HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-02-16, Page 6Page 6 Times -Advocate, February 16, 1983 Advice from mothers llpst daughters have, at one ttiime or another, turned to Mother for advice for pro - something wrong on this sweater I'm knitting. One sleeve is six inches longer By Elaine Townshend blems large and small. Mom, r think I did than the other. What should I do? HURON -PERTH COUNTY ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Precious Blood School, Mr. Laurie Kraftcheck, Principal Sanders Street, West Exeter, Ontario Telephone NO. 235-169.1 Date: March 9, 1983 Time: 1:00 p.m..- 5i00 p.m. Kindergarten children need to be 5 years of age on or before' 31st December, 1983. Please bring proof of age (Birth Certificate and Baptismal Certificate.) Final Clearance All Winter Fashions New Spring Fashions Arriving Daily Dresses to size 221/2 oyle's Ladies' Wear MAIN ST. EXETER Mom, my homemade strawberry jam has ttie con- sistency of glue. Do you sup- pose it's safe to eat it anyway? Mom, • Fred says I can't even make decent coffee! What should 1 do. Mom, Tommy has a fever. What do you think I should give him? Mother always. comes up with answers, and to daughter it seems as though she always had the answers. But did she? To some daughters, the answer to that question is a shock. The Mother, who is now famous for flakey pie crust, used to be tempted to give her guests chisels instead of forks. Her muffins would have made excellent. baseballs, and 'her cakes could have been mistaken for pancakes. During the first months of marriage, she feared her hus- band might be stricken by food poisoning. The Mother, whc used to feed threshing crews that numbered from '10 to.20 men, can still "throw together" a feast for surprise visitors, but at one time, she panicked at the thought of feeding one hired hand. A daughter, who grew up on a farm, watched mother fork hay into mangers, feed calves from pails and handle milking machines with skill. Could it be true that, when she married Father and mov- ed from town, she hardly knew one end of a cow from the other? As long as daughter can. remember, Mother could plough, plant and scuffle ex- pertly.' Surely x-pertly.'Surely Father is only joking when he says the first time she got on a tractor she backed halfway across the field. - It seems incomprehensible that the Mother, who is .always so calm in times of il- Iness or injury, panicked the first time baby sneezed. Could it be true that once upon a time mothers were as uncertain as daughters? If so. how did they come up.with all the answers.they now have? The answer is simple. They learned from experience - and a few calls to Mother. cs J the co-opetator INSURANCE SERVICES * LIFE * HOME * AUTO * FARM * COMMERCIAL CaII Verna Gingerich 374 Main St, Exeter Clinton Community Credit Union Office Residence 235.1109 Business LITTLE PEOPLE Infants to 14 'WE KATER TO KIDS" 397 Main St. Exeter, Ont. 235-1113 Presents Portraits by a; professional photographer in our store GREAT GIFT FOR MOTHER'S DAY �3days Thurs. March 10th 9 - 9 Fri. March 11th. 9 9 . Sat. March 12th 9 ; 5 • By appointment only 4 packages to choose from, with your choice from proofs for example-- 1 - 8x10 2 - 5 x 7 4 - 3 x 5 for as low ass 1800 plus tax (Includes 1.00 deposit) • additional prints of any size also available at special low prices. For appointments or more information call 235-1113 • KIPPEN ONE 4-H — For lesson one op Canada's Heritage, the members of the Kip - pen club made pumpkin soup fr:om'an Indian recipe, Irish soda bread, Scotch eggs, and French Canadian maple -baked apples. Preparing the -ingredients are (left) assis- tant leader Diane Chalmers, Linda Roberts, Linda Binnendyk, Janet Hoggarth, Lois Binnendyk and club leader Margaret Hoggarth. Missing: Joan Binnendyk. • Clarabell the clown helps ladies- exercise The evening