HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-02-16, Page 21Scout troop has weekend camp -out Hensall organizing its first You are invited to Ilensall United Church Fellowship Hall February 18 at 8 p.m, to organize the Ilensall Hor- ticultural Society. Everyone welcome. Mr. Lange of Chesley will be the speaker. The humanitarian Service committee of Ilensall I0OF and Rebekah Lodges held a Euchre party on Thursday evening with ten tables. Prize • winners were: ladies' high. Mrs. Mary Broadfoot: ladies' consolation, Mrs. Ruby Bell: lone hands, Vera Smale; men's high, Roy Baynham; men's consolation, Jack Brintnell. Winners of the draw prizes were Mrs. Pearl Koehler and Mrs. Vera Smale. The next euchre will be held March 10. Unit One of Hensall United Church Women rneton'I'hurs- day. Mrs. Lorna Spencer presided and conducted the devotional using "love"as her theme. She read a•Valentine verse and told of some in- terestingmyths concerning St. 'Valentine and the origin of Valentine's Day. The Scrip- ture, taken from 1 Corinthians 13, was read by Mrs. Same. In her talk on "Love"' Mrs. Spencer stated that Lenge is TRUST COMPANY GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Representing many trust com- panies, highest rates usually available. For more information contact John R. Consitt at 236-4381 or 236-4560_ SUPER SPECIAL SPRITE OR COCA-COLA 1.5 LITRE SIZE 6 90 PLpl DEP. DEP. '- SUPER SPECIAL LAY'S OR RUFFLES POTATO CHIPS ASSORTED VARIETIES 200 g PKG. L 4 4 VARIETIES BICK'S PICKLES 500 mL 1.49 LIBBYS ZOODLES . SPAGHETTI WITH CHEESE OR ALPHAGETTI 19 890 AYLMER BRAND WISOLE CHOICE QUALITY TOMATOES 1901. 79' AYLMER BRAND FANCY QUALITY FRUIT COCKTAIL 14 oz the true and complete picture of service we• must give to others. Love manifests itself in many ways. 'fhe two most powerful forces in human relations are understanding and love. Airs. Kay Elder presented the study, using the topic "Understanding Eden". She spoke about the people, the vegetation, the resources and life on these South Sea Islands. Jet travel _has brought many changes and the people are struggling to retain the beet features of their traditionv1 ways of life without being handicapped by clinging too closely to the. past. Unit Leader Mrs. Audrey Christie conducted the' business portion of the meeting and also gave a report onthelresbyterialheld recently in Sealorth. Mrs. Belva Fuss, social convener, reported on plans for the Beef Barbecue on April 13. Following the benediction, lunch was served by Mrs.. 011ie Cooper and Airs. Alice Ferg. Scouts Enjoy ('amp -Out First Hensall Scouts en- joyed a weekend of Camp -Out when they sought shelter in a woods near tinny Gully. Nine Scouts and two leaders, Tom Bailey and Larry Moir, cook- ed their meals and orienteer- ing work was done towards scouting badges. They plan more week -ends in thr' now, United Youth Service The Central Huron Secon- dary School Choir directed by Hob Parr with organist Louise McGregor were guests at the Youth Service at Hen- sall United Church on Sunday when they sang "1 Will Lift Up Mine Eyes" and "Sing Un - horticultural to The Lord." Rev. Stanley McDonald spoke frorn the text Genesis 18 verse 13 stating that laughter was the great power to heal. The flowers in the front of the church were placed in lov- ing memory of Mrs. John (Nancy) Shaddick, Goderich, a cousin of Judy Parker and friend of Janet Moir. Rev. McDonald conducted the funeral service on Wednesday Next Sunday will be Commu- nion Service. Rev. Stanley McDonald spent several days at Five Oaks at Paris interviewing or•dinands for ordination. He returned Tuesday