HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-02-09, Page 3The readers write Times -Advocate, February 9, 1983 Page 3 Outline Katim�vik lunch" pr.blem; response to underage drinking ' Dear Sir: Concerning the letter to the editor of January 12, 1983 from Mr. Bill Hart in which Mr. Hart complained about his luncheon invitationto the Exeter Katimavik, which was apparently ignored. Mr. and Mrs. Hart's lun- cheon invitation was a warm and thoughtful gesture and one which I'm sure - would have been appreciated by the Katimavik participants. I would then first of all, like to apologize for the inability of the Katimaviker s to accept the invitation. I would at the same time like to note a few factors that resulted in some confusion concerning the invitation and eventually led to the Katimavik no-show. At the time of Mr. Hart's in- vitation the Katmayik Pro- gram was in the midst of a rotation, which meant that -a new (to Exeter) set of par- ticipants were due to arrive from British Columbia. This part of the Program is routinely a confusing one since the participants must contend with the usual pro- blems of making travel con- nections. The last rotation period was especially subject to these problems because.the B.C. group had to some extent split up over the Christmas holidays and were travelling from different htcations,using different means of transpor- tation. The situation was fur- ther aggravated by a snow storm that left the Katimavik participants snowbound for a day. All of the arrival plans for the Katimavikers were disrupted including, unfor- tunately, Mr. Hart's invita- tion. The Katimavik group leader Robin Stanley was kept extremely busy collec- ting late arriving Katimaviker s from train and bus depots while at the same time scrambling to adhere to hastely developed contingen- cy plans for the Katimavik welcome dinner and orienta- ;ion. It is a tribute to her organizational ability that she was able to do all this and still have the Katimavik par- ticipants at their three dif- ferent work locations orrtime. Once again, I would apologize to Mr. Hart for the problem which resulted from what, on his part, was a com- mendable gesture. At the same time -I hopehehas a bet- ter understanding of the cir- cumstances that led to the problem and might therefore re -consider his involvement in the Katimavik Program. Yours truly, Daniel C. Kennaley, Chairman, Exeter Katimavik Sponsoring Committee HERE'S GARFIELD — These eight youngsters skated as Garfield the Cat at Saturday's Exeter figure skating car- nival. From the left are Stephen Banks, Jeffrey Barnes, Matthew Glavin, Rianne Laye, David Marshall, Jon Moore, Ryan Soldan and Hayley Snell. T -A photo • NUTCRACKERS SKATE —Appearing as Nutcrakers at Saturday's Exeter figure skating carnival were Lisa Bean, Kelly Campbell, Kim Campbell, Jenny McLean; Christine Morgan , Paula Parkinson, Stacey Thurman and Anita Wein. Missing was Cathy Wagner. T -A photo ' '} Dear Editor: Under the motto "Self help and community betterment" the Junior Farmers organiza- tion provide opportunities for young people to help themselves develop personal. ly and to help develop their community. It is very /disappointing after working so hard to help develop the community in which we live and to offer the opportunity to both our membership and public, to be criticized automatically for staging events which promote underage drinking as quoted in the Exeter Times Advocate article on the Rec Board's warning on underage drinking. The pre -conceived idea Junior Farmers condone underage drinking has been grossly misrepresented. We are very aware of the underage drinking problem, as Junior Farmers, but we have found ourselves time and time again that it is not our members themselves who abuse such rules, but less community minded youth. It is time for people to become aware of the good in Junior Farmers for the youth and young -adult in our com- munity. There are very few programs which facilitate education. relaxation, self - development, social fulfil- ment and community involve- ment and awareness as Junior Farmers does in Exeter. The Junior Farmers are a group of people from 15 years of age to 30 sears of age. Our age range may be large, 15-30, but the earlier the start made, the greater the benefits a member can gain. Through training programs offered, sharing in the actual proceedings in a club and working with people of other age groups who •have themselves shared the same experiences and can therefore offer help and a younger person to • develop. A sense of social respon- sibility, the ability to provide effective leadership and an awareness of the duties of a citizen become part of a member -very early in their life and they put this knowledge to work all through their lives. The South Huron Junior Farmers have been active in helping plan for the Exeter Fall Fair through the years and recently took part in the first Heritage days held- in Exeter. We helped in looking after both of these dances for these events in the rec centre and they were both run very successfully. However, it must be noted that Junior Farmer events are not just socially oriented. In fact the opposite is true. We spend much more time work- ing on our community better- ment projects, such as a few of our most recent in Exeter itself; money to the Sunshine Children's Nursery School, to the Huron County. Homemakers, donating equipment to the Exeter Hospital, as well as present- ly canvassing for the Ontario Heart Fund Association SERIOUS about LOSING WEIGHT ? 100% Natural 100% Guaranteed Herbalife Canada's fastest growing nutrition plan. For information call: 234.6786 or 235-1058 Dealer inquiries welcome throughout February. If more young people were willing to put their time into construc- tive enjoyment this problem of underage drinking would be greatly lessened.. The South Hutson Junior Farmers are providing an op- portunity for the community to come out in March, during our awafertess week, to see just what Junior farmers can do when we host an Awareness Night for the com- munity, parents, and in- terested new members. We welcome your support and we continue to offer ours to the community. The South Huron Junior Farmers GREAT DEALS Ik GREAT REBATES ELECTROHOME VCR'S AND SELECTED COLOR TV'S Save on selected Electrohome Color TV's. Then, save even more with manufacturer's rebates. 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