HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-02-16, Page 24Pogo 24 Times -Advocate, February 16, 1983
Lions sports banquet another huge success
Tuesday's annual Exeter successful was very signifi- of the popular yearly event Province of Ontario had ever
Lions Club Sportsmen's Din- cant for two reasons. and marked the first time a
ner which againproved verb It was the 10th anniversar Lieutenant Governor of the visited the town.
g y Honourable John Aird in,
addition to attending the din-
ner toured they Huron In-
dustrial Park and unveiled
plaques at - the Exeter
municipal offices and the
South Huron Rec Centre.
Aird who was accompanied
by a member of his security
staff former Exeter detach-
ment OPP officer Frank Gif-
fin said he enjoyed his area
visit and was attempting to
visit more cornmunities
throughout the province. Dur-
ing his 27 months as Lieute-
nant Governor he has fulfill-
ed 1,400 official engagements.
In a brief address at the din-
ner, Aird said, "This crowd of
over 0t10 is a great perfor-
mance showing you do care
about crippled children and
our serving your
Two of the head table
SHDHS ASSEMBLY — Former CFL quarterback Chuck Ealey talks with SHDHS prin- guests have been in Exeter
cipal Joe Wooden at a school assembly Tuesday afternoon. • T -A photo before. Dan Altan who was
the Timmy at the 1975 dinner
travelled through the area
June 27, 1982 on his way
ross Canada in a wheel-
Altan said, "Exeter was the
turning point in my across the
country trip. I received
tremendous encouragement
and financial support here.
From then on everything lit
up and it was virtually all
down hill the rest of the way";
Chuck Ealey, former CFL
quarterback with Toronto,
Hamilton and Winnipeg said
he visits Exeter and Huron
Tractor in particular a couple
of times a month as an area
manager for John Deere.
Ealey urged everyone in at-
tendance, "Continue to do
what you are doing here in
helping others. Don't let it
stop here. Keep working
together as a family and a
community." •
Toronto Blue Jays catcher
Ernie Whitt was optimistic
about his club's chances in the
1983 season. Whitt feels the
number of trades in' which
Dave Collins. Mike Morgan
and Cliff Johnston came to
the club will make them a
lie added, "The 1982 season
while continuing to be a
building year was a cor-
nerstone in the life of the
The third standing ovation
of the night was given to
Calgarian Laurie Skreslet
who was on the successful
mission in 1982 to reach the
top of Mount Everest. The
other standing supports were'
given the Lieutenant Gover-
nor and local Tammy
Christine Easterbrook.
Skreslett said, "Seeing 600
from a town of 3,600 at this
dinner gives me the feeling of
a breath of fresh air, a breath
AN EXETER WELCOME -- Bruce Shaw Jr. welcomes Bobby Hull to Exeter at Tues-
day's Sportsmen's Dinner. looking on are Jim Pfaff and mayor Bruce Shaw.
of sanity in an insane world to crippled children not as
It's great seeing we can do handicapped, but, as
some things that are right." handicapable.
He continued, "The people Headline speaker former
we carne here tonight to help Chicago ail(' Winnipeg hocla y
(crippled children) can teach star Bobby Hull 'called for a
us something. To give up return by Canadian to the
before your body fails is basics of hockey.
unacceptable." hull said, "Let the kids in
Another CFL quarterback early minor hockey have fun
Condredge riollaway who led and be governed by some nine
the Toronto Argonauts to play guy and leave the basics to
in the 1982Grey Cupreferred later on and in junior ranks."
He continued, "We need to
get back to the fine art of
hockey. Wayne Gretzky came
along when we needed a
champion for the cause. We
need more like him and
Lefleur, PerraUlt and
-Crippled children were well
represented by Christine
Easterbrook whowas the
local dinner Tamthy for the
fourth straight rear and
former Timmys Dan Altan
and Malcolm MacDonald who
was the Timmy at the first
dinner in 1974.
Also.speaking on behalf of
the -London Thames Valley
Treatment Centre were direc-
tor Mike Lyseki and district
nurse Sonia Jackson.
Former wrestling great
Lord Athol Layton was a very
capablemasterof ceremonies
introducing the athletes in his
own humorous manner.
Clarence McDowell was the
dinner chairman and Lion
president George Godbolt
brought closing remarks.
Bringing greeting"; from the
polictical side were Exeter
mayor Bruce -Shaw and
Huron -Middlesex MPP Jack
Riddell, Father Joe Nelligan
of Mount- Carmel said grace
prior to to the :dinner.
BLUE JAY CHATTER-- Ernie Whitt of the Toronto Blue
Jays talks with Father Joe Nelligan at Tuesday's Sport -
men's Dinner. T -A photo
DINNER CELEBRITIES'— Shown prior to Tuesday's Ex-
eter Sportsmen's Dinner are Malcolm MacDonald who
was the Timmy for the first dinner 10 years ago and
Mount t`verest climber Laurie Skreslet.
SPECIAL GUiDE - - Chicago Cubs pitching ace Fergie Jenkins had Andy DeBoer
as a special guide to introduce him to local sports fans at the sports banquet,
INSIbE JOKE? — Deputy -Reeve lossy Fbller and Councillor Morely Hall appear
to be enjoying an inside joke with Lieutenant Governor John Aird, while Coun-
cillor Tom Humphreys was obviously not in on it the trio met the town's special
guest, Tuesday.