evening. The Official Board of the congregation have announced they have engaged an organist in the person of Mr. Merlin Nedgegaal of London. W.M.S. Meet at Manse Mrs. Kenneth Knight was hostess at the Presbyterian Manse in Exeter on Monday for .the W.M.S. and Ladies' meeting of Carmel Church, Hensall. Mrs. Dorothy Taylor presided and opened the meeting ;he welcomed every one present. Mrs. Knight, in charge of the devotional, Times -Advocate, February 16, 1983 Page 21 society this month spoke on "Love Divine" and "The Greatness of God's Love". She compared it to a Valentine basket on the table - love for purity and red sym- bolic of Christ's love. The Scripture readings were led by Mrs. Knight assisted by numerous members reading passages. She closed with prayer. Mrs. Dorothy Taylor gave out maps of the South Pacific Islands and in a dialogue with Mrs. Florence Hyde spoke about the life style of the peo- ple, the climate, geography and crops. In Fiji sugar cane is widely grown. It was most interesting. The synodical and spring rally will be held at Owen Sound April 19 and 20. The presbyterial and spring rally will be held at Seaforth March 30. The ladies' meeting followed with Mrs. Taylor presiding. Arrangements were made for banquets in the future and a card of thanks received. Next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Kathy Bell March 7. Mrs. Elizabeth Faber and Airs. Dorothy Taylor served refreshments. Hensall Three Links Seniors met on Tuesday with Mrs. Aldeen Volland presiding in the absence of President Mrs. Eileen Ran- nie. Following the Roll Call and minutes several cards of thanks were read. The Treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Dorothy Brint- nell. Hostesses for the March meeting will be Mrs. Eileen Rannie, Mrs. Elizabeth Riley, Mrs. Vera Lemmon and Mrs: Anie Reid. An invitation was received from Dashwood Good Companions to be their guests Monday, April 18. Business- being concluded euchre was played with five tables in play. Refreshments were served by Airs. Aldeen Volland, Mrs. Pearl Koehler and Mrs. Dorothy Brintnell. Rev. Kenneth Knight con- ducted the service in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sun- day when an interesting film "A Stranger in China" was resented. STOKELY •VEGETABLES CREAM STYLE CORN OR HONEY P00 PEAS, CUT GREEN BEANS CUT WAX BEAMS, ALL 14 OZ. TINS OR 12 OZ. KERNEL CORN TINS FOR SUPER SPECIAL'` NIAGARA FROZEN ORANGE JUICE i 1 ] ox. BATHROOM TISSUE COTTONELLE WHITE, PINK, YELLOW, BLUE, CHAMPAGNE 4 ROLL PKG. 119 r SUPER SPECIAL NABOB TRADITION 369 q 42 • 1 39 EXTRA FINE, FINE DRIP OR REGULAR GRIND SANDALWOOD OR WHITE S ,<� SAVARIN BEEF, TURKEY OR CHICKEN POT PIES FROZEN B si. EA. FOR ' IIXI15 `COOKIES OATMEAL,CHOCOLATE CHIP, DIGESTIVE, PEANUT BUTTER CHIP, PARISIENNE CREME, VANILLA CREME OR CHOCOLATE FUDGE CREME 400 g 450 g PKG. SPECIAL ZEHRS FRESH CREAMERY BUTTER 1 ARTS 'N' FLOWERS - WHITE•YELLOW- • ENRICHED WESTONS WHITE BREAD 875 g LOAF 5 NABOS REG. OR FINE GROUND DECAFFEINATED "TRADITION" COFFEE ,a 3.69 CLOVERLEAF FLAKED LIGHT TUNA .8.5 o:_. 119 DORITOS TORTILLA, NACHO, TOSTITOS NACHO CHEESE OR FRITOS 282 ci CORN CHIPS 1.69 JACKS 22S t PKG. wn � rrcn�r�nwn � - min LINER Swi FACIAL TISSUES ww' 2O A;�0. TWISTS. DR SCOTTIES 200 s SCOTTOWELS 1.49 CHEESE BALLS 1.29 SCENTED OR POWDERED FROZEN FAMILY SIZE ANTI-PERSPIRANT 200 mL HIGH LINER ASSORTED VARIETIES CARTRIDGES MONARCH SPONGE GILLETTE PUDDINGS 9 oz 59' TRAC II PKG. OF 10 2.99 RIGHT; GUARD 2.29 FISH CAKES !:: % 99 1 2 K� BOX REGULAR, LEMON LIME, FACE SAVER LAUNDRY DETERGENTGILLETTE CLARKS 2.39 FOAMY 300 mL 199 STEWS ,rte BEEF, IRISH, ORANGE PEKOE TURKEY -CHICKEN, FLO TNRU 100's BOLD 3 3 LITRE r COUNTRY OVEN IN-STORE BAKESHOP SPECIALS COUNTRY OVEN FRESH CHUNKY CHEESE BRHEAD COUNTRY .YEN FRES TANGY GARLIC BREAD COUNTRY OVEN FRESH PKG. OF 1 HOT CROSS BUNS f. f9 SCEIITED OR UNaCENTED LIQUID FABRIC SOFTENER 680 9 1.99 TEA BAGS 2.99 BOUNCE . �� 4•77 DETERGENT MONARCH 5 VARIETIES "ADDED TOUoH" A CAKE MIXES 589 VACHON 5 VARIETIES LUNCH SNACKS a KG. . . 