HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-02-16, Page 5Annual meeting at Hibbert UC By MRs. J. TEM.EMAN Staffa Hibbert United Church held. their annual meeting recent- ly with Rev. W. Fearn as chairman and Robert Norris as secretary. It was decided to hold an anniversary waltz again in the fall of 1983'. Officers are as follows: Elders - Harvey Dow, Robert Roney, Ross Smale,' Mrs. Mary F. Dow, Mrs. Florence McPhail,Wm. Mahon, Joast Drost, Russell Miller. • Stewards - Mrs. Ester $male, Bill Kerslake; Al Fuller, Alvin By MRS:. TOM KiOOY Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowden attended the combined church service at Kirkton, Sunday followed by a pancake and sausage dinner. Tom and Mary Kooy and Ben Riley were Sunday even- ing dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Kooy, Bon- nie and Clyde. Clyde was celebrating his llth birthday. A lot of drugs are used by folks who think if you tinker with an empty head you can get it going. Dow, Mrs. Pat Taylor, Mrs. Joyce Vivian, Donald Johns, Gary Kemp, Mrs. Margaret Miller (U.0..W.). Trustees - Calvin Christie, Donald Hocking; Harvey Dow, Ross Smale, Cameron Vivian, Arthur Kemp, A. H. Daynard. Staffa Cemetery Committee - Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Vivian, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kemp, Mr. Harvey Hambley, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Fell, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Norris. Roys' Cemetery Committee - Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Christie, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dow, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hocking, Mrs. Carrie Graham, Mr. Andrew Christie, Mr. and Mrs: Wayne Pridham, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dow, Mr. Roger Dow. Nominating Committee - Mrs. Margaret Daynard, Mrs. Dorothy Dow, Mrs. Louise Smale. Landscaping Commit- tee - Mrs. Margaret Miller, Mrs. Margaret Daynard, Mrs. Marjorie Drake. Auditors - Robin Daynard, Alvin Dow. Personals Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Daynard have returned home from British Columbia where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Galvin Quinney and boys, Victoria, B.C. BOILER ROOM SERVICE P.O. Box 70 1S6 Main St. S. Seolorth Ont" a•,y-�-� IWO 519 `i4 ave NOI5270600 Telex. 069 55305 Your headquarters for residential, commercial/ industrial gas, oil, wood, coal fired boilers. CARNIVAL CHEFS — Shown dishing up pancakes and sausages for the Kirkton- Woodham Winter Carnival Sunday brunch are Ross and Marilyn Robinson an Donna Bickel!. T -A photo Two Dashw�od ladies church groups meet Sy MRS. IRVIN RADER Zion Lutheran Church Ladies Aid met Wednesday afternoon with Group 2 and convener Mrs. Earl Keller in charge of devotions and lunch. President" Mrs. Florence Mal 'ene opened the meeting with scripture reading and prayer. Pastor M. Mellecke took for the the'topic "The Church at Antioch" under the following headings. My church as I see. it, scattered, Growing ' in Christ, What's in a name?, An Offering of love, Caring for Others, Something to Remember and Something to •Think About. • Mrs. Martene dealt with the business. The Altar Guild reported 57 visits, five cards, one flower sent and five phone calls. The new Guild is Mrs. Shirley Van Dorsselaer and Mrs. Arnold Becker. Grotip 1 is in charge of the March meeting. A new step stool is to be purchased for the kitchen and an altar basket for large floral arrangements. The L.W.M.L. are accepting clean second hand sweaters of all sizes for the convention June 20 in Detroit. Calvary ladies meet Calvary United Church Women niet Tuesday after- noon Feb. 8. Prest:nt were 20 mettibtrs and five visitors. The worship was on the theme "Love".Rev. Campbell of the Church of God, Grand Bend, favoured with';a. solo and spoke on Christian Growth. What is the U.C.W.'s image or reflection to others? President Mrs. Syd Baker and Mrs. Don Gaiser attend- ed the Huron -Perth Presbyterial Jan. 24 and Mrs. Baker gave a partial report. The Learning for Lent series started today (Feb. 46). at Zurich United Church with the topic "Knbw Your Col- ours" followed by Bible study on "The Disciples". The sunshine committee, Mrs. Aldene Wolfe and Mrs. Gerald Mason reported several visits and calls to shut-ins. Mrs. Don Gaiser and STEPHEN R. HOKE