U.C.W. was held February 7 in the ladies parlor with 40 women pre- sent. Unit leader Betty Wat- son openedmeeting with a reading. - Coming events are March 7, Melva Ecker's group in charge of meeting with Nor- ma Hooper's group in charge of lunch. • . Information on guest speaker for April meeting was given by Maxine Sereda. May 39 is the next general meeting and March 4 at 2 p.m. is the World Day of Prayer at the Anglican Church. Betty Watson reported from the' general meeting reading .the recommenda- tions that had been presented and passed, also the propos- ed 1983 budget. A thank you from the general meeting for CELEBRATE 60 YEARS -4- Mr. and Mrs. John Carrington of Huron Park celebrated their 60th wedding anniver- sary nniversary with a reception and family dinner at the Exeter Legion, Saturday. The couple was married February 11, 1923 in Detroit. They have four sons, John, Brantford: Robert, St. Thomas; William, Collingwood; Wesley, Aylmer; 17 grandchildren and 17 great grandchildren. Exeter unit hold skit on strangers The theme for the U.C.W. afternoon unit was The Church - Christians scattered. A skit - The Stranger at the Dour - . was presented by Audrey Mcltoberts and Clara llarris. It showed how some people expect to use the church for' weddings; bap- tisms, funerals or any other Hurondale WI elect officers Huron IV held its first meeting of the "Ontario Ileritage" Club at Mary Uelioer's February 7. This club deal with explor- ing the heritage 6f the cooking of Ontario's different na- tionalities. Leaders are Mary DeBoert and 'assistant Marilyn Haarda. Election of officers was held. President Sharon lioersma, Vice -President - Sandra DeBoer, Secretary - Sheryl I)eKoer, Press Reporter - rotating. . important occasion but feel it can survive without their presence at services or their regular givings of money. . For the devotional Ellen Forsythe read several passages from the New Testa • - ment interspersed' with com- ments by Audrey McRoberts, -Stella Taylor and Isobel Cann. These pointed 'out. that the congregation is the church on Monday as well as Sunday, the Mission of the individual in the church is the mission of Christ, and every Christian is called to be a servant and to tell of Christ in the world. This can be told by deed. and character as well as words. The business was con- ducted . by Thelma Russell with the following. dates brought to rnembersattenlion - World'Day of Prayer; March 4 at 2 p.m. in the Anglican Church and the conveners for • the bazaar are to meet February 17 at 9:30 a.m. V,alentine's Day was renlemlx'red by a sing song before the meeting and a con- test during the social time. /ig 1114 .,u%tr r tilt try /,Z',y _ '/N,/ /L,, eery ,7/;illy yn,, yr, a/ - 7/LPI I.9 Or11a• et , nn/am/ .t,rr, i1, 'HMI 113 20 . ;t1 . )/,rirrv,4.L ., nr ni►/;#/4”;,;1�n,b�i/ ,.1, sn4 a/.;/): � the cups and saucers, also a thank you receii ed from the Board to the U.C. Women. A thank you.was extended to Marjorie Tuckey,. Ida McBride and Mavis Athill for being the U.C.W. represen-• tatives to the official board for the past three years. • Christian Development : Betty Watson' reported the study packets Pacific are .available for material for meetings. Church in Socety: Jessie Ross read about different pro- jects available for U.C.W. groups.. • - Stewardships: Ann Cann reported on Meals on Wheels and visitation. Leadership and Develop- ment: Carol Willard report& that London Conference i� Aprill8 and 19 held in Sault Ste. Marie this year. Westminster. weekend May 27 and 28 and Alma College August 21-24. • " - .. World Outreach: Irene Dunn reported on the building of White Oaks Church in London. Bazaars: • Audrey' McGregor reported that the 1983 Bazaar is November 12., 11 "a.m. - 3 p.pt, Ada Dinney and group presided for tie Worship and program, theme, 'Life is for Living.' Every day is a 'oylo be living. Everyone