500 mL 99 WESTONS PRG. OF 6 CINNAMON BUTTERHORNS SAVE EVEN MORE WITH THIS COUPON ZENRS OR ONIONS - VALUABLE (*WON 1191 WESTONS PKG. OE 4 f.69 RASPBERRY s 99" RICKS WINE SAUERKRAUT 1.19 STOKELYS BEAN SALAD OR. BALLARDS CHAMPION DOG FOOD 15,, CARNATION COFFEE MATE 69' SPECIALS IN EFFECT ft FULL UNTIL CLOSING TUESDAY FEB. 22 DAYS McCAINS SUPER CRISPS OR 2,0„srSUPER PATTIES MONARCH IMPERIAL 1 /4's 500,1 2.f9 MARGARINE 3 I 24 01 WESTOWS MEALTYME 89"HAMBURG r WIENER ROLLS PKG OF 69° TOTINO CRISPYCRUST DELUXE 10" OR 415" 2.49 DELUXE PIZZAS 2.39 Pout omit o(ralew a Llptotln'3'IA 100 C.W torr z's* ria ur •w ...Ho r nwMw "SI BUNDLE OF 4 REG. BARS 400 9 IVORY BAR SOAP fe19 KRAFT CHEESE BLOCKS MOZZARELLA 16- HIGH 60= HIGH LINER BOSTON BLUE FISH FILLETS 454 3.69 91.99 We reserve the rlpht to limit purchases to reasonable weekly lamily requirements THESE SPECIALS AMAILABL.E ONLY IN: HIGHWAYS #4 & 83 EXETER MONDAY, TUUSOAY tt W!DNISOAY 94 P.M. THURSDAY & FRIDAY 9.1100 P.M. SATURDAY 8:304 P.M. SIGN HERE PLEASE - Hensoll's Minnie Noakes was among those lining up to get autographs from former hockey great Bobby Hull at the Sportsmen's dinner. David Josephson of Exeter is next in line. About people you know Mrs. Ross Sararas is a pa- tient in St. Joseph's llospital, London. Airs. Blanche Chapman of London visited on Sunday with her sister and brother-in- law Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett. Out-of-town guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Consitt atten- ding the Sunday funeral of Donald Shepherd, brother of Mrs. Consitt, were her brother Jack Shepherd, Florida and son Steve, Lon- don, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Birosh, (sister) North Bay, and Miss Dorothy Farquhaf, London. The U.C.W. of Kippen United Church- entertained the residents to bingo and treats on Monday afternoon. The Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary of Carmel Church entertained the residents on Monday evening. ' -Mr. Les Mitchell, Crediton visited his mother Mrs. Louise Mitchell on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Triebner and Ken visited their mother - Mrs. Muriel Triebner. Mrs. Mabel Kvle visited with Mrs. Middleton and Mrs. Vergie Williams. The residents en- joyed the entertainment by the, dies. Zurich church women Emmanuel United Church The choir opened the ser- vice with "The Lord is in his Holy Temple" and Rev. Laing welcomed the congregation and led in the call to worship. Rev. Laing inducted the Elders, Stewards, Trustees, Sunday School teachers and U.C.W. Leaders. Rev. Laing read scripture from 1 Cor. 4:1-21 on which she based her sermon. She also read a letter from the Moderator explaining the "Ventures in Mission (VIM)." Lutheran Church Women The annual work-a-thon was held again this year on Tuesday, February 8. Twen- ty members and ten visitors quilted, ran sewing machines, cleaned cupboards and just general household house- cleaning. The Lutheran Ladies appreciated the quilters from the community who helped quilt. A pot luck supper was enjoyed by d1 . Donna Klopp in the absence of the president presided for business meeting. Marge Schilbe read the secretary's report. Ann