B.A. D.P.M. 11 York St., Stratford Podiatrist - Foot Specialist is pleased to ANNOUNCE The Opening of an Office For the Practice of Podiatry and General Foot Care at MAITLAND MANOR NURSING HOME 290 SOUTH STREET. GODERICH For Appointment Phone GODERICH 524.7324 STRATFORD 271-1200 anas0- DE4LEII c 1JFAL$ See it at: Dashwood PC 26H80 26" 16 button remote control Video sensor LED channel indicator tO7NS E9830 DIMENSION 3 Micro wave/convection oven Automatic switc hover Cook - '4 -Round turntable $800 Video Recorders VHS 265 8 hour $699 Panasonic ZIMMER'S TV 237-3428 mantanni Mrs. Margaret Carroll are this month's committee. Mrs. Wolfe gave a report from the Offical Board meeting. A letter of protest is being sent regarding Pay T.V. por- noeraphic films. Anyone willing to sign this letter is . welcome. It will. be at the church Sunday. or through the week at Mrs. Baker's. The March meeting will open with lunch at 12:30 p.m. - Personals Mrs. Elda Keller has returned home after spending several weeks in London with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Feast. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rader, Sharon and Nathan Bennett were last Tuesday visitors at Craigweil Gardens, Ailsa Craig with Mr. and Mrs. Wellwood Gill. Irvin also call- ed on Lyle Treumner and Mr. and Mrs. Ohlen Truemner. Librarian Mrs. Bernice Boyle reports the books have been changed and there is an excellent selection including .Pierre Burton's "My Country -The Remarkable Past." Senior Citizens will meet Monday, February 21 at 2 p.m. Calvary United Church held the annual meeting Sunday, February 6. The men served an excellent dinner to 88. Of- ficers were elected and in- cluded in the matter of business was the carpeting of the whole upstairs of the church. The annual town meeting will be held at the comtnuni- ty centre Monday, February 21,at8p.m, Flowers in the Lutheran Church have been placed by the Harold Schroederin lov- ing memory of Mrs. Schroeder's mother, Mrs. Olive Watson. Elimville WI The February meeting of the Elimville Women's -.In- stitute included 19 members, five visitors and four children for soup and sandwich lunch. After lunch president Isabel Fletcher opened the meeting with the Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. Roll call was answered by giving a helpful household hint. Mrs. Fletcher welcomed Mrs. Papple, South Huron District president and . secretary Mrs. Riehl. The program opened with a reading "It's later than you think," by Annie Jean Johns. Mrs. Grubb introduced speaker Elaine C,ottschall, M.S.C. She was very infor- mative and alt enjoyed her so much. Mrs. Grubb explained how exercise and watching the diet help keep weight in control and we are to keep a menu log for the next month and see how we could im- prove our diet. A Food for Dollars and Cents course is being held in South Iluron District High School, March 1st at 7:30 p.m. A motion was made to give $50 to the Exeter Fair Board and to have a birthday party in Huronview, March 16. Marie Brock showed us how to do a log cabin quilt Klock on the sewing machine. Best Interest 123/4% We ' represent many Trust Companies. We are often able to ar- range for the highest interatost being of- fered on Guaranteed Investment ' ! Certificates *subject to change Qlaiser'KAeale Insurance Brokers Inc. EXETER 235-2420 GRAND BEND 238-8484 .CLINTON GODERICH 482.9747 524-2118 Time's -Advocate, February 16, 1983 Page 5 South Pacific topic for, WoodirnamCMI V By Mt$$. JEAN COPELAND The February meeting of the Woodham U.C.W. opened with quiet music. Group One was in charge with Mrs. Alex Gartenburg giving the theme on Love. Scripture was read by Mrs. Gordon Johnson. Miss Suzanne Jaques favoured with two piano solos. A reading Love was given by Mrs. Reg McCurdy. Mrs. Alex' Gartenburg had a reading Counselling on Love. The Study Book, South Pacific was given by Mrs. Alex Gartenburg. Kippen 4-H club meets Sy MRS. RENA CALDWELL • The first meeting of Kippen 1 4-H Club was held February 8 at the home of leader Mrs. Al Hoggarth. Assistant leader Mrs. Diane Chalmers and 5 of the 6 members were present. Mrs. Chalmers will be tak- ing this club and this will en- title' her to Provincial Honours at the successful completion of this club. - Ontario Heritage is the name of this club which deals with recipes of the different nationalities