Times-Advocate, 1983-02-09, Page 14Page 1 4
Times -Advocate, February 9, 1983
Canvass for, March of Dimes on Feb. 14
UCW hears of Canadian links to South pacific isles
Noble Grand Mrs.
Margaret Consitt presided for
the meeting of Amber
Rebekah Lodge on Wednes-
day evening assisted by Mrs.
Margaret Upshall, Vice -
Grand. Mrs. Hazel Corbett
R.S.N.G. reported for the
Finance Committee Assisted
by Mrs. Barb Dalrymple
L.S.V.G. An invitation was
received from the Goderich
Lodge to visit their lodge on
March 15th and participate in
the exercises. A school of in-
struction will be held at Pride
of Huron Lodge, Exeter on'
March 31. A card of thanks
was received, also a letter
from a former resident Mrs.
Dorothy (Beaton) Campbell.
Jr. P.N.G. Mrs. Bertha
MacGregor reported on' the
recent meeting for the
Centennial. The Lodge .will
observe the birthday on
-February 11 - it was decided
to celebrate at a later date. A
social hour was enjoyed in the
lower half. The next meeting
being February 164Lodge.will
open at 6:45 to attend an in-
vitation to Pride of Huron
Lodge, Exeter.. '
The Humanitarian Services
Committee are holding a
Euchre Party at the local hall
Hensall, Thursday February
10 at 8:00 p.m. Everyone
welcome. Ladies; bring •
Hensall U.C.W.
Unit Three of the Hensall
United Church Women met on
Tuesday afternoon with presi-
dent, Mrs. Dorothy Brintnell
presiding and opened with the
Theme Song and prayer. Mrs.
Vera Ross had the worship
entitled "Self Control". Mrs.
Dorothy Brintnell gave a
reading. Mrs. Loretta Riley
was in charge of the World
Outreach and Church in
Society. The resident
repor on the ,resbyterial.
Mrs. rah Dick, in charge of
the pr gram, gave a reading.
Mrs. ary Brintnell gave the
study rom the book Revolu-
tion and Paradise in the South
Seas by R. C. Plant and Work=
ing for Justice Vanuatu by
Fred Timkata. Following the
benediction by Mrs. Dorothy
Brintnell lunch was served by
Mrs. Harold Parsons and
Mrs. Helen Roberts.
Unit IV of the, U.0 W -of
"Hensall United Church met in
the Fellowship Hall for their
monthly meeting February 3
at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Nan Britton
presided and opened with a
verse from the hymnal follow-
ed by a hymn and prayer. The
devotional was given by Mrs.
Hazel Luther reading from
the Good News Bible, John
6:35-40 and verse 47. She clos-
ed with prayer.
The minutes of the last
meeting were read and roll
call 'taken with 14 members
present. The offering was
received by Mrs. Vera Lem-
momand dedicated. Business
period followed. The World's
Day of Prayer will be held
March 4 at•2:30 p.m. in Hen-
sall United Church and other
business pertaining to the
group was mentioned.
The Treasurer's report was
given by Mrs. Myrtle Sherritt.
The study taken by Mrs.
Dorothy Mickle was on the.
South Pacific Islands. She
spoke of These beautiful
islands where the sun is
warm, the scented air is soft,'
work where it exists is a
pleasure )rid food hangs from
the trees and' her topic was
"Understanding Eden."
Canada has a number of
links to the South Pacific. The
United Church has had a mis-
sionary, Judith Ray in Papua,
New Guinea, the second
largest island in the world.
-': he Pacific Conference of
Churches is one of our part-
ners in Mission.
She spoke of how the vast
Pacific Ocean, the largest
ocean in the world, isolates
the islands and sometimes •
brings loneliness. Over 20,000
islands (excluding Hawaii
and New Zealand) are home
for six million people.
In presenting this study she
compared the islands with
Canada in several ways.
