet? A.: The groom buys his bride's bouquet•and also the usher's boutonierres. Q.: Who pays for the honeymoon? A.: The groom! ✓ q.: Who gives the hono- rarium to the officiating reverend or judge? A.: The groom. Q.: Who pays for the rental of the formalwear? A.: The groom and the members of the wedding each ,pay for their own. Q.: Who pays for the wedding? ,A.: The bride's family. Q.: What are the duties of the Best Man'' A.: The Best Man attends the groom prior to ceremony, hands him the ring to place on the bride's finger during the ceremony, and offers the first toast to the bride and grdom at the reception. • He also reads, to all assembled, any and all con- gratulatoryy messages sent to the bride and groom at the reception. Q.: If 1 am a member of the military, is it correct for me to be married in uni- form? A.: In the U.S., one Usu- ally only wears a uniform if on active service. In that case it is correct to wear full dress (if you have it) or. at least, your Class A's. If your attendants are also in the service they should be similarly attired and officers may wee; swords or sabers. Except •for regulars, uniforms are best avoided in peacetime. Just in Time for, Spring Weddings Beatiful Dresses in a bouquet of color. Perfect for the mothers of the bride and groom. `S r-4 Size 16 and up 420 Main St. Lantbton Mall tx•t•r Sarnia Byron Village Move London `i0tn.`6/n r