that make up Ontario's population. Results of the electionsof of- ficers were: President -Diane Chalmers, vice-president - Joan Binnendyk, secretary - Linda Roberts, treasurer - Linda Binnendyk, press reporter - Janet Hoggarth. It was decided to hold the next meeting on February 16 at the home of Diane Chalmers. It was agreed to have yellow duo -tangs. Members are to come - prepared to suggest a Club name and also suggest designs for the cover picture. After studying the book work, members and leaders •divided into four groups. Pumpkin Soup (Indian), Scotch eggs (Scottish), Irist Soda Bread and Maple Bakec Apples (French-Canadian) were prepared and everyone enjoyed the full course meal Lyle Kinsman left this past week for a trip to Australia. Mrs. Reg McCurdy in- display and said that drugs troduced the guest speaker are on the upward trend Constable Wayne Hoare of the again. He was thanked by St. Marys Police Force who Mrs. Reg McCurdy. gave a very interesting Mrs. Glenn Copeland con - outline on narcotics. ducted the business part of He had many samples on the meeting by opening with a poem Bridges. The minites, roll call and correspondence were read followed by the offering. The annual meeting of the Woodham Shower Club will be held February 22 at 8:15 coe • Satellite Demonstration By Allen Stubbs Satellite & Antenna Service Feb. 17, 18,419 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. At the Fireside Inn (Banquet Room) Thedford Free Coffee Inquire About a. • home demonstration Dealer for Cha,rndMaster® Take advantage of this opportunity to see a satellite demonstration that will show you the latest in T.V. reception that you can experience in your own home.. At present time there are 60 channels available to you with many more to come in the near future. Satellite T.V. gives you movie channels (no commercials), same day sports events, 24 hour weather • reports, educational and religious programs etc. For more in- formation call 873-4848 (24 hrs.) 296-5565 or Firesides Inn and ask for Jim 296-4669 ANSTETT'S DIAMOND SPECIALS LADIES' 14 KT. TOTAL WEIGHT CLUSTER v. CT '/. CT. Total Weight 599." Total Weight .1299." '/, CT 1.00 CT Total Weight . 899 " Total Weight .1,689." PEAR SHAPE AND MARQUISE CLUSTERS • 14 KT. GOLD Approx. 1/4 CT Total Weight 599." 14 KT. GOLD CLUSTER .20 ct. Total Weight • 429.06 ENGAGEMENT SET 14 kt. Gold -1/2 ct. total weight 577.95 CLUSTER .07 CT. TOTAL WEIGHT 159.96 These specials, and all other stock items reflect the new lower diamond market prices. Sizing and appraisals from our accredited Gem Lab done on the premises at no extra charge. Items enlarged to show detail. 14 KT. GOLD DIAMOND HEART '/• ct. total weight with chain (chain not exactly as illustrated) 429.95 MEN'S TOTAL WEIGHT CLUSTERS 10 KT. GOLD 'A CT 3/• CT Total Weight 699" Total Weight '/: CWeT 1.00 CT Total ight 999." Total Weight.. t599." 1499." la SET OF THREE .09 CT Total Weight Cluster Ring, .18 CT Total Weight Earring, .09 CT Total Weight Pendant with chain, all 14 kt. gold 625.00 Sapphire & Diamond 37 5." • 14 KT. GOLD CLUSTERS Ruby & Dlaniond 425." Erherald�& Diamond 425." STETT 284 Main Street, Exeter JEWELLERS 235-2468 e • • Commercial and Industrial Specialists • Boiler repairs by Government Certified Welders • Boiler retubing by experts • Gas. oil and "wood waste burner sales and service • Boiler, burner and controls sales and • service. • Can repair all makes and models. P.O. Box 70 1S6 Main St. S. Seolorth Ont" a•,y-�-� IWO 519 `i4 ave NOI5270600 Telex. 069 55305 Your headquarters for residential, commercial/ industrial gas, oil, wood, coal fired boilers. CARNIVAL CHEFS — Shown dishing up pancakes and sausages for the Kirkton- Woodham Winter Carnival Sunday brunch are Ross and Marilyn Robinson an Donna Bickel!. T -A photo Two Dashw�od ladies church groups meet Sy MRS. IRVIN RADER Zion Lutheran Church Ladies Aid met Wednesday afternoon with Group 2 and convener Mrs. Earl Keller in charge of devotions and lunch. President" Mrs. Florence Mal 'ene opened the meeting with scripture reading and prayer. Pastor M. Mellecke took for the the'topic "The Church at Antioch" under the following headings. My church as I see. it, scattered, Growing ' in Christ, What's in a name?, An Offering of love, Caring for Others, Something to Remember and Something to •Think About. • Mrs. Martene dealt