In closing she said the issue
that most angers Islanders is
the sense of being considered
worthless and insignificant.
In some areas it rises out of
the stuggle for independence
and in others concern over the
big powers' nuclear activities.
A hymn was followed by the
closing prayer by Mrs.
Shirley Luther. Mrs. Sherritt
and Mrs. Roobol, lunch com-
mittee were assisted by Mrs.
Evelyn Flynn.
Hensall minor hockey
The Hensall Pee-wees lost
twice this week to Blyth in the
quarter -final series to become
the O.M.H.A. representative
in the "D" division.
In bothcontests the boys pro-
vided a good efrort against a
strong Blyth team but were
beaten 11-2 and 8-1. The Hen -
and district ne
Mrs. Bertha MacGregor,
Phone 262-2025
StanleyTownshi katin ‘Township skating
Saturday in Bayfield Arena
By Mary ChesseIl •
The Stanley Township
Recreation Commission has
rented Bayfield Arena for this
year's family skating party.
It's this Saturday. F'eb. 12
from 7 to 9. There are prizes
for the best dressed girl and
boy, and there will be a
refreshment booth. as usual.
So dress up the kids, ot• come
as you are. and have a good
evening of fun and exercise
All- Stanley Township
residents who are interested
in playing volleyball are ask-
ed to come to Brucefield
School on Thursdays from 8 to
10, beginning on February 17.
Please reserve April 16 on
your calendar for (he Recrea-
tion Spring Dance.
There were' nine tables of
euchre at the L O.L. card par-
ty on Friday night. Winners of
ladies' high and low were
Mrs. Ray ('ox an Nettie
,MIcClinchey; men'. igh and
ow, Bob McNeil aid Frank
Thompson. Draw izes went
to Anne Broadfo( 1, Bernice
Reid. Reva Wilson. W.D.
Wilson and Marg Ilayter.
Anne McBride who is on the
Board of Directors tor the
new Huron County Transition
Home, was the guest speaker
at the February meeting of
Varna United Church
Women. A Dungannon couple
who provided shelter for
children who had to be remov-
ed from their homes found
they were also getting bat-
tered women who had
nowhere to go, so they ap-
proached others of their Men-
nonite faith to form a group to
look into the need for such a
home. It is not a church -
'sponsored group, and there
are two non -Mennonites on
the Board. They contacted
Family and Children's Ser-
vices and the police, and
found that 25 to 30 women
could have used such a home.
It is believed that at least one
in ten women is beaten at
some time, one-third of these
so badly they require medical
treatment. The cause is often
not known, but these women
have low self-esteem and
usually blame themselves,
although in over 70 percent of
the. incidents there was no
argument preceding the
beating. They are usually
afraid to ask for help, as peo-
ple often don't believe them,
and it is embarrassirig. Twen-
ty percent of alt murders are
committed by a husband or
Battered women need
somewhere to go immediate-
ly. they need help to find a
place to live, a job, and a
lawyer if necessary. They
have access to counselling
through Family and
Children's Services, and there
is reconciliation where possi-
ble. It is hoped eventually to
have a counselling centre for
The Board is now looking at
a home in Goderich township
which they can rent, and have
a request in with the Men-
nonite Central Committee for
two' mature volunteer
counsellors who will stay at
(east two years. Volunteer
assistance is needed for them,
as the home must be open at
all times. Help is also needed
with gardening, cleaning, fur-
nishings, and of course,
miiney. At present there is no
government funding. They
are hoping to open the home
in April. It is hoped that
church ivomen will help these
women and give them support
when they come back into the
Eleanor McAsh thanked .
Anne and presented her with
an honorarium.
Eleanor McAsh and Joan
Beierling planned the
meeting and led in worship.
