HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-02-23, Page 1Ful
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Fire forces shift
Dashwood firm moves to Exeter
Exeter will be getting a new
industry by the middle of next
month, and while the firm's
current address is Fried St.,
it isn't moving here as a result'
of the town's industrial pro-
motion in Germany. .
The firm is United Plastic
Components Limited. nd it's
- moving from Dashwood.
President Stephen M.
Peacock and vice-president
Gary J. Lockhurst made the
announcement officially at
Monday's session of Exeter
council and noted that it was
with "mixed emotions" that
'they were moving.
• "It will be sad to leave a
town which has been kind to
the company for almost 10
years, but we cblookforward
to a bright future of growth in
Exeter, they said.
GREATEST AMERICAN HERO — Sondra Dotars lines
up Jason Erb (left.), Chad Desjardine, Chris Keller and
Mork Crane in preparation fortheir turn in the spotlight
at the Zurich Figure Skating Carnival.
Will negotiate.
with tawnshrps
' i A final report regarding the
use of local recreation
facilities. and programs will
give Exeter some new and
detailed ammunition when
they approach area township
councils for grants this year.
Those negotiations will
"begin immediately"'accor-
ding to Mayor Bruce Shaw as
he quickly vetoed a sugges-
tion from . Deputy -Reeve
Lossy Fuller 'that the
statistics regarding township
residents' use of the pro-
grams and facilities should be
updated over the next couple
of years before Exeter should
go to the townships for in-
creased grants.
During last y.i!ar's budget
deliberations. Shaw had call-
ed for greater financial
assistance from. the
townships. but that appeal
didn't result in any increases.
The town ended up.paying
91.08 percent of the deficit of
$85;640, while Usborne con-
tributed 7.01. percent, Stephen
1.40 and Hay .51.
The report submitted to
council this week by recrea-
tion director Lynne Farquhar
and facilities manager Cam
Stewardson reveals that
township reside ts'enjoy a
larger percentage of use than
Cites concern
over budget
Finance committee chair-
man Bill Mickle revealed this
week he has kept a. close eye
on the payment of the first in• •
stalment of 198:3 taxes "and it.,
tells me something --people
are suffering." •
The Reeve said the first in-
stalment was due on.
February 15 and resulted in
payment of about 82 percent
of the amount duo.
While he suggested that -in-
dicated taxes were coming in
-quite well". 11 was about
$60,000 •short of the amount
Even with an anticipated
surplus of $53,(100 from Jest
year, Mickle said the drop in
tax revenue was causing him
considerable concern regar-
ding this year's budget.
Ile noted that the surplus
could be offset by a ^on-
siderable drop in the interest
income the town would have
in the current year, in addi-
tion to the increased costs
such as sales tax and
employee benefits.
"Times are now starling to
shower) the public purse." he
is reflected in the grants from
their municipal councils.
Ona mean average,. 69 per-
cent of the participation in
%local programs comes from
Exeter residents, 10 from
Usborne, nine from Stephen;
six from Hay and six frem
other mt,5,icipalities,
However, Miss Farquhar
noted that all the statistics
could not realistically be
'lumpedtogether but should
reflect .that some programs
are operated at a break-even
or slight profit basis, while
others operate at con-
siderable losses.
She also suggested that in
negotiating with the
townships, council should con-
sider the use of township
facilities and programs by
Exeter residents.
The final report breaks the
participation into five major
categories: ice sports, out-
door sports. programs, pool
• Please turn to pa ; e :3
The move from Dashwood
was prompted by a
devastating fire which hit a
warehpuseNect y the com-
pany on September 22'OT fast
year. The fire levelled a huge
warehouse owned by the
South Huron Association for
the Mentally Handicapped
and which was rented to the
plastic products manufactur-
ing plant.
Peacock said the
warehouse was not being --
replaced. replaced.
'The firm will move to the
former JF Farm Machinery
building on Highway 83 East.
That building is now owned by
Peter Oud and will hottae both
the firm's manufacturing and
warehousing facilities.