joined in to sing Smile: 'You Can Smile When You Can't Say a Word. Clarabell the Clown, played by Betty Watson got everyone involved in exercising. A skit followed with' announcer Retread. Mavis played by Ada Dinney. Panelists were Peaceful • Patty by Marion Kerslake, Addie Old 'Age -by Ver lyn Lindenfield and Sexy Susie by Mary Fisher. Hidden Persons: Jackie Sweetheart speaking on The Way, a religious group, Zestful 'Zella speaking on Women to unite in fighting pornography .and Graving Coffee speaking on a need for a coffee hour in the -church. All three persons played by Dolores Shapton. These three topics gave everyone food for thought. Scriptures Matthew 5:35-45 and James 1':21-22 were read and the song One Little Can- dle was sung followed by prayer that this world might be free. A delicious lunch followed served by Helen Coates' group. 1.• 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hurondale girls elect Hurondale 4-H Club Two held their first meeting February 9 at the home of Pat Town. - , The girls started off the meeting with the 4-11 pledge, then went into the.eitchen.to make the delicious dishes. They were divided to four groups. Group one made pumpkin soup, group two made Ir-ifh soda bread, group three made maple baked apples and group four made anglesey eggs. While the dishes were cook- ing members returned to their books to read and fill in the blanks. After the books wer•e.com- pleted officers were' elected. President, Diane Kints, vice- president, Julie Lamport, secretary, rotating and treasurer, Julie Lamport. Leaders are Mrs. Joan Oke and Mts. Pat Down. After the board was elected members returned back to the kitchen to taste the dishes. Enrol your child for Kindergarten 1983-84 Please phone or contact your Public School between February 21 and March 6 1. Exeter P.S. 2. Hensall P.S. 3. Huron Centennial P.S. 4. J.A. D. McCurdy P.S. 5. Stephen Central P.S. 6. Usborne Central P.S. 7. Zurich P.S. 235-2630 262-2833 482-3330 228-6321 234-6302 235-0331 236-4942 Further information re registration, visitation, health clinics etc. will be pro- vided by each school. Proof of date of birth and O.H.I.P. number requested at registration. HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION HELD OVER By Popular Demand for 4 More Days OUILTERS SPECIALS Mountain Mist "Terylene" Quilt Batts Especially designed for quilts 78 x 100 Regular '6.49 • Now Save $1.51 Hurry Limited Quantities Now Until Sat. Perma Press Broodcloth By Dominion Textiles Poly/cotton OSir usual best quality broadcloth All shades available Our. regular $2.98 metre 2 metre Save 69t per metre New colors just arrived Now Until Sat. A great selection of Small Prints in Polyester/cotton blends Reg. to $6.98 metre Your choice 3 98 metre Save up to $3.00 per metre New prints included in this great buy. Now Until Sat. Heirloom Quilting Thread Reg. 1.79 spool Now 1.30 spool Save 49t Now Until Sat. thejunction EXETER S LARGEST DEPARTMENT It OR;;1 235-0270 NM — — tilt ... .. t. t.-----tri------r. Bring this Coupon for 5AP Off Deposit '5 Size 76 - Syron Village Larnbton Mall London Sarnia 420 Main St. Exeter 1 Hugem Iove'em andVVatch'em Grow... 1 1 1 1 1 Well help you remember.. with a professional colour portrait package 95Dept 1 ' 1 14 Professional Colour Ibrtraits 1 2.8x10s,2-5x7s,10-Wallets 1 95 Total Package Yr, additional charges foe groups. Additional portraits an,i srecial effects p,traiture, if available. ma'' be purchased at rrasonable prices in addition to the package. 1 f',>`e, our selection. Minor' mint he a,c,.mpanied by a patent. Satisfaction guaranteed or mows refunded. Month: February Days: Thurs. Fri. Sat. Dates: 17th 18th 19th photographer's Hours: Cs� lT. 10-5 10-8 10-4:30 s) t A]$ : MAIN STREET, EXETER on ...... t.t...NMI ra—t.t+.—t..t...t.t...—..t...t.t. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ..tt..