The delegates to the
Presbyterial meeting in
Sea forth reported that
members favoured two
meetings a year, a business •
meeting and a fellowship
meeting.Support wasgiven to
a petition objecting to por-
nography being shown on Pay
The price of the Pancake N
Supper remains the same as
last year. The World Day of
Prayer service will be held in
Varna on Thursday, March 3
at 8 p.m., with a short
business meeting following.
An appeal was received for
volunteer help at Heather
Gardens for birthday parties,
bowling and crafts. An invita-
tion from Goshen was ac- •
cepted to join them in a fami-
ly night at the hall when
Margaret Robinson will
speak on her experiences in
Indonesia last summer. This
presentation will be different
from the one in November
about the refugee island.
A PRODUCTIVE AFTERNOON - - Kippen East Women's Institute members Grace
Drummond (president), Grace Pepper, Grace Adkins and Mona Alderdice work on
an almost completed quilt. The finished quilt will be sold and the proceeds return-
ed to the local branch.
salt marksmen were Scott
Bell, Brian Moir and Jim Hill.
The boys now begin a
playoff series within their
own division. -
These 13 boys along with
the other minor hockey teams
will provide arena patrons
and their families with ex-
citing hockey on Sunday
February 27 beginning at 1:00
p.m. when it's 'Minor Hockey
Day in Hensall.'
Zone Commander to Visit
Legion Ladies' Auxiliary
met on Tuesday evening for
their February meeting with
president, Mrs. Alice
Neilands presiding. Several
banquets and anniversaries
which are coming up will be
catered to by the Auxiliary.
Two new applications were
accepted;- for. membership.
The Zone Commander for
Zone C.I. will visit the Aux-
iliary at the March meeting.
A social hour followed the
The Hensall U.C.W. will
canvass the town on
February 14 for The March of
Dimes for the Ability Fund
Campaign commencing at
6:30 p.ni.
Ilensall United Church
The Junior choir led the
worship in music at the
United Church on Sunday
morning. Under the direction
of Rev. McDonald with Joyce
Pepper at the piano the choir.
sang "This Is The Day" and
"Peace is Flowing Like A
River" from the Hi -God 2
Musical. For the opening of
the service they sang "We
Come to You, 0 Lord Our
God," by Wayne Irwin as an
Mr. McDonalds' message
was "Rich in True Wisdom"
taking as his test tI Timothy
3:16-17. He stressed that we
are truly rich when we let
Christ's teachings live in our
hearts. If we do this, he said, •
we will build strong founda-
tions in our lives, keep on the
right road and know the truth
that will make us free. During
the service the Official Board
of the church were dedicated
to their task. The primary
department o; The Sunday
School with Leslie Bailey and
Kathy, Topp. teachers,
presented a Bible from each
of their classes for the
children in other countries.
Gary Kyle greeted the con-
gregation and David
Rowcliffe, Jeff Corbett, Scott
Jamieson and Steve
Zurich UCW
enjoys skit
The February meeting was
held Wednesday afternoon
February 2 in the church
basement. Group One com-
prised of Donna Greb, Joyce
Kirk and Valera Pfile was in
charge of the devotional part
of the meeting.
Phillippa Steckle played a
piano prelude prior to the
meeting, which was opened
by Donna Greb who read a
poem followed by prayer. The
opening hymn was Love
Divine. Donna read a poem
appropriate for the month,
"Daily Valentine."
1 John 4:7-11 were read.
A piano duct was played by
Grace Martin and her sister
Mary Lou Erb.
A very humourous skit was
presented by Donna Greb,
Marion Becker, Elizabeth
Grainger and Berdie. Fink-
beiner, A visit to the sick.
Donna thanked her com-
mittee and Mary Lou and
Grace for the duets.
Helen Consitt presided over
the business part of the
meeting. She extended thanks
to Group One for their devo-
tional part of the meeting and
read an article of Eternal
Group Six, Norma Siebert,
Mary Clausius served a
Valentine Tea.