Flaxbard read the treasurer report. A thank - you was read from the Children and Family Services for the donations of toys, clothing and money . they received over Christmas. Group 1 reported serving the pot luck supper at the an- nual meeting for 45 members. There will be no Lenten Ser- vices this year. Instead there will be an Ash Wednesday Communion Service on Wednesday, February 16 at 8 p.m. The youth are again serving a pancake supper on Tues' day, February 15 at 5 p.m. March' of Dimes volunteers were given their kits. The committee reported packing two compete layet- tes. They need 10 wash cloths, four or five receiving blankets and four shirts by next meeting to complete the layettes. Discover your colours at Learn for Lent 'fhe third annual Learning for Lent starts, today ( Wednesday), at Zurich United Church, at 9:15. All ladies of the district have been invited. This year, the programs will lead off with Ruth 'manse and Wendy McNamara help- ing the ladies discover their 'Colours'. The Rev. Barbara Laing will present the first of the Bible studies, "The Disciples...People Like Coming up the following week, February 23, Michael O'Connor of Zurich, will speak on. When and Clow to Call the Ambulance, while Marion Johnson of Quills and Skills, Dashwood, will teach flower arranging. March 2. Jon Dinney, of t)inney Furniture, Exeter, will give timely interior decorating suggestions. On that day, also, beginner crocheters will be able to learn moreintricale patterns from severi 1 expert teachers. Wills an Estates will he aptl de' t with by lawyer Itichar Ottewell on March 9. last year, Mr Ottewell's session on Family Law drew a great deal of interest. Al the final session, March 16, well known Zurich auc- tioneer and antique expert Don Van Patter will share some of his expertise with the ladies. 'throughout the series:, com- petent hahysil1ing will he pro- vided PECK APPLIANCES "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" •FILTER QUEEN SALES & SERVICE • VACUUM CLEANERS - (Sales A( Service to Most Makes) •FM COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS For Farm St Business •SPEED QUEEN APPLIANCES • MOFFAT APPLIANCES •INSECT LIGHTS & FLY KILLING UNITS •GIFTS • MANY OTHER ITEMS VARNA, ONT. 482-7103 Hensall Nursery School Is looking for 3 and 4 year olds for the morn- ing and afternoon classes. Contact Mrs. Cindy Taylor 262-3125 or Mrs. Nancy Campbell 236-7701. HENSALL & DISTRICT 'COMMUNITY CENTRE 262-3206 Arena Activities Wed. February. 16 2:30 - 3:30 Moms & Tots 3:30 - 5 Public Skating 6:00 Novice 7:00 Atoms 8:00 Pee wee 9:00 Bantam Thurs., February 17 8:30- 12:30 Hensall Rec Hockey Fri., February 18 8:00 Henoll Old Timers Sat., February 19 8 - .12 Hensall Minor 12 - 8:30 Bayfield Ausable Broomball Sun., February 19 1 - 3 Public Skating 7 - 11 Hensall Rec Hockey Mon., February 20 8 - 11 Seaforth Broomball Tues., February 21 5:45 - 8:45 Hensall Minor Sponsore-d Bak el y �nnnnnnunnl The Light Touch By JACK LAVENDER Most valentines fall in- to one of two categories: lacy or racy. • Right about the time you think you've kicked -the habit of swearing, your income fax is due. Any -married people who have faults they don't know about are probably still on their honeymoon. Our friend says he loves TV commercials. It's the only,chance he gels to read the paper. • Anyone who forgives and forgets has understanding and compassion and pro- bably a poor memory. Don't forget: You get fast, dependable workmanship at: Jack's Small Engine Repair Service 107 Queen St. Hensall 262-2103 1 r111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111.-;