"It will do nicely for the
Lady gets
fair post
Dolores Shapton, ' a long-
time supporter and executive
member of the Exeter Fall
Fair board has been named to
the executive Qf the Ontario
Association of Agricultural
Societies. '
Mrs. Shapton who has just
, Completed two years as a
ladies section district director
is now a junior convener of
the ladies section of the pro-
vincial organization.
: At last week's convention in
_Toronto, the local agricultural
society won 'a- =number . of
prizes. The Exeter diplay
featuring Focus . on Wheat
won second peize for C fair
'display. -: -
Third prizes in the colour
slide photographic .competi-
tion were won in the school
fait; and in the official opening
categories. These winning
slides were - entered by
Dolores Shapton . and past
secretary Pauline Simmons.
As a result of attendance at
the convention. secretary
GWen Coward reports an
agreement has been reached
with Fairmount -Amusements
of Paristo, provide'the rides
and other amusement conces-
sions at the 1983 Exeter Fair.
The Paris firm has provid-
ed suitable amusements dur-
ing recent years at fairs in
Luca'h and Thorndale and the
.1982 International Plotting
Delegates attendue the
convention from the Exeter
Agricultural Society were
president Bob Hern, vice-
president Ray Cann,
secretary Gwen Coward,
ladies division president
Shirley Prance and school
fair president Mary Dougall.
Also in attendance were
Mabel l -tern, Murray Coward,
Jim Dougall, Garnet Hicks,
Roy Pepper and 1982 Fair
Queen Deb Taylor.
Terry Caldwell, Hensall,
suffered major injuries when
his pickup hit a tree Saturday
He was driving on conces-
sion 2-3 of Hay Township,
three km. north of Highway 84
when the vehicle left the toad
at 9:00 p.m. .
The member of the Hensel)
Sherwoods hockey team was
taken to University Hospital
in London.
Damage to the 1982 pickup
was listed at $7,000.
next year or two," Peacock
told council, in reference to
the 22,000 square foot
He said the move should be
completed by March 14 and .
noted that it will not disrupt
the lives of the firm's
employees too much.
He also indicated plans for
expansion, suggesting that
more jobs could be offered "in
the near future".
United Plastic Components
manufactures many plastic
products including parts for
Dashwood Industries
Limited, Franklin Manufac-
turing and other firms in
Canada and the U.S.A..
' In addition, United has two
retail product lines, Casual
Outdoor Furniture and
Garden Products. Some of
those products have been
shipped as far away as
"We look forward tohaving
you as part of our industrial
complex', commented Reeve
Bill Mickle, 'chairman of the
local industry and tourism
promotion committee.
He said the firm had been
known as a good corporate
citizens in Dashwood and
would be a benefit to -Exeter.
Mayor Bruce Shaw called
for a short recess in Monday's
agenda to allow Mickle the
opportunity to introduce the
two executives to members of
council and several members
of the staff who were on hand
at the meeting for presenta-
tions later in the session.
Shaw later advised council
that other announcements
regarding industrial and com-
mercial growth could be ex-
pected in the near future.
Kirkton man dies
in plant accident
A 40 -year-old Kirkton man
was killed in an industrial at-
cident at the Centralia plant
of Cook's Division of Gerbro
Inc. Monday night.
Elias Muilwyk was using a
margin elevator to get from
one level in the mill to,
another, when he fell
backward while attempting to
get off at one of the floors. He
was trapped in the endless
belt lifting device.
The accident occurred
around 10:00 p.m. and the
worker was pronounced dead
at the scene by Coroner Dr.
Charles Wallace, Zurich. An
autopsy was. performed
yesterday at Stratford
General Hospital.
The accident is under in-
vestigation by Exeter' OPP
Constable Wally Tomasik and
Cpl. Bill Freeth. •
MOVE TO EXETER -- United Plastic Components Limited will be moving from
Doshwood to Exeter. The firm yvill be locating in one of the former JF Farm
Machinery buildings on Highway 83 'East and will be in production by March. 15.
Company president Stephen Pgacbck and vice-president Gary Luckhurst are shown
being welcomed to town by industrial committee chairman Bill Mickle, left, while
Mayor Bruce Shaw and clerk Liz Bell ore shown in the background.
t 4
Serving South Huron, North Middlesex
Ono• ' Hundred and ;Tenth Year
voca e
& North tambttpn Since 1873
EXETER, ONTARIO, February 23, 1983
Price Per Copy 50 Cents
Gov`t:. approval --still needed.
