HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-02-09, Page 11CORSAGE FOR GUEST SKATER - Guest skater Shelly Smith gets a corsage from
Exeter figure skating carnival conveners Agnes Aunger and Barb Mclelland.
Seniors win three times
in 'high school volle ball
The Huron Perth girls
volleyball season continues.
South Huron hosted its league
tournament last Thursday
afternoon. The seniors won
three of their four games
while the juniors won two. In
. a weekend tournament at
Dorchester the senior team
came up from behind to win
the championship.
South Huron's junior team
was somewhat disappointed
as they split with Mitchell, a
team they had easily defeated
at a recent tournament. Ex-
eter won the first game 15-11
but dropped the second 12-15.
Against Seaforth South
Huron's juniors lost 13-15 but
rebounded to win decisively
15-5. .Both Mitchell and
Seaforth are at the bottom of
the standings. Exeter coach
Pete Zankowski noted the fac-
tor of "these teams are under -
,dogs. They have that extra in:
centive to win." He felt his
team needs more motivation.
The team's strong point is
definitely their serving. Se-
cond year player Kendra Ar-
thur has an especially strong
serve. The juniors see -sawed
a lot at the tournament. They
would be in control al one
point then easily fall behind •
Yesterday afternoon - the
juniors played in league in
Palmerston against Listowel
and the hosts, Norwell. These
teams are tough but Exeter
•should have been able to im-
prove their 3 and 9 record.
- Saturday the juniors play at
Forest in aurnament
against several gin County
teams. They wi be able to
gain much needed
nkowskj has insisted on
pia fl of his players in-
stead of developing a regular
line. He plans to wail until the
playoffs to stick with a first
string since this regular
season means little as alt
teams qualify for the playoffs.
The senior volleyball team
tainted their near perfect
record by losing untimely to
Seaforth in the Exeter tourna-
ment-: This was approximate-
ly the twentieth game in
which these two teams had
met, but this one was league.
Seaforth caught Panthers out
of position to win 15-12,
HowAer Exeter pulled
together for the second game
to win by a 15.5 score more
befitting of their record.
In Thursday's home tourna-
ment South Huron also played
Mitchell. The games bored
the home crowd as Exeter
easily disposed of Mitchell
15-1 and 15-5. The play was
more like junior volleyball as
there was little setting up for
The seniors' .upset loss to
Seaforth puts their league
record at 9 wins and 3 losses.
.It also puts them out of a tie
with Stratford Northwestern
for second place behind Cen-
tral and possibly ties them for
Nobody including SH coach
Joe Fulop expected South.
Huron to win Dorchester's
weekend tournament. The
team had dawdled through
round robin play only winning
three of their ten games. They
squeaked into the playoffs in
fourth spot and defeated the
number one team.
SH split with Woodstock
College Ave., Dorchester and
Brittain's, a London
volleyball club: This club
looked impressive but Exeter
was able to aeteat them 16-14
but then lost 9-15.
South Huron lost both their
games against eventual
finalist Mt. St. Joseph's from
London, 4-15 and 9-15.
Woodstock Huron Park con-
tinued their unbeaten record
by defeating Exeter 2-15 and
Before the playoffs South
Huron's playing. was often
uninspired and lacked the
skill and control they usually
display. The absence of
Charlene Vei•beek and vaca-
tioning Faye Gaiser was felt
as. they are very strong
starters. Junior players Ken-
dra Arthur and Irene Band
helped fill in for this tourna-
ment. Their serving and
blocking abilities were need-
ed by the senior Panthers.
The seniors found it hard to
fight back once they were
down. -They too easily resign-
ed themselves to losing.
However in the semifinals
they proved that when they
really want something they
will achieve it.
Woodstock Huron -Park had
just, rather ungraciously
humiliated South Huron. The
fourth and first place teams
immediately returned to the
courts. The somewhat over-
confident Woodstock players
were dazzled by Exeter's 15-9
win but regained their hard
spiking and serving to come
back 4-15.
The tiebreaker was what
Fulop termed a hard fought
emotional game. By playing
some of their hest volleyball,
Exeter's 15-10 win- qualified
them for the final against
Mount St. Joseph's.