Seek five county: resident
to act on museum group
Five Huron County or to -renovate the present
residents are heft sought for building. - -
an advisory committee for Besides the five county
the Huron County Pioneer resident., the committee will
Museum. include Warden Grant Stiri-
County council approved ing, property committee
the formation of the commit- chairman Lionel Wilder, a
tee at its Feb. 3 session. The member of the planning and
committee idea follows a development committee, -a
meeting of county officials representative of the Huron
with representatives of the Board of Education, a
Ministry of Citizenship and representative of the
Culture. . Goderich Tourist Council and
At that meeting the ex -officio members - clerk -
ministry indicated it would treasurer William Hanly and
pay 50 percent of any museum curator Ray
feasibility studies done and it Scotchmer.
would like to meet with a Further 'developments in
committee made up ofthe museum includo the go -
citizens from the county. The ahead for an engineering
Ministry also suggested that • study by B.M. Ross and
the county reduce the number Associates of Goderich at an
of alternatives for the– approximate cost of $500 to
museum. determine the extent of
In consideration of the last repairs need to open the
point, council agreed that the Museum's first floor. ft is ex -
former telecommunications pected the necessary repairs
school in Vanastra not be con- can be done by the museum
sidered . ag-. an alternative staff.
museum site. The school has The county will also con -
been turned down because of sider entering into a joint On -
anticipated renovation costs tario Neighborhood Improve -
and because the county has no ment Program (ONIP) with
tenants for the unused space. the Town of Goderich. The
The alternatives left for the town is applying for two such
committee to consider include programs,but the $600.000 pro -
having no museum, building posal for North Street (on
a new museum at its present, which the museum is located)
site in Goderich or elsewhere, includes $480,000 for , the
POLICE CHAT -- OPP Constable Bob Whiteford and Exeter town Constable Jim
Barnes talk to Bobby Hull at Tuesday's Sportsmen's Dinner.
VISIT SCHOOL -- A number of speakers at Tuesday's
Sportsmen's Dinner visited SHDHS in the afternoon.
Above, student Frank Vermaeten talks with Lord Athol
Layton. T -A photo:
DINNER GUESTS Shown chatting prior to Tuesday's Exeter Sportsmen's Dinner
are former ',Mt star Bobby HuII, Exeter Lions president George Godbolt and On-
tario's Lieutenant Governor John Aird. T -A photo
• ATTEND PRESS RECEPTION . Shown of the press` reception -prior to Tuesday's Ex-
eter Sportsmen's Dinner were lion Gerry Gray, guest Gene Clark and Janie
McDowell, wife of dinner chairman Clarence:McDowell. T -A photo
THEY WERE LAUGHING During a break in the action at Tuesday's. Sportsmen's
Dinner, Glenn Weir of the Montreal Concordes, MC Lord Athol Layton and Ernie
Whittof the Blue Jays enjoy a good laugh. ' T -A photo
museum project of which the
county pays half.
Exeter Reeve Bill Mickle
questioned committingcoun-
ty council to such a project
when no decision has been
made regarding the museum.
"We're not committing the
county to anything", said pro-
perty committee chairman
Hay Township Reeve Lionel
It was explained that
Goderich will be applying to
the Ministry of Municipal Af-
fairs and Housing for the
ONIP grant, but as the coun- •
ty is awaiting a feasibility
study on the museum, no
commitment- cast be made to
the actual rebuilding of the
The 1983 budget for the
museum reflects the changes
occurring there as it is down
over $15,000 from the 1982
budget. The museum's 1983
budget is $110,400 compared
to the 1982 budget oL8125,650.
The county's share is down
from $76;550 in 1982 to $70,160
in 1983.
Salaries, although reduced
from the 1902 budget figure of
$84,500 (representing a cut in
part time staff), take the
largest portion of the budget
at $75,000.
On the revenue side, the
budgeted admissions figure of
$12,000 is down from the 1982
budget admissions figure of
$18,000. Not as many visitors
are expected to visit the
museum this year.
Not included in the 1903
budget are funds for the an-
nioR studies _as plans have
been made to take those costs
from the eapital works
building reserve fund.
Dear Sip:
During the nineteenth cen-
tury Middlesex County Coun-
cil adopted the practice of giv-
ing its Wardens an il-
lumi natcd scroll containing a
vote 01 thanks from the
members of council. This
practice continued until
sometime during the depres-
sion When a typed vote of
thanks was issued.
At present, the County is
seeking to locate these scrolls
so that they may hang in the
newly restored County
Building. To this date we have
obtained Scrolls and typed
thank -you': for the following:
1887-88 Simon Mcleod
1906 Neal Ghlbraith
1911 William Moss
1918 Donald Graham
1921 Alton Ryckman
1922 John Cousins
1948 Charles Cousins (typed
version )
We would appreciate any
help you could give us in
locating these Scrolls.
For more information
please contact: Mark Smith,
Middlesex County Building,
399 Ridout St. No., London,
Ont. N6A 2P1. 434-7321 or
1-800-265 5939.
#•-D orliapitso rocestellogiterliportw4Motere to begin lite again,
:men's DIner, Bev McGregor of the Exeter Lioness club i should want it as it was. 1
made donation to Mike lyseki, director of the Thames would only open my eyes a lit -
Volley Treatment Centre in London. tie more.