Aroma Activities
Wed. Feb. 9
2:3.0 - 3:30 Moms & Tots
3:30 - 5 Public Skating
6:00 Novice
7:00 Atom
8:00 Pee Wee
9:00 Bantam visits Clinton
Thurs. Feb. 10
8:30 Sherwoods visit .
• Exeter
Fri. February 11
7:00 Hensall Oldtimers
8:45 - 12:45 Hensall Rec
Sat., February 12
8:00 • 12 Hensall Minor
1:00 • 3 Public Skating
Sun., February 13
1 - 3 Public Skating
7 - 11 Hensall Rec Hockey
Mon., February 14
8 • 11 Seaforth Broomball
Tues., February 13
15:45 - 8:45 Hensall Minor
r, i by f)u}hwu;,,.•
8,11‘ pry
McGregor were the ushers. and Mrs. Jack Corbett.
The flowers at the front of the Rev. McDonald was dinner
church were placed in loving guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sam
memory of Mr. Jack Reid. McClure of Seaforth on
Next Sunday the Central Wednesday evehidg arid also
Huron Secondary School called at the home of Mr. and
Choir of Clinton will be the Mrs. Frank Riley.
special choir for the service. Visitors at eenswa Nur-
The Junior High met on
Sunday evening with Travis
Beaver and Donald Wareing
as hosts. Recreation was en-
joyed and the next meeting
will be held on Friday,
February 18 with bowling.
Tim Mann and Rod Parker
will serve as hosts.
Presbyterian Church service
Rev. Kenneth Knight con-
ducted worship at .Carmel
Presbyterian Church on Sun-
day. His subject was The Op-
pression Which Comes With
Wealth. Mrs. Dorothy Taylor
presided at the piano.
Mrs. Rosa 'Harris of
Crediton visited last week
with Mrs. Dorothy Brintnell.
Mr. Sim Roobol who has
been a patient in South Huron
Hospital, Exeter returned to
his home, we. hope he con-
tinues to improve.
Bradley Sangster suffered
a fall last week and is receiv-
ing treatment in South Huron
Hospital, Exeter. We wish
him a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Davis
who have been patients in
South Huron Hospital, Exeter
returned to their home. We
wish them' improvement in
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Chaffe, Tony and Sally of Mit-
chell visited on Sunday with
Mrs. Chaffe's parents Mr.
16 FC-1514
sing Home during the past
week were Tryanne Fyte,
Peter and Nicole visiting,
Vera Lammie; Richard
Rozendal, Listowel visited
Mrs. Alice Rozendal. Mrs.
Oscar Miller and Mrs. Lorne
Becker visited several
residents. The sympathy of
the home is extended to the
family of Mrs. Irene Wilds.
The Kippen U.C.W. enter-
tained residents to bingo and
treats on Monday.
Mt. and Mrs. Campbell
Eyre 6': nt a weekend in St.
Thomas recently when their
family entertained them to a
dinner at theGarage in Lon-
don and an evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas Eyre in honour of
their fiftieth wedding
BUSY HANDS - Evelyn Flynn (left), president Eileen Rpnnie, Pearl Taylor, Gertie Moir, Apita Bengough, Dorothy
Brintnell, Nellie Riley and Hazel Corbett work on a gyilt the ladies of Hensoll's Three Links Senior Citizens are
making. The proceeds from the sole of the finished quilt will be used for club activities.
Rec Hockey League
Super Blue
White Wonders
Green Grinders
Red Riders
Steve Knight
Jamie Caldwell
Scott Ross
Tom Neilands
Dan' McGlinchey
Jim Patton
Jim Ferguson
Matt Klaver
Paul McClinchey
Les Consitt
Earl McNabb
Top Snipers
W 1,
11 • 0
5 6 11
4 8 8
3 •9 6
46 21 67
28 34 62
15 40 55
13 13 26
11 13 26
9 15 _24
11 11 22
11 10 21
11, 8 19
13 5 18
10 8 18
jeViacdj has a
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