For South Huron the final
was an anti -climax after their
much wanted victory over
Huron Park. The team kept
their control and skills to win
15-10 and 15-8.
Each team member con-
tributed to the surprise win.
Fulop was pleased with his
team's hard fought victory
and hopes they will again be
able to perform under
The seniors also played
yesterday in Palmerston
against Norwell and Listowel.
The absence of Faye Gaiser
again will hurt the team but
these•should be easy wins.
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Times -Advocate, February 9, 1983
Page 11
Slow week for South, Huron basketballteams
Basketball at South Huron
lagged somewhat this week.
'The seniors played only one
game, exhibition against
-Glencoe, which they won
47-33. The junior team lost to
a strong Glencoe squad 52-46
and qualified for the semi-
finals in Mitchell's weekend
junior tournament.
South Huron had reschedul-
ed its league game this week
because of the school ski trip.
This left the seniors with on-
ly one, not too arduous game.
Glencoe was easily defeated
at home. Glencoe was forced
to play four of their juniors
and all Panthers had court
time. John Mol had 10 points
with many players con-
tributing to the score.
Grade 12 student Brent At-
thill who has worked his way
onto the starting line will pro-
bably be out for the rest of the
season becauseof appen-
dicitis. Coach O'Rourke will
try to replace Atthill but
Brent was known to fire up
the team with his unorthodox
offensive manoeuvres.
South Huron's juniors lost
an early 25-23 half time lead
against a short but fast Glen-
coe team. Exeter was unable
to control Glencoe's scoring
drive in the second half. Rob
Tait managed 13 points..'
SH juniors played in one of
their few weekend tour-
naments. South Huron's
seniors had won Last week's
senior tournament in Mitchell
tournament. However the
junior team was eliminated In Huron defeated Elmira 50-41.
the semi-finals by Ingersoll The tournament was mildly
42-24. In first round play South successful for the juniors.
No skiing on trip
, The annual ski trip spon-
sored by South Huron District
High School returned early
from Collingwpod Wednesday
because of unsuitable
weather conditions.
Two highway buses left
very early Wednesday morn-
ing and were back at the
school before 4:90 p.m. Mauy
students reported that the
roads were treacherous and
they found Blue Mountain's
slopes even more so.
Mr. Newton, trip organizer
said "I had phoned as early as
a day before and the condi-
tions were' still good."
Hoc, ver, after surveying the
weather and costs, Newton, in
consultation with other staff
advisors Casey Cook and
Ralph Wareham decided it -
was best to return.
Newton said' he- was glad
the decision to come back was
made. Most of the students
were satisfied. Newton noted
that several stuflents had ap-
proached him to say he had
Made the right decisions. ,
Newton had considered that
approximately 60 of the 80
students on the trip were vir-
tually non -skiers.
The slopes were pure ice
making skiing difficult even
for the experienced. The driv-
ing rain made it more
Many students were disap-
pointed with the -four and a
half hour drive to Collingwood
and the three hours spent at
the chalet with their skis
ready before it was decided
that the trip was in vain. All
but twenty dollars of their
$159-$179 fee will be refunded.
Bus and administrative costs
account for the twenty
Newton felt that since one
day of school time had
already been used that' it is
unlikely another three-day
trip will be planned this year.
He did not rule out the
possibility of a one or two day
This ski trip to Blue Moun-
tain had been planned since
December. It was preceded
by a night of skiing at the Lon-
don Ski Club in Byron.
Newton stated the purpose
of the trip as offering an op-
portunity for students to learn•
to ski safely through instruc-
tion and supervision. He
stated that "skiing is
something you can do for the
rest of your life, unlike other
sports taught in the school
The regular season con-
tinues this Wednesday as all
three South Huron teams
travel to Wingham.
The seniors are invited to
Seaforth's tournament Satur-
day as well as teams from
Woodstock, Dorchester,
Parkhill, Kincardine, Glencoe
and London. Seaforth will
have the added advantage of
home court as their gym-
nasium is less than regulation
Next week South Huron's
teams play .league in St.
Mary's Monday and at home
against Listowel: Wednesday.
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