Construction of a new office
building for. the Ausable-
Bayfield Conservation
Authority was approved by
the :32 -member board at
Thursday's annual meeting
held in Kirkton.
The office complex along
with a workshop will be built
on Authority owned property
at the Morrison Dam, east of
Exeter: -
Tom Prout; Authority
general manager said he.
- hopes consthjcctian will be
completed by September of
this year taking advantage of
a federal -provincial job crea-
tion program. -
, in addition to Authority
- facilities, a portion of the pro-
posed new building will house
a municipal office for the
township of Usborne.
Of the estimated cost of
$500,000 Prout saiti $250,000
would come .from the job
creation program, about
$100,000 from sale Qf the pre-
sent Authority office building
in .Exeter,, $50,000 from
Usborne Township and the
balance from. an Authority
surplus fund.
He added, "We are confi-
dent sufficient monies will be •
available from the aforemen-
tioned sources making it .
necessary to increase levies
to participating
The general manager told
the full Authority meeting
-that an offer to purchase the
present Exeter property has
been received from
NOW PERMANENT — Kevin Short, centre, was named as sergeant of the Exeter
police department by council, Monday. He has held the position on a probationary
basis for the post six months. Mayor Bruce Show watches as Chief Ted Day pro-
vides Short with his new badge.
Position becomes permanent
Select Short sergeant
Kevin Short was promoted
to the rank of sergeant this,
week, a position he has held
on a probationary basis for
the past six months with the
local police department.
Mayor Bruce Shaw explain-
ed that council felt the pesi•
tion was "indeed necessary"
and that Short had been
selected following interviews
with four members of the
department conducted by
three senior members of the
London Police department.
Ile said the London r,ien
had considered several fac-
tors in recommending Short
for the position and termed
their appraisal "very frank,
candid and perceptive".
Some of those factors in-
clude personality, ability to
speak in public, experience,
skills, education, self im-
provement, knowledge of
policing and the Police Act
and community involvement.
"They were very impress-
ed with the quality of policing
in Exeter'," the Mayor said.
Short, who joined the local
department in May 1978.
serves on (he executive of the
Big Brothers and Sisters, is a
life support instructor and
been active with young people
-in the community.
Ile was hired at an
unsliecified remuneration as
council have not yet reached
a decision on the salary report
which will he used to deter-
mine stipends for employees.
Agricultural Information Ser-
vices Ltd, The offer js condi-
tional on the authority getting
the work creation program
grant which he added, "looks
Usborne .to share facility
proceeds on office
Purchasers of the present
property have offered to rent
theoldbuilding backto the
Authority for $2,000 a month
uhlil transfer to the new office
can be made. -
The new two storey office
building is estimated to cost
$380,000 with an additional
$140,000 designated for land-
scaping. parking - lot and,
In addition. construction of
a• $140.000 equipment
workshop - which was
previously 'budgeted for this
year has already begun at the
Morrison Dam site.
Students from Huron Hope School won the Friendship trophy for the se- , _
cond time in three years at the recent competition at the University of Western Ontario. From the left with
the trophy are students Trudy Wegg, Darryl Tebow, Claudette Proulx, Roy Tebow, Rob McCann, Andrew Volk
and principal Eleanor Scott. In front is Chris Peckham. n j T -A photo.
Authority budget over million,
municipal share up slightly
The 32 municipalities in the
Watershed of the Ausahle-
Bayfield Conservation
Authority will pay $138,448
towards the authority's ap-
. proved 1983 budget of over SI
The budget was approved
at the authority's annual
rneetingThursdayin Kirkton.
'I'hemunicipatitles'share is
up from the $132.190 paid. to
the authority in 1982.
Government grants will
pay for about half (he authori-
ty's budget in the nmount of
$615,407, with the remainder
to he paid for .through the
municipalities, . park opera-
tions, sale of cottage lots,
leases and reserves,
The water and related Lind
management program takes
up the largest portion of the
1983 budget at $421,950.