with the business. The Altar Guild reported 57 visits, five cards, one flower sent and five phone calls. The new Guild is Mrs. Shirley Van Dorsselaer and Mrs. Arnold Becker. Grotip 1 is in charge of the March meeting. A new step stool is to be purchased for the kitchen and an altar basket for large floral arrangements. The L.W.M.L. are accepting clean second hand sweaters of all sizes for the convention June 20 in Detroit. Calvary ladies meet Calvary United Church Women niet Tuesday after- noon Feb. 8. Prest:nt were 20 mettibtrs and five visitors. The worship was on the theme "Love".Rev. Campbell of the Church of God, Grand Bend, favoured with';a. solo and spoke on Christian Growth. What is the U.C.W.'s image or reflection to others? President Mrs. Syd Baker and Mrs. Don Gaiser attend- ed the Huron -Perth Presbyterial Jan. 24 and Mrs. Baker gave a partial report. The Learning for Lent series started today (Feb. 46). at Zurich United Church with the topic "Knbw Your Col- ours" followed by Bible study on "The Disciples". The sunshine committee, Mrs. Aldene Wolfe and Mrs. Gerald Mason reported several visits and calls to shut-ins. Mrs. Don Gaiser and STEPHEN R. HOKE B.A. D.P.M. 11 York St., Stratford Podiatrist - Foot Specialist is pleased to ANNOUNCE The Opening of an Office For the Practice of Podiatry and General Foot Care at MAITLAND MANOR NURSING HOME 290 SOUTH STREET. GODERICH For Appointment Phone GODERICH 524.7324 STRATFORD 271-1200 anas0- DE4LEII c 1JFAL$ See it at: Dashwood PC 26H80 26" 16 button remote control Video sensor LED channel indicator tO7NS E9830 DIMENSION 3 Micro wave/convection oven Automatic switc hover Cook - '4 -Round turntable $800 Video Recorders VHS 265 8 hour $699 Panasonic ZIMMER'S TV 237-3428 mantanni Mrs. Margaret Carroll are this month's committee. Mrs. Wolfe gave a report from the Offical Board meeting. A letter of protest is being sent regarding Pay T.V. por- noeraphic films. Anyone willing to sign this letter is . welcome. It will. be at the church Sunday. or through the week at Mrs. Baker's. The March meeting will open with lunch at 12:30 p.m. - Personals Mrs. Elda Keller has returned home after spending several weeks in London with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Feast. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rader, Sharon and Nathan Bennett were last Tuesday visitors at Craigweil Gardens, Ailsa Craig with Mr. and Mrs. Wellwood Gill. Irvin also call- ed on Lyle Treumner and Mr. and Mrs. Ohlen Truemner. Librarian Mrs. Bernice Boyle reports the books have been changed and there is an excellent selection including .Pierre Burton's "My Country -The Remarkable Past." Senior Citizens will meet Monday, February 21 at 2 p.m. Calvary United Church held the annual meeting Sunday, February 6. The men served an excellent dinner to 88. Of- ficers were elected and in- cluded in the matter of business was the carpeting of the whole upstairs of the church. The annual town meeting will be held at the comtnuni- ty centre Monday, February 21,at8p.m, Flowers in the Lutheran Church have been placed by the Harold Schroederin lov- ing memory of Mrs. Schroeder's mother, Mrs. Olive Watson. Elimville WI The February meeting of the Elimville Women's -.In- stitute included 19 members, five visitors and four children for soup and sandwich lunch. After lunch president Isabel Fletcher opened the meeting with the Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. Roll call was answered by giving a helpful household hint. Mrs. Fletcher welcomed Mrs. Papple, South Huron District president and . secretary Mrs. Riehl. The program opened with a reading "It's later than you think," by Annie Jean Johns. Mrs. Grubb introduced speaker Elaine C,ottschall, M.S.C. She was very infor- mative and alt enjoyed her so much. Mrs. Grubb explained how exercise and watching the diet help keep weight in control and we are to keep a menu log for the next month and see how we could im- prove our diet. A Food for Dollars and Cents course is being held in South Iluron District High School, March 1st at 7:30 p.m. A motion was made to give $50 to the Exeter Fair Board and to have a birthday party in Huronview, March 16. Marie Brock showed us how to do a log cabin quilt Klock on the sewing machine. Best Interest 123/4% We ' represent many Trust Companies. We are often able to