Management and other ero-
sion control on the •Port
Franks River is the largest
capital works project to bed
undertaken by the authority
in 1983. A total of $60,000 has
been budgeted for this work,
a cut back from the original
$115.000 budgeted.
Other capital Works pro-
jects include $22,000 for
Hayfield erosion control
work, $22,500 for forest
management at Parkhill,
Port Blake and geneMal areas.
The Parkhill Spillway ac-
quisition has been budgetted
at $12,500, while floodplain
mapping has been budgetted
at $8,300 and erosion and sedi-
ment control at the Thedford
Conservation Area has been
budgeted at $5,250.
. Also tinder water and
related land management.
water support has been
budgetted at $137,000, dam
'maintenance has been
budgetted at $:39,900, conser-
vation services at $57,500 and
a cost•benefft of the Seaforth
channel improvement has
been budgetted at $2,000.
Wetland acquisition in the
Hay Swamp has been budge(-
• ted al $55,000'
Administration of the
authority has been budgetted.
at $226.300, up from $208,900 in
1982. The largest portion of
this budget% is made up by
salaries and benefits, total-
ing $159,500, up from $141300
in the previous year.
The allowance for the 35
members one representative
from each of the 32
municipalities plus three pro-
vincial representatives) has
increased from $16,000 to
$17,000 for 1983. The chair-
man's expenses have been
budgetted to double, from
The ministry of transporta-
tion and•communicatfon ad-
vised Exeter -council this
week that funds in the amount
of $1:1000 have been allocated
to cover the ministry's share
of the cost of resurfacing
Main St. from Huron to
The ministry asked that
plants and specifications for
this work be submitted
along with a connecting link
construction agree hent
before tendering the work.
The matter was turned over
to Ihepuhtic workscommittee
$2,000 last year to $4.000 in
1983, while staff mileage and
expenses have decreased,
from $5,000•in 1982 to $2,500
this year.
The conservation and
related land manspentant
budget has been set at $$1,590.
Under (his, the capital works
prbjects include development
at the Rock Gleh Conserva-
tion Area to cost $14,250 and
$1,000 for development at the
Parkhill Conservation Area.
Authority chairman John
'Finney al flay township was
returned for a second term by
acclamation as -was vice-
chairman Gordon Johnson.
Fred Lewis was named (() •
chair the personnel.. and -
finance :uh•isoryiward with
Wilson • llodgins- as
Don Lithgow will -head the
'.-conservation lands manage-
ment advisory.board and Carl
Vock•will he vice chairman.
• Bill Thi tiwaltis thcitittairh'ibn
and ('cell I)esjardine vice-
• chairman of the water
. management advisory board'.
Members rs of the personnel
and finance advisory board
are John Deeves. Carl 1'ock,
Ivap Hearn. Floyd Nowa(.
• Aubrey McCallum, Charles
Corbett. Fred Dobbs- and
Keith Westlake.
Those on the conservation
lands management advisory
board are Earl (tees. Ed
Strachan. Rob Anderson. Don •
MacGregor. ,lake Iteder.
Harry Kluhgel. John
Kinsman. *Bill Amos. Brian
('ampbelland Clarence au.
The water managementItad-
visory board is comprised of
Roy Westcott. Charlotte.
Postma, Mervt•n Falconer.
Doug Gilpin, Bill %Voters. Joe
Gibson. Harold Green. Roy
Johnson hod John Duncan
Attending the Authority
meeting for the. first time
were 10 new representatives.
'I'hey� were Robert Anderson.
Arkona: Ed Strachan.
Bayfield: John I)et'ves. ('lin-
ton: llarry Klungel, Henson:
Brian Campbell. McKillop:
Bill Waters. Parkhill: Mervin
Falconer. Tuck ersmith:
Keith •W'ri•stlake. Zurich and
provincial representative Roy
Johnson of (.rand Bend.
HOCKEY NIGHT IN CANADA Depicting one of TV'; most popular items for the
Zurich Figure Skating Carnival are (bock 1"eft) Allan Jeffreiy, Joey Crelinas, Ryan Oesch
and referee Frank Thrig. Front: Graham Keyt Steven Regier, Bryon Denomme and
Justin Merner.