ar- range for the highest interatost being of- fered on Guaranteed Investment ' ! Certificates *subject to change Qlaiser'KAeale Insurance Brokers Inc. EXETER 235-2420 GRAND BEND 238-8484 .CLINTON GODERICH 482.9747 524-2118 Time's -Advocate, February 16, 1983 Page 5 South Pacific topic for, WoodirnamCMI V By Mt$$. JEAN COPELAND The February meeting of the Woodham U.C.W. opened with quiet music. Group One was in charge with Mrs. Alex Gartenburg giving the theme on Love. Scripture was read by Mrs. Gordon Johnson. Miss Suzanne Jaques favoured with two piano solos. A reading Love was given by Mrs. Reg McCurdy. Mrs. Alex' Gartenburg had a reading Counselling on Love. The Study Book, South Pacific was given by Mrs. Alex Gartenburg. Kippen 4-H club meets Sy MRS. RENA CALDWELL • The first meeting of Kippen 1 4-H Club was held February 8 at the home of leader Mrs. Al Hoggarth. Assistant leader Mrs. Diane Chalmers and 5 of the 6 members were present. Mrs. Chalmers will be tak- ing this club and this will en- title' her to Provincial Honours at the successful completion of this club. - Ontario Heritage is the name of this club which deals with recipes of the different nationalities that make up Ontario's population. Results of the electionsof of- ficers were: President -Diane Chalmers, vice-president - Joan Binnendyk, secretary - Linda Roberts, treasurer - Linda Binnendyk, press reporter - Janet Hoggarth. It was decided to hold the next meeting on February 16 at the home of Diane Chalmers. It was agreed to have yellow duo -tangs. Members are to come - prepared to suggest a Club name and also suggest designs for the cover picture. After studying the book work, members and leaders •divided into four groups. Pumpkin Soup (Indian), Scotch eggs (Scottish), Irist Soda Bread and Maple Bakec Apples (French-Canadian) were prepared and everyone enjoyed the full course meal Lyle Kinsman left this past week for a trip to Australia. Mrs. Reg McCurdy in- display and said that drugs troduced the guest speaker are on the upward trend Constable Wayne Hoare of the again. He was thanked by St. Marys Police Force who Mrs. Reg McCurdy. gave a very interesting Mrs. Glenn Copeland con - outline on narcotics. ducted the business part of He had many samples on the meeting by opening with a poem Bridges. The minites, roll call and correspondence were read followed by the offering. The annual meeting of the Woodham Shower Club will be held February 22 at 8:15 coe • Satellite Demonstration By Allen Stubbs Satellite & Antenna Service Feb. 17, 18,419 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. At the Fireside Inn (Banquet Room) Thedford Free Coffee Inquire About a. • home demonstration Dealer for Cha,rndMaster® Take advantage of this opportunity to see a satellite demonstration that will show you the latest in T.V. reception that you can experience in your own home.. At present time there are 60 channels available to you with many more to come in the near future. Satellite T.V. gives you movie channels (no commercials), same day sports events, 24 hour weather • reports, educational and religious programs etc. For more in- formation call 873-4848 (24 hrs.) 296-5565 or Firesides Inn and ask for Jim 296-4669 ANSTETT'S DIAMOND SPECIALS LADIES' 14 KT. TOTAL WEIGHT CLUSTER v. CT '/. CT. Total Weight 599." Total Weight .1299." '/, CT 1.00 CT Total Weight . 899 " Total Weight .1,689." PEAR SHAPE AND MARQUISE CLUSTERS • 14 KT. GOLD Approx. 1/4 CT Total Weight 599." 14 KT. GOLD CLUSTER .20 ct. Total Weight • 429.06 ENGAGEMENT SET 14 kt. Gold -1/2 ct. total weight 577.95 CLUSTER .07 CT. TOTAL WEIGHT 159.96 These specials, and all other stock items reflect the new lower diamond market prices. Sizing and appraisals from our accredited Gem Lab done on the premises at no extra charge. Items enlarged to show detail. 14 KT. GOLD DIAMOND HEART '/• ct. total weight with chain (chain not exactly as illustrated) 429.95 MEN'S TOTAL WEIGHT CLUSTERS 10 KT. GOLD 'A CT 3/• CT Total Weight 699" Total Weight '/: CWeT 1.00 CT Total ight 999." Total Weight.. t599." 1499." la SET OF THREE .09 CT Total Weight Cluster Ring, .18 CT Total Weight Earring, .09 CT Total Weight Pendant with chain, all 14 kt. gold 625.00 Sapphire & Diamond 37 5." • 14 KT. GOLD CLUSTERS Ruby & Dlaniond 425." Erherald�& Diamond 425." STETT 284 Main Street, Exeter JEWELLERS 235-2468 e